package Dpkg::BuildDriver::Debputy; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Dpkg::ErrorHandling; sub _run_cmd { my @cmd = @_; printcmd(@cmd); system @cmd and subprocerr("@cmd"); } sub new { my ($this, %opts) = @_; my $class = ref($this) || $this; my $self = bless({ 'ctrl' => $opts{ctrl}, 'debputy_cmd' => 'debputy', }, $class); return $self; } sub pre_check { my ($self) = @_; my $ctrl_src = $self->{'ctrl'}->get_source(); my $debputy_self_hosting_cmd = './'; if ($ctrl_src->{"Source"} eq 'debputy' and -f -x $debputy_self_hosting_cmd) { $self->{'debputy_cmd'} = $debputy_self_hosting_cmd; notice("Detected this is a self-hosting build of debputy. Using \"${debputy_self_hosting_cmd}\" to self-host."); } return; } sub need_build_task { return 0; } sub run_task { my ($self, $task) = @_; _run_cmd($self->{'debputy_cmd'}, 'internal-command', 'dpkg-build-driver-run-task', $task); return; } 1;