# TODO: Figure out if we can reuse these jobs but run them after our own checks without having # to manually merge `stages`. include: - https://salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/pipeline/raw/master/salsa-ci.yml - https://salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/pipeline/raw/master/pipeline-jobs.yml stages: - ci-test - aggregate-coverage - pages - provisioning - build - publish - test tests-testing: stage: ci-test image: debian:testing script: - apt-get update - apt-get build-dep -y . - dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -tc tests-unstable: stage: ci-test image: debian:unstable script: - apt-get update - apt-get build-dep -Ppkg.debputy.ci -y . - dpkg-buildpackage -Ppkg.debputy.ci -us -uc -tc code-lint-mypy: stage: ci-test image: debian:unstable script: - apt-get update - apt-get build-dep -Ppkg.debputy.ci -y . - apt-get install -y mypy python3-lxml # Remove the `|| true` once we get to a sufficient level of typing where we can set the minimum bar - mypy --html-report mypy-report --junit-format per_file --junit-xml mypy-xunit-report.xml --cobertura-xml-report mypy-cobertura-report src tests || true artifacts: paths: - mypy-report reports: junit: mypy-xunit-report.xml coverage_report: coverage_format: cobertura path: mypy-cobertura-report/cobertura.xml except: variables: - $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/ tests-unstable-coverage-without-optional-bd: stage: ci-test image: debian:unstable script: - apt-get update - apt-get build-dep -Ppkg.debputy.minimal-tests,pkg.debputy.test-coverage -y . - py.test-3 -v --cov --cov-branch --doctest-modules --junit-xml=xunit-report.xml --cov-report xml:coverage.xml - dpkg-buildpackage -Ppkg.debputy.minimal-tests -us -uc -tc after_script: - mkdir -p coverage-results/tests-unstable-coverage-without-optional-bd - cp .coverage coverage-results/tests-unstable-coverage-without-optional-bd/coverage artifacts: paths: - coverage-results/tests-unstable-coverage-without-optional-bd reports: junit: xunit-report.xml coverage_report: coverage_format: cobertura path: coverage.xml tests-unstable-coverage: stage: ci-test image: debian:unstable script: - apt-get update - apt-get build-dep -Ppkg.debputy.test-coverage -y . - py.test-3 -v --cov --cov-branch --doctest-modules --junit-xml=xunit-report.xml --cov-report xml:coverage.xml after_script: - mkdir -p coverage-results/tests-unstable-coverage - cp .coverage coverage-results/tests-unstable-coverage/coverage artifacts: paths: - coverage-results/tests-unstable-coverage reports: junit: xunit-report.xml coverage_report: coverage_format: cobertura path: coverage.xml tests-unstable-coverage-with-extra-bd: stage: ci-test image: debian:unstable script: - apt-get update - apt-get build-dep -Ppkg.debputy.ci,pkg.debputy.test-coverage -y . - py.test-3 -v --cov --cov-branch --doctest-modules --junit-xml=xunit-report.xml --cov-report xml:coverage.xml after_script: - mkdir -p coverage-results/tests-unstable-coverage-with-extra-bd - cp .coverage coverage-results/tests-unstable-coverage-with-extra-bd/coverage artifacts: paths: - coverage-results/tests-unstable-coverage-with-extra-bd reports: junit: xunit-report.xml coverage_report: coverage_format: cobertura path: coverage.xml aggregate-coverage: stage: aggregate-coverage image: debian:unstable coverage: '/(?i)total.*? (100(?:\.0+)?\%|[1-9]?\d(?:\.\d+)?\%)$/' script: - apt-get update -y - apt-get install -y python3-coverage - python3-coverage combine coverage-results/*/coverage* - python3-coverage html -d coverage-report - python3-coverage report artifacts: paths: - coverage-report dependencies: - tests-unstable-coverage - tests-unstable-coverage-without-optional-bd - tests-unstable-coverage-with-extra-bd pages: stage: pages script: - mkdir public - mv coverage-report public/ - mv mypy-report public/ dependencies: - aggregate-coverage - code-lint-mypy artifacts: paths: - public only: - main variables: SALSA_CI_DISABLE_WRAP_AND_SORT: 1 SALSA_CI_AUTOPKGTEST_ALLOWED_EXIT_STATUS: 0 SALSA_CI_DISABLE_APTLY: 0 debputy-reformat: stage: ci-test image: debian:sid-slim script: - apt-get update -qq && apt-get -qq build-dep --no-install-recommends --yes . - ./debputy.sh reformat --linter-exit-code --no-auto-fix except: variables: - $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/ debputy-lint: stage: ci-test image: debian:sid-slim script: - apt-get update -qq && apt-get -qq build-dep --no-install-recommends --yes . - PERL5LIB=lib ./debputy.sh lint --spellcheck except: variables: - $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/