#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME dh_installsysusers - install and integrates systemd sysusers files =cut use strict; use warnings; use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib; our $VERSION = DH_BUILTIN_VERSION; =head1 SYNOPSIS B [S>] =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing package maintainer supplied systemd sysusers files. It also finds the systemd sysusers files installed in a package and generates relevant integration snippets for enabling the users on installation. These snippets are added to the package by L. =head1 FILES =over 4 =item debian/I.sysusers If the file exist, it will be installed as F<< /usr/lib/sysusers.d/I.conf >>. =back =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--name=>I When this parameter is used, B looks for and installs files named debian/I.I.sysusers instead of the usual debian/I.sysusers. Furthermore, the file is installed as F<< /usr/lib/sysusers.d/I.conf >> rather than F<< /usr/lib/sysusers.d/I.conf >>. =back =head1 NOTES This command is not idempotent. L should be called between invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts. =cut init(); # PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT pkgfile(sysusers) tmp(usr/lib/sysusers.d) cli-options() foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package); my $sysusers = pkgfile({'named' => 1}, $package, "sysusers"); my $sysusers_targetdir = "${tmpdir}/usr/lib/sysusers.d"; my $target = $dh{NAME} // $package; my $typoed_name = pkgfile({'named' => 1}, $package, "sysuser"); if ($sysusers eq '' and $typoed_name ne '') { # Warn people in case they typo this as much as I did. my $correct_name = $typoed_name; $correct_name =~ s{^(?:.*[./])\Ksysuser}{sysusers}; warning("Possible typo in ${typoed_name} (expected ${correct_name}): File has been ignored"); } if ($sysusers ne '') { install_dir($sysusers_targetdir); install_file($sysusers, "${sysusers_targetdir}/${target}.conf"); } if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS} && ($sysusers ne '' || -d $sysusers_targetdir)) { my @sysusers_files; opendir(my $dir_fd, $sysusers_targetdir) or error("opendir(${sysusers_targetdir}) failed: $!"); while (defined(my $entry = readdir($dir_fd))) { next if $entry eq '.' or $entry eq '..' or $entry !~ m{[.]conf$}; push @sysusers_files, $entry; } closedir($dir_fd); next if @sysusers_files == 0; # Sort list of files so postinst content doesn't change if readdir's output is not stable @sysusers_files = sort @sysusers_files; # Generate a single systemd-sysusers invocation and just pass all detected files together autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-sysusers', { 'CONFILE_BASENAME' => "@sysusers_files" }); addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", "systemd | systemd-standalone-sysusers | systemd-sysusers | opensysusers"); } } =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut