# # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andrew Resch # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # """The Deluge daemon""" import logging import os import socket from twisted.internet import reactor import deluge.component as component from deluge.common import get_version, is_ip, is_process_running, windows_check from deluge.configmanager import get_config_dir from deluge.core.core import Core from deluge.core.rpcserver import RPCServer, export from deluge.error import DaemonRunningError if windows_check(): from win32api import SetConsoleCtrlHandler from win32con import CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT, CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def is_daemon_running(pid_file): """ Check for another running instance of the daemon using the same pid file. Args: pid_file: The location of the file with pid, port values. Returns: bool: True is daemon is running, False otherwise. """ try: with open(pid_file) as _file: pid, port = (int(x) for x in _file.readline().strip().split(';')) except (OSError, ValueError): return False if is_process_running(pid): # Ensure it's a deluged process by trying to open a socket to it's port. _socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: _socket.connect(('', port)) except OSError: # Can't connect, so pid is not a deluged process. return False else: # This is a deluged process! _socket.close() return True class Daemon: """The Deluge Daemon class""" def __init__( self, listen_interface=None, outgoing_interface=None, interface=None, port=None, standalone=False, read_only_config_keys=None, ): """ Args: listen_interface (str, optional): The IP address to listen to BitTorrent connections on. outgoing_interface (str, optional): The network interface name or IP address to open outgoing BitTorrent connections on. interface (str, optional): The IP address the daemon will listen for UI connections on. port (int, optional): The port the daemon will listen for UI connections on. standalone (bool, optional): If True the client is in Standalone mode otherwise, if False, start the daemon as separate process. read_only_config_keys (list of str, optional): A list of config keys that will not be altered by core.set_config() RPC method. """ self.standalone = standalone self.pid_file = get_config_dir('deluged.pid') log.info('Deluge daemon %s', get_version()) if is_daemon_running(self.pid_file): raise DaemonRunningError( 'Deluge daemon already running with this config directory!' ) # Twisted catches signals to terminate, so just have it call the shutdown method. reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', self._shutdown) # Catch some Windows specific signals if windows_check(): def win_handler(ctrl_type): """Handle the Windows shutdown or close events.""" log.debug('windows handler ctrl_type: %s', ctrl_type) if ctrl_type == CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT or ctrl_type == CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: self._shutdown() return 1 SetConsoleCtrlHandler(win_handler) # Start the core as a thread and join it until it's done self.core = Core( listen_interface=listen_interface, outgoing_interface=outgoing_interface, read_only_config_keys=read_only_config_keys, ) if port is None: port = self.core.config['daemon_port'] self.port = port if interface and not is_ip(interface): log.error('Invalid UI interface (must be IP Address): %s', interface) interface = None self.rpcserver = RPCServer( port=port, allow_remote=self.core.config['allow_remote'], listen=not standalone, interface=interface, ) log.debug( 'Listening to UI on: %s:%s and bittorrent on: %s Making connections out on: %s', interface, port, listen_interface, outgoing_interface, ) def start(self): # Register the daemon and the core RPCs self.rpcserver.register_object(self.core) self.rpcserver.register_object(self) # Make sure we start the PreferencesManager first component.start('PreferencesManager') if not self.standalone: log.info('Deluge daemon starting...') # Create pid file to track if deluged is running, also includes the port number. pid = os.getpid() log.debug('Storing pid %s & port %s in: %s', pid, self.port, self.pid_file) with open(self.pid_file, 'w') as _file: _file.write(f'{pid};{self.port}\n') component.start() try: reactor.run() finally: log.debug('Remove pid file: %s', self.pid_file) os.remove(self.pid_file) log.info('Deluge daemon shutdown successfully') @export() def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs): log.debug('Deluge daemon shutdown requested...') reactor.callLater(0, reactor.stop) def _shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs): log.info('Deluge daemon shutting down, waiting for components to shutdown...') if not self.standalone: return component.shutdown() @export() def get_method_list(self): """Returns a list of the exported methods.""" return self.rpcserver.get_method_list() @export() def get_version(self): """Returns the daemon version""" return get_version() @export(1) def authorized_call(self, rpc): """Determines if session auth_level is authorized to call RPC. Args: rpc (str): A RPC, e.g. core.get_torrents_status Returns: bool: True if authorized to call RPC, otherwise False. """ if rpc not in self.get_method_list(): return False return ( self.rpcserver.get_session_auth_level() >= self.rpcserver.get_rpc_auth_level(rpc) )