#!/usr/bin/perl # # Internal library functions for the dh(1) command package Debian::Debhelper::Sequence; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter qw(import); use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(error); use Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil qw(extract_rules_target_name sequence_type SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_ARCH_PACKAGES FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_INDEP_PACKAGES); sub _as_command { my ($input) = @_; if (ref($input) eq 'HASH') { return $input; } my $rules_target = extract_rules_target_name($input); if (defined($rules_target)) { my $sequence_type = sequence_type($rules_target); return { 'command' => $input, 'command-options' => [], 'sequence-limitation' => $sequence_type, } } return { 'command' => $input, 'command-options' => [], 'sequence-limitation' => SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH, } } sub new { my ($class, $name, $sequence_type, @cmds) = @_; return bless({ '_name' => $name, '_subsequences' => $sequence_type, '_cmds' => [map {_as_command($_)} @cmds], }, $class); } sub name { my ($this) = @_; return $this->{'_name'}; } sub allowed_subsequences { my ($this) = @_; return $this->{'_subsequences'}; } sub _insert { my ($this, $offset, $existing, $new) = @_; my @list = @{$this->{'_cmds'}}; my @new; my $new_cmd = _as_command($new); foreach my $command (@list) { if ($command->{'command'} eq $existing) { push(@new, $new_cmd) if $offset < 0; push(@new, $command); push(@new, $new_cmd) if $offset > 0; } else { push(@new, $command); } } $this->{'_cmds'} = \@new; return; } sub remove_command { my ($this, $command) = @_; my $cmds = $this->{'_cmds'}; $this->{'_cmds'} = [grep { $_->{'command'} ne $command } @{$cmds}]; return scalar(@{$this->{'_cmds'}}) < scalar(@{$cmds}); } sub add_command_at_start { my ($this, $command) = @_; unshift(@{$this->{'_cmds'}}, _as_command($command)); return; } sub add_command_at_end { my ($this, $command) = @_; push(@{$this->{'_cmds'}}, _as_command($command)); return; } sub rules_target_name { my ($this, $sequence_type) = @_; error("Internal error: Invalid sequence type $sequence_type") if $sequence_type eq SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES; my $name = $this->{'_name'}; my $allowed_sequence_type = $this->{'_subsequences'}; if ($sequence_type ne SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH and $allowed_sequence_type eq SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES) { error("Internal error: Requested subsequence ${sequence_type} of sequence ${name}, but it has no subsequences"); } if ($sequence_type ne SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH) { return "${name}-${sequence_type}"; } return $name; } sub as_rules_target_command { my ($this) = shift; my $rules_name = $this->rules_target_name(@_); return "debian/rules ${rules_name}"; } sub flatten_sequence { my ($this, $sequence_type, $flags) = @_; error("Invalid sequence type $sequence_type") if $sequence_type eq SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES; my @cmds; for my $cmd_desc (@{$this->{'_cmds'}}) { my $seq_limitation = $cmd_desc->{'sequence-limitation'}; next if ($seq_limitation eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY and ($flags & FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_ARCH_PACKAGES)); next if ($seq_limitation eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY and ($flags & FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_INDEP_PACKAGES)); if ($seq_limitation eq $sequence_type or $sequence_type eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH or $seq_limitation eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH) { my $cmd = $cmd_desc->{'command'}; my @cmd_options = $cmd_desc->{'command-options'}; push(@cmds, [$cmd, @cmd_options]); next; } } return @cmds; } 1;