import dataclasses import os from typing import ( NoReturn, Optional, Callable, Sequence, Tuple, List, Literal, Dict, TypeVar, cast, ) from debputy.exceptions import ( DebputyRuntimeError, PureVirtualPathError, TestPathWithNonExistentFSPathError, ) from debputy.filesystem_scan import FSPath from debputy.interpreter import ( extract_shebang_interpreter_from_file, ) from debputy.manifest_conditions import ConditionContext, ManifestCondition from debputy.manifest_parser.base_types import ( FileSystemMode, StaticFileSystemOwner, StaticFileSystemGroup, DebputyDispatchableType, ) from debputy.manifest_parser.util import AttributePath from debputy.path_matcher import MatchRule from debputy.plugin.api import VirtualPath from debputy.plugin.debputy.types import DebputyCapability from debputy.util import _warn class TransformationRuntimeError(DebputyRuntimeError): pass CreateSymlinkReplacementRule = Literal[ "error-if-exists", "error-if-directory", "abort-on-non-empty-directory", "discard-existing", ] VP = TypeVar("VP", bound=VirtualPath) @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class PreProvidedExclusion: tag: str description: str pruner: Callable[[FSPath], None] class TransformationRule(DebputyDispatchableType): __slots__ = () def transform_file_system( self, fs_root: FSPath, condition_context: ConditionContext ) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _evaluate_condition( self, condition: Optional[ManifestCondition], condition_context: ConditionContext, result_if_condition_is_missing: bool = True, ) -> bool: if condition is None: return result_if_condition_is_missing return condition.evaluate(condition_context) def _error( self, msg: str, *, caused_by: Optional[BaseException] = None, ) -> NoReturn: raise TransformationRuntimeError(msg) from caused_by def _match_rule_had_no_matches( self, match_rule: MatchRule, definition_source: str ) -> NoReturn: self._error( f'The match rule "{match_rule.describe_match_short()}" in transformation "{definition_source}" did' " not match any paths. Either the definition is redundant (and can be omitted) or the match rule is" " incorrect." ) def _fs_path_as_dir( self, path: VP, definition_source: str, ) -> VP: if path.is_dir: return path path_type = "file" if path.is_file else 'symlink/"special file system object"' self._error( f"The path {path.path} was expected to be a directory (or non-existing) due to" f" {definition_source}. However that path existed and is a {path_type}." f" You may need a `remove: {path.path}` prior to {definition_source} to" " to make this transformation succeed." ) def _ensure_is_directory( self, fs_root: FSPath, path_to_directory: str, definition_source: str, ) -> FSPath: current, missing_parts = fs_root.attempt_lookup(path_to_directory) current = self._fs_path_as_dir(cast("FSPath", current), definition_source) if missing_parts: return current.mkdirs("/".join(missing_parts)) return current class RemoveTransformationRule(TransformationRule): __slots__ = ( "_match_rules", "_keep_empty_parent_dirs", "_definition_source", ) def __init__( self, match_rules: Sequence[MatchRule], keep_empty_parent_dirs: bool, definition_source: AttributePath, ) -> None: self._match_rules = match_rules self._keep_empty_parent_dirs = keep_empty_parent_dirs self._definition_source = definition_source.path def transform_file_system( self, fs_root: FSPath, condition_context: ConditionContext, ) -> None: matched_any = False for match_rule in self._match_rules: # Fully resolve the matches to avoid RuntimeError caused by collection changing size as a # consequence of the removal: matches = list(match_rule.finditer(fs_root)) for m in matches: matched_any = True parent = m.parent_dir if parent is None: self._error( f"Cannot remove the root directory (triggered by {self._definition_source})" ) m.unlink(recursive=True) if not self._keep_empty_parent_dirs: parent.prune_if_empty_dir() # FIXME: `rm` should probably be forgiving or at least support a condition to avoid failures if not matched_any: self._match_rule_had_no_matches(match_rule, self._definition_source) class MoveTransformationRule(TransformationRule): __slots__ = ( "_match_rule", "_dest_path", "_dest_is_dir", "_definition_source", "_condition", ) def __init__( self, match_rule: MatchRule, dest_path: str, dest_is_dir: bool, definition_source: AttributePath, condition: Optional[ManifestCondition], ) -> None: self._match_rule = match_rule self._dest_path = dest_path self._dest_is_dir = dest_is_dir self._definition_source = definition_source.path self._condition = condition def transform_file_system( self, fs_root: FSPath, condition_context: ConditionContext ) -> None: if not self._evaluate_condition(self._condition, condition_context): return # Eager resolve is necessary to avoid "self-recursive" matching in special cases (e.g., **/*.la) matches = list(self._match_rule.finditer(fs_root)) if not matches: self._match_rule_had_no_matches(self._match_rule, self._definition_source) target_dir: Optional[VirtualPath] if self._dest_is_dir: target_dir = self._ensure_is_directory( fs_root, self._dest_path, self._definition_source, ) else: dir_part, basename = os.path.split(self._dest_path) target_parent_dir = self._ensure_is_directory( fs_root, dir_part, self._definition_source, ) target_dir = target_parent_dir.get(basename) if target_dir is None or not target_dir.is_dir: if len(matches) > 1: self._error( f"Could not rename {self._match_rule.describe_match_short()} to {self._dest_path}" f" (from: {self._definition_source}). Multiple paths matched the pattern and the" " destination was not a directory. Either correct the pattern to only match only source" " OR define the destination to be a directory (E.g., add a trailing slash - example:" f' "{self._dest_path}/")' ) p = matches[0] if p.path == self._dest_path: self._error( f"Error in {self._definition_source}, the source" f" {self._match_rule.describe_match_short()} matched {self._dest_path} making the" " rename redundant!?" ) p.parent_dir = target_parent_dir = basename return assert target_dir is not None and target_dir.is_dir basenames: Dict[str, VirtualPath] = dict() target_dir_path = target_dir.path for m in matches: if m.path == target_dir_path: self._error( f"Error in {self._definition_source}, the source {self._match_rule.describe_match_short()}" f"matched {self._dest_path} (among other), but it is not possible to copy a directory into" " itself" ) if in basenames: alt_path = basenames[] # We document "two *distinct*" paths. However, as the glob matches are written, it should not be # possible for a *single* glob to match the same path twice. assert alt_path is not m self._error( f"Could not rename {self._match_rule.describe_match_short()} to {self._dest_path}" f" (from: {self._definition_source}). Multiple paths matched the pattern had the" f' same basename "{}" ("{m.path}" vs. "{alt_path.path}"). Please correct the' f" pattern, so it only matches one path with that basename to avoid this conflict." ) existing = m.get( if existing and existing.is_dir: self._error( f"Could not rename {self._match_rule.describe_match_short()} to {self._dest_path}" f" (from: {self._definition_source}). The pattern matched {m.path} which would replace" f" the existing directory {existing.path}. If this replacement is intentional, then please" f' remove "{existing.path}" first (e.g., via `- remove: "{existing.path}"`)' ) basenames[] = m m.parent_dir = target_dir class CreateSymlinkPathTransformationRule(TransformationRule): __slots__ = ( "_link_dest", "_link_target", "_replacement_rule", "_definition_source", "_condition", ) def __init__( self, link_target: str, link_dest: str, replacement_rule: CreateSymlinkReplacementRule, definition_source: AttributePath, condition: Optional[ManifestCondition], ) -> None: self._link_target = link_target self._link_dest = link_dest self._replacement_rule = replacement_rule self._definition_source = definition_source.path self._condition = condition def transform_file_system( self, fs_root: FSPath, condition_context: ConditionContext, ) -> None: if not self._evaluate_condition(self._condition, condition_context): return dir_path_part, link_name = os.path.split(self._link_dest) dir_path = self._ensure_is_directory( fs_root, dir_path_part, self._definition_source, ) existing = dir_path.get(link_name) if existing: self._handle_existing_path(existing) dir_path.add_symlink(link_name, self._link_target) def _handle_existing_path(self, existing: VirtualPath) -> None: replacement_rule = self._replacement_rule if replacement_rule == "abort-on-non-empty-directory": unlink = not existing.is_dir or not any(existing.iterdir) reason = "the path is a non-empty directory" elif replacement_rule == "discard-existing": unlink = True reason = "<>" elif replacement_rule == "error-if-directory": unlink = not existing.is_dir reason = "the path is a directory" else: assert replacement_rule == "error-if-exists" unlink = False reason = "the path exists" if unlink: existing.unlink(recursive=True) else: self._error( f"Refusing to replace {existing.path} with a symlink; {reason} and" f" the active replacement-rule was {self._replacement_rule}. You can" f' set the replacement-rule to "discard-existing", if you are not interested' f" in the contents of {existing.path}. This error was triggered by {self._definition_source}." ) class CreateDirectoryTransformationRule(TransformationRule): __slots__ = ( "_directories", "_owner", "_group", "_mode", "_definition_source", "_condition", ) def __init__( self, directories: Sequence[str], owner: Optional[StaticFileSystemOwner], group: Optional[StaticFileSystemGroup], mode: Optional[FileSystemMode], definition_source: str, condition: Optional[ManifestCondition], ) -> None: super().__init__() self._directories = directories self._owner = owner self._group = group self._mode = mode self._definition_source = definition_source self._condition = condition def transform_file_system( self, fs_root: FSPath, condition_context: ConditionContext, ) -> None: if not self._evaluate_condition(self._condition, condition_context): return owner = self._owner group = self._group mode = self._mode for directory in self._directories: dir_path = self._ensure_is_directory( fs_root, directory, self._definition_source, ) if mode is not None: try: desired_mode = mode.compute_mode(dir_path.mode, dir_path.is_dir) except ValueError as e: self._error( f"Could not compute desired mode for {dir_path.path} as" f" requested in {self._definition_source}: {e.args[0]}", caused_by=e, ) dir_path.mode = desired_mode dir_path.chown(owner, group) def _apply_owner_and_mode( path: VirtualPath, owner: Optional[StaticFileSystemOwner], group: Optional[StaticFileSystemGroup], mode: Optional[FileSystemMode], capabilities: Optional[str], capability_mode: Optional[FileSystemMode], definition_source: str, ) -> None: if owner is not None or group is not None: path.chown(owner, group) if mode is not None: try: desired_mode = mode.compute_mode(path.mode, path.is_dir) except ValueError as e: raise TransformationRuntimeError( f"Could not compute desired mode for {path.path} as" f" requested in {definition_source}: {e.args[0]}" ) from e path.mode = desired_mode if path.is_file and capabilities is not None: cap_ref = path.metadata(DebputyCapability) cap_value = cap_ref.value if cap_value is not None: _warn( f"Replacing the capabilities set on path {path.path} from {cap_value.definition_source} due" f" to {definition_source}." ) assert capability_mode is not None cap_ref.value = DebputyCapability( capabilities, capability_mode, definition_source, ) class PathMetadataTransformationRule(TransformationRule): __slots__ = ( "_match_rules", "_owner", "_group", "_mode", "_capabilities", "_capability_mode", "_recursive", "_definition_source", "_condition", ) def __init__( self, match_rules: Sequence[MatchRule], owner: Optional[StaticFileSystemOwner], group: Optional[StaticFileSystemGroup], mode: Optional[FileSystemMode], recursive: bool, capabilities: Optional[str], capability_mode: Optional[FileSystemMode], definition_source: str, condition: Optional[ManifestCondition], ) -> None: super().__init__() self._match_rules = match_rules self._owner = owner self._group = group self._mode = mode self._capabilities = capabilities self._capability_mode = capability_mode self._recursive = recursive self._definition_source = definition_source self._condition = condition if self._capabilities is None and self._capability_mode is not None: raise ValueError("capability_mode without capabilities") if self._capabilities is not None and self._capability_mode is None: raise ValueError("capabilities without capability_mode") def transform_file_system( self, fs_root: FSPath, condition_context: ConditionContext, ) -> None: if not self._evaluate_condition(self._condition, condition_context): return owner = self._owner group = self._group mode = self._mode capabilities = self._capabilities capability_mode = self._capability_mode definition_source = self._definition_source d: Optional[List[FSPath]] = [] if self._recursive else None needs_file_match = False if self._owner is not None or self._group is not None or self._mode is not None: needs_file_match = True for match_rule in self._match_rules: match_ok = False saw_symlink = False saw_directory = False for path in match_rule.finditer(fs_root): if path.is_symlink: saw_symlink = True continue if path.is_file or not needs_file_match: match_ok = True if path.is_dir: saw_directory = True if not match_ok and needs_file_match and self._recursive: match_ok = any(p.is_file for p in path.all_paths()) _apply_owner_and_mode( path, owner, group, mode, capabilities, capability_mode, definition_source, ) if path.is_dir and d is not None: d.append(path) if not match_ok: if needs_file_match and (saw_directory or saw_symlink): _warn( f"The match rule {match_rule.describe_match_short()} (from {self._definition_source})" " did not match any files, but given the attributes it can only apply to files." ) elif saw_symlink: _warn( f"The match rule {match_rule.describe_match_short()} (from {self._definition_source})" ' matched symlinks, but "path-metadata" cannot apply to symlinks.' ) self._match_rule_had_no_matches(match_rule, self._definition_source) if not d: return for recurse_dir in d: for path in recurse_dir.all_paths(): if path.is_symlink: continue _apply_owner_and_mode( path, owner, group, mode, capabilities, capability_mode, definition_source, ) class ModeNormalizationTransformationRule(TransformationRule): __slots__ = ("_normalizations",) def __init__( self, normalizations: Sequence[Tuple[MatchRule, FileSystemMode]], ) -> None: self._normalizations = normalizations def transform_file_system( self, fs_root: FSPath, condition_context: ConditionContext, ) -> None: seen = set() for match_rule, fs_mode in self._normalizations: for path in match_rule.finditer( fs_root, ignore_paths=lambda p: p.path in seen ): if path.is_symlink or path.path in seen: continue seen.add(path.path) try: desired_mode = fs_mode.compute_mode(path.mode, path.is_dir) except ValueError as e: raise AssertionError( "Error while applying built-in mode normalization rule" ) from e path.mode = desired_mode class NormalizeShebangLineTransformation(TransformationRule): def transform_file_system( self, fs_root: VirtualPath, condition_context: ConditionContext, ) -> None: for path in fs_root.all_paths(): if not path.is_file: continue try: with, buffering=4096) as fd: interpreter = extract_shebang_interpreter_from_file(fd) except (PureVirtualPathError, TestPathWithNonExistentFSPathError): # Do not make tests unnecessarily complex to write continue if interpreter is None: continue if interpreter.fixup_needed: interpreter.replace_shebang_line(path)