path: root/deluge/ui/gtk3/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deluge/ui/gtk3/ b/deluge/ui/gtk3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73a7c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/gtk3/
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andrew Resch <>
+# This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with
+# the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
+# See LICENSE for more details.
+# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
+import logging
+import os
+import signal
+import sys
+import time
+import gi # isort:skip (Required before Gtk import).
+gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
+gi.require_version('Gdk', '3.0')
+# isort:imports-thirdparty
+from gi.repository.GLib import set_prgname
+from gi.repository.Gtk import Builder, ResponseType
+from twisted.internet import defer, gtk3reactor
+from twisted.internet.error import ReactorAlreadyInstalledError
+from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
+ # Install twisted reactor, before any other modules import reactor.
+ reactor = gtk3reactor.install()
+except ReactorAlreadyInstalledError:
+ # Running unit tests so already installed a rector
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+# isort:imports-firstparty
+import deluge.component as component
+from deluge.common import (
+ fsize,
+ fspeed,
+ get_default_download_dir,
+ osx_check,
+ windows_check,
+from deluge.configmanager import ConfigManager, get_config_dir
+from deluge.error import DaemonRunningError, LibtorrentImportError
+from deluge.i18n import I18N_DOMAIN, set_language, setup_translation
+from deluge.ui.client import client
+from deluge.ui.hostlist import LOCALHOST
+from deluge.ui.sessionproxy import SessionProxy
+from deluge.ui.tracker_icons import TrackerIcons
+# isort:imports-localfolder
+from .addtorrentdialog import AddTorrentDialog
+from .common import associate_magnet_links, windowing
+from .connectionmanager import ConnectionManager
+from .dialogs import YesNoDialog
+from .filtertreeview import FilterTreeView
+from .ipcinterface import IPCInterface, process_args
+from .mainwindow import MainWindow
+from .menubar import MenuBar
+from .pluginmanager import PluginManager
+from .preferences import Preferences
+from .queuedtorrents import QueuedTorrents
+from .sidebar import SideBar
+from .statusbar import StatusBar
+from .systemtray import SystemTray
+from .toolbar import ToolBar
+from .torrentdetails import TorrentDetails
+from .torrentview import TorrentView
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ from setproctitle import getproctitle, setproctitle
+except ImportError:
+ def setproctitle(title):
+ return
+ def getproctitle():
+ return
+ 'standalone': True,
+ 'prefer_dark_theme': False,
+ 'interactive_add': True,
+ 'focus_add_dialog': True,
+ 'enable_system_tray': True,
+ 'close_to_tray': False,
+ 'start_in_tray': False,
+ 'enable_appindicator': True,
+ 'lock_tray': False,
+ 'tray_password': '',
+ 'check_new_releases': True,
+ 'default_load_path': None,
+ 'window_maximized': False,
+ 'window_x_pos': 0,
+ 'window_y_pos': 0,
+ 'window_width': 640,
+ 'window_height': 480,
+ 'pref_dialog_width': None,
+ 'pref_dialog_height': None,
+ 'edit_trackers_dialog_width': None,
+ 'edit_trackers_dialog_height': None,
+ 'tray_download_speed_list': [5.0, 10.0, 30.0, 80.0, 300.0],
+ 'tray_upload_speed_list': [5.0, 10.0, 30.0, 80.0, 300.0],
+ 'connection_limit_list': [50, 100, 200, 300, 500],
+ 'enabled_plugins': [],
+ 'show_connection_manager_on_start': True,
+ 'autoconnect': False,
+ 'autoconnect_host_id': None,
+ 'autostart_localhost': False,
+ 'autoadd_queued': False,
+ 'choose_directory_dialog_path': get_default_download_dir(),
+ 'show_new_releases': True,
+ 'show_sidebar': True,
+ 'show_toolbar': True,
+ 'show_statusbar': True,
+ 'show_tabsbar': True,
+ 'tabsbar_tab_pos': 'top',
+ 'tabsbar_position': 235,
+ 'sidebar_show_zero': False,
+ 'sidebar_show_trackers': True,
+ 'sidebar_show_owners': True,
+ 'sidebar_position': 170,
+ 'show_rate_in_title': False,
+ 'createtorrent.trackers': [],
+ 'show_piecesbar': False,
+ 'detect_urls': True,
+ 'pieces_color_missing': [65535, 0, 0],
+ 'pieces_color_waiting': [4874, 56494, 0],
+ 'pieces_color_downloading': [65535, 55255, 0],
+ 'pieces_color_completed': [4883, 26985, 56540],
+ 'focus_main_window_on_add': True,
+ 'language': None,
+class GtkUI:
+ def __init__(self, args):
+ # Setup gtkbuilder/glade translation
+ setup_translation()
+ Builder().set_translation_domain(I18N_DOMAIN)
+ # Setup signals
+ def on_die(*args):
+ log.debug('OS signal "die" caught with args: %s', args)
+ reactor.stop()
+ self.osxapp = None
+ if windows_check():
+ from win32api import SetConsoleCtrlHandler
+ SetConsoleCtrlHandler(on_die, True)
+ log.debug('Win32 "die" handler registered')
+ elif osx_check() and windowing('quartz'):
+ try:
+ import gtkosx_application
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.osxapp = gtkosx_application.gtkosx_application_get()
+ self.osxapp.connect('NSApplicationWillTerminate', on_die)
+ log.debug('OSX quartz "die" handler registered')
+ # Set process name again to fix gtk issue
+ setproctitle(getproctitle())
+ # Attempt to register a magnet URI handler with gconf, but do not overwrite
+ # if already set by another program.
+ associate_magnet_links(False)
+ # Make sure gtk3ui.conf has at least the defaults set
+ self.config = ConfigManager('gtk3ui.conf', DEFAULT_PREFS)
+ # Make sure the gtkui state folder has been created
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(get_config_dir(), 'gtk3ui_state')):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(get_config_dir(), 'gtk3ui_state'))
+ # Set language
+ if self.config['language'] is not None:
+ set_language(self.config['language'])
+ # Start the IPC Interface before anything else.. Just in case we are
+ # already running.
+ self.queuedtorrents = QueuedTorrents()
+ self.ipcinterface = IPCInterface(args.torrents)
+ # We make sure that the UI components start once we get a core URI
+ client.set_disconnect_callback(self.__on_disconnect)
+ self.trackericons = TrackerIcons()
+ self.sessionproxy = SessionProxy()
+ # Initialize various components of the gtkui
+ self.mainwindow = MainWindow()
+ self.menubar = MenuBar()
+ self.toolbar = ToolBar()
+ self.torrentview = TorrentView()
+ self.torrentdetails = TorrentDetails()
+ self.sidebar = SideBar()
+ self.filtertreeview = FilterTreeView()
+ self.preferences = Preferences()
+ self.systemtray = SystemTray()
+ self.statusbar = StatusBar()
+ self.addtorrentdialog = AddTorrentDialog()
+ if self.osxapp:
+ def nsapp_open_file(osxapp, filename):
+ # Ignore command name which is raised at app launch (python opening main script).
+ if filename == sys.argv[0]:
+ return True
+ process_args([filename])
+ self.osxapp.connect('NSApplicationOpenFile', nsapp_open_file)
+ from .menubar_osx import menubar_osx
+ menubar_osx(self, self.osxapp)
+ self.osxapp.ready()
+ # Initialize the plugins
+ self.plugins = PluginManager()
+ # Show the connection manager
+ self.connectionmanager = ConnectionManager()
+ # Setup RPC stats logging
+ # daemon_bps: time, bytes_sent, bytes_recv
+ self.daemon_bps = (0, 0, 0)
+ self.rpc_stats = LoopingCall(self.log_rpc_stats)
+ self.closing = False
+ # Twisted catches signals to terminate, so have it call a pre_shutdown method.
+ reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'gtkui_close', self.close)
+ def gtkui_sigint_handler(num, frame):
+ log.debug('SIGINT signal caught, firing event: gtkui_close')
+ reactor.callLater(0, reactor.fireSystemEvent, 'gtkui_close')
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, gtkui_sigint_handler)
+ def start(self):
+ reactor.callWhenRunning(self._on_reactor_start)
+ # Reactor is not running. Any async callbacks (Deferreds) can no longer
+ # be processed from this point on.
+ def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ log.debug('GTKUI shutting down...')
+ # Shutdown all components
+ if client.is_standalone:
+ return component.shutdown()
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def close(self):
+ if self.closing:
+ return
+ self.closing = True
+ # Make sure the config is saved.
+ # Ensure columns state is saved
+ self.torrentview.save_state()
+ # Shut down components
+ yield self.shutdown()
+ # The gtk modal dialogs (e.g. Preferences) can prevent the application
+ # quitting, so force exiting by destroying MainWindow. Must be done here
+ # to avoid hanging when quitting with SIGINT (CTRL-C).
+ self.mainwindow.window.destroy()
+ reactor.stop()
+ # Restart the application after closing if MainWindow restart attribute set.
+ if component.get('MainWindow').restart:
+ os.execv(sys.argv[0], sys.argv)
+ def log_rpc_stats(self):
+ """Log RPC statistics for thinclient mode."""
+ if not client.connected():
+ return
+ t = time.time()
+ recv = client.get_bytes_recv()
+ sent = client.get_bytes_sent()
+ delta_time = t - self.daemon_bps[0]
+ delta_sent = sent - self.daemon_bps[1]
+ delta_recv = recv - self.daemon_bps[2]
+ self.daemon_bps = (t, sent, recv)
+ sent_rate = fspeed(delta_sent / delta_time)
+ recv_rate = fspeed(delta_recv / delta_time)
+ log.debug(
+ 'RPC: Sent %s (%s) Recv %s (%s)',
+ fsize(sent),
+ sent_rate,
+ fsize(recv),
+ recv_rate,
+ )
+ def _on_reactor_start(self):
+ log.debug('_on_reactor_start')
+ self.mainwindow.first_show()
+ if not self.config['standalone']:
+ return self._start_thinclient()
+ err_msg = ''
+ try:
+ client.start_standalone()
+ except DaemonRunningError:
+ err_msg = _(
+ 'A Deluge daemon (deluged) is already running.\n'
+ 'To use Standalone mode, stop local daemon and restart Deluge.'
+ )
+ except LibtorrentImportError as ex:
+ if 'libtorrent library not found' in str(ex):
+ err_msg = _(
+ 'Only Thin Client mode is available because libtorrent is not installed.\n'
+ 'To use Standalone mode, please install libtorrent package.'
+ )
+ else:
+ log.exception(ex)
+ err_msg = _(
+ 'Only Thin Client mode is available due to libtorrent import error: %s\n'
+ 'To use Standalone mode, please see logs for error details.'
+ % (str(ex))
+ )
+ except ImportError as ex:
+ log.exception(ex)
+ err_msg = _(
+ 'Only Thin Client mode is available due to unknown Import Error.\n'
+ 'To use Standalone mode, please see logs for error details.'
+ )
+ except Exception as ex:
+ log.exception(ex)
+ err_msg = _(
+ 'Only Thin Client mode is available due to unknown Import Error.\n'
+ 'To use Standalone mode, please see logs for error details.'
+ )
+ else:
+ component.start()
+ return
+ def on_dialog_response(response):
+ """User response to switching mode dialog."""
+ if response == ResponseType.YES:
+ # Turning off standalone
+ self.config['standalone'] = False
+ self._start_thinclient()
+ else:
+ # User want keep Standalone Mode so just quit.
+ self.mainwindow.quit()
+ # An error occurred so ask user to switch from Standalone to Thin Client mode.
+ err_msg += '\n\n' + _('Continue in Thin Client mode?')
+ d = YesNoDialog(_('Change User Interface Mode'), err_msg).run()
+ d.addCallback(on_dialog_response)
+ def _start_thinclient(self):
+ """Start the gtkui in thinclient mode"""
+ if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
+ self.rpc_stats.start(10)
+ # Check to see if we need to start the localhost daemon
+ if self.config['autostart_localhost']:
+ def on_localhost_status(status_info, port):
+ if status_info[1] == 'Offline':
+ log.debug('Autostarting localhost: %s', host_config[0:3])
+ self.connectionmanager.start_daemon(port, get_config_dir())
+ for host_config in self.connectionmanager.hostlist.config['hosts']:
+ if host_config[1] in LOCALHOST:
+ d = self.connectionmanager.hostlist.get_host_status(host_config[0])
+ d.addCallback(on_localhost_status, host_config[2])
+ break
+ # Autoconnect to a host
+ if self.config['autoconnect']:
+ for host_config in self.connectionmanager.hostlist.config['hosts']:
+ host_id, host, port, user, __ = host_config
+ if host_id == self.config['autoconnect_host_id']:
+ log.debug('Trying to connect to %s@%s:%s', user, host, port)
+ self.connectionmanager._connect(host_id, try_counter=6)
+ break
+ if self.config['show_connection_manager_on_start']:
+ # Dialog is blocking so call last.
+ def __on_disconnect(self):
+ """
+ Called when disconnected from the daemon. We basically just stop all
+ the components here.
+ """
+ self.daemon_bps = (0, 0, 0)
+ component.stop()