#!/usr/bin/perl # # Internal library functions for the dh(1) command package Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil; use strict; use warnings; use constant { 'DUMMY_TARGET' => 'debhelper-fail-me', 'SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES' => 'none', 'SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES' => 'both', 'SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY' => 'arch', 'SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY' => 'indep', 'SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH' => 'both', 'FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_ARCH_PACKAGES' => 0x1, 'FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_INDEP_PACKAGES' => 0x2, 'UNSKIPPABLE_CLI_OPTIONS_BUILD_SYSTEM' => q(-S|--buildsystem|-D|--sourcedir|--sourcedirectory|-B|--builddir|--builddirectory), }; use Exporter qw(import); use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw( %dh basename commit_override_log compat error escape_shell get_buildoption getpackages load_log package_is_arch_all pkgfile rm_files tmpdir warning write_log ); our @EXPORT = qw( extract_rules_target_name to_rules_target sequence_type unpack_sequence rules_explicit_target extract_skipinfo compute_selected_addons load_sequence_addon run_sequence_command_and_exit_on_failure should_skip_due_to_dpo check_for_obsolete_commands compute_starting_point_in_sequences parse_dh_cmd_options run_hook_target run_through_command_sequence DUMMY_TARGET SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_ARCH_PACKAGES FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_INDEP_PACKAGES ); our (%EXPLICIT_TARGETS, $RULES_PARSED); sub extract_rules_target_name { my ($command) = @_; if ($command =~ m{^debian/rules\s++(.++)}) { return $1 } return; } sub to_rules_target { return 'debian/rules '.join(' ', @_); } sub sequence_type { my ($sequence_name) = @_; if ($sequence_name =~ m/-indep$/) { return 'indep'; } elsif ($sequence_name =~ m/-arch$/) { return 'arch'; } return 'both'; } sub _agg_subseq { my ($current_subseq, $outer_subseq) = @_; if ($current_subseq eq $outer_subseq) { return $current_subseq; } if ($current_subseq eq 'both') { return $outer_subseq; } return $current_subseq; } sub unpack_sequence { my ($sequences, $sequence_name, $always_inline, $completed_sequences, $flags) = @_; my (@sequence, @targets, %seen, %non_inlineable_targets, @stack); my $sequence_type = sequence_type($sequence_name); # Walk through the sequence effectively doing a DFS of the rules targets # (when we are allowed to inline them). my $seq = $sequences->{$sequence_name}; $flags //= 0; push(@stack, [$seq->flatten_sequence($sequence_type, $flags)]); while (@stack) { my $current_sequence = pop(@stack); COMMAND: while (@{$current_sequence}) { my $command = shift(@{$current_sequence}); if (ref($command) eq 'ARRAY') { $command = $command->[0]; } my $rules_target=extract_rules_target_name($command); next if (defined($rules_target) and exists($completed_sequences->{$rules_target})); if (defined($rules_target) and $always_inline) { my $subsequence = $sequences->{$rules_target}; my $subseq_type = _agg_subseq(sequence_type($rules_target), $sequence_type); push(@stack, $current_sequence); $current_sequence = [$subsequence->flatten_sequence($subseq_type, $flags)]; } elsif (defined($rules_target)) { my $subsequence = $sequences->{$rules_target}; my $subseq_type = _agg_subseq(sequence_type($rules_target), $sequence_type); my @subseq_types = ($subseq_type); my %subtarget_status; my ($transparent_subseq, $opaque_subseq, $subtarget_decided_both); if ($subseq_type eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH) { push(@subseq_types, SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY, SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY); } for my $ss_type (@subseq_types) { my $full_rule_target = ($ss_type eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH) ? $rules_target : "${rules_target}-${ss_type}"; if (exists($completed_sequences->{$full_rule_target})) { $subtarget_status{$ss_type} = 'complete'; last if $ss_type eq $subseq_type; } elsif (defined(rules_explicit_target($full_rule_target))) { $subtarget_status{$ss_type} = 'opaque'; last if $ss_type eq $subseq_type; } else { $subtarget_status{$ss_type} = 'transparent'; } } # At this point, %subtarget_status has 1 or 3 kv-pairs. # - If it has 1, then just check that and be done # - If it has 3, then "both" must be "transparent". if (scalar(keys(%subtarget_status)) == 3) { if ($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY}} eq $subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY}}) { # The "both" target is transparent and the subtargets agree. This is the common case # of "everything is transparent" (or both subtargets are opaque) and we reduce that by # reducing it to only have one key. %subtarget_status = ( $subseq_type => $subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY}} ); # There is one special-case for this flow if both targets are opaque. $subtarget_decided_both = 1; } else { # The subtargets have different status but we know that the "both" key must be irrelevant # then. Remove it to simplify matters below. delete($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH}}); } } if (scalar(keys(%subtarget_status)) == 1) { # "Simple" case where we only have to check exactly one result if ($subtarget_status{$subseq_type} eq 'opaque') { $opaque_subseq = $subseq_type; } elsif ($subtarget_status{$subseq_type} eq 'transparent') { $transparent_subseq = $subseq_type; } } else { # Either can be transparent, opaque or complete at this point. if ($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY}} eq 'transparent') { $transparent_subseq = SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY } elsif ($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY}} eq 'transparent') { $transparent_subseq = SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY } if ($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY}} eq 'opaque') { $opaque_subseq = SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY } elsif ($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY}} eq 'opaque') { $opaque_subseq = SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY } } if ($opaque_subseq) { if ($subtarget_decided_both) { # Final special-case - we are here because the rules file define X-arch AND X-indep but # not X. In this case, we want two d/rules X-{arch,indep} calls rather than a single # d/rules X call. for my $ss_type ((SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY, SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY)) { my $rules_target_cmd = $subsequence->as_rules_target_command($ss_type); push(@targets, $rules_target_cmd) if not $seen{$rules_target_cmd}++; } } else { my $rules_target_cmd = $subsequence->as_rules_target_command($opaque_subseq); push(@targets, $rules_target_cmd) if not $seen{$rules_target_cmd}++; } } if ($transparent_subseq) { push(@stack, $current_sequence); $current_sequence = [$subsequence->flatten_sequence($transparent_subseq, $flags)]; } next COMMAND; } else { if (defined($rules_target) and not $always_inline) { next COMMAND if exists($non_inlineable_targets{$rules_target}); push(@targets, $command) if not $seen{$command}++; } elsif (! $seen{$command}) { $seen{$command} = 1; push(@sequence, $command); } } } } return (\@targets, \@sequence); } sub rules_explicit_target { # Checks if a specified target exists as an explicit target # in debian/rules. # undef is returned if target does not exist, 0 if target is noop # and 1 if target has dependencies or executes commands. my ($target) = @_; if (! $RULES_PARSED) { Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::assert_unsafe_execution_is_ok(); my $processing_targets = 0; my $not_a_target = 0; my $current_target; open(MAKE, "LC_ALL=C make -Rrnpsf debian/rules ${\DUMMY_TARGET} 2>/dev/null |"); while () { if ($processing_targets) { if (/^# Not a target:/) { $not_a_target = 1; } else { if (!$not_a_target && m/^([^#:]+)::?\s*(.*)$/) { # Target is defined. NOTE: if it is a dependency of # .PHONY it will be defined too but that's ok. # $2 contains target dependencies if any. $current_target = $1; $EXPLICIT_TARGETS{$current_target} = [($2) ? 1 : 0, 'debian/rules']; } else { if (defined($current_target)) { if (m/^#/) { # Check if target has commands to execute if (m/^#\s*(commands|recipe) to execute/) { my $where; if (m{from ["'](\S+)["'], line \d+}) { # The line is the first line of the recipe and not the target # definition. To keep things simple, we just do not report the line $where = [1, $1]; } else { $where = [1, 'debian/rules']; } $EXPLICIT_TARGETS{$current_target} = $where; } } else { # Target parsed. $current_target = undef; } } } # "Not a target:" is always followed by # a target name, so resetting this one # here is safe. $not_a_target = 0; } } elsif (m/^# Files$/) { $processing_targets = 1; } } close MAKE; $RULES_PARSED = 1; } return $EXPLICIT_TARGETS{$target}[0] if exists($EXPLICIT_TARGETS{$target}); return; } sub extract_skipinfo { my ($command) = @_; foreach my $dir (split(':', $ENV{PATH})) { if (open (my $h, "<", "$dir/$command")) { while (<$h>) { if (m/PROMISE: DH NOOP( WITHOUT\s+(.*))?\s*$/) { close $h; return split(' ', $2) if defined($2); return ('always-skip'); } } close $h; return; } } return; } sub _skipped_call_due_dpo { my ($command, $dbo_flag) = @_; my $me = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::_color(basename($0), 'bold'); my $skipped = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::_color('command-omitted', 'yellow'); print "${me}: ${skipped}: The call to \"${command}\" was omitted due to \"DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=${dbo_flag}\"\n"; return; } sub should_skip_due_to_dpo { my ($command, $to_be_invoked) = @_; # Indirection/reference for readability my $commands_ref = \%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::commands_skippable_via_deb_build_options; if (not $dh{'NO_ACT'} and exists($commands_ref->{$command})) { my $flags_ref = $commands_ref->{$command}; for my $flag (@{$flags_ref}) { if (get_buildoption($flag)) { _skipped_call_due_dpo($to_be_invoked, $flag) if defined($to_be_invoked); return 1; } } } return 0; } sub compute_starting_point_in_sequences { my ($packages_ref, $full_sequence, $logged) = @_; my %startpoint; if (compat(9)) { foreach my $package (@{$packages_ref}) { my @log = load_log($package, $logged); # Find the last logged command that is in the sequence, and # continue with the next command after it. If no logged # command is in the sequence, we're starting at the beginning.. $startpoint{$package} = 0; COMMAND: foreach my $command (reverse(@log)) { foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$full_sequence}) { if ($command eq $full_sequence->[$i]) { $startpoint{$package} = $i + 1; last COMMAND; } } } } } else { foreach my $package (@{$packages_ref}) { $startpoint{$package} = 0; } } return %startpoint; } sub compute_selected_addons { my ($sequence_name, @addon_requests_from_args) = @_; my (@enabled_addons, %disabled_addons, %enabled); my @addon_requests; my $sequence_type = sequence_type($sequence_name); my %addon_constraints = %{ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::bd_dh_sequences() }; my %explicitly_managed; # Inject elf-tools early as other addons rely on their presence and it historically # has been considered a part of the "core" sequence. if (exists($addon_constraints{'elf-tools'})) { # Explicitly requested; respect that push(@addon_requests, '+elf-tools'); } elsif (compat(12, 1)) { # In compat 12 and earlier, we only inject the sequence if there are arch # packages present and the sequence requires it. if (getpackages('arch') and $sequence_type ne SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY) { push(@addon_requests, '+elf-tools'); } } else { # In compat 13, we always inject the addon if not explicitly requested and # then flag it as arch_only push(@addon_requests, '+elf-tools'); $addon_constraints{'elf-tools'} = SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY if not exists($addon_constraints{'elf-tools'}); } # Order is important; DH_EXTRA_ADDONS must come before everything # else; then comes built-in and finally argument provided add-ons # requests. push(@addon_requests, map { "+${_}" } split(",", $ENV{DH_EXTRA_ADDONS})) if $ENV{DH_EXTRA_ADDONS}; if (not compat(9, 1)) { # Enable autoreconf'ing by default in compat 10 or later. push(@addon_requests, '+autoreconf'); # Enable systemd support by default in compat 10 or later. # - compat 11 injects the dh_installsystemd tool directly in the # sequence instead of using a --with sequence. push(@addon_requests, '+systemd') if compat(10, 1); push(@addon_requests, '+build-stamp'); } for my $addon_name (sort(keys(%addon_constraints))) { my $addon_type = $addon_constraints{$addon_name}; # Special-case for the "clean" target to avoid B-D-I dependencies in that for conditional add-ons next if $sequence_name eq 'clean' and $addon_type ne SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH; if ($addon_type eq 'both' or $sequence_type eq 'both' or $addon_type eq $sequence_type) { push(@addon_requests, "+${addon_name}"); } } push(@addon_requests, @addon_requests_from_args); # Removing disabled add-ons are expensive (O(N) per time), so we # attempt to make removals in bulk. Note that we have to be order # preserving (due to #885580), so there is a limit to how "smart" # we can be. my $flush_disable_cache = sub { @enabled_addons = grep { not exists($disabled_addons{$_}) } @enabled_addons; for my $addon (keys(%disabled_addons)) { delete($enabled{$addon}); } %disabled_addons = (); }; for my $request (@addon_requests) { if ($request =~ m/^[+-]root[-_]sequence$/) { error("Invalid request to skip the sequence \"root-sequence\": It cannot be disabled") if $request =~ m/^-/; error("Invalid request to load the sequence \"root-sequence\": Do not reference it directly"); } if ($request =~ s/^[+]//) { # Normalize "_" to "-" in the name. $request =~ tr/_/-/; $flush_disable_cache->() if %disabled_addons; $explicitly_managed{$request} = 1; push(@enabled_addons, $request) if not $enabled{$request}++; } elsif ($request =~ s/^-//) { # Normalize "_" to "-" in the name. $request =~ tr/_/-/; $explicitly_managed{$request} = 1; $disabled_addons{$request} = 1; } else { error("Internal error: Invalid add-on request: $request (Missing +/- prefix)"); } } if (compat(14, 1) && getpackages() == 1 && !exists($explicitly_managed{'single-binary'})) { if (not compat(13, 1)) { warning("Implicitly activating single-binary dh addon for backwards compatibility. In compat 14+,"); warning("this fallback will *not* happen automatically via dh_auto_install will instead use a"); warning("different default for --destdir unless the single-binary add-on is active,"); warning("which can cause the source to produce an empty binary package"); warning(); warning('To keep the existing behaviour (compat 13), please activate the single-binary addon explicitly.'); warning('This can be done by adding "dh-sequence-single-binary" to Build-Depends or passing'); warning('--with=single-binary to dh.'); warning(); warning('If you have solved this issue differently (e.g., by passing --destdir explicitly to'); warning('dh_auto_install or not using dh_auto_install at all) and want to silence this warning'); warning('without activating the addon, you can do that by passing --without=single-binary to dh'); warning('to explicitly acknowledge the change.'); warning(); warning('Please see the description of the "single-binary" in "man dh" for more details of what'); warning('it does and why this is changing from implicit behaviour to explicitly opt-in.'); } push(@enabled_addons, 'single-binary'); } $flush_disable_cache->() if %disabled_addons; return map { { 'name' => $_, 'addon-type' => $addon_constraints{$_} // SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH, } } @enabled_addons; } sub load_sequence_addon { my ($addon_name, $addon_type) = @_; require Debian::Debhelper::DH::AddonAPI; my $mod="Debian::Debhelper::Sequence::${addon_name}"; $mod=~s/-/_/g; local $Debian::Debhelper::DH::AddonAPI::DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_NAME = $addon_name; local $Debian::Debhelper::DH::AddonAPI::DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_TYPE = $addon_type; eval "package Debian::Debhelper::DH::AddonAPI; use $mod"; if ($@) { error("unable to load addon ${addon_name}: $@"); } } sub check_for_obsolete_commands { my ($full_sequence) = @_; my ($found_obsolete_targets, $min_compat); for my $command (@{$full_sequence}) { if (exists($Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::obsolete_command{$command})) { my $addon_name = $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::obsolete_command{$command}[1]; error("The addon ${addon_name} claimed that $command was obsolete, but it is not!?"); } } for my $command (sort(keys(%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::obsolete_command))) { my ($addon_name, $error_compat) = @{$Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::obsolete_command{$command}}; $addon_name = 'debhelper' if $addon_name eq 'root-sequence'; for my $prefix (qw(execute_before_ execute_after_ override_)) { for my $suffix ('', '-arch', '-indep') { my $target = "${prefix}${command}${suffix}"; if (defined(rules_explicit_target($target))) { $found_obsolete_targets = 1; $min_compat //= $error_compat; $min_compat = $error_compat if $error_compat < $min_compat; warning("The target ${target} references a now obsolete command and will not be run!" . " (Marked by ${addon_name}, will be an error in compat $error_compat)"); } } } } if ($found_obsolete_targets and not compat($min_compat - 1)) { error("Aborting due to left over override/hook targets for now removed commands."); } return; } sub run_sequence_command_and_exit_on_failure { my ($command, @options) = @_; # 3 space indent lines the command being run up under the # sequence name after "dh ". if (!$dh{QUIET}) { print " ".escape_shell($command, @options)."\n"; } return if $dh{NO_ACT}; my $ret=system { $command } $command, @options; if ($ret >> 8 != 0) { exit $ret >> 8; } if ($ret) { exit 1; } return; } sub run_hook_target { my ($target_stem, $min_compat_level, $command, $packages, @opts) = @_; my @todo = @{$packages}; foreach my $override_type (undef, "arch", "indep") { @todo = _run_injected_rules_target($target_stem, $override_type, $min_compat_level, $command, \@todo, @opts); } return @todo; } # Tries to run an override / hook target for a command. Returns the list of # packages that it was unable to run the target for. sub _run_injected_rules_target { my ($target_stem, $override_type, $min_compat_level, $command, $packages, @options) = @_; my $rules_target = $target_stem . (defined $override_type ? "-".$override_type : ""); $command //= $rules_target; # Ensure it is defined # Check which packages are of the right architecture for the # override_type. my (@todo, @rest); my $has_explicit_target = rules_explicit_target($rules_target); if ($has_explicit_target and defined($min_compat_level) and compat($min_compat_level - 1)) { error("Hook target ${rules_target} is only supported in compat ${min_compat_level} or later"); } if (defined $override_type) { foreach my $package (@{$packages}) { my $isall=package_is_arch_all($package); if (($override_type eq 'indep' && $isall) || ($override_type eq 'arch' && !$isall)) { push @todo, $package; } else { push @rest, $package; push @options, "-N$package"; } } } else { @todo=@{$packages}; } return @{$packages} unless defined $has_explicit_target; # no such override return @rest if ! $has_explicit_target; # has empty override return @rest unless @todo; # has override, but no packages to act on return @rest if should_skip_due_to_dpo($command, "debian/rules $rules_target"); if (defined $override_type) { # Ensure appropriate -a or -i option is passed when running # an arch-specific override target. my $opt=$override_type eq "arch" ? "-a" : "-i"; push @options, $opt unless grep { $_ eq $opt } @options; } # Discard any override log files before calling the override # target if (not compat(9)) { my @files = glob('debian/*.debhelper.log'); rm_files(@files) if @files; } # This passes the options through to commands called # inside the target. $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS}=join("\x1e", @options); $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_OVERRIDE}=$command; run_sequence_command_and_exit_on_failure("debian/rules", $rules_target); delete $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS}; delete $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_OVERRIDE}; # Update log for overridden command now that it has # finished successfully. # (But avoid logging for dh_clean since it removes # the log earlier.) if (! $dh{NO_ACT} && $command ne 'dh_clean' && compat(9)) { write_log($command, @todo); commit_override_log(@todo); } # Override targets may introduce new helper files. Strictly # speaking this *shouldn't* be necessary, but lets make no # assumptions. Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::dh_clear_unsafe_cache(); return @rest; } # Options parsed to dh that may need to be passed on to helpers sub parse_dh_cmd_options { my (@argv) = @_; # Ref for readability my $options_ref = \@Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::options; while (@argv) { my $opt = shift(@argv); if ($opt =~ /^--?(after|until|before|with|without)$/) { shift(@argv); next; } elsif ($opt =~ /^--?(no-act|remaining|(after|until|before|with|without)=)/) { next; } elsif ($opt =~ /^-/) { if (not @{$options_ref} and $opt eq '--parallel' or $opt eq '--no-parallel') { my $max_parallel; # Ignore the option if it is the default for the given # compat level. next if compat(9) and $opt eq '--no-parallel'; next if not compat(9) and $opt eq '--parallel'; # Having an non-empty "@options" hurts performance quite a # bit. At the same time, we want to promote the use of # --(no-)parallel, so "tweak" the options a bit if there # is no reason to include this option. $max_parallel = get_buildoption('parallel') // 1; next if $max_parallel == 1; } if ($opt =~ m/^(--[^=]++)(?:=.*)?$/ or $opt =~ m/^(-[^-])(?:=.*)?$/) { my $optname = $1; if (length($optname) > 2 and (compat(12, 1) or $optname =~ m/^-[^-][^=]/)) { # We cannot optimize bundled options but we can optimize a single # short option with an explicit parameter (-B=F is ok, -BF is not) # In compat 12 or earlier, we also punt on long options due to # auto-abbreviation. $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_option_bundle = 1 } $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::seen_options{$optname} = 1; } elsif ($opt =~ m/^-[^-][^-]/) { # We cannot optimize bundled options but we can optimize a single # short option with an explicit parameter (-B=F is ok, -BF is not) $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_option_bundle = 1 } else { # Special case that disables NOOP cli-options() as well $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_user_option = 1; } push(@{$options_ref}, "-O" . $opt); } elsif (@{$options_ref}) { if ($options_ref->[$#{$options_ref}] =~ /^-O--/) { $options_ref->[$#{$options_ref}] .= '=' . $opt; } else { # Special case that disables NOOP cli-options() as well $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_user_option = 1; $options_ref->[$#{$options_ref}] .= $opt; } } else { error("Unknown parameter: $opt"); } } return; } sub run_through_command_sequence { my ($full_sequence, $startpoint, $logged, $options, $all_packages, $arch_packages, $indep_packages) = @_; my $command_opts = \%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts; my $stoppoint = $#{$full_sequence}; # Now run the commands in the sequence. foreach my $i (0 .. $stoppoint) { my $command = $full_sequence->[$i]; # Figure out which packages need to run this command. my (@todo, @opts); my @filtered_packages = _active_packages_for_command($command, $all_packages, $arch_packages, $indep_packages); foreach my $package (@filtered_packages) { if (($startpoint->{$package}//0) > $i || $logged->{$package}{$full_sequence->[$i]}) { push(@opts, "-N$package"); } else { push(@todo, $package); } } next unless @todo; push(@opts, @{$options}); my $rules_target = extract_rules_target_name($command); error("Internal error: $command is a rules target, but it is not supported to be!?") if defined($rules_target); if (my $stamp_file = _stamp_target($command)) { my %seen; print " create-stamp " . escape_shell($stamp_file) . "\n"; next if $dh{NO_ACT}; open(my $fd, '+>>', $stamp_file) or error("open($stamp_file, rw) failed: $!"); # Seek to the beginning seek($fd, 0, 0) or error("seek($stamp_file) failed: $!"); while (my $line = <$fd>) { chomp($line); $seen{$line} = 1; } for my $pkg (grep {not exists($seen{$_})} @todo) { print {$fd} "$pkg\n"; } close($fd) or error("close($stamp_file) failed: $!"); next; } my @full_todo = @todo; run_hook_target("execute_before_${command}", 10, $command, \@full_todo, @opts); # Check for override targets in debian/rules, and run instead of # the usual command. (The non-arch-specific override is tried first, # for simplest semantics; mixing it with arch-specific overrides # makes little sense.) @todo = run_hook_target("override_${command}", undef, $command, \@full_todo, @opts); if (@todo and not _can_skip_command($command, @todo)) { # No need to run the command for any packages handled by the # override targets. my %todo = map {$_ => 1} @todo; foreach my $package (@full_todo) { if (!$todo{$package}) { push @opts, "-N$package"; } } if (not should_skip_due_to_dpo($command, Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::_format_cmdline($command, @opts))) { my @cmd_options; # Include additional command options if any push(@cmd_options, @{$command_opts->{$command}}) if exists($command_opts->{$command}); push(@cmd_options, @opts); run_sequence_command_and_exit_on_failure($command, _remove_dup_pkg_options(@cmd_options)); } } run_hook_target("execute_after_${command}", 10, $command, \@full_todo, @opts); } } sub _remove_dup_pkg_options { my (@options) = @_; my @filtered_options; my $arch = 0; my $indep = 0; for my $option (@options) { if ($option eq '-a' or $option eq '--arch') { next if $arch; $arch = 1; } if ($option eq '-i' or $option eq '--indep') { next if $indep; $indep = 1; } push(@filtered_options, $option); } return @filtered_options; } sub _stamp_target { my ($command) = @_; if ($command =~ s/^create-stamp\s+//) { return $command; } return; } { my %skipinfo; sub _can_skip_command { my ($command, @packages) = @_; return 0 if $dh{NO_ACT} and not $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_TEST_CAN_SKIP}; return 0 if $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_user_option || (exists $ENV{DH_OPTIONS} && length $ENV{DH_OPTIONS}); return 0 if exists($Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$command}) and @{$Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$command}}; if (! defined $skipinfo{$command}) { $skipinfo{$command}=[extract_skipinfo($command)]; } my @skipinfo=@{$skipinfo{$command}}; return 0 unless @skipinfo; return 1 if scalar(@skipinfo) == 1 and $skipinfo[0] eq 'always-skip'; my ($all_pkgs, $had_cli_options); foreach my $skipinfo (@skipinfo) { my $type = 'pkgfile'; my $need = $skipinfo; if ($skipinfo=~/^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\((.*)\)$/) { ($type, $need) = ($1, $2); } if ($type eq 'tmp') { foreach my $package (@packages) { my $tmp = tmpdir($package); return 0 if -e "$tmp/$need"; } } elsif ($type eq 'pkgfile' or $type eq 'pkgfile-logged') { my $pkgs; if ($type eq 'pkgfile') { $pkgs = \@packages; } else { $all_pkgs //= [ getpackages() ]; $pkgs = $all_pkgs; } # Use the secret bulk check call return 0 if pkgfile($pkgs, $need) ne ''; } elsif ($type eq 'cli-options') { $had_cli_options = 1; # If cli-options is empty, we know the helper does not # react to any thing and can always be skipped. next if $need =~ m/^\s*$/; # Long options are subject to abbreviations so it is # very difficult to implement this optimization with # long options. return 0 if $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_option_bundle; $need =~ s/(?:^|\s)BUILDSYSTEM(?:\s|$)/${\UNSKIPPABLE_CLI_OPTIONS_BUILD_SYSTEM}/; my @behavior_options = split(qr/\Q|\E/, $need); for my $opt (@behavior_options) { return 0 if exists($Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::seen_options{$opt}); } } elsif ($type eq 'buildsystem') { require Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems; my $system = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems::load_buildsystem(undef, $need); return 0 if defined($system); } elsif ($type eq 'internal') { if ($need eq 'bug#950723') { $all_pkgs //= [ getpackages() ]; push(@{$all_pkgs}, map { "${_}@"} getpackages()); push(@packages, map { "${_}@"} @packages); } elsif ($need eq 'rrr') { my $req = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::root_requirements(); return 0 if $req ne 'none'; } else { warning('Broken internal NOOP hint; should not happen unless someone is using implementation details'); error("Unknown internal NOOP type hint in ${command}: ${need}"); } } else { # Unknown hint - make no assumptions return 0; } } return 0 if not $had_cli_options and %Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::seen_options; return 1; } } sub _active_packages_for_command { my ($command, $all_packages, $arch_packages, $indep_packages) = @_; my $command_opts_ref = $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$command}; my $selection = $all_packages; if (grep { $_ eq '-i'} @{$command_opts_ref}) { if (grep { $_ ne '-a'} @{$command_opts_ref}) { $selection = $indep_packages; } } elsif (grep { $_ eq '-a'} @{$command_opts_ref}) { $selection = $arch_packages; } return @{$selection}; } 1;