import collections import contextlib from typing import ( Optional, Dict, Callable, List, Any, Union, Mapping, IO, Iterator, cast, Tuple, ) from debian.debian_support import DpkgArchTable from debputy.highlevel_manifest import ( HighLevelManifest, PackageTransformationDefinition, MutableYAMLManifest, ) from debputy.maintscript_snippet import ( MaintscriptSnippet, STD_CONTROL_SCRIPTS, MaintscriptSnippetContainer, ) from debputy.packages import BinaryPackage, SourcePackage from debputy.path_matcher import ( MatchRuleType, ExactFileSystemPath, MatchRule, ) from debputy.substitution import Substitution from debputy.util import ( _normalize_path, escape_shell, assume_not_none, ) from debputy.util import _warn, _info from ._deb_options_profiles import DebBuildOptionsAndProfiles from .architecture_support import DpkgArchitectureBuildProcessValuesTable from .filesystem_scan import FSROOverlay from .installations import InstallRule, PPFInstallRule from .manifest_parser.exceptions import ManifestParseException from .manifest_parser.parser_data import ParserContextData from .manifest_parser.util import AttributePath from .packager_provided_files import detect_all_packager_provided_files from .plugin.api import VirtualPath from .plugin.api.impl_types import ( TP, TTP, DispatchingTableParser, OPARSER_MANIFEST_ROOT, PackageContextData, ) from .plugin.api.feature_set import PluginProvidedFeatureSet from .yaml import YAMLError, MANIFEST_YAML try: from Levenshtein import distance except ImportError: def _detect_possible_typo( _d, _key, _attribute_parent_path: AttributePath, required: bool, ) -> None: if required: _info( "Install python3-levenshtein to have debputy try to detect typos in the manifest." ) else: def _detect_possible_typo( d, key, _attribute_parent_path: AttributePath, _required: bool, ) -> None: k_len = len(key) for actual_key in d: if abs(k_len - len(actual_key)) > 2: continue d = distance(key, actual_key) if d > 2: continue path = _attribute_parent_path.path ref = f'at "{path}"' if path else "at the manifest root level" _warn( f'Possible typo: The key "{actual_key}" should probably have been "{key}" {ref}' ) def _per_package_subst_variables( p: BinaryPackage, *, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, str]: return { "PACKAGE": name if name is not None else, } class HighLevelManifestParser(ParserContextData): def __init__( self, manifest_path: str, source_package: SourcePackage, binary_packages: Mapping[str, BinaryPackage], substitution: Substitution, dpkg_architecture_variables: DpkgArchitectureBuildProcessValuesTable, dpkg_arch_query_table: DpkgArchTable, build_env: DebBuildOptionsAndProfiles, plugin_provided_feature_set: PluginProvidedFeatureSet, *, # Available for testing purposes only debian_dir: Union[str, VirtualPath] = "./debian", ): self.manifest_path = manifest_path self._source_package = source_package self._binary_packages = binary_packages self._mutable_yaml_manifest: Optional[MutableYAMLManifest] = None # In source context, some variables are known to be unresolvable. Record this, so # we can give better error messages. self._substitution = substitution self._dpkg_architecture_variables = dpkg_architecture_variables self._dpkg_arch_query_table = dpkg_arch_query_table self._build_env = build_env self._package_state_stack: List[PackageTransformationDefinition] = [] self._plugin_provided_feature_set = plugin_provided_feature_set self._declared_variables = {} if isinstance(debian_dir, str): debian_dir = FSROOverlay.create_root_dir("debian", debian_dir) self._debian_dir = debian_dir # Delayed initialized; we rely on this delay to parse the variables. self._all_package_states = None self._install_rules: Optional[List[InstallRule]] = None self._ownership_caches_loaded = False self._used = False def _ensure_package_states_is_initialized(self) -> None: if self._all_package_states is not None: return substitution = self._substitution binary_packages = self._binary_packages assert self._all_package_states is None self._all_package_states = { n: PackageTransformationDefinition( binary_package=p, substitution=substitution.with_extra_substitutions( **_per_package_subst_variables(p) ), is_auto_generated_package=False, maintscript_snippets=collections.defaultdict( MaintscriptSnippetContainer ), ) for n, p in binary_packages.items() } for n, p in binary_packages.items(): dbgsym_name = f"{n}-dbgsym" if dbgsym_name in self._all_package_states: continue self._all_package_states[dbgsym_name] = PackageTransformationDefinition( binary_package=p, substitution=substitution.with_extra_substitutions( **_per_package_subst_variables(p, name=dbgsym_name) ), is_auto_generated_package=True, maintscript_snippets=collections.defaultdict( MaintscriptSnippetContainer ), ) @property def binary_packages(self) -> Mapping[str, BinaryPackage]: return self._binary_packages @property def _package_states(self) -> Mapping[str, PackageTransformationDefinition]: assert self._all_package_states is not None return self._all_package_states @property def dpkg_architecture_variables(self) -> DpkgArchitectureBuildProcessValuesTable: return self._dpkg_architecture_variables @property def dpkg_arch_query_table(self) -> DpkgArchTable: return self._dpkg_arch_query_table @property def build_env(self) -> DebBuildOptionsAndProfiles: return self._build_env def build_manifest(self) -> HighLevelManifest: if self._used: raise TypeError("build_manifest can only be called once!") self._used = True self._ensure_package_states_is_initialized() for var, attribute_path in self._declared_variables.items(): if not self.substitution.is_used(var): raise ManifestParseException( f'The variable "{var}" is unused. Either use it or remove it.' f" The variable was declared at {attribute_path.path}." ) if isinstance(self, YAMLManifestParser) and self._mutable_yaml_manifest is None: self._mutable_yaml_manifest = MutableYAMLManifest.empty_manifest() all_packager_provided_files = detect_all_packager_provided_files( self._plugin_provided_feature_set.packager_provided_files, self._debian_dir, self.binary_packages, ) for package in self._package_states: with self.binary_package_context(package) as context: if not context.is_auto_generated_package: ppf_result = all_packager_provided_files[package] if ppf_result.auto_installable: context.install_rules.append( PPFInstallRule( context.binary_package, context.substitution, ppf_result.auto_installable, ) ) context.reserved_packager_provided_files.update( ppf_result.reserved_only ) self._transform_dpkg_maintscript_helpers_to_snippets() return HighLevelManifest( self.manifest_path, self._mutable_yaml_manifest, self._install_rules, self._source_package, self.binary_packages, self.substitution, self._package_states, self._dpkg_architecture_variables, self._dpkg_arch_query_table, self._build_env, self._plugin_provided_feature_set, self._debian_dir, ) @contextlib.contextmanager def binary_package_context( self, package_name: str ) -> Iterator[PackageTransformationDefinition]: if package_name not in self._package_states: self._error( f'The package "{package_name}" is not present in the debian/control file (could not find' f' "Package: {package_name}" in a binary stanza) nor is it a -dbgsym package for one' " for a package in debian/control." ) package_state = self._package_states[package_name] self._package_state_stack.append(package_state) ps_len = len(self._package_state_stack) yield package_state if ps_len != len(self._package_state_stack): raise RuntimeError("Internal error: Unbalanced stack manipulation detected") self._package_state_stack.pop() def dispatch_parser_table_for(self, rule_type: TTP) -> DispatchingTableParser[TP]: t = self._plugin_provided_feature_set.manifest_parser_generator.dispatch_parser_table_for( rule_type ) if t is None: raise AssertionError( f"Internal error: No dispatching parser for {rule_type.__name__}" ) return t @property def substitution(self) -> Substitution: if self._package_state_stack: return self._package_state_stack[-1].substitution return self._substitution def add_extra_substitution_variables( self, **extra_substitutions: Tuple[str, AttributePath], ) -> Substitution: if self._package_state_stack or self._all_package_states is not None: # For one, it would not "bubble up" correctly when added to the lowest stack. # And if it is not added to the lowest stack, then you get errors about it being # unknown as soon as you leave the stack (which is weird for the user when # the variable is something known, sometimes not) raise RuntimeError("Cannot use add_extra_substitution from this state") for key, (_, path) in extra_substitutions.items(): self._declared_variables[key] = path self._substitution = self._substitution.with_extra_substitutions( **{k: v[0] for k, v in extra_substitutions.items()} ) return self._substitution @property def current_binary_package_state(self) -> PackageTransformationDefinition: if not self._package_state_stack: raise RuntimeError("Invalid state: Not in a binary package context") return self._package_state_stack[-1] @property def is_in_binary_package_state(self) -> bool: return bool(self._package_state_stack) def _transform_dpkg_maintscript_helpers_to_snippets(self) -> None: package_state = self.current_binary_package_state for dmh in package_state.dpkg_maintscript_helper_snippets: snippet = MaintscriptSnippet( definition_source=dmh.definition_source, snippet=f'dpkg-maintscript-helper {escape_shell(*dmh.cmdline)} -- "$@"\n', ) for script in STD_CONTROL_SCRIPTS: package_state.maintscript_snippets[script].append(snippet) def normalize_path( self, path: str, definition_source: AttributePath, *, allow_root_dir_match: bool = False, ) -> ExactFileSystemPath: try: normalized = _normalize_path(path) except ValueError: self._error( f'The path "{path}" provided in {definition_source.path} should be relative to the root of the' ' package and not use any ".." or "." segments.' ) if normalized == "." and not allow_root_dir_match: self._error( "Manifests must not change the root directory of the deb file. Please correct" f' "{definition_source.path}" (path: "{path}) in {self.manifest_path}' ) return ExactFileSystemPath( self.substitution.substitute(normalized, definition_source.path) ) def parse_path_or_glob( self, path_or_glob: str, definition_source: AttributePath, ) -> MatchRule: match_rule = MatchRule.from_path_or_glob( path_or_glob, definition_source.path, substitution=self.substitution ) # NB: "." and "/" will be translated to MATCH_ANYTHING by MatchRule.from_path_or_glob, # so there is no need to check for an exact match on "." like in normalize_path. if match_rule.rule_type == MatchRuleType.MATCH_ANYTHING: self._error( f'The chosen match rule "{path_or_glob}" matches everything (including the deb root directory).' f' Please correct "{definition_source.path}" (path: "{path_or_glob}) in {self.manifest_path} to' f' something that matches "less" than everything.' ) return match_rule def parse_manifest(self) -> HighLevelManifest: raise NotImplementedError class YAMLManifestParser(HighLevelManifestParser): def _optional_key( self, d: Mapping[str, Any], key: str, attribute_parent_path: AttributePath, expected_type=None, default_value=None, ): v = d.get(key) if v is None: _detect_possible_typo(d, key, attribute_parent_path, False) return default_value if expected_type is not None: return self._ensure_value_is_type( v, expected_type, key, attribute_parent_path ) return v def _required_key( self, d: Mapping[str, Any], key: str, attribute_parent_path: AttributePath, expected_type=None, extra: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[], str]]] = None, ): v = d.get(key) if v is None: _detect_possible_typo(d, key, attribute_parent_path, True) if extra is not None: msg = extra if isinstance(extra, str) else extra() extra_info = " " + msg else: extra_info = "" self._error( f'Missing required key {key} at {attribute_parent_path.path} in manifest "{self.manifest_path}.' f"{extra_info}" ) if expected_type is not None: return self._ensure_value_is_type( v, expected_type, key, attribute_parent_path ) return v def _ensure_value_is_type( self, v, t, key: Union[str, int, AttributePath], attribute_parent_path: Optional[AttributePath], ): if v is None: return None if not isinstance(v, t): if isinstance(t, tuple): t_msg = "one of: " + ", ".join(x.__name__ for x in t) else: t_msg = f"a {t.__name__}" key_path = ( key.path if isinstance(key, AttributePath) else assume_not_none(attribute_parent_path)[key].path ) self._error( f'The key {key_path} must be {t_msg} in manifest "{self.manifest_path}"' ) return v def from_yaml_dict(self, yaml_data: object) -> "HighLevelManifest": attribute_path = AttributePath.root_path() parser_generator = self._plugin_provided_feature_set.manifest_parser_generator dispatchable_object_parsers = parser_generator.dispatchable_object_parsers manifest_root_parser = dispatchable_object_parsers[OPARSER_MANIFEST_ROOT] parsed_data = manifest_root_parser.parse_input( yaml_data, attribute_path, parser_context=self, ) packages_dict: Mapping[str, PackageContextData[Mapping[str, Any]]] = cast( "Mapping[str, PackageContextData[Mapping[str, Any]]]", parsed_data.get("packages", {}), ) install_rules = parsed_data.get("installations") if install_rules: self._install_rules = install_rules packages_parent_path = attribute_path["packages"] for package_name_raw, pcd in packages_dict.items(): definition_source = packages_parent_path[package_name_raw] package_name = pcd.resolved_package_name parsed = pcd.value package_state: PackageTransformationDefinition with self.binary_package_context(package_name) as package_state: if package_state.is_auto_generated_package: # Maybe lift (part) of this restriction. self._error( f'Cannot define rules for package "{package_name}" (at {definition_source.path}). It is an' " auto-generated package." ) binary_version = parsed.get("binary-version") if binary_version is not None: package_state.binary_version = ( package_state.substitution.substitute( binary_version, definition_source["binary-version"].path, ) ) search_dirs = parsed.get("installation_search_dirs") if search_dirs is not None: package_state.search_dirs = search_dirs transformations = parsed.get("transformations") conffile_management = parsed.get("conffile_management") service_rules = parsed.get("services") if transformations: package_state.transformations.extend(transformations) if conffile_management: package_state.dpkg_maintscript_helper_snippets.extend( conffile_management ) if service_rules: package_state.requested_service_rules.extend(service_rules) return self.build_manifest() def _parse_manifest(self, fd: Union[IO[bytes], str]) -> HighLevelManifest: try: data = MANIFEST_YAML.load(fd) except YAMLError as e: msg = str(e) lines = msg.splitlines(keepends=True) i = -1 for i, line in enumerate(lines): # Avoid an irrelevant "how do configure the YAML parser" message, which the # user cannot use. if line.startswith("To suppress this check"): break if i > -1 and len(lines) > i + 1: lines = lines[:i] msg = "".join(lines) msg = msg.rstrip() msg += ( f"\n\nYou can use `yamllint -d relaxed {escape_shell(self.manifest_path)}` to validate" " the YAML syntax. The yamllint tool also supports style rules for YAML documents" " (such as indentation rules) in case that is of interest." ) raise ManifestParseException( f"Could not parse {self.manifest_path} as a YAML document: {msg}" ) from e self._mutable_yaml_manifest = MutableYAMLManifest(data) return self.from_yaml_dict(data) def parse_manifest( self, *, fd: Optional[Union[IO[bytes], str]] = None, ) -> HighLevelManifest: if fd is None: with open(self.manifest_path, "rb") as fd: return self._parse_manifest(fd) else: return self._parse_manifest(fd)