#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME dh_dwz - optimize DWARF debug information in ELF binaries via dwz =cut use strict; use warnings; use File::Find; use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib; our $VERSION = DH_BUILTIN_VERSION; =head1 SYNOPSIS B [S>] [B<-X>I] [S I>] =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a debhelper program that will optimize the (uncompressed) size of the DWARF debug information in ELF binaries. It does so by running L on all the ELF binaries in the package. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--dwz-multifile>, B<--no-dwz-multifile> Whether L should generate a I from the ELF binaries in the same package. When enabled, if a package ships at least 2 ELF binaries, B will instruct L to generate a multifile for the package. By default, B will attempt to create a multifile but will continue without if L does not create one (but succeeds anyway). This commonly happens when the debug files do not contain debug symbols (e.g. a missing -g to the compiler) or when the debug symbols are compressed (see Debian bug #931891). If B<--dwz-multifile> is passed, then B will abort with an error if L does not create a multifile. Note this options may not work if a package contains more ELF binaries than can fit on a single command line. If this becomes a problem, please pass B<--no-dwz-multifile> to work around the issue. The generated multifile will be compressed with B. Note for B packages: B will never generate multifiles for B packages. It will still use B to reduce the file size of debug files if it finds any. =item B<-X>I, B<--exclude=>I Exclude files that contain I anywhere in their filename from being stripped. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude. =item B<--> I Pass I to L when it processes ELF binaries. This is mostly useful for setting memory related parameters (e.g. -l and -L). =back =head1 NOTES If the B environment variable contains B, nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "Binaries"). While this tool technically does not remove debug information from binaries, it is still skipped when the B environment variable contains B. This is because B is often used to optimize build times (e.g. for "build and test"-cycles) rather than optimizing for size. =cut my $create_multifile = 'auto'; init(options => { 'dwz-multifile!' => \$create_multifile, }); # This variable can be used to turn off stripping (see Policy). exit 0 if get_buildoption('nostrip'); if (not has_tool('dwz')) { warning("Assuming bootstrap scenario and skipping regular dh_dwz feature, since dwz is not in PATH!"); exit 0; } my @elf_files; sub has_tool { my ($cmd) = @_; for my $p (split(m/:/, $ENV{PATH})) { return 1 if -f -x "${p}/${cmd}"; } return 0; } sub testfile { my $fn = $_; return if -l $fn; # Always skip symlinks. # See if we were asked to exclude this file. # Note that we have to test on the full filename, including directory. if (excludefile($fn)) { $File::Find::prune = 1 if -d _; return; } return if -d _; # Do not process output files from dwz return if index($fn, '/debug/.dwz/') > -1; if (is_so_or_exec_elf_file($fn)) { push(@elf_files, $fn); } return; } on_items_in_parallel(\@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}, sub { foreach my $package (@_) { my $tmp = tmpdir($package); next if not -d $tmp; @elf_files = (); find({ wanted => \&testfile, no_chdir => 1, }, $tmp); next if not @elf_files; # Consistent order; @elf_files = sort(@elf_files); my ($unique_files, $hardlinks) = find_hardlinks(@elf_files); if ($create_multifile and @{$unique_files} > 1 and not is_udeb($package)) { my $objcopy = cross_command($package, 'objcopy'); my $ma_dir = dpkg_architecture_value('DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH'); my $dwz_dir = "usr/lib/debug/.dwz/${ma_dir}"; my $m = "${dwz_dir}/${package}.debug"; my @dwz_options = ("-m${tmp}/${m}", "-M/${m}"); install_dir("${tmp}/${dwz_dir}"); doit('dwz', @dwz_options, @{$dh{U_PARAMS}}, '--', @{$unique_files}); if ( -f "${tmp}/${m}") { doit($objcopy, '--compress-debug-sections', "${tmp}/${m}"); reset_perm_and_owner(0644, "${tmp}/${m}"); } else { error("dwz failed to create a multifile as requested") if $create_multifile ne 'auto'; warning("No dwz multifile created, but not explicitly requested either so ignoring it."); warning("Common issues include no debug information at all (missing -g) and"); warning("compressed debug information (#931891)."); # Clean up after ourselves to avoid leaving empty directories in packages doit('rmdir', '-p', '--ignore-fail-on-non-empty', "${tmp}/${dwz_dir}"); } } else { xargs($unique_files, 'dwz', @{$dh{U_PARAMS}}, '--'); } # Now change over any files we can that used to be hard links so # they are again. for my $hardlink (keys %{$hardlinks}) { my $target = $hardlinks->{$hardlink}; # Remove old file. rm_files($hardlink); # Make new hardlink. doit('ln', '-f', $target, $hardlink); } }}); =head1 SEE ALSO L This program is a part of debhelper. =head1 AUTHOR Niels Thykier =cut