#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME dh_installsystemd - install systemd unit files =cut use strict; use warnings; use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib; use File::Find; use Cwd qw(getcwd abs_path); our $VERSION = DH_BUILTIN_VERSION; =head1 SYNOPSIS B [S>] [B<--restart-after-upgrade>] [B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--no-start>] [B<--name=>I] [S ...>] =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing package maintainer supplied systemd unit files. It also finds the service files installed by a package and generates F, F, and F code blocks for enabling, disabling, starting, stopping, and restarting the corresponding systemd services, when the package is installed, updated, or removed. These snippets are added to the maintainer scripts by L. L is used to enable and disable systemd units, thus it is not necessary that the machine actually runs systemd during package installation time, enabling happens on all machines in order to be able to switch from sysvinit to systemd and back. B operates on all unit files installed by a package. For only generating blocks for specific unit files, pass them as arguments, C. Specific unit files can be excluded from processing using the B<-X> common L option. =head1 FILES =over 4 =item debian/I.mount, debian/I.path, debian/I@.path, debian/I.service, debian/I@.service, debian/I.socket, debian/I@.socket, debian/I.target, debian/I@.target, debian/I.timer, debian/I@.timer If any of those files exists, they are installed into F in the package build directory. =item debian/I.tmpfile Only used in compat 12 or earlier. In compat 13+, this file is handled by L instead. If this exists, it is installed into F in the package build directory. Note that the C mechanism is currently only used by systemd. =back =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--no-enable> Disable the service(s) on purge, but do not enable them on install. B that this option does not affect whether the services are started. Please remember to also use B<--no-start> if the service should not be started. =item B<--name=>I This option controls several things. It changes the name that B uses when it looks for maintainer provided systemd unit files as listed in the L section. As an example, B will look for F<<< IB<< I >>I<.service> >>> instead of F<< I >>). These unit files are installed as F<< I >> (in the example, it would be installed as F<<< B<< I >>I<.service> >>>). Furthermore, if no unit files are passed explicitly as command line arguments, B will only act on unit files called I (rather than all unit files found in the package). =item B<--restart-after-upgrade> Do not stop the unit file until after the package upgrade has been completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10. In earlier compat levels the default was to stop the unit file in the F, and start it again in the F. This can be useful for daemons that should not have a possibly long downtime during upgrade. But you should make sure that the daemon will not get confused by the package being upgraded while it's running before using this option. =item B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> Undo a previous B<--restart-after-upgrade> (or the default of compat 10). If no other options are given, this will cause the service to be stopped in the F script and started again in the F script. =item B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> Do not stop service on upgrade. This has the side-effect of not restarting the service as a part of the upgrade. If you want to restart the service with minimal downtime, please use B<--restart-after-upgrade> (default in compat 10 or later). If you want the service to be restarted but be stopped during the upgrade, then please use B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> (note the "after-upgrade"). Note that the B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> alias is deprecated and will be removed in compat 14. This is to avoid confusion with the B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> option. =item B<--no-start> Do not start the unit file after upgrades and after initial installation (the latter is only relevant for services without a corresponding init script). B that this option does not affect whether the services are enabled. Please remember to also use B<--no-enable> if the services should not be enabled. =item S ...> Only process and generate maintscripts for the installed unit files with the (base)name I. Note: B will still install unit files from F but it will not generate any maintscripts for them unless they are explicitly listed in S ...> =back =head1 NOTES This command is not idempotent. L should be called between invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts. =cut $dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE} = ''; $dh{NO_START} = ''; init(options => { "no-enable" => \$dh{NO_ENABLE}, "r" => \$dh{R_FLAG}, 'no-stop-on-upgrade' => \$dh{R_FLAG}, "no-restart-on-upgrade" => \$dh{R_FLAG}, "no-start" => \$dh{NO_START}, "R|restart-after-upgrade!" => \$dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE}, "no-also" => \$dh{NO_ALSO}, # undocumented option }); if ($dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE} eq '') { $dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE} = 1 if not defined($dh{R_FLAG}) and $dh{NO_START} eq ''; } sub quote { # Add single quotes around the argument. return '\'' . $_[0] . '\''; } sub uniq { my %seen; return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_; } sub contains_install_section { my ($unit_path) = @_; open(my $fh, '<', $unit_path) or error("Cannot open($unit_path): $!"); while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp($line); return 1 if $line =~ /^\s*\[Install\]$/i; } close($fh); return 0; } sub has_sysv_equivalent { my ($tmpdir, $unit) = @_; $unit =~ s/\.(?:mount|service|socket|target|path)$//g; return -f "$tmpdir/etc/init.d/$unit"; } sub install_unit { my ($package, $script, $pkgsuffix, $path, $installsuffix) = @_; $installsuffix = $installsuffix || $pkgsuffix; my $unit = pkgfile({'named' => 1}, $package, $pkgsuffix); return if $unit eq ''; install_dir($path); install_file($unit, "${path}/${script}.${installsuffix}"); } # Extracts the directive values from a unit file. Handles repeated # directives in the same unit file. Assumes values can only be # composed of lists of unit names. This is good enough for the 'Also=' # and 'Alias=' directives handled here. sub extract_key { my ($unit_path, $key) = @_; my @values; open(my $fh, '<', $unit_path) or error("Cannot open($unit_path): $!"); while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp($line); # Since unit names can't have whitespace in systemd, simply # use split and strip any leading/trailing quotes. See # systemd-escape(1) for examples of valid unit names. if ($line =~ /^\s*$key=(.+)$/i) { for my $value (split(/\s+/, $1)) { $value =~ s/^(["'])(.*)\g1$/$2/; push @values, $value; } } } close($fh); return @values; } sub list_installed_units { my ($tmpdir, $aliases) = @_; my @installed; foreach my $unitdir ("$tmpdir/lib/systemd/system", "$tmpdir/usr/lib/systemd/system") { next unless -d $unitdir; opendir(my $dh, "$unitdir") or error("Cannot opendir($unitdir): $!"); foreach my $name (readdir($dh)) { my $path = "$unitdir/$name"; next unless -f $path; if (-l "$path") { my $dest = basename(readlink($path)); $aliases->{$dest} //= [ ]; push @{$aliases->{$dest}}, $name; } else { push @installed, $name; } } closedir($dh); } return @installed; } # PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT internal(bug#950723) tmp(lib/systemd/system) tmp(usr/lib/systemd/system) tmp(usr/lib/tmpfiles.d) tmp(etc/tmpfiles.d) mount path service socket target tmpfile timer cli-options() # Install package maintainer supplied unit files foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package); # Intall all unit files in the debian/ directory with names in the # form $package.(service|target|socket|path|timer|mount|tmpfile) # and their templated version when relevant. # This can be modified with the --name option to look for unit # files with names in the form $package.$name.(service|...) and # $name.(service|target|socket|path|timer|mount|tmpfile) and their # templated version when relevant. my $name = $dh{NAME} // $package; for my $type (qw(service target socket path timer)) { install_unit($package, $name, $type, "$tmpdir/usr/lib/systemd/system"); install_unit("${package}@", "${name}@", $type, "$tmpdir/usr/lib/systemd/system"); } install_unit($package, $name, 'mount', "$tmpdir/usr/lib/systemd/system"); # In compat 13+, this is handled by dh_installtmpfiles install_unit($package, $name, 'tmpfile', "$tmpdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d", 'conf') if compat(12); } if (compat(12)) { # In compat 13+, this is handled by dh_installtmpfiles # Add postinst code blocks to handle tmpfiles foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package); my @tmpfiles; my @dirs = grep { -d } map { "${tmpdir}/$_" } qw(usr/lib/tmpfiles.d etc/tmpfiles.d); find({ wanted => sub { my $name = $File::Find::name; return if not -f $name or not $name =~ m{[.]conf$}; push(@tmpfiles, basename($name)); }, no_chdir => 1, }, @dirs) if @dirs; if (@tmpfiles) { autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-init-tmpfiles', { 'TMPFILES' => join(' ', sort @tmpfiles) }); } } } # Add postinst, prerm, and postrm code blocks to handle activation, # deactivation, start and stopping of services when the package is # installed, upgraded or removed. foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package); my (@args, @start_units, @enable_units, %aliases); my @installed_units = list_installed_units($tmpdir, \%aliases); # Handle either only the unit files which were passed as arguments # or all unit files that are installed in this package. if (@ARGV) { @args = @ARGV; } elsif ($dh{NAME}) { # Treat --name option as if the corresponding unit names were # passed in the command line. @args = grep /(^|\/)$dh{NAME}\.(mount|path|service|socket|target|timer)$/, @installed_units; } else { @args = @installed_units; } # Support excluding units via the -X debhelper common option. foreach my $x (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) { @args = grep !/(^|\/)$x$/, @args; } # This hash prevents us from looping forever in the following # while loop. An actual real-world example of such a loop is # systemd's systemd-readahead-drop.service, which contains # Also=systemd-readahead-collect.service, and that file in turn # contains Also=systemd-readahead-drop.service, thus forming an # endless loop. my %seen; # Must use while and shift because the loop alters the list. while (@args) { my $unit = shift @args; my $path = "${tmpdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/${unit}"; unless (-f $path) { $path = "${tmpdir}/lib/systemd/system/${unit}"; error("Package '$package' does not install unit '$unit'.") unless (-f $path); } # Skip template service files. Enabling, disabling, starting # or stopping those services without specifying the instance # is not useful. next if ($unit =~ /\@/); # Handle all unit files specified via Also= explicitly. This # is not necessary for enabling, but for disabling, as we # cannot read the unit file when disabling as it has already # been deleted. The undocumented --no-also option disables # handling of units linked via Also=. This option is provided # only to suport a very specific use case in network-manager. unless ($dh{NO_ALSO}) { push @args, $_ for grep { !$seen{$_}++ } extract_key($path, 'Also'); } # Extract unit aliases. push @{$aliases{$unit}}, $_ for extract_key($path, 'Alias'); # In compat 11 (and earlier), dh_installinit will handle services with # a sysv-equivalent service. In compat 12, dh_installsystemd will # take care of it. if (not compat(11) or not grep { has_sysv_equivalent($tmpdir, $_) } ($unit, @{$aliases{$unit}})) { push @start_units, $unit; } if (contains_install_section($path)) { push @enable_units, $unit; } } @enable_units = map { quote($_) } uniq sort @enable_units; @start_units = map { quote($_) } uniq sort @start_units; my %options = ('snippet-order' => 'service'); if (@enable_units) { for my $unit (@enable_units) { my $snippet = $dh{NO_ENABLE} ? 'postinst-systemd-dont-enable' : 'postinst-systemd-enable'; autoscript($package, 'postinst', $snippet, { 'UNITFILE' => $unit }, \%options); } autoscript($package, 'postrm', 'postrm-systemd', {'UNITFILES' => join(' ', @enable_units) }); } if (@start_units) { my $replace = { 'UNITFILES' => join(' ', @start_units) }; if ($dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE}) { my $snippet; if ($dh{NO_START}) { $snippet = 'postinst-systemd-restartnostart'; $replace->{RESTART_ACTION} = 'try-restart'; } else { $snippet = 'postinst-systemd-restart'; $replace->{RESTART_ACTION} = 'restart'; } autoscript($package, 'postinst', $snippet, $replace, \%options); } elsif (!$dh{NO_START}) { # (stop|start) service (before|after) upgrade autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-systemd-start', $replace, \%options); } # stop service before upgrade, if requested autoscript($package, 'preinst', 'preinst-systemd-stop', $replace, \%options) unless ($dh{R_FLAG} || $dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE}); # stop service only on remove autoscript($package, 'prerm', 'prerm-systemd-restart', $replace, \%options) unless ($dh{NO_START}); # Run this with "default" order so it is always after other # service related autosnippets. autoscript($package, 'postrm', 'postrm-systemd-reload-only', $replace); } } =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =head1 AUTHORS pkg-systemd-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org =cut