Coverage for src/debputy/plugin/api/ 87%

282 statements  

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1import contextlib 

2import dataclasses 

3import os 

4import tempfile 

5import textwrap 

6from typing import ( 

7 Iterable, 

8 Optional, 

9 Callable, 

10 Literal, 

11 Union, 

12 Iterator, 

13 overload, 

14 FrozenSet, 

15 Sequence, 

16 TypeVar, 

17 Any, 


19 TextIO, 

20 BinaryIO, 

21 Generic, 

22 ContextManager, 

23 List, 

24 Type, 

25 Tuple, 



28from debian.substvars import Substvars 


30from debputy import util 

31from debputy.exceptions import TestPathWithNonExistentFSPathError, PureVirtualPathError 

32from debputy.interpreter import Interpreter, extract_shebang_interpreter_from_file 

33from debputy.manifest_parser.util import parse_symbolic_mode 

34from debputy.packages import BinaryPackage 

35from debputy.types import S 



38 from debputy.manifest_parser.base_types import ( 

39 StaticFileSystemOwner, 

40 StaticFileSystemGroup, 

41 ) 



44PluginInitializationEntryPoint = Callable[["DebputyPluginInitializer"], None] 

45MetadataAutoDetector = Callable[ 

46 ["VirtualPath", "BinaryCtrlAccessor", "PackageProcessingContext"], None 


48PackageProcessor = Callable[["VirtualPath", None, "PackageProcessingContext"], None] 

49DpkgTriggerType = Literal[ 

50 "activate", 

51 "activate-await", 

52 "activate-noawait", 

53 "interest", 

54 "interest-await", 

55 "interest-noawait", 


57Maintscript = Literal["postinst", "preinst", "prerm", "postrm"] 

58PackageTypeSelector = Union[Literal["deb", "udeb"], Iterable[Literal["deb", "udeb"]]] 

59ServiceUpgradeRule = Literal[ 

60 "do-nothing", 

61 "reload", 

62 "restart", 

63 "stop-then-start", 



66DSD = TypeVar("DSD") 

67ServiceDetector = Callable[ 

68 ["VirtualPath", "ServiceRegistry[DSD]", "PackageProcessingContext"], 

69 None, 


71ServiceIntegrator = Callable[ 

72 [ 

73 Sequence["ServiceDefinition[DSD]"], 

74 "BinaryCtrlAccessor", 

75 "PackageProcessingContext", 

76 ], 

77 None, 



80PMT = TypeVar("PMT") 



83@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True) 

84class PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation: 

85 description: Optional[str] = None 

86 format_documentation_uris: Sequence[str] = tuple() 


88 def replace(self, **changes: Any) -> "PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation": 

89 return dataclasses.replace(self, **changes) 



92def packager_provided_file_reference_documentation( 

93 *, 

94 description: Optional[str] = None, 

95 format_documentation_uris: Optional[Sequence[str]] = tuple(), 

96) -> PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation: 

97 """Provide documentation for a given packager provided file. 


99 :param description: Textual description presented to the user. 

100 :param format_documentation_uris: A sequence of URIs to documentation that describes 

101 the format of the file. Most relevant first. 

102 :return: 

103 """ 

104 uris = tuple(format_documentation_uris) if format_documentation_uris else tuple() 

105 return PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation( 

106 description=description, 

107 format_documentation_uris=uris, 

108 ) 



111class PathMetadataReference(Generic[PMT]): 

112 """An accessor to plugin provided metadata 


114 This is a *short-lived* reference to a piece of metadata. It should *not* be stored beyond 

115 the boundaries of the current plugin execution context as it can be become invalid (as an 

116 example, if the path associated with this path is removed, then this reference become invalid) 

117 """ 


119 @property 

120 def is_present(self) -> bool: 

121 """Determine whether the value has been set 


123 If the current plugin cannot access the value, then this method unconditionally returns 

124 `False` regardless of whether the value is there. 


126 :return: `True` if the value has been set to a not None value (and not been deleted). 

127 Otherwise, this property is `False`. 

128 """ 

129 raise NotImplementedError 


131 @property 

132 def can_read(self) -> bool: 

133 """Test whether it is possible to read the metadata 


135 Note: That the metadata being readable does *not* imply that the metadata is present. 


137 :return: True if it is possible to read the metadata. This is always True for the 

138 owning plugin. 

139 """ 

140 raise NotImplementedError 


142 @property 

143 def can_write(self) -> bool: 

144 """Test whether it is possible to update the metadata 


146 :return: True if it is possible to update the metadata. 

147 """ 

148 raise NotImplementedError 


150 @property 

151 def value(self) -> Optional[PMT]: 

152 """Fetch the currently stored value if present. 


154 :return: The value previously stored if any. Returns `None` if the value was never 

155 stored, explicitly set to `None` or was deleted. 

156 """ 

157 raise NotImplementedError 


159 @value.setter 

160 def value(self, value: Optional[PMT]) -> None: 

161 """Replace any current value with the provided value 


163 This operation is only possible if the path is writable *and* the caller is from 

164 the owning plugin OR the owning plugin made the reference read-write. 

165 """ 

166 raise NotImplementedError 


168 @value.deleter 

169 def value(self) -> None: 

170 """Delete any current value. 


172 This has the same effect as setting the value to `None`. It has the same restrictions 

173 as the value setter. 

174 """ 

175 self.value = None 




179class PathDef: 

180 path_name: str 

181 mode: Optional[int] = None 

182 mtime: Optional[int] = None 

183 has_fs_path: Optional[bool] = None 

184 fs_path: Optional[str] = None 

185 link_target: Optional[str] = None 

186 content: Optional[str] = None 

187 materialized_content: Optional[str] = None 



190def virtual_path_def( 

191 path_name: str, 

192 /, 

193 mode: Optional[int] = None, 

194 mtime: Optional[int] = None, 

195 fs_path: Optional[str] = None, 

196 link_target: Optional[str] = None, 

197 content: Optional[str] = None, 

198 materialized_content: Optional[str] = None, 

199) -> PathDef: 

200 """Define a virtual path for use with examples or, in tests, `build_virtual_file_system` 


202 :param path_name: The full path. Must start with "./". If it ends with "/", the path will be interpreted 

203 as a directory (the `is_dir` attribute will be True). Otherwise, it will be a symlink or file depending 

204 on whether a `link_target` is provided. 

205 :param mode: The mode to use for this path. Defaults to 0644 for files and 0755 for directories. The mode 

206 should be None for symlinks. 

207 :param mtime: Define the last modified time for this path. If not provided, debputy will provide a default 

208 if the mtime attribute is accessed. 

209 :param fs_path: Define a file system path for this path. This causes `has_fs_path` to return True and the 

210 `fs_path` attribute will return this value. The test is required to make this path available to the extent 

211 required. Note that the virtual file system will *not* examine the provided path in any way nor attempt 

212 to resolve defaults from the path. 

213 :param link_target: A target for the symlink. Providing a not None value for this parameter will make the 

214 path a symlink. 

215 :param content: The content of the path (if opened). The path must be a file. 

216 :param materialized_content: Same as `content` except `debputy` will put the contents into a physical file 

217 as needed. Cannot be used with `content` or `fs_path`. 

218 :return: An *opaque* object to be passed to `build_virtual_file_system`. While the exact type is provided 

219 to aid with typing, the type name and its behaviour is not part of the API. 

220 """ 


222 is_dir = path_name.endswith("/") 

223 is_symlink = link_target is not None 


225 if is_symlink: 

226 if mode is not None: 

227 raise ValueError( 

228 f'Please do not provide mode for symlinks. Triggered by "{path_name}"' 

229 ) 

230 if is_dir: 

231 raise ValueError( 

232 "Path name looks like a directory, but a symlink target was also provided." 

233 f' Please remove the trailing slash OR the symlink_target. Triggered by "{path_name}"' 

234 ) 


236 if content and (is_dir or is_symlink): 236 ↛ 237line 236 didn't jump to line 237, because the condition on line 236 was never true

237 raise ValueError( 

238 "Content was defined however, the path appears to be a directory a or a symlink" 

239 f' Please remove the content, the trailing slash OR the symlink_target. Triggered by "{path_name}"' 

240 ) 


242 if materialized_content is not None: 

243 if content is not None: 243 ↛ 244line 243 didn't jump to line 244, because the condition on line 243 was never true

244 raise ValueError( 

245 "The materialized_content keyword is mutually exclusive with the content keyword." 

246 f' Triggered by "{path_name}"' 

247 ) 

248 if fs_path is not None: 248 ↛ 249line 248 didn't jump to line 249, because the condition on line 248 was never true

249 raise ValueError( 

250 "The materialized_content keyword is mutually exclusive with the fs_path keyword." 

251 f' Triggered by "{path_name}"' 

252 ) 

253 return PathDef( 

254 path_name, 

255 mode=mode, 

256 mtime=mtime, 

257 has_fs_path=bool(fs_path) or materialized_content is not None, 

258 fs_path=fs_path, 

259 link_target=link_target, 

260 content=content, 

261 materialized_content=materialized_content, 

262 ) 



265class PackageProcessingContext: 

266 """Context for auto-detectors of metadata and package processors (no instantiation) 


268 This object holds some context related data for the metadata detector or/and package 

269 processors. It may receive new attributes in the future. 

270 """ 


272 __slots__ = () 


274 @property 

275 def binary_package(self) -> BinaryPackage: 

276 """The binary package stanza from `debian/control`""" 

277 raise NotImplementedError 


279 @property 

280 def binary_package_version(self) -> str: 

281 """The version of the binary package 


283 Note this never includes the binNMU version for arch:all packages, but it may for arch:any. 

284 """ 

285 raise NotImplementedError 


287 @property 

288 def related_udeb_package(self) -> Optional[BinaryPackage]: 

289 """An udeb related to this binary package (if any)""" 

290 raise NotImplementedError 


292 @property 

293 def related_udeb_package_version(self) -> Optional[str]: 

294 """The version of the related udeb package (if present) 


296 Note this never includes the binNMU version for arch:all packages, but it may for arch:any. 

297 """ 

298 raise NotImplementedError 


300 def accessible_package_roots(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[BinaryPackage, "VirtualPath"]]: 

301 raise NotImplementedError 


303 # """The source package stanza from `debian/control`""" 

304 # source_package: SourcePackage 



307class DebputyPluginInitializer: 

308 __slots__ = () 


310 def packager_provided_file( 

311 self, 

312 stem: str, 

313 installed_path: str, 

314 *, 

315 default_mode: int = 0o0644, 

316 default_priority: Optional[int] = None, 

317 allow_name_segment: bool = True, 

318 allow_architecture_segment: bool = False, 

319 post_formatting_rewrite: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None, 

320 packageless_is_fallback_for_all_packages: bool = False, 

321 reservation_only: bool = False, 

322 reference_documentation: Optional[ 

323 PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation 

324 ] = None, 

325 ) -> None: 

326 """Register a packager provided file (debian/<pkg>.foo) 


328 Register a packager provided file that debputy should automatically detect and install for the 

329 packager (example `debian/foo.tmpfiles` -> `debian/foo/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/foo.conf`). A packager 

330 provided file typically identified by a package prefix and a "stem" and by convention placed 

331 in the `debian/` directory. 


333 Like debhelper, debputy also supports the `` variant where the file is to be 

334 installed into the `foo` package but be named after the `bar` segment rather than the package name. 

335 This feature can be controlled via the `allow_name_segment` parameter. 


337 :param stem: The "stem" of the file. This would be the `tmpfiles` part of `debian/foo.tmpfiles`. 

338 Note that this value must be unique across all registered packager provided files. 

339 :param installed_path: A format string describing where the file should be installed. Would be 

340 `/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/{name}.conf` from the example above. 


342 The caller should provide a string with one or more of the placeholders listed below (usually `{name}` 

343 should be one of them). The format affect the entire path. 


345 The following placeholders are supported: 

346 * `{name}` - The name in the name segment (defaulting the package name if no name segment is given) 

347 * `{priority}` / `{priority:02}` - The priority of the file. Only provided priorities are used (that 

348 is, default_priority is not None). The latter variant ensuring that the priority takes at least 

349 two characters and the `0` character is left-padded for priorities that takes less than two 

350 characters. 

351 * `{owning_package}` - The name of the package. Should only be used when `{name}` alone is insufficient. 

352 If you do not want the "name" segment in the first place, use `allow_name_segment=False` instead. 


354 The path is always interpreted as relative to the binary package root. 


356 :param default_mode: The mode the installed file should have by default. Common options are 0o0644 (the default) 

357 or 0o0755 (for files that must be executable). 

358 :param allow_architecture_segment: If True, the file may have an optional "architecture" segment at the end 

359 (`foo.tmpfiles.amd64`), which marks it architecture specific. When False, debputy will detect the 

360 "architecture" segment and report the use as an error. Note the architecture segment is only allowed for 

361 arch:any packages. If a file targeting an arch:all package uses an architecture specific file it will 

362 always result in an error. 

363 :param allow_name_segment: If True, the file may have an optional "name" segment after the package name prefix. 

364 (`foo.<name-here>.tmpfiles`). When False, debputy will detect the "name" segment and report the use as an 

365 error. 

366 :param default_priority: Special-case option for packager files that are installed into directories that have 

367 "parse ordering" or "priority". These files will generally be installed as something like `20-foo.conf` 

368 where the `20-` denotes their "priority". If the plugin is registering such a file type, then it should 

369 provide a default priority. 


371 The following placeholders are supported: 

372 * `{name}` - The name in the name segment (defaulting the package name if no name segment is given) 

373 * `{priority}` - The priority of the file. Only provided priorities are used (that is, default_priority 

374 is not None) 

375 * `{owning_package}` - The name of the package. Should only be used when `{name}` alone is insufficient. 

376 If you do not want the "name" segment in the first place, use `allow_name_segment=False` instead. 

377 :param post_formatting_rewrite: An optional "name correcting" callback. It receives the formatted name and can 

378 do any transformation required. The primary use-case for this is to replace "forbidden" characters. The most 

379 common case for debputy itself is to replace "." with "_" for tools that refuse to work with files containing 

380 "." (`lambda x: x.replace(".", "_")`). The callback operates on basename of formatted version of the 

381 `installed_path` and the callback should return the basename. 

382 :param packageless_is_fallback_for_all_packages: If True, the packageless variant (such as, `debian/changelog`) 

383 is a fallback for every package. 

384 :param reference_documentation: Reference documentation for the packager provided file. Use the 

385 packager_provided_file_reference_documentation function to provide the value for this parameter. 

386 :param reservation_only: When True, tell debputy that the plugin reserves this packager provided file, but that 

387 debputy should not actually install it automatically. This is useful in the cases, where the plugin 

388 needs to process the file before installing it. The file will be marked as provided by this plugin. This 

389 enables introspection and detects conflicts if other plugins attempts to claim the file. 

390 """ 

391 raise NotImplementedError 


393 def metadata_or_maintscript_detector( 

394 self, 

395 auto_detector_id: str, 

396 auto_detector: MetadataAutoDetector, 

397 *, 

398 package_type: PackageTypeSelector = "deb", 

399 ) -> None: 

400 """Provide a pre-assembly hook that can affect the metadata/maintscript of binary ("deb") packages 


402 The provided hook will be run once per binary package to be assembled, and it can see all the content 

403 ("data.tar") planned to be included in the deb. The hook may do any *read-only* analysis of this content 

404 and provide metadata, alter substvars or inject maintscript snippets. However, the hook must *not* 

405 change the content ("data.tar") part of the deb. 


407 The hook will be run unconditionally for all binary packages built. When the hook does not apply to all 

408 packages, it must provide its own (internal) logic for detecting whether it is relevant and reduced itself 

409 to a no-op if it should not apply to the current package. 


411 Hooks are run in "some implementation defined order" and should not rely on being run before or after 

412 any other hook. 


414 The hooks are only applied to packages defined in `debian/control`. Notably, the metadata detector will 

415 not apply to auto-generated `-dbgsym` packages (as those are not listed explicitly in `debian/control`). 


417 :param auto_detector_id: A plugin-wide unique ID for this detector. Packagers may use this ID for disabling 

418 the detector and accordingly the ID is part of the plugin's API toward the packager. 

419 :param auto_detector: The code to be called that will be run at the metadata generation state (once for each 

420 binary package). 

421 :param package_type: Which kind of packages this metadata detector applies to. The package type is generally 

422 defined by `Package-Type` field in the binary package. The default is to only run for regular `deb` packages 

423 and ignore `udeb` packages. 

424 """ 

425 raise NotImplementedError 


427 def manifest_variable( 

428 self, 

429 variable_name: str, 

430 value: str, 

431 variable_reference_documentation: Optional[str] = None, 

432 ) -> None: 

433 """Provide a variable that can be used in the package manifest 


435 >>> # Enable users to use "{{path:BASH_COMPLETION_DIR}}/foo" in their manifest. 

436 >>> api.manifest_variable( # doctest: +SKIP 

437 ... "path:BASH_COMPLETION_DIR", 

438 ... "/usr/share/bash-completion/completions", 

439 ... variable_reference_documentation="Directory to install bash completions into", 

440 ... ) 


442 :param variable_name: The variable name. 

443 :param value: The value the variable should resolve to. 

444 :param variable_reference_documentation: A short snippet of reference documentation that explains 

445 the purpose of the variable. 

446 """ 

447 raise NotImplementedError 



450class MaintscriptAccessor: 

451 __slots__ = () 


453 def on_configure( 

454 self, 

455 run_snippet: str, 

456 /, 

457 indent: Optional[bool] = None, 

458 perform_substitution: bool = True, 

459 skip_on_rollback: bool = False, 

460 ) -> None: 

461 """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is about to be "configured" 


463 This condition is the most common "post install" condition and covers the two 

464 common cases: 

465 * On initial install, OR 

466 * On upgrade 


468 In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postinst containing 

469 `if [ "$1" = configure ]; then <snippet>; fi` 


471 Additionally, the condition will by default also include rollback/abort scenarios such as "above-remove", 

472 which is normally what you want but most people forget about. 


474 :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent. 

475 The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the 

476 snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default. 

477 :param skip_on_rollback: By default, this condition will also cover common rollback scenarios. This 

478 is normally what you want (or benign in most cases due to the idempotence requirement for maintscripts). 

479 However, you can disable the rollback cases, leaving only "On initial install OR On upgrade". 

480 :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy. 

481 In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues 

482 with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented. 

483 You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability. 

484 :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no 

485 substitution is provided. 

486 """ 

487 raise NotImplementedError 


489 def on_initial_install( 

490 self, 

491 run_snippet: str, 

492 /, 

493 indent: Optional[bool] = None, 

494 perform_substitution: bool = True, 

495 ) -> None: 

496 """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is about to be "configured" for the first time 


498 The snippet will only be run on the first time the package is installed (ever or since last purge). 

499 Note that "first" does not mean "exactly once" as dpkg does *not* provide such semantics. There are two 

500 common cases where this can snippet can be run multiple times for the same system (and why the snippet 

501 must still be idempotent): 


503 1) The package is installed (1), then purged and then installed again (2). This can partly be mitigated 

504 by having an `on_purge` script to do clean up. 


506 2) As the package is installed, the `postinst` script terminates prematurely (Disk full, power loss, etc.). 

507 The user resolves the problem and runs `dpkg --configure <pkg>`, which in turn restarts the script 

508 from the beginning. This is why scripts must be idempotent in general. 


510 In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postinst containing 

511 `if [ "$1" = configure ] && [ -z "$2" ]; then <snippet>; fi` 


513 :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent. 

514 The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the 

515 snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default. 

516 :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy. 

517 In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues 

518 with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented. 

519 You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability. 

520 :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no 

521 substitution is provided. 

522 """ 

523 raise NotImplementedError 


525 def on_upgrade( 

526 self, 

527 run_snippet: str, 

528 /, 

529 indent: Optional[bool] = None, 

530 perform_substitution: bool = True, 

531 ) -> None: 

532 """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is about to be "configured" after an upgrade 


534 The snippet will only be run on any upgrade (that is, it will be skipped on the initial install). 


536 In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postinst containing 

537 `if [ "$1" = configure ] && [ -n "$2" ]; then <snippet>; fi` 


539 :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent. 

540 The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the 

541 snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default. 

542 :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy. 

543 In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues 

544 with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented. 

545 You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability. 

546 :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no 

547 substitution is provided. 

548 """ 

549 raise NotImplementedError 


551 def on_upgrade_from( 

552 self, 

553 version: str, 

554 run_snippet: str, 

555 /, 

556 indent: Optional[bool] = None, 

557 perform_substitution: bool = True, 

558 ) -> None: 

559 """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is about to be "configured" after an upgrade from a given version 


561 The snippet will only be run on any upgrade (that is, it will be skipped on the initial install). 


563 In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postinst containing 

564 `if [ "$1" = configure ] && dpkg --compare-versions le-nl "$2" ; then <snippet>; fi` 


566 :param version: The version to upgrade from 

567 :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent. 

568 The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the 

569 snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default. 

570 :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy. 

571 In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues 

572 with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented. 

573 You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability. 

574 :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no 

575 substitution is provided. 

576 """ 

577 raise NotImplementedError 


579 def on_before_removal( 

580 self, 

581 run_snippet: str, 

582 /, 

583 indent: Optional[bool] = None, 

584 perform_substitution: bool = True, 

585 ) -> None: 

586 """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is about to be removed 


588 The snippet will be run before dpkg removes any files. 


590 In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to prerm containing 

591 `if [ "$1" = remove ] ; then <snippet>; fi` 


593 :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent. 

594 The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the 

595 snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default. 

596 :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy. 

597 In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues 

598 with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented. 

599 You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability. 

600 :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no 

601 substitution is provided. 

602 """ 

603 raise NotImplementedError 


605 def on_removed( 

606 self, 

607 run_snippet: str, 

608 /, 

609 indent: Optional[bool] = None, 

610 perform_substitution: bool = True, 

611 ) -> None: 

612 """Provide a snippet to be run when the package has been removed 


614 The snippet will be run after dpkg removes the package content from the file system. 


616 **WARNING**: The snippet *cannot* rely on dependencies and must rely on `Essential: yes` packages. 


618 In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postrm containing 

619 `if [ "$1" = remove ] ; then <snippet>; fi` 


621 :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent. 

622 The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the 

623 snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default. 

624 :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy. 

625 In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues 

626 with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented. 

627 You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability. 

628 :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no 

629 substitution is provided. 

630 """ 

631 raise NotImplementedError 


633 def on_purge( 

634 self, 

635 run_snippet: str, 

636 /, 

637 indent: Optional[bool] = None, 

638 perform_substitution: bool = True, 

639 ) -> None: 

640 """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is being purged. 


642 The snippet will when the package is purged from the system. 


644 **WARNING**: The snippet *cannot* rely on dependencies and must rely on `Essential: yes` packages. 


646 In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postrm containing 

647 `if [ "$1" = purge ] ; then <snippet>; fi` 


649 :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent. 

650 The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the 

651 snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default. 

652 :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy. 

653 In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues 

654 with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented. 

655 You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability. 

656 :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no 

657 substitution is provided. 

658 """ 

659 raise NotImplementedError 


661 def unconditionally_in_script( 

662 self, 

663 maintscript: Maintscript, 

664 run_snippet: str, 

665 /, 

666 perform_substitution: bool = True, 

667 ) -> None: 

668 """Provide a snippet to be run in a given script 


670 Run a given snippet unconditionally from a given script. The snippet must contain its own conditional 

671 for when it should be run. 


673 :param maintscript: The maintscript to insert the snippet into. 

674 :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run. The snippet will be run unconditionally and should 

675 contain its own conditions as necessary. The snippet must be idempotent. The snippet may contain newlines 

676 as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' 

677 substitutions by default. 

678 :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no 

679 substitution is provided. 

680 """ 

681 raise NotImplementedError 


683 def escape_shell_words(self, *args: str) -> str: 

684 """Provide sh-shell escape of strings 


686 `assert escape_shell("foo", "fu bar", "baz") == 'foo "fu bar" baz'` 


688 This is useful for ensuring file names and other "input" are considered one parameter even when they 

689 contain spaces or shell meta-characters. 


691 :param args: The string(s) to be escaped. 

692 :return: Each argument escaped such that each argument becomes a single "word" and then all these words are 

693 joined by a single space. 

694 """ 

695 return util.escape_shell(*args) 



698class BinaryCtrlAccessor: 

699 __slots__ = () 


701 def dpkg_trigger(self, trigger_type: DpkgTriggerType, trigger_target: str) -> None: 

702 """Register a declarative dpkg level trigger 


704 The provided trigger will be added to the package's metadata (the triggers file of the control.tar). 


706 If the trigger has already been added previously, a second call with the same trigger data will be ignored. 

707 """ 

708 raise NotImplementedError 


710 @property 

711 def maintscript(self) -> MaintscriptAccessor: 

712 """Attribute for manipulating maintscripts""" 

713 raise NotImplementedError 


715 @property 

716 def substvars(self) -> "FlushableSubstvars": 

717 """Attribute for manipulating dpkg substvars (deb-substvars)""" 

718 raise NotImplementedError 



721class VirtualPath: 

722 __slots__ = () 


724 @property 

725 def name(self) -> str: 

726 """Basename of the path a.k.a. last segment of the path 


728 In a path "usr/share/doc/pkg/changelog.gz" the basename is "changelog.gz". 


730 For a directory, the basename *never* ends with a `/`. 

731 """ 

732 raise NotImplementedError 


734 @property 

735 def iterdir(self) -> Iterable["VirtualPath"]: 

736 """Returns an iterable that iterates over all children of this path 


738 For directories, this returns an iterable of all children. For non-directories, 

739 the iterable is always empty. 

740 """ 

741 raise NotImplementedError 


743 def lookup(self, path: str) -> Optional["VirtualPath"]: 

744 """Perform a path lookup relative to this path 


746 As an example `doc_dir = fs_root.lookup('./usr/share/doc')` 


748 If the provided path starts with `/`, then the lookup is performed relative to the 

749 file system root. That is, you can assume the following to always be True: 


751 `fs_root.lookup("usr") == any_path_beneath_fs_root.lookup('/usr')` 


753 Note: This method requires the path to be attached (see `is_detached`) regardless of 

754 whether the lookup is relative or absolute. 


756 If the path traverse a symlink, the symlink will be resolved. 


758 :param path: The path to look. Can contain "." and ".." segments. If starting with `/`, 

759 look up is performed relative to the file system root, otherwise the lookup is relative 

760 to this path. 

761 :return: The path object for the desired path if it can be found. Otherwise, None. 

762 """ 

763 raise NotImplementedError 


765 def all_paths(self) -> Iterable["VirtualPath"]: 

766 """Iterate over this path and all of its descendants (if any) 


768 If used on the root path, then every path in the package is returned. 


770 The iterable is ordered, so using the order in output will be produce 

771 bit-for-bit reproducible output. Additionally, a directory will always 

772 be seen before its descendants. Otherwise, the order is implementation 

773 defined. 


775 The iteration is lazy and as a side effect do account for some obvious 

776 mutation. Like if the current path is removed, then none of its children 

777 will be returned (provided mutation happens before the lazy iteration 

778 was required to resolve it). Likewise, mutation of the directory will 

779 also work (again, provided mutation happens before the lazy iteration order). 


781 :return: An ordered iterable of this path followed by its descendants. 

782 """ 

783 raise NotImplementedError 


785 @property 

786 def is_detached(self) -> bool: 

787 """Returns True if this path is detached 


789 Paths that are detached from the file system will not be present in the package and 

790 most operations are unsafe on them. This usually only happens if the path or one of 

791 its parent directories are unlinked (rm'ed) from the file system tree. 


793 All paths are attached by default and will only become detached as a result of 

794 an action to mutate the virtual file system. Note that the file system may not 

795 always be manipulated. 


797 :return: True if the entry is detached. Detached entries should be discarded, so they 

798 can be garbage collected. 

799 """ 

800 raise NotImplementedError 


802 # The __getitem__ behaves like __getitem__ from Dict but __iter__ would ideally work like a Sequence. 

803 # However, that does not feel compatible, so lets force people to use .children instead for the Sequence 

804 # behaviour to avoid surprises for now. 

805 # (Maybe it is a non-issue, but it is easier to add the API later than to remove it once we have committed 

806 # to using it) 

807 __iter__ = None 


809 def __getitem__(self, key: object) -> "VirtualPath": 

810 """Lookup a (direct) child by name 


812 Ignoring the possible `KeyError`, then the following are the same: 

813 `fs_root["usr"] == fs_root.lookup('usr')` 


815 Note that unlike `.lookup` this can only locate direct children. 

816 """ 

817 raise NotImplementedError 


819 def __delitem__(self, key) -> None: 

820 """Remove a child from this node if it exists 


822 If that child is a directory, then the entire tree is removed (like `rm -fr`). 

823 """ 

824 raise NotImplementedError 


826 def get(self, key: str) -> "Optional[VirtualPath]": 

827 """Lookup a (direct) child by name 


829 The following are the same: 

830 `fs_root.get("usr") == fs_root.lookup('usr')` 


832 Note that unlike `.lookup` this can only locate direct children. 

833 """ 

834 try: 

835 return self[key] 

836 except KeyError: 

837 return None 


839 def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: 

840 """Determine if this path includes a given child (either by object or string) 


842 Examples: 


844 if 'foo' in dir: ... 

845 """ 

846 if isinstance(item, VirtualPath): 

847 return item.parent_dir is self 

848 if not isinstance(item, str): 

849 return False 

850 m = self.get(item) 

851 return m is not None 


853 @property 

854 def path(self) -> str: 

855 """Returns the "full" path for this file system entry 


857 This is the path that debputy uses to refer to this file system entry. It is always 

858 normalized. Use the `absolute` attribute for how the path looks 

859 when the package is installed. Alternatively, there is also `fs_path`, which is the 

860 path to the underlying file system object (assuming there is one). That is the one 

861 you need if you want to read the file. 


863 This is attribute is mostly useful for debugging or for looking up the path relative 

864 to the "root" of the virtual file system that debputy maintains. 


866 If the path is detached (see `is_detached`), then this method returns the path as it 

867 was known prior to being detached. 

868 """ 

869 raise NotImplementedError 


871 @property 

872 def absolute(self) -> str: 

873 """Returns the absolute version of this path 


875 This is how to refer to this path when the package is installed. 


877 If the path is detached (see `is_detached`), then this method returns the last known location 

878 of installation (prior to being detached). 


880 :return: The absolute path of this file as it would be on the installed system. 

881 """ 

882 p = self.path.lstrip(".") 

883 if not p.startswith("/"): 

884 return f"/{p}" 

885 return p 


887 @property 

888 def parent_dir(self) -> Optional["VirtualPath"]: 

889 """The parent directory of this path 


891 Note this operation requires the path is "attached" (see `is_detached`). All paths are attached 

892 by default but unlinking paths will cause them to become detached. 


894 :return: The parent path or None for the root. 

895 """ 

896 raise NotImplementedError 


898 def stat(self) -> os.stat_result: 

899 """Attempt to do stat of the underlying path (if it exists) 


901 *Avoid* using `stat()` whenever possible where a more specialized attribute exist. The 

902 `stat()` call returns the data from the file system and often, `debputy` does *not* track 

903 its state in the file system. As an example, if you want to know the file system mode of 

904 a path, please use the `mode` attribute instead. 


906 This never follow symlinks (it behaves like `os.lstat`). It will raise an error 

907 if the path is not backed by a file system object (that is, `has_fs_path` is False). 


909 :return: The stat result or an error. 

910 """ 

911 raise NotImplementedError() 


913 @property 

914 def size(self) -> int: 

915 """Resolve the file size (`st_size`) 


917 This may be using `stat()` and therefore `fs_path`. 


919 :return: The size of the file in bytes 

920 """ 

921 return self.stat().st_size 


923 @property 

924 def mode(self) -> int: 

925 """Determine the mode bits of this path object 


927 Note that: 

928 * like with `stat` above, this never follows symlinks. 

929 * the mode returned by this method is not always a 1:1 with the mode in the 

930 physical file system. As an optimization, `debputy` skips unnecessary writes 

931 to the underlying file system in many cases. 



934 :return: The mode bits for the path. 

935 """ 

936 raise NotImplementedError 


938 @mode.setter 

939 def mode(self, new_mode: int) -> None: 

940 """Set the octal file mode of this path 


942 Note that: 

943 * this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False. 

944 * this operation is generally *not* synced to the physical file system (as 

945 an optimization). 


947 :param new_mode: The new octal mode for this path. Note that `debputy` insists 

948 that all paths have the `user read bit` and, for directories also, the 

949 `user execute bit`. The absence of these minimal mode bits causes hard to 

950 debug errors. 

951 """ 

952 raise NotImplementedError 


954 @property 

955 def is_executable(self) -> bool: 

956 """Determine whether a path is considered executable 


958 Generally, this means that at least one executable bit is set. This will 

959 basically always be true for directories as directories need the execute 

960 parameter to be traversable. 


962 :return: True if the path is considered executable with its current mode 

963 """ 

964 return bool(self.mode & 0o0111) 


966 def chmod(self, new_mode: Union[int, str]) -> None: 

967 """Set the file mode of this path 


969 This is similar to setting the `mode` attribute. However, this method accepts 

970 a string argument, which will be parsed as a symbolic mode (example: `u+rX,go=rX`). 


972 Note that: 

973 * this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False. 

974 * this operation is generally *not* synced to the physical file system (as 

975 an optimization). 


977 :param new_mode: The new mode for this path. 

978 Note that `debputy` insists that all paths have the `user read bit` and, for 

979 directories also, the `user execute bit`. The absence of these minimal mode 

980 bits causes hard to debug errors. 

981 """ 

982 if isinstance(new_mode, str): 

983 segments = parse_symbolic_mode(new_mode, None) 

984 final_mode = self.mode 

985 is_dir = self.is_dir 

986 for segment in segments: 

987 final_mode = segment.apply(final_mode, is_dir) 

988 self.mode = final_mode 

989 else: 

990 self.mode = new_mode 


992 def chown( 

993 self, 

994 owner: Optional["StaticFileSystemOwner"], 

995 group: Optional["StaticFileSystemGroup"], 

996 ) -> None: 

997 """Change the owner/group of this path 


999 :param owner: The desired owner definition for this path. If None, then no change of owner is performed. 

1000 :param group: The desired group definition for this path. If None, then no change of group is performed. 

1001 """ 

1002 raise NotImplementedError 


1004 @property 

1005 def mtime(self) -> float: 

1006 """Determine the mtime of this path object 


1008 Note that: 

1009 * like with `stat` above, this never follows symlinks. 

1010 * the mtime returned has *not* been clamped against ´SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`. Timestamp 

1011 normalization is handled later by `debputy`. 

1012 * the mtime returned by this method is not always a 1:1 with the mtime in the 

1013 physical file system. As an optimization, `debputy` skips unnecessary writes 

1014 to the underlying file system in many cases. 


1016 :return: The mtime for the path. 

1017 """ 

1018 raise NotImplementedError 


1020 @mtime.setter 

1021 def mtime(self, new_mtime: float) -> None: 

1022 """Set the mtime of this path 


1024 Note that: 

1025 * this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False. 

1026 * this operation is generally *not* synced to the physical file system (as 

1027 an optimization). 


1029 :param new_mtime: The new mtime of this path. Note that the caller does not need to 

1030 account for `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`. Timestamp normalization is handled later. 

1031 """ 

1032 raise NotImplementedError 


1034 def readlink(self) -> str: 

1035 """Determine the link target of this path assuming it is a symlink 


1037 For paths where `is_symlink` is True, this already returns a link target even when 

1038 `has_fs_path` is False. 


1040 :return: The link target of the path or an error is this is not a symlink 

1041 """ 

1042 raise NotImplementedError() 


1044 @overload 

1045 def open( 1045 ↛ exitline 1045 didn't jump to the function exit

1046 self, 

1047 *, 

1048 byte_io: Literal[False] = False, 

1049 buffering: Optional[int] = ..., 

1050 ) -> TextIO: ... 


1052 @overload 

1053 def open( 1053 ↛ exitline 1053 didn't jump to the function exit

1054 self, 

1055 *, 

1056 byte_io: Literal[True], 

1057 buffering: Optional[int] = ..., 

1058 ) -> BinaryIO: ... 


1060 @overload 

1061 def open( 1061 ↛ exitline 1061 didn't jump to the function exit

1062 self, 

1063 *, 

1064 byte_io: bool, 

1065 buffering: Optional[int] = ..., 

1066 ) -> Union[TextIO, BinaryIO]: ... 


1068 def open( 

1069 self, 

1070 *, 

1071 byte_io: bool = False, 

1072 buffering: int = -1, 

1073 ) -> Union[TextIO, BinaryIO]: 

1074 """Open the file for reading. Usually used with a context manager 


1076 By default, the file is opened in text mode (utf-8). Binary mode can be requested 

1077 via the `byte_io` parameter. This operation is only valid for files (`is_file` returns 

1078 `True`). Usage on symlinks and directories will raise exceptions. 


1080 This method *often* requires the `fs_path` to be present. However, tests as a notable 

1081 case can inject content without having the `fs_path` point to a real file. (To be clear, 

1082 such tests are generally expected to ensure `has_fs_path` returns `True`). 



1085 :param byte_io: If True, open the file in binary mode (like `rb` for `open`) 

1086 :param buffering: Same as open(..., buffering=...) where supported. Notably during 

1087 testing, the content may be purely in memory and use a BytesIO/StringIO 

1088 (which does not accept that parameter, but then is buffered in a different way) 

1089 :return: The file handle. 

1090 """ 


1092 if not self.is_file: 1092 ↛ 1093line 1092 didn't jump to line 1093, because the condition on line 1092 was never true

1093 raise TypeError(f"Cannot open {self.path} for reading: It is not a file") 


1095 if byte_io: 

1096 return open(self.fs_path, "rb", buffering=buffering) 

1097 return open(self.fs_path, "rt", encoding="utf-8", buffering=buffering) 


1099 @property 

1100 def fs_path(self) -> str: 

1101 """Request the underling fs_path of this path 


1103 Only available when `has_fs_path` is True. Generally this should only be used for files to read 

1104 the contents of the file and do some action based on the parsed result. 


1106 The path should only be used for read-only purposes as debputy may assume that it is safe to have 

1107 multiple paths pointing to the same file system path. 


1109 Note that: 

1110 * This is often *not* available for directories and symlinks. 

1111 * The debputy in-memory file system overrules the physical file system. Attempting to "fix" things 

1112 by using `os.chmod` or `os.unlink`'ing files, etc. will generally not do as you expect. Best case, 

1113 your actions are ignored and worst case it will cause the build to fail as it violates debputy's 

1114 internal invariants. 


1116 :return: The path to the underlying file system object on the build system or an error if no such 

1117 file exist (see `has_fs_path`). 

1118 """ 

1119 raise NotImplementedError() 


1121 @property 

1122 def is_dir(self) -> bool: 

1123 """Determine if this path is a directory 


1125 Never follows symlinks. 


1127 :return: True if this path is a directory. False otherwise. 

1128 """ 

1129 raise NotImplementedError() 


1131 @property 

1132 def is_file(self) -> bool: 

1133 """Determine if this path is a directory 


1135 Never follows symlinks. 


1137 :return: True if this path is a regular file. False otherwise. 

1138 """ 

1139 raise NotImplementedError() 


1141 @property 

1142 def is_symlink(self) -> bool: 

1143 """Determine if this path is a symlink 


1145 :return: True if this path is a symlink. False otherwise. 

1146 """ 

1147 raise NotImplementedError() 


1149 @property 

1150 def has_fs_path(self) -> bool: 

1151 """Determine whether this path is backed by a file system path 


1153 :return: True if this path is backed by a file system object on the build system. 

1154 """ 

1155 raise NotImplementedError() 


1157 @property 

1158 def is_read_write(self) -> bool: 

1159 """When true, the file system entry may be mutated 


1161 Read-write rules are: 


1163 +--------------------------+-------------------+------------------------+ 

1164 | File system | From / Inside | Read-Only / Read-Write | 

1165 +--------------------------+-------------------+------------------------+ 

1166 | Source directory | Any context | Read-Only | 

1167 | Binary staging directory | Package Processor | Read-Write | 

1168 | Binary staging directory | Metadata Detector | Read-Only | 

1169 +--------------------------+-------------------+------------------------+ 


1171 These rules apply to the virtual file system (`debputy` cannot enforce 

1172 these rules in the underlying file system). The `debputy` code relies 

1173 on these rules for its logic in multiple places to catch bugs and for 

1174 optimizations. 


1176 As an example, the reason why the file system is read-only when Metadata 

1177 Detectors are run is based the contents of the file system has already 

1178 been committed. New files will not be included, removals of existing 

1179 files will trigger a hard error when the package is assembled, etc. 

1180 To avoid people spending hours debugging why their code does not work 

1181 as intended, `debputy` instead throws a hard error if you try to mutate 

1182 the file system when it is read-only mode to "fail fast". 


1184 :return: Whether file system mutations are permitted. 

1185 """ 

1186 return False 


1188 def mkdir(self, name: str) -> "VirtualPath": 

1189 """Create a new subdirectory of the current path 


1191 :param name: Basename of the new directory. The directory must not contain a path 

1192 with this basename. 

1193 :return: The new subdirectory 

1194 """ 

1195 raise NotImplementedError 


1197 def mkdirs(self, path: str) -> "VirtualPath": 

1198 """Ensure a given path exists and is a directory. 


1200 :param path: Path to the directory to create. Any parent directories will be 

1201 created as needed. If the path already exists and is a directory, then it 

1202 is returned. If any part of the path exists and that is not a directory, 

1203 then the `mkdirs` call will raise an error. 

1204 :return: The directory denoted by the given path 

1205 """ 

1206 raise NotImplementedError 


1208 def add_file( 

1209 self, 

1210 name: str, 

1211 *, 

1212 unlink_if_exists: bool = True, 

1213 use_fs_path_mode: bool = False, 

1214 mode: int = 0o0644, 

1215 mtime: Optional[float] = None, 

1216 ) -> ContextManager["VirtualPath"]: 

1217 """Add a new regular file as a child of this path 


1219 This method will insert a new file into the virtual file system as a child 

1220 of the current path (which must be a directory). The caller must use the 

1221 return value as a context manager (see example). During the life-cycle of 

1222 the managed context, the caller can fill out the contents of the file 

1223 from the new path's `fs_path` attribute. The `fs_path` will exist as an 

1224 empty file when the context manager is entered. 


1226 Once the context manager exits, mutation of the `fs_path` is no longer permitted. 


1228 >>> import subprocess 

1229 >>> path = ... # doctest: +SKIP 

1230 >>> with path.add_file("foo") as new_file, open(new_file.fs_path, "w") as fd: # doctest: +SKIP 

1231 ... fd.writelines(["Some", "Content", "Here"]) 


1233 The caller can replace the provided `fs_path` entirely provided at the end result 

1234 (when the context manager exits) is a regular file with no hard links. 


1236 Note that this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False. 


1238 :param name: Basename of the new file 

1239 :param unlink_if_exists: If the name was already in use, then either an exception is thrown 

1240 (when `unlink_if_exists` is False) or the path will be removed via ´unlink(recursive=False)` 

1241 (when `unlink_if_exists` is True) 

1242 :param use_fs_path_mode: When True, the file created will have this mode in the physical file 

1243 system. When the context manager exists, `debputy` will refresh its mode to match the mode 

1244 in the physical file system. This is primarily useful if the caller uses a subprocess to 

1245 mutate the path and the file mode is relevant for this tool (either as input or output). 

1246 When the parameter is false, the new file is guaranteed to be readable and writable for 

1247 the current user. However, no other guarantees are given (not even that it matches the 

1248 `mode` parameter and any changes to the mode in the physical file system will be ignored. 

1249 :param mode: This is the initial file mode. Note the `use_fs_path_mode` parameter for how 

1250 this interacts with the physical file system. 

1251 :param mtime: If the caller has a more accurate mtime than the mtime of the generated file, 

1252 then it can be provided here. Note that all mtimes will later be clamped based on 

1253 `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`. This parameter is only for when the conceptual mtime of this path 

1254 should be earlier than `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`. 

1255 :return: A Context manager that upon entering provides a `VirtualPath` instance for the 

1256 new file. The instance remains valid after the context manager exits (assuming it exits 

1257 successfully), but the file denoted by `fs_path` must not be changed after the context 

1258 manager exits 

1259 """ 

1260 raise NotImplementedError 


1262 def replace_fs_path_content( 

1263 self, 

1264 *, 

1265 use_fs_path_mode: bool = False, 

1266 ) -> ContextManager[str]: 

1267 """Replace the contents of this file via inline manipulation 


1269 Used as a context manager to provide the fs path for manipulation. 


1271 Example: 

1272 >>> import subprocess 

1273 >>> path = ... # doctest: +SKIP 

1274 >>> with path.replace_fs_path_content() as fs_path: # doctest: +SKIP 

1275 ... subprocess.check_call(['strip', fs_path]) # doctest: +SKIP 


1277 The provided file system path should be manipulated inline. The debputy framework may 

1278 copy it first as necessary and therefore the provided fs_path may be different from 

1279 `path.fs_path` prior to entering the context manager. 


1281 Note that this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False. 


1283 If the mutation causes the returned `fs_path` to be a non-file or a hard-linked file 

1284 when the context manager exits, `debputy` will raise an error at that point. To preserve 

1285 the internal invariants of `debputy`, the path will be unlinked as `debputy` cannot 

1286 reliably restore the path. 


1288 :param use_fs_path_mode: If True, any changes to the mode on the physical FS path will be 

1289 recorded as the desired mode of the file when the contextmanager ends. The provided FS path 

1290 with start with the current mode when `use_fs_path_mode` is True. Otherwise, `debputy` will 

1291 ignore the mode of the file system entry and reuse its own current mode 

1292 definition. 

1293 :return: A Context manager that upon entering provides the path to a muable (copy) of 

1294 this path's `fs_path` attribute. The file on the underlying path may be mutated however 

1295 the caller wishes until the context manager exits. 

1296 """ 

1297 raise NotImplementedError 


1299 def add_symlink(self, link_name: str, link_target: str) -> "VirtualPath": 

1300 """Add a new regular file as a child of this path 


1302 This will create a new symlink inside the current path. If the path already exists, 

1303 the existing path will be unlinked via `unlink(recursive=False)`. 


1305 Note that this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False. 


1307 :param link_name: The basename of the link file entry. 

1308 :param link_target: The target of the link. Link target normalization will 

1309 be handled by `debputy`, so the caller can use relative or absolute paths. 

1310 (At the time of writing, symlink target normalization happens late) 

1311 :return: The newly created symlink. 

1312 """ 

1313 raise NotImplementedError 


1315 def unlink(self, *, recursive: bool = False) -> None: 

1316 """Unlink a file or a directory 


1318 This operation will remove the path from the file system (causing `is_detached` to return True). 


1320 When the path is a: 


1322 * symlink, then the symlink itself is removed. The target (if present) is not affected. 

1323 * *non-empty* directory, then the `recursive` parameter decides the outcome. An empty 

1324 directory will be removed regardless of the value of `recursive`. 


1326 Note that: 

1327 * the root directory cannot be deleted. 

1328 * this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False. 


1330 :param recursive: If True, then non-empty directories will be unlinked as well removing everything inside them 

1331 as well. When False, an error is raised if the path is a non-empty directory 

1332 """ 

1333 raise NotImplementedError 


1335 def interpreter(self) -> Optional[Interpreter]: 

1336 """Determine the interpreter of the file (`#!`-line details) 


1338 Note: this method is only applicable for files (`is_file` is True). 


1340 :return: The detected interpreter if present or None if no interpreter can be detected. 

1341 """ 

1342 if not self.is_file: 

1343 raise TypeError("Only files can have interpreters") 

1344 try: 

1345 with, buffering=4096) as fd: 

1346 return extract_shebang_interpreter_from_file(fd) 

1347 except (PureVirtualPathError, TestPathWithNonExistentFSPathError): 

1348 return None 


1350 def metadata( 

1351 self, 

1352 metadata_type: Type[PMT], 

1353 ) -> PathMetadataReference[PMT]: 

1354 """Fetch the path metadata reference to access the underlying metadata 


1356 Calling this method returns a reference to an arbitrary piece of metadata associated 

1357 with this path. Plugins can store any arbitrary data associated with a given path. 

1358 Keep in mind that the metadata is stored in memory, so keep the size in moderation. 


1360 To store / update the metadata, the path must be in read-write mode. However, 

1361 already stored metadata remains accessible even if the path becomes read-only. 


1363 Note this method is not applicable if the path is detached 


1365 :param metadata_type: Type of the metadata being stored. 

1366 :return: A reference to the metadata. 

1367 """ 

1368 raise NotImplementedError 



1371class FlushableSubstvars(Substvars): 

1372 __slots__ = () 


1374 @contextlib.contextmanager 

1375 def flush(self) -> Iterator[str]: 

1376 """Temporarily write the substvars to a file and then re-read it again 


1378 >>> s = FlushableSubstvars() 

1379 >>> 'Test:Var' in s 

1380 False 

1381 >>> with s.flush() as name, open(name, 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as fobj: 

1382 ... _ = fobj.write('Test:Var=bar\\n') # "_ = " is to ignore the return value of write 

1383 >>> 'Test:Var' in s 

1384 True 


1386 Used as a context manager to define when the file is flushed and can be 

1387 accessed via the file system. If the context terminates successfully, the 

1388 file is read and its content replaces the current substvars. 


1390 This is mostly useful if the plugin needs to interface with a third-party 

1391 tool that requires a file as interprocess communication (IPC) for sharing 

1392 the substvars. 


1394 The file may be truncated or completed replaced (change inode) as long as 

1395 the provided path points to a regular file when the context manager 

1396 terminates successfully. 


1398 Note that any manipulation of the substvars via the `Substvars` API while 

1399 the file is flushed will silently be discarded if the context manager completes 

1400 successfully. 

1401 """ 

1402 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+t", encoding="utf-8") as tmp: 

1403 self.write_substvars(tmp) 

1404 tmp.flush() # Temping to use close, but then we have to manually delete the file. 

1405 yield 

1406 # Re-open; seek did not work when I last tried (if I did it work, feel free to 

1407 # convert back to seek - as long as it works!) 

1408 with open(, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fd: 

1409 self.read_substvars(fd) 


1411 def save(self) -> None: 

1412 # Promote the debputy extension over `save()` for the plugins. 

1413 if self._substvars_path is None: 

1414 raise TypeError( 

1415 "Please use `flush()` extension to temporarily write the substvars to the file system" 

1416 ) 

1417 super().save() 



1420class ServiceRegistry(Generic[DSD]): 

1421 __slots__ = () 


1423 def register_service( 

1424 self, 

1425 path: VirtualPath, 

1426 name: Union[str, List[str]], 

1427 *, 

1428 type_of_service: str = "service", # "timer", etc. 

1429 service_scope: str = "system", 

1430 enable_by_default: bool = True, 

1431 start_by_default: bool = True, 

1432 default_upgrade_rule: ServiceUpgradeRule = "restart", 

1433 service_context: Optional[DSD] = None, 

1434 ) -> None: 

1435 """Register a service detected in the package 


1437 All the details will either be provided as-is or used as default when the plugin provided 

1438 integration code is called. 


1440 Two services from different service managers are considered related when: 


1442 1) They are of the same type (`type_of_service`) and has the same scope (`service_scope`), AND 

1443 2) Their plugin provided names has an overlap 


1445 Related services can be covered by the same service definition in the manifest. 


1447 :param path: The path defining this service. 

1448 :param name: The name of the service. Multiple ones can be provided if the service has aliases. 

1449 Note that when providing multiple names, `debputy` will use the first name in the list as the 

1450 default name if it has to choose. Any alternative name provided can be used by the packager 

1451 to identify this service. 

1452 :param type_of_service: The type of service. By default, this is "service", but plugins can 

1453 provide other types (such as "timer" for the systemd timer unit). 

1454 :param service_scope: The scope for this service. By default, this is "system" meaning the 

1455 service is a system-wide service. Service managers can define their own scopes such as 

1456 "user" (which is used by systemd for "per-user" services). 

1457 :param enable_by_default: Whether the service should be enabled by default, assuming the 

1458 packager does not explicitly override this setting. 

1459 :param start_by_default: Whether the service should be started by default on install, assuming 

1460 the packager does not explicitly override this setting. 

1461 :param default_upgrade_rule: The default value for how the service should be processed during 

1462 upgrades. Options are: 

1463 * `do-nothing`: The plugin should not interact with the running service (if any) 

1464 (maintenance of the enabled start, start on install, etc. are still applicable) 

1465 * `reload`: The plugin should attempt to reload the running service (if any). 

1466 Note: In combination with `auto_start_in_install == False`, be careful to not 

1467 start the service if not is not already running. 

1468 * `restart`: The plugin should attempt to restart the running service (if any). 

1469 Note: In combination with `auto_start_in_install == False`, be careful to not 

1470 start the service if not is not already running. 

1471 * `stop-then-start`: The plugin should stop the service during `prerm upgrade` 

1472 and start it against in the `postinst` script. 


1474 :param service_context: Any custom data that the detector want to pass along to the 

1475 integrator for this service. 

1476 """ 

1477 raise NotImplementedError 



1480@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True) 

1481class ParserAttributeDocumentation: 

1482 attributes: FrozenSet[str] 

1483 description: Optional[str] 



1486def undocumented_attr(attr: str) -> ParserAttributeDocumentation: 

1487 """Describe an attribute as undocumented 


1489 If you for some reason do not want to document a particular attribute, you can mark it as 

1490 undocumented. This is required if you are only documenting a subset of the attributes, 

1491 because `debputy` assumes any omission to be a mistake. 

1492 """ 

1493 return ParserAttributeDocumentation( 

1494 frozenset({attr}), 

1495 None, 

1496 ) 



1499@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True) 

1500class ParserDocumentation: 

1501 title: Optional[str] = None 

1502 description: Optional[str] = None 

1503 attribute_doc: Optional[Sequence[ParserAttributeDocumentation]] = None 

1504 alt_parser_description: Optional[str] = None 

1505 documentation_reference_url: Optional[str] = None 


1507 def replace(self, **changes: Any) -> "ParserDocumentation": 

1508 return dataclasses.replace(self, **changes) 



1511@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True) 

1512class TypeMappingExample(Generic[S]): 

1513 source_input: S 



1516@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True) 

1517class TypeMappingDocumentation(Generic[S]): 

1518 description: Optional[str] = None 

1519 examples: Sequence[TypeMappingExample[S]] = tuple() 



1522def type_mapping_example(source_input: S) -> TypeMappingExample[S]: 

1523 return TypeMappingExample(source_input) 



1526def type_mapping_reference_documentation( 

1527 *, 

1528 description: Optional[str] = None, 

1529 examples: Union[TypeMappingExample[S], Iterable[TypeMappingExample[S]]] = tuple(), 

1530) -> TypeMappingDocumentation[S]: 

1531 e = ( 

1532 tuple([examples]) 

1533 if isinstance(examples, TypeMappingExample) 

1534 else tuple(examples) 

1535 ) 

1536 return TypeMappingDocumentation( 

1537 description=description, 

1538 examples=e, 

1539 ) 



1542def documented_attr( 

1543 attr: Union[str, Iterable[str]], 

1544 description: str, 

1545) -> ParserAttributeDocumentation: 

1546 """Describe an attribute or a group of attributes 


1548 :param attr: A single attribute or a sequence of attributes. The attribute must be the 

1549 attribute name as used in the source format version of the TypedDict. 


1551 If multiple attributes are provided, they will be documented together. This is often 

1552 useful if these attributes are strongly related (such as different names for the same 

1553 target attribute). 

1554 :param description: The description the user should see for this attribute / these 

1555 attributes. This parameter can be a Python format string with variables listed in 

1556 the description of `reference_documentation`. 

1557 :return: An opaque representation of the documentation, 

1558 """ 

1559 attributes = [attr] if isinstance(attr, str) else attr 

1560 return ParserAttributeDocumentation( 

1561 frozenset(attributes), 

1562 description, 

1563 ) 



1566def reference_documentation( 

1567 title: str = "Auto-generated reference documentation for {RULE_NAME}", 

1568 description: Optional[str] = textwrap.dedent( 

1569 """\ 

1570 This is an automatically generated reference documentation for {RULE_NAME}. It is generated 

1571 from input provided by {PLUGIN_NAME} via the debputy API. 


1573 (If you are the provider of the {PLUGIN_NAME} plugin, you can replace this text with 

1574 your own documentation by providing the `inline_reference_documentation` when registering 

1575 the manifest rule.) 

1576 """ 

1577 ), 

1578 attributes: Optional[Sequence[ParserAttributeDocumentation]] = None, 

1579 non_mapping_description: Optional[str] = None, 

1580 reference_documentation_url: Optional[str] = None, 

1581) -> ParserDocumentation: 

1582 """Provide inline reference documentation for the manifest snippet 


1584 For parameters that mention that they are a Python format, the following format variables 

1585 are available: 


1587 * RULE_NAME: Name of the rule. If manifest snippet has aliases, this will be the name of 

1588 the alias provided by the user. 

1589 * MANIFEST_FORMAT_DOC: Path OR URL to the "MANIFEST-FORMAT" reference documentation from 

1590 `debputy`. By using the MANIFEST_FORMAT_DOC variable, you ensure that you point to the 

1591 file that matches the version of `debputy` itself. 

1592 * PLUGIN_NAME: Name of the plugin providing this rule. 


1594 :param title: The text you want the user to see as for your rule. A placeholder is provided by default. 

1595 This parameter can be a Python format string with the above listed variables. 

1596 :param description: The text you want the user to see as a description for the rule. An auto-generated 

1597 placeholder is provided by default saying that no human written documentation was provided. 

1598 This parameter can be a Python format string with the above listed variables. 

1599 :param attributes: A sequence of attribute-related documentation. Each element of the sequence should 

1600 be the result of `documented_attr` or `undocumented_attr`. The sequence must cover all source 

1601 attributes exactly once. 

1602 :param non_mapping_description: The text you want the user to see as the description for your rule when 

1603 `debputy` describes its non-mapping format. Must not be provided for rules that do not have an 

1604 (optional) non-mapping format as source format. This parameter can be a Python format string with 

1605 the above listed variables. 

1606 :param reference_documentation_url: A URL to the reference documentation. 

1607 :return: An opaque representation of the documentation, 

1608 """ 

1609 return ParserDocumentation( 

1610 title, 

1611 description, 

1612 attributes, 

1613 non_mapping_description, 

1614 reference_documentation_url, 

1615 ) 



1618class ServiceDefinition(Generic[DSD]): 

1619 __slots__ = () 


1621 @property 

1622 def name(self) -> str: 

1623 """Name of the service registered by the plugin 


1625 This is always a plugin provided name for this service (that is, ` in x.names` 

1626 will always be `True`). Where possible, this will be the same as the one that the 

1627 packager provided when they provided any configuration related to this service. 

1628 When not possible, this will be the first name provided by the plugin (`x.names[0]`). 


1630 If all the aliases are equal, then using this attribute will provide traceability 

1631 between the manifest and the generated maintscript snippets. When the exact name 

1632 used is important, the plugin should ignore this attribute and pick the name that 

1633 is needed. 

1634 """ 

1635 raise NotImplementedError 


1637 @property 

1638 def names(self) -> Sequence[str]: 

1639 """All *plugin provided* names and aliases of the service 


1641 This is the name/sequence of names that the plugin provided when it registered 

1642 the service earlier. 

1643 """ 

1644 raise NotImplementedError 


1646 @property 

1647 def path(self) -> VirtualPath: 

1648 """The registered path for this service 


1650 :return: The path that was associated with this service when it was registered 

1651 earlier. 

1652 """ 

1653 raise NotImplementedError 


1655 @property 

1656 def type_of_service(self) -> str: 

1657 """Type of the service such as "service" (daemon), "timer", etc. 


1659 :return: The type of service scope. It is the same value as the one as the plugin provided 

1660 when registering the service (if not explicitly provided, it defaults to "service"). 

1661 """ 

1662 raise NotImplementedError 


1664 @property 

1665 def service_scope(self) -> str: 

1666 """Service scope such as "system" or "user" 


1668 :return: The service scope. It is the same value as the one as the plugin provided 

1669 when registering the service (if not explicitly provided, it defaults to "system") 

1670 """ 

1671 raise NotImplementedError 


1673 @property 

1674 def auto_enable_on_install(self) -> bool: 

1675 """Whether the service should be auto-enabled on install 


1677 :return: True if the service should be enabled automatically, false if not. 

1678 """ 

1679 raise NotImplementedError 


1681 @property 

1682 def auto_start_on_install(self) -> bool: 

1683 """Whether the service should be auto-started on install 


1685 :return: True if the service should be started automatically, false if not. 

1686 """ 

1687 raise NotImplementedError 


1689 @property 

1690 def on_upgrade(self) -> ServiceUpgradeRule: 

1691 """How to handle the service during an upgrade 


1693 Options are: 

1694 * `do-nothing`: The plugin should not interact with the running service (if any) 

1695 (maintenance of the enabled start, start on install, etc. are still applicable) 

1696 * `reload`: The plugin should attempt to reload the running service (if any). 

1697 Note: In combination with `auto_start_in_install == False`, be careful to not 

1698 start the service if not is not already running. 

1699 * `restart`: The plugin should attempt to restart the running service (if any). 

1700 Note: In combination with `auto_start_in_install == False`, be careful to not 

1701 start the service if not is not already running. 

1702 * `stop-then-start`: The plugin should stop the service during `prerm upgrade` 

1703 and start it against in the `postinst` script. 


1705 Note: In all cases, the plugin should still consider what to do in 

1706 `prerm remove`, which is the last point in time where the plugin can rely on the 

1707 service definitions in the file systems to stop the services when the package is 

1708 being uninstalled. 


1710 :return: The service restart rule 

1711 """ 

1712 raise NotImplementedError 


1714 @property 

1715 def definition_source(self) -> str: 

1716 """Describes where this definition came from 


1718 If the definition is provided by the packager, then this will reference the part 

1719 of the manifest that made this definition. Otherwise, this will be a reference 

1720 to the plugin providing this definition. 


1722 :return: The source of this definition 

1723 """ 

1724 raise NotImplementedError 


1726 @property 

1727 def is_plugin_provided_definition(self) -> bool: 

1728 """Whether the definition source points to the plugin or a package provided definition 


1730 :return: True if definition is 100% from the plugin. False if the definition is partially 

1731 or fully from another source (usually, the packager via the manifest). 

1732 """ 

1733 raise NotImplementedError 


1735 @property 

1736 def service_context(self) -> Optional[DSD]: 

1737 """Custom service context (if any) provided by the detector code of the plugin 


1739 :return: If the detection code provided a custom data when registering the 

1740 service, this attribute will reference that data. If nothing was provided, 

1741 then this attribute will be None. 

1742 """ 

1743 raise NotImplementedError