import atexit import contextlib import dataclasses import errno import io import operator import os import stat import subprocess import tempfile import time from abc import ABC from contextlib import suppress from typing import ( List, Iterable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, Iterator, Mapping, cast, Any, ContextManager, TextIO, BinaryIO, NoReturn, Type, Generic, ) from weakref import ref, ReferenceType from debputy.exceptions import ( PureVirtualPathError, DebputyFSIsROError, DebputyMetadataAccessError, TestPathWithNonExistentFSPathError, SymlinkLoopError, ) from debputy.intermediate_manifest import PathType from debputy.manifest_parser.base_types import ( ROOT_DEFINITION, StaticFileSystemOwner, StaticFileSystemGroup, ) from debputy.plugin.api.spec import ( VirtualPath, PathDef, PathMetadataReference, PMT, ) from debputy.types import VP from debputy.util import ( generated_content_dir, _error, escape_shell, assume_not_none, _normalize_path, ) BY_BASENAME = operator.attrgetter("name") class AlwaysEmptyReadOnlyMetadataReference(PathMetadataReference[PMT]): __slots__ = ("_metadata_type", "_owning_plugin", "_current_plugin") def __init__( self, owning_plugin: str, current_plugin: str, metadata_type: Type[PMT], ) -> None: self._owning_plugin = owning_plugin self._current_plugin = current_plugin self._metadata_type = metadata_type @property def is_present(self) -> bool: return False @property def can_read(self) -> bool: return self._owning_plugin == self._current_plugin @property def can_write(self) -> bool: return False @property def value(self) -> Optional[PMT]: if self.can_read: return None raise DebputyMetadataAccessError( f"Cannot read the metadata {self._metadata_type.__name__} owned by" f" {self._owning_plugin} as the metadata has not been made" f" readable to the plugin {self._current_plugin}." ) @value.setter def value(self, new_value: PMT) -> None: if self._is_owner: raise DebputyFSIsROError( f"Cannot set the metadata {self._metadata_type.__name__} as the path is read-only" ) raise DebputyMetadataAccessError( f"Cannot set the metadata {self._metadata_type.__name__} owned by" f" {self._owning_plugin} as the metadata has not been made" f" read-write to the plugin {self._current_plugin}." ) @property def _is_owner(self) -> bool: return self._owning_plugin == self._current_plugin @dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True) class PathMetadataValue(Generic[PMT]): owning_plugin: str metadata_type: Type[PMT] value: Optional[PMT] = None def can_read_value(self, current_plugin: str) -> bool: return self.owning_plugin == current_plugin def can_write_value(self, current_plugin: str) -> bool: return self.owning_plugin == current_plugin class PathMetadataReferenceImplementation(PathMetadataReference[PMT]): __slots__ = ("_owning_path", "_current_plugin", "_path_metadata_value") def __init__( self, owning_path: VirtualPath, current_plugin: str, path_metadata_value: PathMetadataValue[PMT], ) -> None: self._owning_path = owning_path self._current_plugin = current_plugin self._path_metadata_value = path_metadata_value @property def is_present(self) -> bool: if not self.can_read: return False return self._path_metadata_value.value is not None @property def can_read(self) -> bool: return self._path_metadata_value.can_read_value(self._current_plugin) @property def can_write(self) -> bool: if not self._path_metadata_value.can_write_value(self._current_plugin): return False owning_path = self._owning_path return owning_path.is_read_write and not owning_path.is_detached @property def value(self) -> Optional[PMT]: if self.can_read: return self._path_metadata_value.value raise DebputyMetadataAccessError( f"Cannot read the metadata {self._metadata_type_name} owned by" f" {self._owning_plugin} as the metadata has not been made" f" readable to the plugin {self._current_plugin}." ) @value.setter def value(self, new_value: PMT) -> None: if not self.can_write: m = "set" if new_value is not None else "delete" raise DebputyMetadataAccessError( f"Cannot {m} the metadata {self._metadata_type_name} owned by" f" {self._owning_plugin} as the metadata has not been made" f" read-write to the plugin {self._current_plugin}." ) owning_path = self._owning_path if not owning_path.is_read_write: raise DebputyFSIsROError( f"Cannot set the metadata {self._metadata_type_name} as the path is read-only" ) if owning_path.is_detached: raise TypeError( f"Cannot set the metadata {self._metadata_type_name} as the path is detached" ) self._path_metadata_value.value = new_value @property def _is_owner(self) -> bool: return self._owning_plugin == self._current_plugin @property def _owning_plugin(self) -> str: return self._path_metadata_value.owning_plugin @property def _metadata_type_name(self) -> str: return self._path_metadata_value.metadata_type.__name__ def _cp_a(source: str, dest: str) -> None: cmd = ["cp", "-a", source, dest] try: subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: full_command = escape_shell(*cmd) _error( f"The attempt to make an internal copy of {escape_shell(source)} failed. Please review the output of cp" f" above to understand what went wrong. The full command was: {full_command}" ) def _split_path(path: str) -> Tuple[bool, bool, List[str]]: must_be_dir = True if path.endswith("/") else False absolute = False if path.startswith("/"): absolute = True path = "." + path path_parts = path.rstrip("/").split("/") if must_be_dir: path_parts.append(".") return absolute, must_be_dir, path_parts def _root(path: VP) -> VP: current = path while True: parent = current.parent_dir if parent is None: return current current = parent def _check_fs_path_is_file( fs_path: str, unlink_on_error: Optional["FSPath"] = None, ) -> None: had_issue = False try: # FIXME: Check mode, and use the Virtual Path to cache the result as a side-effect st = os.lstat(fs_path) except FileNotFoundError: had_issue = True else: if not stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) or st.st_nlink > 1: had_issue = True if not had_issue: return if unlink_on_error: with suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.unlink(fs_path) raise TypeError( "The provided FS backing file was deleted, replaced with a non-file entry or it was hard" " linked to another file. The entry has been disconnected." ) class CurrentPluginContextManager: __slots__ = ("_plugin_names",) def __init__(self, initial_plugin_name: str) -> None: self._plugin_names = [initial_plugin_name] @property def current_plugin_name(self) -> str: return self._plugin_names[-1] @contextlib.contextmanager def change_plugin_context(self, new_plugin_name: str) -> Iterator[str]: self._plugin_names.append(new_plugin_name) yield new_plugin_name self._plugin_names.pop() class VirtualPathBase(VirtualPath, ABC): __slots__ = () def _orphan_safe_path(self) -> str: return self.path def _rw_check(self) -> None: if not self.is_read_write: raise DebputyFSIsROError( f'Attempt to write to "{self._orphan_safe_path()}" failed:' " Debputy Virtual File system is R/O." ) def lookup(self, path: str) -> Optional["VirtualPathBase"]: match, missing = self.attempt_lookup(path) if missing: return None return match def attempt_lookup(self, path: str) -> Tuple["VirtualPathBase", List[str]]: if self.is_detached: raise ValueError( f'Cannot perform lookup via "{self._orphan_safe_path()}": The path is detached' ) absolute, must_be_dir, path_parts = _split_path(path) current = _root(self) if absolute else self path_parts.reverse() link_expansions = set() while path_parts: dir_part = path_parts.pop() if dir_part == ".": continue if dir_part == "..": p = current.parent_dir if p is None: raise ValueError(f'The path "{path}" escapes the root dir') current = p continue try: current = current[dir_part] except KeyError: path_parts.append(dir_part) path_parts.reverse() if must_be_dir: path_parts.pop() return current, path_parts if current.is_symlink and path_parts: if current.path in link_expansions: # This is our loop detection for now. It might have some false positives where you # could safely resolve the same symlink twice. However, given that this use-case is # basically non-existent in practice for packaging, we just stop here for now. raise SymlinkLoopError( f'The path "{path}" traversed the symlink "{current.path}" multiple' " times. Currently, traversing the same symlink twice is considered" " a loop by `debputy` even if the path would eventually resolve." " Consider filing a feature request if you have a benign case that" " triggers this error." ) link_expansions.add(current.path) link_target = current.readlink() link_absolute, _, link_path_parts = _split_path(link_target) if link_absolute: current = _root(current) else: current = assume_not_none(current.parent_dir) link_path_parts.reverse() path_parts.extend(link_path_parts) return current, [] def mkdirs(self, path: str) -> "VirtualPath": current: VirtualPath current, missing_parts = self.attempt_lookup( f"{path}/" if not path.endswith("/") else path ) if not current.is_dir: raise ValueError( f'mkdirs of "{path}" failed: This would require {current.path} to not exist OR be' " a directory. However, that path exist AND is a not directory." ) for missing_part in missing_parts: assert missing_part not in (".", "..") current = current.mkdir(missing_part) return current def prune_if_empty_dir(self) -> None: """Remove this and all (now) empty parent directories Same as: `rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty --parents` This operation may cause the path (and any of its parent directories) to become "detached" and therefore unsafe to use in further operations. """ self._rw_check() if not self.is_dir: raise TypeError(f"{self._orphan_safe_path()} is not a directory") if any(self.iterdir): return parent_dir = assume_not_none(self.parent_dir) # Recursive does not matter; we already know the directory is empty. self.unlink() # Note: The root dir must never be deleted. This works because when delegating it to the root # directory, its implementation of this method is a no-op. If this is later rewritten to an # inline loop (rather than recursion), be sure to preserve this feature. parent_dir.prune_if_empty_dir() def _current_plugin(self) -> str: if self.is_detached: raise TypeError("Cannot resolve the current plugin; path is detached") current = self while True: next_parent = current.parent_dir if next_parent is None: break current = next_parent assert current is not None return cast("FSRootDir", current)._current_plugin() class FSPath(VirtualPathBase, ABC): __slots__ = ( "_basename", "_parent_dir", "_children", "_path_cache", "_parent_path_cache", "_last_known_parent_path", "_mode", "_owner", "_group", "_mtime", "_stat_cache", "_metadata", "__weakref__", ) def __init__( self, basename: str, parent: Optional["FSPath"], children: Optional[Dict[str, "FSPath"]] = None, initial_mode: Optional[int] = None, mtime: Optional[float] = None, stat_cache: Optional[os.stat_result] = None, ) -> None: self._basename = basename self._path_cache: Optional[str] = None self._parent_path_cache: Optional[str] = None self._children = children self._last_known_parent_path: Optional[str] = None self._mode = initial_mode self._mtime = mtime self._stat_cache = stat_cache self._metadata: Dict[Tuple[str, Type[Any]], PathMetadataValue[Any]] = {} self._owner = ROOT_DEFINITION self._group = ROOT_DEFINITION # The self._parent_dir = None is to create `_parent_dir` because the parent_dir setter calls # is_orphaned, which assumes self._parent_dir is an attribute. self._parent_dir: Optional[ReferenceType["FSPath"]] = None if parent is not None: self.parent_dir = parent def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self._orphan_safe_path()!r}," f" is_file={self.is_file}," f" is_dir={self.is_dir}," f" is_symlink={self.is_symlink}," f" has_fs_path={self.has_fs_path}," f" children_len={len(self._children) if self._children else 0})" ) @property def name(self) -> str: return self._basename @name.setter def name(self, new_name: str) -> None: self._rw_check() if new_name == self._basename: return if self.is_detached: self._basename = new_name return self._rw_check() parent = self.parent_dir # This little parent_dir dance ensures the parent dir detects the rename properly self.parent_dir = None self._basename = new_name self.parent_dir = parent @property def iterdir(self) -> Iterable["FSPath"]: if self._children is not None: yield from self._children.values() def all_paths(self) -> Iterable["FSPath"]: yield self if not self.is_dir: return by_basename = BY_BASENAME stack = sorted(self.iterdir, key=by_basename, reverse=True) while stack: current = stack.pop() yield current if current.is_dir and not current.is_detached: stack.extend(sorted(current.iterdir, key=by_basename, reverse=True)) def walk(self) -> Iterable[Tuple["FSPath", List["FSPath"]]]: # FIXME: can this be more "os.walk"-like without making it harder to implement? if not self.is_dir: yield self, [] return by_basename = BY_BASENAME stack = [self] while stack: current = stack.pop() children = sorted(current.iterdir, key=by_basename) assert not children or current.is_dir yield current, children # Removing the directory counts as discarding the children. if not current.is_detached: stack.extend(reversed(children)) def _orphan_safe_path(self) -> str: if not self.is_detached or self._last_known_parent_path is not None: return self.path return f"/{}" @property def is_detached(self) -> bool: parent = self._parent_dir if parent is None: return True resolved_parent = parent() if resolved_parent is None: return True return resolved_parent.is_detached # The __getitem__ behaves like __getitem__ from Dict but __iter__ would ideally work like a Sequence. # However, that does not feel compatible, so lets force people to use .children instead for the Sequence # behaviour to avoid surprises for now. # (Maybe it is a non-issue, but it is easier to add the API later than to remove it once we have committed # to using it) __iter__ = None def __getitem__(self, key) -> "FSPath": if self._children is None: raise KeyError( f"{key} (note: {self._orphan_safe_path()!r} has no children)" ) if isinstance(key, FSPath): key = return self._children[key] def __delitem__(self, key) -> None: self._rw_check() children = self._children if children is None: raise KeyError(key) del children[key] def get(self, key: str) -> "Optional[FSPath]": try: return self[key] except KeyError: return None def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: if isinstance(item, VirtualPath): return item.parent_dir is self if not isinstance(item, str): return False m = self.get(item) return m is not None def _add_child(self, child: "FSPath") -> None: self._rw_check() if not self.is_dir: raise TypeError(f"{self._orphan_safe_path()!r} is not a directory") if self._children is None: self._children = {} conflict_child = self.get( if conflict_child is not None: conflict_child.unlink(recursive=True) self._children[] = child @property def tar_path(self) -> str: path = self.path if self.is_dir: return path + "/" return path @property def path(self) -> str: parent_path = self.parent_dir_path if ( self._parent_path_cache is not None and self._parent_path_cache == parent_path ): return assume_not_none(self._path_cache) if parent_path is None: raise ReferenceError( f"The path {} is detached! {self.__class__.__name__}" ) self._parent_path_cache = parent_path ret = os.path.join(parent_path, self._path_cache = ret return ret @property def parent_dir(self) -> Optional["FSPath"]: p_ref = self._parent_dir p = p_ref() if p_ref is not None else None if p is None: raise ReferenceError( f"The path {} is detached! {self.__class__.__name__}" ) return p @parent_dir.setter def parent_dir(self, new_parent: Optional["FSPath"]) -> None: self._rw_check() if new_parent is not None: if not new_parent.is_dir: raise ValueError( f"The parent {new_parent._orphan_safe_path()} must be a directory" ) new_parent._rw_check() old_parent = None self._last_known_parent_path = None if not self.is_detached: old_parent = self.parent_dir old_parent_children = assume_not_none(assume_not_none(old_parent)._children) del old_parent_children[] if new_parent is not None: self._parent_dir = ref(new_parent) new_parent._add_child(self) else: if old_parent is not None and not old_parent.is_detached: self._last_known_parent_path = old_parent.path self._parent_dir = None self._parent_path_cache = None @property def parent_dir_path(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_detached: return self._last_known_parent_path return assume_not_none(self.parent_dir).path def chown( self, owner: Optional[StaticFileSystemOwner], group: Optional[StaticFileSystemGroup], ) -> None: """Change the owner/group of this path :param owner: The desired owner definition for this path. If None, then no change of owner is performed. :param group: The desired group definition for this path. If None, then no change of group is performed. """ self._rw_check() if owner is not None: self._owner = owner.ownership_definition if group is not None: self._group = group.ownership_definition def stat(self) -> os.stat_result: st = self._stat_cache if st is None: st = self._uncached_stat() self._stat_cache = st return st def _uncached_stat(self) -> os.stat_result: return os.lstat(self.fs_path) @property def mode(self) -> int: current_mode = self._mode if current_mode is None: current_mode = stat.S_IMODE(self.stat().st_mode) self._mode = current_mode return current_mode @mode.setter def mode(self, new_mode: int) -> None: self._rw_check() min_bit = 0o500 if self.is_dir else 0o400 if (new_mode & min_bit) != min_bit: omode = oct(new_mode)[2:] omin = oct(min_bit)[2:] raise ValueError( f'Attempt to set mode of path "{self._orphan_safe_path()}" to {omode} rejected;' f" Minimum requirements are {omin} (read-bit and, for dirs, exec bit for user)." " There are no paths that do not need these requirements met and they can cause" " problems during build or on the final system." ) self._mode = new_mode @property def mtime(self) -> float: mtime = self._mtime if mtime is None: mtime = self.stat().st_mtime self._mtime = mtime return mtime @mtime.setter def mtime(self, new_mtime: float) -> None: self._rw_check() self._mtime = new_mtime @property def tar_owner_info(self) -> Tuple[str, int, str, int]: owner = self._owner group = self._group return ( owner.entity_name, owner.entity_id, group.entity_name, group.entity_id, ) @property def _can_replace_inline(self) -> bool: return False @contextlib.contextmanager def add_file( self, name: str, *, unlink_if_exists: bool = True, use_fs_path_mode: bool = False, mode: int = 0o0644, mtime: Optional[float] = None, # Special-case parameters that are not exposed in the API fs_basename_matters: bool = False, subdir_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Iterator["FSPath"]: if "/" in name or name in {".", ".."}: raise ValueError(f'Invalid file name: "{name}"') if not self.is_dir: raise TypeError( f"Cannot create {self._orphan_safe_path()}/{name}:" f" {self._orphan_safe_path()} is not a directory" ) self._rw_check() existing = self.get(name) if existing is not None: if not unlink_if_exists: raise ValueError( f'The path "{self._orphan_safe_path()}" already contains a file called "{name}"' f" and exist_ok was False" ) existing.unlink(recursive=False) if fs_basename_matters and subdir_key is None: raise ValueError( "When fs_basename_matters is True, a subdir_key must be provided" ) directory = generated_content_dir(subdir_key=subdir_key) if fs_basename_matters: fs_path = os.path.join(directory, name) with open(fs_path, "xb") as _: # Ensure that the fs_path exists pass child = FSBackedFilePath( name, self, fs_path, replaceable_inline=True, mtime=mtime, ) yield child else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=directory, suffix=f"__{name}", delete=False ) as fd: fs_path = child = FSBackedFilePath( name, self, fs_path, replaceable_inline=True, mtime=mtime, ) fd.close() yield child if use_fs_path_mode: # Ensure the caller can see the current mode os.chmod(fs_path, mode) _check_fs_path_is_file(fs_path, unlink_on_error=child) child._reset_caches() if not use_fs_path_mode: child.mode = mode def insert_file_from_fs_path( self, name: str, fs_path: str, *, exist_ok: bool = True, use_fs_path_mode: bool = False, mode: int = 0o0644, require_copy_on_write: bool = True, follow_symlinks: bool = True, reference_path: Optional[VirtualPath] = None, ) -> "FSPath": if "/" in name or name in {".", ".."}: raise ValueError(f'Invalid file name: "{name}"') if not self.is_dir: raise TypeError( f"Cannot create {self._orphan_safe_path()}/{name}:" f" {self._orphan_safe_path()} is not a directory" ) self._rw_check() if name in self and not exist_ok: raise ValueError( f'The path "{self._orphan_safe_path()}" already contains a file called "{name}"' f" and exist_ok was False" ) new_fs_path = fs_path if follow_symlinks: if reference_path is not None: raise ValueError( "The reference_path cannot be used with follow_symlinks" ) new_fs_path = os.path.realpath(new_fs_path, strict=True) fmode: Optional[int] = mode if use_fs_path_mode: fmode = None st = None if reference_path is None: st = os.lstat(new_fs_path) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): raise ValueError( f'The provided path "{fs_path}" is a directory. However, this' " method does not support directories" ) if not stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): if follow_symlinks: raise ValueError( f"The resolved fs_path ({new_fs_path}) was not a file." ) raise ValueError(f"The provided fs_path ({fs_path}) was not a file.") return FSBackedFilePath( name, self, new_fs_path, initial_mode=fmode, stat_cache=st, replaceable_inline=not require_copy_on_write, reference_path=reference_path, ) def add_symlink( self, link_name: str, link_target: str, *, reference_path: Optional[VirtualPath] = None, ) -> "FSPath": if "/" in link_name or link_name in {".", ".."}: raise ValueError( f'Invalid file name: "{link_name}" (it must be a valid basename)' ) if not self.is_dir: raise TypeError( f"Cannot create {self._orphan_safe_path()}/{link_name}:" f" {self._orphan_safe_path()} is not a directory" ) self._rw_check() existing = self.get(link_name) if existing: # Emulate ln -sf with attempts a non-recursive unlink first. existing.unlink(recursive=False) return SymlinkVirtualPath( link_name, self, link_target, reference_path=reference_path, ) def mkdir( self, name: str, *, reference_path: Optional[VirtualPath] = None, ) -> "FSPath": if "/" in name or name in {".", ".."}: raise ValueError( f'Invalid file name: "{name}" (it must be a valid basename)' ) if not self.is_dir: raise TypeError( f"Cannot create {self._orphan_safe_path()}/{name}:" f" {self._orphan_safe_path()} is not a directory" ) if reference_path is not None and not reference_path.is_dir: raise ValueError( f'The provided fs_path "{reference_path.fs_path}" exist but it is not a directory!' ) self._rw_check() existing = self.get(name) if existing: raise ValueError(f"Path {existing.path} already exist") return VirtualDirectoryFSPath(name, self, reference_path=reference_path) def mkdirs(self, path: str) -> "FSPath": return cast("FSPath", super().mkdirs(path)) @property def is_read_write(self) -> bool: """When true, the file system entry may be mutated :return: Whether file system mutations are permitted. """ if self.is_detached: return True return assume_not_none(self.parent_dir).is_read_write def unlink(self, *, recursive: bool = False) -> None: """Unlink a file or a directory This operation will detach the path from the file system (causing "is_detached" to return True). Note that the root directory cannot be deleted. :param recursive: If True, then non-empty directories will be unlinked as well removing everything inside them as well. When False, an error is raised if the path is a non-empty directory """ if self.is_detached: return if not recursive and any(self.iterdir): raise ValueError( f'Refusing to unlink "{self.path}": The directory was not empty and recursive was False' ) # The .parent_dir setter does a _rw_check() for us. self.parent_dir = None def _reset_caches(self) -> None: self._mtime = None self._stat_cache = None def metadata( self, metadata_type: Type[PMT], *, owning_plugin: Optional[str] = None, ) -> PathMetadataReference[PMT]: current_plugin = self._current_plugin() if owning_plugin is None: owning_plugin = current_plugin metadata_key = (owning_plugin, metadata_type) metadata_value = self._metadata.get(metadata_key) if metadata_value is None: if self.is_detached: raise TypeError( f"Cannot access the metadata {metadata_type.__name__}: The path is detached." ) if not self.is_read_write: return AlwaysEmptyReadOnlyMetadataReference( owning_plugin, current_plugin, metadata_type, ) metadata_value = PathMetadataValue(owning_plugin, metadata_type) self._metadata[metadata_key] = metadata_value return PathMetadataReferenceImplementation( self, current_plugin, metadata_value, ) @contextlib.contextmanager def replace_fs_path_content( self, *, use_fs_path_mode: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[str]: if not self.is_file: raise TypeError( f'Cannot replace contents of "{self._orphan_safe_path()}" as it is not a file' ) self._rw_check() fs_path = self.fs_path if not self._can_replace_inline: fs_path = self.fs_path directory = generated_content_dir() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=directory, suffix=f"__{}", delete=False ) as new_path_fd: new_path_fd.close() _cp_a(fs_path, fs_path = self._replaced_path(fs_path) assert self.fs_path == fs_path current_mtime = self._mtime if current_mtime is not None: os.utime(fs_path, (current_mtime, current_mtime)) current_mode = self.mode yield fs_path _check_fs_path_is_file(fs_path, unlink_on_error=self) if not use_fs_path_mode: os.chmod(fs_path, current_mode) self._reset_caches() def _replaced_path(self, new_fs_path: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError class VirtualFSPathBase(FSPath, ABC): __slots__ = () def __init__( self, basename: str, parent: Optional["FSPath"], children: Optional[Dict[str, "FSPath"]] = None, initial_mode: Optional[int] = None, mtime: Optional[float] = None, stat_cache: Optional[os.stat_result] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( basename, parent, children, initial_mode=initial_mode, mtime=mtime, stat_cache=stat_cache, ) @property def mtime(self) -> float: mtime = self._mtime if mtime is None: mtime = time.time() self._mtime = mtime return mtime @property def has_fs_path(self) -> bool: return False def stat(self) -> os.stat_result: if not self.has_fs_path: raise PureVirtualPathError( "stat() is only applicable to paths backed by the file system. The path" f" {self._orphan_safe_path()!r} is purely virtual" ) return super().stat() @property def fs_path(self) -> str: if not self.has_fs_path: raise PureVirtualPathError( "fs_path is only applicable to paths backed by the file system. The path" f" {self._orphan_safe_path()!r} is purely virtual" ) return self.fs_path class FSRootDir(FSPath): __slots__ = ("_fs_path", "_fs_read_write", "_plugin_context") def __init__(self, fs_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: self._fs_path = fs_path self._fs_read_write = True super().__init__( ".", None, children={}, initial_mode=0o755, ) self._plugin_context = CurrentPluginContextManager("debputy") @property def is_detached(self) -> bool: return False def _orphan_safe_path(self) -> str: return @property def path(self) -> str: return @property def parent_dir(self) -> Optional["FSPath"]: return None @parent_dir.setter def parent_dir(self, new_parent: Optional[FSPath]) -> None: if new_parent is not None: raise ValueError("The root directory cannot become a non-root directory") @property def parent_dir_path(self) -> Optional[str]: return None @property def is_dir(self) -> bool: return True @property def is_file(self) -> bool: return False @property def is_symlink(self) -> bool: return False def readlink(self) -> str: raise TypeError(f'"{self._orphan_safe_path()!r}" is a directory; not a symlink') @property def has_fs_path(self) -> bool: return self._fs_path is not None def stat(self) -> os.stat_result: if not self.has_fs_path: raise PureVirtualPathError( "stat() is only applicable to paths backed by the file system. The path" f" {self._orphan_safe_path()!r} is purely virtual" ) return os.stat(self.fs_path) @property def fs_path(self) -> str: if not self.has_fs_path: raise PureVirtualPathError( "fs_path is only applicable to paths backed by the file system. The path" f" {self._orphan_safe_path()!r} is purely virtual" ) return assume_not_none(self._fs_path) @property def is_read_write(self) -> bool: return self._fs_read_write @is_read_write.setter def is_read_write(self, new_value: bool) -> None: self._fs_read_write = new_value def prune_if_empty_dir(self) -> None: # No-op for the root directory. There is never a case where you want to delete this directory # (and even if you could, debputy will need it for technical reasons, so the root dir stays) return def unlink(self, *, recursive: bool = False) -> None: # There is never a case where you want to delete this directory (and even if you could, # debputy will need it for technical reasons, so the root dir stays) raise TypeError("Cannot delete the root directory") def _current_plugin(self) -> str: return self._plugin_context.current_plugin_name @contextlib.contextmanager def change_plugin_context(self, new_plugin: str) -> Iterator[str]: with self._plugin_context.change_plugin_context(new_plugin) as r: yield r class VirtualPathWithReference(VirtualFSPathBase, ABC): __slots__ = ("_reference_path",) def __init__( self, basename: str, parent: FSPath, *, default_mode: int, reference_path: Optional[VirtualPath] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( basename, parent=parent, initial_mode=reference_path.mode if reference_path else default_mode, ) self._reference_path = reference_path @property def has_fs_path(self) -> bool: ref_path = self._reference_path return ref_path is not None and ref_path.has_fs_path @property def mtime(self) -> float: mtime = self._mtime if mtime is None: ref_path = self._reference_path if ref_path: mtime = ref_path.mtime else: mtime = super().mtime self._mtime = mtime return mtime @mtime.setter def mtime(self, new_mtime: float) -> None: self._rw_check() self._mtime = new_mtime @property def fs_path(self) -> str: ref_path = self._reference_path if ref_path is not None and ( not super().has_fs_path or super().fs_path == ref_path.fs_path ): return ref_path.fs_path return super().fs_path def stat(self) -> os.stat_result: ref_path = self._reference_path if ref_path is not None and ( not super().has_fs_path or super().fs_path == ref_path.fs_path ): return ref_path.stat() return super().stat() def open( self, *, byte_io: bool = False, buffering: int = -1, ) -> Union[TextIO, BinaryIO]: reference_path = self._reference_path if reference_path is not None and reference_path.fs_path == self.fs_path: return, buffering=buffering) return super().open(byte_io=byte_io, buffering=buffering) class VirtualDirectoryFSPath(VirtualPathWithReference): __slots__ = ("_reference_path",) def __init__( self, basename: str, parent: FSPath, *, reference_path: Optional[VirtualPath] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( basename, parent, reference_path=reference_path, default_mode=0o755, ) self._reference_path = reference_path assert reference_path is None or reference_path.is_dir @property def is_dir(self) -> bool: return True @property def is_file(self) -> bool: return False @property def is_symlink(self) -> bool: return False def readlink(self) -> str: raise TypeError(f'"{self._orphan_safe_path()!r}" is a directory; not a symlink') class SymlinkVirtualPath(VirtualPathWithReference): __slots__ = ("_link_target",) def __init__( self, basename: str, parent_dir: FSPath, link_target: str, *, reference_path: Optional[VirtualPath] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( basename, parent=parent_dir, default_mode=_SYMLINK_MODE, reference_path=reference_path, ) self._link_target = link_target @property def is_dir(self) -> bool: return False @property def is_file(self) -> bool: return False @property def is_symlink(self) -> bool: return True def readlink(self) -> str: return self._link_target class FSBackedFilePath(VirtualPathWithReference): __slots__ = ("_fs_path", "_replaceable_inline") def __init__( self, basename: str, parent_dir: FSPath, fs_path: str, *, replaceable_inline: bool = False, initial_mode: Optional[int] = None, mtime: Optional[float] = None, stat_cache: Optional[os.stat_result] = None, reference_path: Optional[VirtualPath] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( basename, parent_dir, default_mode=0o644, reference_path=reference_path, ) self._fs_path = fs_path self._replaceable_inline = replaceable_inline if initial_mode is not None: self.mode = initial_mode if mtime is not None: self._mtime = mtime self._stat_cache = stat_cache assert ( not replaceable_inline or "debputy/scratch-dir/" in fs_path ), f"{fs_path} should not be inline-replaceable -- {self.path}" @property def is_dir(self) -> bool: return False @property def is_file(self) -> bool: return True @property def is_symlink(self) -> bool: return False def readlink(self) -> str: raise TypeError(f'"{self._orphan_safe_path()!r}" is a file; not a symlink') @property def has_fs_path(self) -> bool: return True @property def fs_path(self) -> str: return self._fs_path @property def _can_replace_inline(self) -> bool: return self._replaceable_inline def _replaced_path(self, new_fs_path: str) -> None: self._fs_path = new_fs_path self._reference_path = None self._replaceable_inline = True _SYMLINK_MODE = 0o777 class VirtualTestPath(FSPath): __slots__ = ( "_path_type", "_has_fs_path", "_fs_path", "_link_target", "_content", "_materialized_content", ) def __init__( self, basename: str, parent_dir: Optional[FSPath], mode: Optional[int] = None, mtime: Optional[float] = None, is_dir: bool = False, has_fs_path: Optional[bool] = False, fs_path: Optional[str] = None, link_target: Optional[str] = None, content: Optional[str] = None, materialized_content: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if is_dir: self._path_type = PathType.DIRECTORY elif link_target is not None: self._path_type = PathType.SYMLINK if mode is not None and mode != _SYMLINK_MODE: raise ValueError( f'Please do not assign a mode to symlinks. Triggered for "{basename}".' ) assert mode is None or mode == _SYMLINK_MODE else: self._path_type = PathType.FILE if mode is not None: initial_mode = mode else: initial_mode = 0o755 if is_dir else 0o644 self._link_target = link_target if has_fs_path is None: has_fs_path = bool(fs_path) self._has_fs_path = has_fs_path self._fs_path = fs_path self._materialized_content = materialized_content super().__init__( basename, parent=parent_dir, initial_mode=initial_mode, mtime=mtime, ) self._content = content @property def is_dir(self) -> bool: return self._path_type == PathType.DIRECTORY @property def is_file(self) -> bool: return self._path_type == PathType.FILE @property def is_symlink(self) -> bool: return self._path_type == PathType.SYMLINK def readlink(self) -> str: if not self.is_symlink: raise TypeError(f"readlink is only valid for symlinks ({self.path!r})") link_target = self._link_target assert link_target is not None return link_target @property def mtime(self) -> float: if self._mtime is None: self._mtime = time.time() return self._mtime @mtime.setter def mtime(self, new_mtime: float) -> None: self._rw_check() self._mtime = new_mtime @property def has_fs_path(self) -> bool: return self._has_fs_path def stat(self) -> os.stat_result: if self.has_fs_path: path = self.fs_path if path is None: raise PureVirtualPathError( f"The test wants a real stat of {self._orphan_safe_path()!r}, which this mock path" " cannot provide!" ) try: return os.stat(path) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise PureVirtualPathError( f"The test wants a real stat of {self._orphan_safe_path()!r}, which this mock path" " cannot provide! (An fs_path was provided, but it did not exist)" ) from e raise PureVirtualPathError( "stat() is only applicable to paths backed by the file system. The path" f" {self._orphan_safe_path()!r} is purely virtual" ) @property def size(self) -> int: if self._content is not None: return len(self._content.encode("utf-8")) if not self.has_fs_path or self.fs_path is None: return 0 return self.stat().st_size @property def fs_path(self) -> str: if self.has_fs_path: if self._fs_path is None and self._materialized_content is not None: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode="w+t", encoding="utf-8", suffix=f"__{}", delete=False, ) as fd: filepath = fd.write(self._materialized_content) self._fs_path = filepath atexit.register(lambda: os.unlink(filepath)) path = self._fs_path if path is None: raise PureVirtualPathError( f"The test wants a real file system entry of {self._orphan_safe_path()!r}, which this " " mock path cannot provide!" ) return path raise PureVirtualPathError( "fs_path is only applicable to paths backed by the file system. The path" f" {self._orphan_safe_path()!r} is purely virtual" ) def replace_fs_path_content( self, *, use_fs_path_mode: bool = False, ) -> ContextManager[str]: if self._content is not None: raise TypeError( f"The `replace_fs_path_content()` method was called on {self.path}. Said path was" " created with `content` but for this method to work, the path should have been" " created with `materialized_content`" ) return super().replace_fs_path_content(use_fs_path_mode=use_fs_path_mode) def open( self, *, byte_io: bool = False, buffering: int = -1, ) -> Union[TextIO, BinaryIO]: if self._content is None: try: return super().open(byte_io=byte_io, buffering=buffering) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise TestPathWithNonExistentFSPathError( "The test path {self.path} had an fs_path {self._fs_path}, which does not" " exist. This exception can only occur in the testsuite. Either have the" " test provide content for the path (`virtual_path_def(..., content=...) or," " if that is too painful in general, have the code accept this error as a " " test only-case and provide a default." ) from e if byte_io: return io.BytesIO(self._content.encode("utf-8")) return io.StringIO(self._content) def _replaced_path(self, new_fs_path: str) -> None: self._fs_path = new_fs_path class FSROOverlay(VirtualPathBase): __slots__ = ( "_path", "_fs_path", "_parent", "_stat_cache", "_readlink_cache", "_children", "_stat_failed_cache", "__weakref__", ) def __init__( self, path: str, fs_path: str, parent: Optional["FSROOverlay"], ) -> None: self._path: str = path self._fs_path: str = _normalize_path(fs_path, with_prefix=False) self._parent: Optional[ReferenceType[FSROOverlay]] = ( ref(parent) if parent is not None else None ) self._stat_cache: Optional[os.stat_result] = None self._readlink_cache: Optional[str] = None self._stat_failed_cache = False self._children: Optional[Mapping[str, FSROOverlay]] = None @classmethod def create_root_dir(cls, path: str, fs_path: str) -> "FSROOverlay": return FSROOverlay(path, fs_path, None) @property def name(self) -> str: return os.path.basename(self._path) @property def iterdir(self) -> Iterable["FSROOverlay"]: if not self.is_dir: return if self._children is None: self._ensure_children_are_resolved() yield from assume_not_none(self._children).values() def lookup(self, path: str) -> Optional["FSROOverlay"]: if not self.is_dir: return None if self._children is None: self._ensure_children_are_resolved() absolute, _, path_parts = _split_path(path) current = cast("FSROOverlay", _root(self)) if absolute else self for no, dir_part in enumerate(path_parts): if dir_part == ".": continue if dir_part == "..": p = current.parent_dir if current is None: raise ValueError(f'The path "{path}" escapes the root dir') current = p continue try: current = current[dir_part] except KeyError: return None return current def all_paths(self) -> Iterable["FSROOverlay"]: yield self if not self.is_dir: return stack = list(self.iterdir) stack.reverse() while stack: current = stack.pop() yield current if current.is_dir: if current._children is None: current._ensure_children_are_resolved() stack.extend(reversed(current._children.values())) def _ensure_children_are_resolved(self) -> None: if not self.is_dir or self._children: return dir_path = self.path dir_fs_path = self.fs_path children = {} for name in sorted(os.listdir(dir_fs_path), key=os.path.basename): child_path = os.path.join(dir_path, name) if dir_path != "." else name child_fs_path = ( os.path.join(dir_fs_path, name) if dir_fs_path != "." else name ) children[name] = FSROOverlay( child_path, child_fs_path, self, ) self._children = children @property def is_detached(self) -> bool: return False def __getitem__(self, key) -> "VirtualPath": if not self.is_dir: raise KeyError(key) if self._children is None: self._ensure_children_are_resolved() if isinstance(key, FSPath): key = return self._children[key] def __delitem__(self, key) -> None: self._error_ro_fs() @property def is_read_write(self) -> bool: return False def _rw_check(self) -> None: self._error_ro_fs() def _error_ro_fs(self) -> NoReturn: raise DebputyFSIsROError( f'Attempt to write to "{self.path}" failed:' " Debputy Virtual File system is R/O." ) @property def path(self) -> str: return self._path @property def parent_dir(self) -> Optional["FSROOverlay"]: parent = self._parent if parent is None: return None resolved = parent() if resolved is None: raise RuntimeError("Parent was garbage collected!") return resolved def stat(self) -> os.stat_result: if self._stat_failed_cache: raise FileNotFoundError( errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), self.fs_path ) if self._stat_cache is None: try: self._stat_cache = os.lstat(self.fs_path) except FileNotFoundError: self._stat_failed_cache = True raise return self._stat_cache @property def mode(self) -> int: return stat.S_IMODE(self.stat().st_mode) @mode.setter def mode(self, _unused: int) -> None: self._error_ro_fs() @property def mtime(self) -> float: return self.stat().st_mtime @mtime.setter def mtime(self, new_mtime: float) -> None: self._error_ro_fs() def readlink(self) -> str: if not self.is_symlink: raise TypeError(f"readlink is only valid for symlinks ({self.path!r})") if self._readlink_cache is None: self._readlink_cache = os.readlink(self.fs_path) return self._readlink_cache @property def fs_path(self) -> str: return self._fs_path @property def is_dir(self) -> bool: # The root path can have a non-existent fs_path (such as d/tmp not always existing) try: return stat.S_ISDIR(self.stat().st_mode) except FileNotFoundError: return False @property def is_file(self) -> bool: # The root path can have a non-existent fs_path (such as d/tmp not always existing) try: return stat.S_ISREG(self.stat().st_mode) except FileNotFoundError: return False @property def is_symlink(self) -> bool: # The root path can have a non-existent fs_path (such as d/tmp not always existing) try: return stat.S_ISLNK(self.stat().st_mode) except FileNotFoundError: return False @property def has_fs_path(self) -> bool: return True def open( self, *, byte_io: bool = False, buffering: int = -1, ) -> Union[TextIO, BinaryIO]: # Allow symlinks for open here, because we can let the OS resolve the symlink reliably in this # case. if not self.is_file and not self.is_symlink: raise TypeError( f"Cannot open {self.path} for reading: It is not a file nor a symlink" ) if byte_io: return open(self.fs_path, "rb", buffering=buffering) return open(self.fs_path, "rt", encoding="utf-8", buffering=buffering) def chown( self, owner: Optional[StaticFileSystemOwner], group: Optional[StaticFileSystemGroup], ) -> None: self._error_ro_fs() def mkdir(self, name: str) -> "VirtualPath": self._error_ro_fs() def add_file( self, name: str, *, unlink_if_exists: bool = True, use_fs_path_mode: bool = False, mode: int = 0o0644, mtime: Optional[float] = None, ) -> ContextManager["VirtualPath"]: self._error_ro_fs() def add_symlink(self, link_name: str, link_target: str) -> "VirtualPath": self._error_ro_fs() def unlink(self, *, recursive: bool = False) -> None: self._error_ro_fs() def metadata( self, metadata_type: Type[PMT], *, owning_plugin: Optional[str] = None, ) -> PathMetadataReference[PMT]: current_plugin = self._current_plugin() if owning_plugin is None: owning_plugin = current_plugin return AlwaysEmptyReadOnlyMetadataReference( owning_plugin, current_plugin, metadata_type, ) class FSROOverlayRootDir(FSROOverlay): __slots__ = ("_plugin_context",) def __init__(self, path: str, fs_path: str) -> None: super().__init__(path, fs_path, None) self._plugin_context = CurrentPluginContextManager("debputy") def _current_plugin(self) -> str: return self._plugin_context.current_plugin_name @contextlib.contextmanager def change_plugin_context(self, new_plugin: str) -> Iterator[str]: with self._plugin_context.change_plugin_context(new_plugin) as r: yield r def as_path_def(pd: Union[str, PathDef]) -> PathDef: return PathDef(pd) if isinstance(pd, str) else pd def as_path_defs(paths: Iterable[Union[str, PathDef]]) -> Iterable[PathDef]: yield from (as_path_def(p) for p in paths) def build_virtual_fs( paths: Iterable[Union[str, PathDef]], read_write_fs: bool = False, ) -> "FSPath": root_dir: Optional[FSRootDir] = None directories: Dict[str, FSPath] = {} non_directories = set() def _ensure_parent_dirs(p: str) -> None: current = p.rstrip("/") missing_dirs = [] while True: current = os.path.dirname(current) if current in directories: break if current in non_directories: raise ValueError( f'Conflicting definition for "{current}". The path "{p}" wants it as a directory,' ' but it is defined as a non-directory. (Ensure dirs end with "/")' ) missing_dirs.append(current) for dir_path in reversed(missing_dirs): parent_dir = directories[os.path.dirname(dir_path)] d = VirtualTestPath(os.path.basename(dir_path), parent_dir, is_dir=True) directories[dir_path] = d for path_def in as_path_defs(paths): path = path_def.path_name if path in directories or path in non_directories: raise ValueError( f'Duplicate definition of "{path}". Can be false positive if input is not in' ' "correct order" (ensure directories occur before their children)' ) if root_dir is None: root_fs_path = None if path in (".", "./", "/"): root_fs_path = path_def.fs_path root_dir = FSRootDir(fs_path=root_fs_path) directories["."] = root_dir if path not in (".", "./", "/") and not path.startswith("./"): path = "./" + path if path not in (".", "./", "/"): _ensure_parent_dirs(path) if path in (".", "./"): assert "." in directories continue is_dir = False if path.endswith("/"): path = path[:-1] is_dir = True directory = directories[os.path.dirname(path)] assert not is_dir or not bool( path_def.link_target ), f"is_dir={is_dir} vs. link_target={path_def.link_target}" fs_path = VirtualTestPath( os.path.basename(path), directory, is_dir=is_dir, mode=path_def.mode, mtime=path_def.mtime, has_fs_path=path_def.has_fs_path, fs_path=path_def.fs_path, link_target=path_def.link_target, content=path_def.content, materialized_content=path_def.materialized_content, ) assert not fs_path.is_detached if fs_path.is_dir: directories[fs_path.path] = fs_path else: non_directories.add(fs_path.path) if root_dir is None: root_dir = FSRootDir() root_dir.is_read_write = read_write_fs return root_dir