path: root/deluge/ui/gtk3/
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deluge/ui/gtk3/ b/deluge/ui/gtk3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c871d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/gtk3/
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andrew Resch <>
+# This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with
+# the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
+# See LICENSE for more details.
+import logging
+import os.path
+from hashlib import sha1 as sha
+import gi
+from gi.repository import Gtk
+from gi.repository.Gdk import DragAction, WindowState
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.error import ReactorNotRunning
+import deluge.component as component
+from deluge.common import decode_bytes, fspeed, is_magnet, is_url, resource_filename
+from deluge.configmanager import ConfigManager
+from deluge.ui.client import client
+from .common import get_clipboard_text, get_deluge_icon, windowing
+from .dialogs import PasswordDialog
+from .ipcinterface import process_args
+GdkX11 = None
+Wnck = None
+if windowing('X11'):
+ try:
+ from gi.repository import GdkX11
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ gi.require_version('Wnck', '3.0')
+ from gi.repository import Wnck
+ except (ImportError, ValueError):
+ pass
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class _GtkBuilderSignalsHolder:
+ def connect_signals(self, mapping_or_class):
+ if isinstance(mapping_or_class, dict):
+ for name, handler in mapping_or_class.items():
+ if hasattr(self, name):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'A handler for signal %r has already been registered: %s'
+ % (name, getattr(self, name))
+ )
+ setattr(self, name, handler)
+ else:
+ for name in dir(mapping_or_class):
+ if not name.startswith('on_'):
+ continue
+ if hasattr(self, name):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'A handler for signal %r has already been registered: %s'
+ % (name, getattr(self, name))
+ )
+ setattr(self, name, getattr(mapping_or_class, name))
+class MainWindow(component.Component):
+ def __init__(self):
+ if Wnck:
+ self.screen = Wnck.Screen.get_default()
+ component.Component.__init__(self, 'MainWindow', interval=2)
+ self.config = ConfigManager('gtk3ui.conf')
+ self.main_builder = Gtk.Builder()
+ # Set theme
+ Gtk.Settings.get_default().set_property(
+ 'gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme',
+ self.config['prefer_dark_theme'],
+ )
+ # Patch this GtkBuilder to avoid connecting signals from elsewhere
+ #
+ # Think about splitting up mainwindow gtkbuilder file into the necessary parts
+ # to avoid GtkBuilder monkey patch. Those parts would then need adding to mainwindow 'by hand'.
+ self.gtk_builder_signals_holder = _GtkBuilderSignalsHolder()
+ # FIXME: The deepcopy has been removed: copy.deepcopy(self.main_builder.connect_signals)
+ self.main_builder.prev_connect_signals = self.main_builder.connect_signals
+ def patched_connect_signals(*a, **k):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'In order to connect signals to this GtkBuilder instance please use '
+ '"component.get(\'MainWindow\').connect_signals()"'
+ )
+ self.main_builder.connect_signals = patched_connect_signals
+ # Get Gtk Builder files Main Window, New release dialog, and Tabs.
+ ui_filenames = [
+ 'main_window.ui',
+ 'main_window.new_release.ui',
+ 'main_window.tabs.ui',
+ 'main_window.tabs.menu_file.ui',
+ 'main_window.tabs.menu_peer.ui',
+ ]
+ for filename in ui_filenames:
+ self.main_builder.add_from_file(
+ resource_filename(__package__, os.path.join('glade', filename))
+ )
+ self.window = self.main_builder.get_object('main_window')
+ self.window.set_icon(get_deluge_icon())
+ self.tabsbar_pane = self.main_builder.get_object('tabsbar_pane')
+ self.tabsbar_torrent_info = self.main_builder.get_object('torrent_info')
+ self.sidebar_pane = self.main_builder.get_object('sidebar_pane')
+ # Keep a list of components to pause and resume when changing window state.
+ self.child_components = ['TorrentView', 'StatusBar', 'TorrentDetails']
+ # Load the window state
+ self.load_window_state()
+ # Keep track of window minimization state so we don't update UI when it is minimized.
+ self.is_minimized = False
+ self.restart = False
+ self.window.drag_dest_set(
+ Gtk.DestDefaults.ALL,
+ ['text/uri-list', flags=0, info=80)],
+ DragAction.COPY,
+ )
+ # Connect events
+ self.window.connect('window-state-event', self.on_window_state_event)
+ self.window.connect('configure-event', self.on_window_configure_event)
+ self.window.connect('delete-event', self.on_window_delete_event)
+ self.window.connect('drag-data-received', self.on_drag_data_received_event)
+ self.window.connect('notify::is-active', self.on_focus)
+ self.tabsbar_pane.connect(
+ 'notify::position', self.on_tabsbar_pane_position_event
+ )
+ self.sidebar_pane.connect(
+ 'notify::position', self.on_sidebar_pane_position_event
+ )
+ self.window.connect('draw', self.on_expose_event)
+ self.config.register_set_function(
+ 'show_rate_in_title', self._on_set_show_rate_in_title, apply_now=False
+ )
+ client.register_event_handler(
+ 'NewVersionAvailableEvent', self.on_newversionavailable_event
+ )
+ self.previous_clipboard_text = ''
+ self.first_run = True
+ def connect_signals(self, mapping_or_class):
+ self.gtk_builder_signals_holder.connect_signals(mapping_or_class)
+ def first_show(self):
+ self.main_builder.prev_connect_signals(self.gtk_builder_signals_holder)
+ self.sidebar_pane.set_position(self.config['sidebar_position'])
+ self.tabsbar_pane.set_position(self.config['tabsbar_position'])
+ if not (
+ self.config['start_in_tray'] and self.config['enable_system_tray']
+ ) and not self.window.get_property('visible'):
+ log.debug('Showing window')
+ while Gtk.events_pending():
+ Gtk.main_iteration()
+ def show(self):
+ component.resume(self.child_components)
+ def hide(self):
+ component.get('TorrentView').save_state()
+ component.pause(self.child_components)
+ self.save_position()
+ self.window.hide()
+ def present(self):
+ def restore():
+ # Restore the proper x,y coords for the window prior to showing it
+ component.resume(self.child_components)
+ timestamp = self.get_timestamp()
+ if windowing('X11'):
+ # Use present with X11 set_user_time since
+ # present_with_time is inconsistent.
+ self.window.present()
+ self.window.get_window().set_user_time(timestamp)
+ else:
+ self.window.present_with_time(timestamp)
+ self.load_window_state()
+ if self.config['lock_tray'] and not self.visible():
+ dialog = PasswordDialog(_('Enter your password to show Deluge...'))
+ def on_dialog_response(response_id):
+ if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
+ if (
+ self.config['tray_password']
+ == sha(decode_bytes(dialog.get_password()).encode()).hexdigest()
+ ):
+ restore()
+ else:
+ restore()
+ def get_timestamp(self):
+ """Returns the timestamp for the windowing server."""
+ timestamp = 0
+ gdk_window = self.window.get_window()
+ if GdkX11 and isinstance(gdk_window, GdkX11.X11Window):
+ timestamp = GdkX11.x11_get_server_time(gdk_window)
+ return timestamp
+ def active(self):
+ """Returns True if the window is active, False if not."""
+ return self.window.is_active()
+ def visible(self):
+ """Returns True if window is visible, False if not."""
+ return self.window.get_visible()
+ def get_builder(self):
+ """Returns a reference to the main window GTK builder object."""
+ return self.main_builder
+ def quit(self, shutdown=False, restart=False): # noqa: A003 python builtin
+ """Quits the GtkUI application.
+ Args:
+ shutdown (bool): Whether or not to shutdown the daemon as well.
+ restart (bool): Whether or not to restart the application after closing.
+ """
+ def quit_gtkui():
+ def stop_gtk_reactor(result=None):
+ self.restart = restart
+ try:
+ reactor.callLater(0, reactor.fireSystemEvent, 'gtkui_close')
+ except ReactorNotRunning:
+ log.debug('Attempted to stop the reactor but it is not running...')
+ if shutdown:
+ client.daemon.shutdown().addCallback(stop_gtk_reactor)
+ elif not client.is_standalone() and client.connected():
+ client.disconnect().addCallback(stop_gtk_reactor)
+ else:
+ stop_gtk_reactor()
+ if self.config['lock_tray'] and not self.visible():
+ dialog = PasswordDialog(_('Enter your password to Quit Deluge...'))
+ def on_dialog_response(response_id):
+ if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
+ if (
+ self.config['tray_password']
+ == sha(decode_bytes(dialog.get_password()).encode()).hexdigest()
+ ):
+ quit_gtkui()
+ else:
+ quit_gtkui()
+ def load_window_state(self):
+ if (
+ self.config['window_x_pos'] == -32000
+ or self.config['window_x_pos'] == -32000
+ ):
+ self.config['window_x_pos'] = self.config['window_y_pos'] = 0
+ self.window.move(self.config['window_x_pos'], self.config['window_y_pos'])
+ self.window.resize(self.config['window_width'], self.config['window_height'])
+ if self.config['window_maximized']:
+ self.window.maximize()
+ def save_position(self):
+ self.config['window_maximized'] = self.window.props.is_maximized
+ if not self.config['window_maximized'] and self.visible():
+ (
+ self.config['window_x_pos'],
+ self.config['window_y_pos'],
+ ) = self.window.get_position()
+ (
+ self.config['window_width'],
+ self.config['window_height'],
+ ) = self.window.get_size()
+ def on_window_configure_event(self, widget, event):
+ self.save_position()
+ def on_window_state_event(self, widget, event):
+ if event.changed_mask & WindowState.ICONIFIED:
+ if event.new_window_state & WindowState.ICONIFIED:
+ log.debug('MainWindow is minimized..')
+ component.get('TorrentView').save_state()
+ component.pause(self.child_components)
+ self.is_minimized = True
+ else:
+ log.debug('MainWindow is not minimized..')
+ component.resume(self.child_components)
+ self.is_minimized = False
+ return False
+ def on_window_delete_event(self, widget, event):
+ if self.config['close_to_tray'] and self.config['enable_system_tray']:
+ self.hide()
+ else:
+ self.quit()
+ return True
+ def on_tabsbar_pane_position_event(self, obj, param):
+ self.config['tabsbar_position'] = self.tabsbar_pane.get_position()
+ def on_sidebar_pane_position_event(self, obj, param):
+ self.config['sidebar_position'] = self.sidebar_pane.get_position()
+ def on_drag_data_received_event(
+ self, widget, drag_context, x, y, selection_data, info, timestamp
+ ):
+ log.debug('Selection(s) dropped on main window %s', selection_data.get_text())
+ if selection_data.get_uris():
+ process_args(selection_data.get_uris())
+ else:
+ process_args(selection_data.get_text().split())
+ drag_context.finish(True, True, timestamp)
+ def on_expose_event(self, widget, event):
+ component.get('SystemTray').blink(False)
+ def on_focus(self, window, param):
+ if window.props.is_active and not self.first_run and self.config['detect_urls']:
+ text = get_clipboard_text()
+ if text == self.previous_clipboard_text:
+ return
+ self.previous_clipboard_text = text
+ if text and (
+ (is_url(text) and text.endswith('.torrent'))
+ or is_magnet(text)
+ and not component.get('MenuBar').magnet_copied()
+ ):
+ component.get('AddTorrentDialog').show()
+ component.get('AddTorrentDialog').on_button_url_clicked(window)
+ self.first_run = False
+ def stop(self):
+ self.window.set_title('Deluge')
+ def update(self):
+ # Update the window title
+ def _on_get_session_status(status):
+ download_rate = fspeed(
+ status['payload_download_rate'], precision=0, shortform=True
+ )
+ upload_rate = fspeed(
+ status['payload_upload_rate'], precision=0, shortform=True
+ )
+ self.window.set_title(
+ _('D: {download_rate} U: {upload_rate} - Deluge').format(
+ download_rate=download_rate, upload_rate=upload_rate
+ )
+ )
+ if self.config['show_rate_in_title']:
+ client.core.get_session_status(
+ ['payload_download_rate', 'payload_upload_rate']
+ ).addCallback(_on_get_session_status)
+ def _on_set_show_rate_in_title(self, key, value):
+ if value:
+ self.update()
+ else:
+ self.window.set_title(_('Deluge'))
+ def on_newversionavailable_event(self, new_version):
+ if self.config['show_new_releases']:
+ from .new_release_dialog import NewReleaseDialog
+ reactor.callLater(5.0, NewReleaseDialog().show, new_version)
+ def is_on_active_workspace(self):
+ """Determines if MainWindow is on the active workspace.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if on active workspace (or wnck module not available), otherwise False.
+ """
+ if Wnck:
+ self.screen.force_update()
+ win = Wnck.Window.get(self.window.get_window().get_xid())
+ if win:
+ active_wksp = win.get_screen().get_active_workspace()
+ if active_wksp:
+ return win.is_on_workspace(active_wksp)
+ return False
+ return True