# # Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Resch # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 John Garland # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # import logging import os import shutil import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from email.utils import formatdate from urllib.parse import urljoin from twisted.internet import defer, threads from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall from twisted.web import error import deluge.component as component import deluge.configmanager from deluge.common import is_url from deluge.core.rpcserver import export from deluge.httpdownloader import download_file from deluge.plugins.pluginbase import CorePluginBase from .common import IP, BadIP from .detect import UnknownFormatError, create_reader, detect_compression, detect_format from .readers import ReaderParseError # TODO: check return values for deferred callbacks # TODO: review class attributes for redundancy log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_PREFS = { 'url': '', 'load_on_start': False, 'check_after_days': 4, 'list_compression': '', 'list_type': '', 'last_update': 0.0, 'list_size': 0, 'timeout': 180, 'try_times': 3, 'whitelisted': [], } # Constants ALLOW_RANGE = 0 BLOCK_RANGE = 1 class Core(CorePluginBase): def enable(self): log.debug('Blocklist: Plugin enabled...') self.is_url = True self.is_downloading = False self.is_importing = False self.has_imported = False self.up_to_date = False self.need_to_resume_session = False self.num_whited = 0 self.num_blocked = 0 self.file_progress = 0.0 self.core = component.get('Core') self.config = deluge.configmanager.ConfigManager( 'blocklist.conf', DEFAULT_PREFS ) if 'whitelisted' not in self.config: self.config['whitelisted'] = [] self.reader = create_reader( self.config['list_type'], self.config['list_compression'] ) if not isinstance(self.config['last_update'], float): self.config.config['last_update'] = 0.0 update_now = False if self.config['load_on_start']: self.pause_session() if self.config['last_update']: last_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.config['last_update']) check_period = timedelta(days=self.config['check_after_days']) if ( not self.config['last_update'] or last_update + check_period < datetime.now() ): update_now = True else: d = self.import_list( deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir('blocklist.cache') ) d.addCallbacks(self.on_import_complete, self.on_import_error) if self.need_to_resume_session: d.addBoth(self.resume_session) # This function is called every 'check_after_days' days, to download # and import a new list if needed. self.update_timer = LoopingCall(self.check_import) if self.config['check_after_days'] > 0: self.update_timer.start( self.config['check_after_days'] * 24 * 60 * 60, update_now ) def disable(self): self.config.save() log.debug('Reset IP filter') self.core.session.get_ip_filter().add_rule( '', '', ALLOW_RANGE ) log.debug('Blocklist: Plugin disabled') def update(self): pass # Exported RPC methods # @export def check_import(self, force=False): """Imports latest blocklist specified by blocklist url. Args: force (bool, optional): Force the download/import, default is False. Returns: Deferred: A Deferred which fires when the blocklist has been imported. """ if not self.config['url']: return # Reset variables self.filename = None self.force_download = force self.failed_attempts = 0 self.auto_detected = False self.up_to_date = False if force: self.reader = None self.is_url = is_url(self.config['url']) # Start callback chain if self.is_url: d = self.download_list() d.addCallbacks(self.on_download_complete, self.on_download_error) d.addCallback(self.import_list) else: d = self.import_list(self.config['url']) d.addCallbacks(self.on_import_complete, self.on_import_error) if self.need_to_resume_session: d.addBoth(self.resume_session) return d @export def get_config(self): """Gets the blocklist config dictionary. Returns: dict: The config dictionary. """ return self.config.config @export def set_config(self, config): """Sets the blocklist config. Args: config (dict): config to set. """ needs_blocklist_import = False for key in config: if key == 'whitelisted': saved = set(self.config[key]) update = set(config[key]) diff = saved.symmetric_difference(update) if diff: log.debug('Whitelist changed. Updating...') added = update.intersection(diff) removed = saved.intersection(diff) if added: for ip in added: try: ip = IP.parse(ip) self.blocklist.add_rule( ip.address, ip.address, ALLOW_RANGE ) saved.add(ip.address) log.debug('Added %s to whitelisted', ip) self.num_whited += 1 except BadIP as ex: log.error('Bad IP: %s', ex) continue if removed: needs_blocklist_import = True for ip in removed: try: ip = IP.parse(ip) saved.remove(ip.address) log.debug('Removed %s from whitelisted', ip) except BadIP as ex: log.error('Bad IP: %s', ex) continue self.config[key] = list(saved) continue elif key == 'check_after_days': if self.config[key] != config[key]: self.config[key] = config[key] update_now = False if self.config['last_update']: last_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.config['last_update']) check_period = timedelta(days=self.config['check_after_days']) if ( not self.config['last_update'] or last_update + check_period < datetime.now() ): update_now = True if self.update_timer.running: self.update_timer.stop() if self.config['check_after_days'] > 0: self.update_timer.start( self.config['check_after_days'] * 24 * 60 * 60, update_now ) continue self.config[key] = config[key] if needs_blocklist_import: log.debug( 'IP addresses were removed from the whitelist. Since we ' 'do not know if they were blocked before. Re-import ' 'current blocklist and re-add whitelisted.' ) self.has_imported = False d = self.import_list(deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir('blocklist.cache')) d.addCallbacks(self.on_import_complete, self.on_import_error) @export def get_status(self): """Get the status of the plugin. Returns: dict: The status dict of the plugin. """ status = {} if self.is_downloading: status['state'] = 'Downloading' elif self.is_importing: status['state'] = 'Importing' else: status['state'] = 'Idle' status['up_to_date'] = self.up_to_date status['num_whited'] = self.num_whited status['num_blocked'] = self.num_blocked status['file_progress'] = self.file_progress status['file_url'] = self.config['url'] status['file_size'] = self.config['list_size'] status['file_date'] = self.config['last_update'] status['file_type'] = self.config['list_type'] status['whitelisted'] = self.config['whitelisted'] if self.config['list_compression']: status['file_type'] += ' (%s)' % self.config['list_compression'] return status #### def update_info(self, blocklist): """Updates blocklist info. Args: blocklist (str): Path of blocklist. Returns: str: Path of blocklist. """ log.debug('Updating blocklist info: %s', blocklist) self.config['last_update'] = time.time() self.config['list_size'] = os.path.getsize(blocklist) self.filename = blocklist return blocklist def download_list(self, url=None): """Downloads the blocklist specified by 'url' in the config. Args: url (str, optional): url to download from, defaults to config value. Returns: Deferred: a Deferred which fires once the blocklist has been downloaded. """ def on_retrieve_data(data, current_length, total_length): if total_length: fp = current_length / total_length if fp > 1.0: fp = 1.0 else: fp = 0.0 self.file_progress = fp import socket socket.setdefaulttimeout(self.config['timeout']) if not url: url = self.config['url'] headers = {} if self.config['last_update'] and not self.force_download: headers['If-Modified-Since'] = formatdate( self.config['last_update'], usegmt=True ) log.debug('Attempting to download blocklist %s', url) log.debug('Sending headers: %s', headers) self.is_downloading = True return download_file( url, deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir('blocklist.download'), on_retrieve_data, headers, ) def on_download_complete(self, blocklist): """Runs any download clean up functions. Args: blocklist (str): Path of blocklist. Returns: Deferred: a Deferred which fires when clean up is done. """ log.debug('Blocklist download complete: %s', blocklist) self.is_downloading = False return threads.deferToThread(self.update_info, blocklist) def on_download_error(self, f): """Recovers from download error. Args: f (Failure): Failure that occurred. Returns: Deferred or Failure: A Deferred if recovery was possible else original Failure. """ self.is_downloading = False error_msg = f.getErrorMessage() d = f if f.check(error.PageRedirect): # Handle redirect errors location = urljoin(self.config['url'], error_msg.split(' to ')[1]) if 'Moved Permanently' in error_msg: log.debug('Setting blocklist url to %s', location) self.config['url'] = location d = self.download_list(location) d.addCallbacks(self.on_download_complete, self.on_download_error) else: if 'Not Modified' in error_msg: log.debug('Blocklist is up-to-date!') self.up_to_date = True blocklist = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir('blocklist.cache') d = threads.deferToThread(self.update_info, blocklist) else: log.warning('Blocklist download failed: %s', error_msg) if self.failed_attempts < self.config['try_times']: log.debug( 'Try downloading blocklist again... (%s/%s)', self.failed_attempts, self.config['try_times'], ) self.failed_attempts += 1 d = self.download_list() d.addCallbacks(self.on_download_complete, self.on_download_error) return d def import_list(self, blocklist): """Imports the downloaded blocklist into the session. Args: blocklist (str): path of blocklist. Returns: Deferred: A Deferred that fires when the blocklist has been imported. """ log.trace('on import_list') def on_read_ip_range(start, end): """Add ip range to blocklist""" # log.trace('Adding ip range %s - %s to ipfilter as blocked', start, end) self.blocklist.add_rule(start.address, end.address, BLOCK_RANGE) self.num_blocked += 1 def on_finish_read(result): """Add any whitelisted IP's and add the blocklist to session""" # White listing happens last because the last rules added have # priority log.info('Added %d ranges to ipfilter as blocked', self.num_blocked) for ip in self.config['whitelisted']: ip = IP.parse(ip) self.blocklist.add_rule(ip.address, ip.address, ALLOW_RANGE) self.num_whited += 1 log.trace('Added %s to the ipfiler as white-listed', ip.address) log.info('Added %d ranges to ipfilter as white-listed', self.num_whited) self.core.session.set_ip_filter(self.blocklist) return result # TODO: double check logic if self.up_to_date and self.has_imported: log.debug('Latest blocklist is already imported') return defer.succeed(blocklist) self.is_importing = True self.num_blocked = 0 self.num_whited = 0 self.blocklist = self.core.session.get_ip_filter() if not blocklist: blocklist = self.filename if not self.reader: self.auto_detect(blocklist) self.auto_detected = True def on_reader_failure(failure): log.error('Failed to read!!!!!!') log.exception(failure) log.debug('Importing using reader: %s', self.reader) log.debug( 'Reader type: %s compression: %s', self.config['list_type'], self.config['list_compression'], ) log.debug('Clearing current ip filtering') # self.blocklist.add_rule('', '', ALLOW_RANGE) d = threads.deferToThread(self.reader(blocklist).read, on_read_ip_range) d.addCallback(on_finish_read).addErrback(on_reader_failure) return d def on_import_complete(self, blocklist): """Runs any import clean up functions. Args: blocklist (str): Path of blocklist. Returns: Deferred: A Deferred that fires when clean up is done. """ log.trace('on_import_list_complete') d = blocklist self.is_importing = False self.has_imported = True log.debug('Blocklist import complete!') cache = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir('blocklist.cache') if blocklist != cache: if self.is_url: log.debug('Moving %s to %s', blocklist, cache) d = threads.deferToThread(shutil.move, blocklist, cache) else: log.debug('Copying %s to %s', blocklist, cache) d = threads.deferToThread(shutil.copy, blocklist, cache) return d def on_import_error(self, f): """Recovers from import error. Args: f (Failure): Failure that occurred. Returns: Deferred or Failure: A Deferred if recovery was possible else original Failure. """ log.trace('on_import_error: %s', f) d = f self.is_importing = False try_again = False cache = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir('blocklist.cache') if f.check(ReaderParseError) and not self.auto_detected: # Invalid / corrupt list, let's detect it log.warning('Invalid / corrupt blocklist') self.reader = None blocklist = None try_again = True elif self.filename != cache and os.path.exists(cache): # If we have a backup and we haven't already used it log.warning('Error reading blocklist: %s', f.getErrorMessage()) blocklist = cache try_again = True if try_again: d = self.import_list(blocklist) d.addCallbacks(self.on_import_complete, self.on_import_error) return d def auto_detect(self, blocklist): """Attempts to auto-detect the blocklist type. Args: blocklist (str): Path of blocklist. Raises: UnknownFormatError: If the format cannot be detected. """ self.config['list_compression'] = detect_compression(blocklist) self.config['list_type'] = detect_format( blocklist, self.config['list_compression'] ) log.debug( 'Auto-detected type: %s compression: %s', self.config['list_type'], self.config['list_compression'], ) if not self.config['list_type']: self.config['list_compression'] = '' raise UnknownFormatError else: self.reader = create_reader( self.config['list_type'], self.config['list_compression'] ) def pause_session(self): self.need_to_resume_session = not self.core.session.is_paused() self.core.pause_session() def resume_session(self, result): self.core.resume_session() self.need_to_resume_session = False return result