# # Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Resch # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # import hashlib import logging import os import time from twisted.internet.utils import getProcessOutputAndValue import deluge.component as component from deluge.common import windows_check from deluge.configmanager import ConfigManager from deluge.core.rpcserver import export from deluge.event import DelugeEvent from deluge.plugins.pluginbase import CorePluginBase log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_CONFIG = {'commands': []} EXECUTE_ID = 0 EXECUTE_EVENT = 1 EXECUTE_COMMAND = 2 EVENT_MAP = { 'complete': 'TorrentFinishedEvent', 'added': 'TorrentAddedEvent', 'removed': 'TorrentRemovedEvent', } class ExecuteCommandAddedEvent(DelugeEvent): """ Emitted when a new command is added. """ def __init__(self, command_id, event, command): self._args = [command_id, event, command] class ExecuteCommandRemovedEvent(DelugeEvent): """ Emitted when a command is removed. """ def __init__(self, command_id): self._args = [command_id] class Core(CorePluginBase): def enable(self): self.config = ConfigManager('execute.conf', DEFAULT_CONFIG) event_manager = component.get('EventManager') self.registered_events = {} self.preremoved_cache = {} # Go through the commands list and register event handlers for command in self.config['commands']: event = command[EXECUTE_EVENT] if event in self.registered_events: continue def create_event_handler(event): def event_handler(torrent_id, *arg): self.execute_commands(torrent_id, event, *arg) return event_handler event_handler = create_event_handler(event) event_manager.register_event_handler(EVENT_MAP[event], event_handler) if event == 'removed': event_manager.register_event_handler( 'PreTorrentRemovedEvent', self.on_preremoved ) self.registered_events[event] = event_handler log.debug('Execute core plugin enabled!') def on_preremoved(self, torrent_id): # Get and store the torrent info before it is removed torrent = component.get('TorrentManager').torrents[torrent_id] info = torrent.get_status(['name', 'download_location']) self.preremoved_cache[torrent_id] = [ torrent_id, info['name'], info['download_location'], ] def execute_commands(self, torrent_id, event, *arg): if event == 'added' and arg[0]: # No futher action as from_state (arg[0]) is True return elif event == 'removed': torrent_id, torrent_name, download_location = self.preremoved_cache.pop( torrent_id ) else: torrent = component.get('TorrentManager').torrents[torrent_id] info = torrent.get_status(['name', 'download_location']) # Grab the torrent name and download location # getProcessOutputAndValue requires args to be str torrent_name = info['name'] download_location = info['download_location'] log.debug('Running commands for %s', event) def log_error(result, command): (stdout, stderr, exit_code) = result if exit_code: log.warning('Command "%s" failed with exit code %d', command, exit_code) if stdout: log.warning('stdout: %s', stdout) if stderr: log.warning('stderr: %s', stderr) # Go through and execute all the commands for command in self.config['commands']: if command[EXECUTE_EVENT] == event: command = os.path.expandvars(command[EXECUTE_COMMAND]) command = os.path.expanduser(command) cmd_args = [ torrent_id.encode('utf8'), torrent_name.encode('utf8'), download_location.encode('utf8'), ] if windows_check(): # Escape ampersand on windows (see #2784) cmd_args = [cmd_arg.replace(b'&', b'^^^&') for cmd_arg in cmd_args] if os.path.isfile(command) and os.access(command, os.X_OK): log.debug('Running %s with args: %s', command, cmd_args) d = getProcessOutputAndValue(command, cmd_args, env=os.environ) d.addCallback(log_error, command) else: log.error('Execute script not found or not executable') def disable(self): self.config.save() event_manager = component.get('EventManager') for event, handler in self.registered_events.items(): event_manager.deregister_event_handler(event, handler) log.debug('Execute core plugin disabled!') # Exported RPC methods # @export def add_command(self, event, command): command_id = hashlib.sha1(str(time.time()).encode()).hexdigest() self.config['commands'].append((command_id, event, command)) self.config.save() component.get('EventManager').emit( ExecuteCommandAddedEvent(command_id, event, command) ) @export def get_commands(self): return self.config['commands'] @export def remove_command(self, command_id): for command in self.config['commands']: if command[EXECUTE_ID] == command_id: self.config['commands'].remove(command) component.get('EventManager').emit( ExecuteCommandRemovedEvent(command_id) ) break self.config.save() @export def save_command(self, command_id, event, cmd): for i, command in enumerate(self.config['commands']): if command[EXECUTE_ID] == command_id: self.config['commands'][i] = (command_id, event, cmd) break self.config.save()