path: root/deluge/ui/console/utils/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-10 21:38:38 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-10 21:38:38 +0000
commit2e2851dc13d73352530dd4495c7e05603b2e520d (patch)
tree622b9cd8e5d32091c9aa9e4937b533975a40356c /deluge/ui/console/utils/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 2.1.2~dev0+20240219.upstream/2.1.2_dev0+20240219upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'deluge/ui/console/utils/')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deluge/ui/console/utils/ b/deluge/ui/console/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50ec191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/console/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Lanham <>
+# This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with
+# the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
+# See LICENSE for more details.
+import re
+from collections import deque
+from unicodedata import east_asian_width, normalize
+import deluge.common
+from deluge.ui.common import FILE_PRIORITY
+def format_size(size):
+ return deluge.common.fsize(size, shortform=True)
+def format_speed(speed):
+ if speed > 0:
+ return deluge.common.fspeed(speed, shortform=True)
+ else:
+ return '-'
+def format_time(time):
+ if time > 0:
+ return deluge.common.ftime(time)
+ elif time == 0:
+ return '-'
+ else:
+ return '∞'
+def format_date_dash(time):
+ if time > 0:
+ return deluge.common.fdate(time, date_only=True)
+ else:
+ return '-'
+def format_date_never(time):
+ if time > 0:
+ return deluge.common.fdate(time, date_only=True)
+ else:
+ return 'Never'
+def format_float(x):
+ if x < 0:
+ return '-'
+ else:
+ return '%.3f' % x
+def format_seeds_peers(num, total):
+ return '%d (%d)' % (num, total)
+def format_progress(value):
+ return ('%.2f' % value).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') + '%'
+def f_progressbar(progress, width):
+ """
+ Returns a string of a progress bar.
+ :param progress: float, a value between 0-100
+ :returns: str, a progress bar based on width
+ """
+ w = width - 2 # we use a [] for the beginning and end
+ s = '['
+ p = int(round((progress / 100) * w))
+ s += '#' * p
+ s += '-' * (w - p)
+ s += ']'
+ return s
+def f_seedrank_dash(seed_rank, seeding_time):
+ """Display value if seeding otherwise dash"""
+ if seeding_time > 0:
+ if seed_rank >= 1000:
+ return '%ik' % (seed_rank // 1000)
+ else:
+ return str(seed_rank)
+ else:
+ return '-'
+def ftotal_sized(first, second):
+ return '{} ({})'.format(
+ deluge.common.fsize(first, shortform=True),
+ deluge.common.fsize(second, shortform=True),
+ )
+def format_pieces(num, size):
+ return '%d (%s)' % (num, deluge.common.fsize(size, shortform=True))
+def format_priority(prio):
+ if prio == -2:
+ return '[Mixed]'
+ elif prio < 0:
+ return '-'
+ return FILE_PRIORITY[prio]
+def format_queue(qnum):
+ if qnum < 0:
+ return ''
+ return '%d' % (qnum + 1)
+def trim_string(string, w, have_dbls):
+ if w <= 0:
+ return ''
+ elif w == 1:
+ return ' '
+ elif have_dbls:
+ # have to do this the slow way
+ chrs = []
+ width = 4
+ idx = 0
+ while width < w:
+ chrs.append(string[idx])
+ if east_asian_width(string[idx]) in 'WF':
+ width += 2
+ else:
+ width += 1
+ idx += 1
+ if width != w:
+ chrs.pop()
+ chrs.append('.')
+ return '%s ' % (''.join(chrs))
+ else:
+ return '%s ' % (string[0 : w - 1])
+def format_column(col, lim):
+ try:
+ # might have some double width chars
+ col = normalize('NFC', col)
+ dbls = sum(east_asian_width(c) in 'WF' for c in col)
+ except TypeError:
+ dbls = 0
+ size = len(col) + dbls
+ if size >= lim - 1:
+ return trim_string(col, lim, dbls > 0)
+ else:
+ return '{}{}'.format(col, ' ' * (lim - size))
+def format_row(row, column_widths):
+ return ''.join(
+ [format_column(row[i], column_widths[i]) for i in range(0, len(row))]
+ )
+_strip_re = re.compile(r'\{!.*?!\}')
+_format_code = re.compile(r'\{\|(.*)\|\}')
+def remove_formatting(string):
+ return re.sub(_strip_re, '', string)
+def shorten_hash(tid, space_left, min_width=13, placeholder='...'):
+ """Shorten the supplied torrent infohash by removing chars from the middle.
+ Use a placeholder to indicate shortened.
+ If unable to shorten will justify so entire tid is on the next line.
+ """
+ tid = tid.strip()
+ if space_left >= min_width:
+ mid = len(tid) // 2
+ trim, remain = divmod(len(tid) + len(placeholder) - space_left, 2)
+ return tid[0 : mid - trim] + placeholder + tid[mid + trim + remain :]
+ else:
+ # Justity the tid so it is completely on the next line.
+ return tid.rjust(len(tid) + space_left)
+def wrap_string(string, width, min_lines=0, strip_colors=True):
+ """
+ Wrap a string to fit in a particular width. Returns a list of output lines.
+ :param string: str, the string to wrap
+ :param width: int, the maximum width of a line of text
+ :param min_lines: int, extra lines will be added so the output tuple contains at least min_lines lines
+ :param strip_colors: boolean, if True, text in {!!} blocks will not be considered as adding to the
+ width of the line. They will still be present in the output.
+ """
+ ret = []
+ s1 = string.split('\n')
+ indent = ''
+ def insert_clr(s, offset, mtchs, clrs):
+ end_pos = offset + len(s)
+ while mtchs and (mtchs[0] <= end_pos) and (mtchs[0] >= offset):
+ mtc = mtchs.popleft() - offset
+ clr = clrs.popleft()
+ end_pos += len(clr)
+ s = f'{s[:mtc]}{clr}{s[mtc:]}'
+ return s
+ for s in s1:
+ offset = 0
+ indent = ''
+ m =
+ if m:
+ if'indent:'):
+ indent =[len('indent:') :]
+ elif'indent_pos:'):
+ begin = m.start(0)
+ indent = ' ' * begin
+ s = _format_code.sub('', s)
+ if strip_colors:
+ mtchs = deque()
+ clrs = deque()
+ for m in _strip_re.finditer(s):
+ mtchs.append(m.start())
+ clrs.append(
+ cstr = _strip_re.sub('', s)
+ else:
+ cstr = s
+ def append_indent(line, string, offset):
+ """Prepends indent to string if specified"""
+ if indent and offset != 0:
+ string = indent + string
+ line.append(string)
+ while cstr:
+ # max with for a line. If indent is specified, we account for this
+ max_width = width - (len(indent) if offset != 0 else 0)
+ if len(cstr) < max_width:
+ break
+ sidx = cstr.rfind(' ', 0, max_width - 1)
+ sidx += 1
+ if sidx > 0:
+ if strip_colors:
+ to_app = cstr[0:sidx]
+ to_app = insert_clr(to_app, offset, mtchs, clrs)
+ append_indent(ret, to_app, offset)
+ offset += len(to_app)
+ else:
+ append_indent(ret, cstr[0:sidx], offset)
+ cstr = cstr[sidx:]
+ if not cstr:
+ cstr = None
+ break
+ else:
+ # can't find a reasonable split, just split at width
+ if strip_colors:
+ to_app = cstr[0:width]
+ to_app = insert_clr(to_app, offset, mtchs, clrs)
+ append_indent(ret, to_app, offset)
+ offset += len(to_app)
+ else:
+ append_indent(ret, cstr[0:width], offset)
+ cstr = cstr[width:]
+ if not cstr:
+ cstr = None
+ break
+ if cstr is not None:
+ to_append = cstr
+ if strip_colors:
+ to_append = insert_clr(cstr, offset, mtchs, clrs)
+ append_indent(ret, to_append, offset)
+ if min_lines > 0:
+ for i in range(len(ret), min_lines):
+ ret.append(' ')
+ # Carry colors over to the next line
+ last_color_string = ''
+ for i, line in enumerate(ret):
+ if i != 0:
+ ret[i] = f'{last_color_string}{ret[i]}'
+ colors = re.findall('\\{![^!]+!\\}', line)
+ if colors:
+ last_color_string = colors[-1]
+ return ret
+def strwidth(string):
+ """
+ Measure width of a string considering asian double width characters
+ """
+ return sum(1 + (east_asian_width(char) in ['W', 'F']) for char in string)
+def pad_string(string, length, character=' ', side='right'):
+ """
+ Pad string with specified character to desired length, considering double width characters.
+ """
+ w = strwidth(string)
+ diff = length - w
+ if side == 'left':
+ return f'{character * diff}{string}'
+ elif side == 'right':
+ return f'{string}{character * diff}'
+def delete_alt_backspace(input_text, input_cursor, sep_chars=' *?!._~-#$^;\'"/'):
+ """
+ Remove text from input_text on ALT+backspace
+ Stop removing when countering any of the sep chars
+ """
+ deleted = 0
+ seg_start = input_text[:input_cursor]
+ seg_end = input_text[input_cursor:]
+ none_space_deleted = False # Track if any none-space characters have been deleted
+ while seg_start and input_cursor > 0:
+ if (not seg_start) or (input_cursor == 0):
+ break
+ if deleted and seg_start[-1] in sep_chars:
+ if seg_start[-1] == ' ':
+ if seg_start[-2] == ' ' or none_space_deleted is False:
+ # Continue as long as:
+ # * next char is also a space
+ # * no none-space characters have been deleted
+ pass
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ if not none_space_deleted:
+ none_space_deleted = seg_start[-1] != ' '
+ seg_start = seg_start[:-1]
+ deleted += 1
+ input_cursor -= 1
+ input_text = seg_start + seg_end
+ return input_text, input_cursor