# # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # import itertools import os import time from base64 import b64encode from unittest import mock import pytest from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from twisted.internet.task import deferLater import deluge.component as component import deluge.core.torrent import deluge.tests.common as common from deluge._libtorrent import lt from deluge.common import VersionSplit, utf8_encode_structure from deluge.conftest import BaseTestCase from deluge.core.core import Core from deluge.core.rpcserver import RPCServer from deluge.core.torrent import Torrent from deluge.core.torrentmanager import TorrentManager, TorrentState try: from unittest.mock import AsyncMock except ImportError: from mock import AsyncMock class TestTorrent(BaseTestCase): def setup_config(self): core_config = deluge.config.Config( 'core.conf', defaults=deluge.core.preferencesmanager.DEFAULT_PREFS, config_dir=self.config_dir, ) core_config.save() def set_up(self): self.setup_config() self.rpcserver = RPCServer(listen=False) self.core = Core() self.core.config.config['lsd'] = False self.core.config.config['new_release_check'] = False self.session = self.core.session self.torrent = None return component.start() def tear_down(self): def on_shutdown(result): del self.rpcserver del self.core return component.shutdown().addCallback(on_shutdown) def print_priority_list(self, priorities): tmp = '' for i, p in enumerate(priorities): if i % 100 == 0: print(tmp) tmp = '' tmp += '%s' % p print(tmp) def assert_state(self, torrent, state): """Assert torrent state matches expected state""" torrent.update_state() assert torrent.state == state def assert_state_wait(self, torrent, expected, timeout=1, interval=0.2): """Assert state but retry with timeout e.g. Allow for async lt alerts""" start = time.time() while time.time() - start < timeout: torrent.update_state() time.sleep(interval) if torrent.state == expected: break else: assert torrent.state == expected def get_torrent_atp(self, filename): filename = common.get_test_data_file(filename) with open(filename, 'rb') as _file: info = lt.torrent_info(lt.bdecode(_file.read())) atp = { 'ti': info, 'save_path': os.getcwd(), 'storage_mode': lt.storage_mode_t.storage_mode_sparse, 'flags': ( lt.torrent_flags.auto_managed | lt.torrent_flags.duplicate_is_error & ~lt.torrent_flags.paused ), } return atp async def test_set_file_priorities(self): if getattr(lt, 'file_prio_alert', None): # Libtorrent 2.0.3 and later has a file_prio_alert prios_set = defer.Deferred() prios_set.addTimeout(1.5, reactor) component.get('AlertManager').register_handler( 'file_prio_alert', lambda a: prios_set.callback(True) ) else: # On older libtorrent, we just wait a while prios_set = deferLater(reactor, 0.8) atp = self.get_torrent_atp('dir_with_6_files.torrent') handle = self.session.add_torrent(atp) torrent = Torrent(handle, {}) result = torrent.get_file_priorities() assert all(x == 4 for x in result) new_priorities = [3, 1, 2, 0, 5, 6, 7] torrent.set_file_priorities(new_priorities) assert torrent.get_file_priorities() == new_priorities # Test with handle.piece_priorities as handle.file_priorities async # updates and will return old value. Also need to remove a priority # value as one file is much smaller than piece size so doesn't show. await prios_set # Delay to wait for alert from lt piece_prio = handle.get_piece_priorities() result = all(p in piece_prio for p in [3, 2, 0, 5, 6, 7]) assert result def test_set_prioritize_first_last_pieces(self): piece_indexes = [ 0, 1, 50, 51, 52, 110, 111, 112, 113, 200, 201, 202, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, ] self.run_test_set_prioritize_first_last_pieces( 'dir_with_6_files.torrent', piece_indexes ) def run_test_set_prioritize_first_last_pieces( self, torrent_file, prioritized_piece_indexes ): atp = self.get_torrent_atp(torrent_file) handle = self.session.add_torrent(atp) self.torrent = Torrent(handle, {}) priorities_original = handle.get_piece_priorities() self.torrent.set_prioritize_first_last_pieces(True) priorities = handle.get_piece_priorities() # The length of the list of new priorites is the same as the original assert len(priorities_original) == len(priorities) # Test the priority of all the pieces against the calculated indexes. for idx, priority in enumerate(priorities): if idx in prioritized_piece_indexes: assert priorities[idx] == 7 else: assert priorities[idx] == 4 # self.print_priority_list(priorities) def test_set_prioritize_first_last_pieces_false(self): atp = self.get_torrent_atp('dir_with_6_files.torrent') handle = self.session.add_torrent(atp) self.torrent = Torrent(handle, {}) # First set some pieces prioritized self.torrent.set_prioritize_first_last_pieces(True) # Reset pirorities self.torrent.set_prioritize_first_last_pieces(False) priorities = handle.get_piece_priorities() # Test the priority of the prioritized pieces for i in priorities: assert priorities[i] == 4 # self.print_priority_list(priorities) def test_torrent_error_data_missing(self): options = {'seed_mode': True} filename = common.get_test_data_file('test_torrent.file.torrent') with open(filename, 'rb') as _file: filedump = b64encode(_file.read()) torrent_id = self.core.add_torrent_file(filename, filedump, options) torrent = self.core.torrentmanager.torrents[torrent_id] # Inital check will fail and return to download state self.assert_state_wait(torrent, 'Downloading') # Force an error by reading (non-existant) piece from disk torrent.handle.read_piece(0) self.assert_state_wait(torrent, 'Error') def test_torrent_error_resume_original_state(self): options = {'seed_mode': True, 'add_paused': True} filename = common.get_test_data_file('test_torrent.file.torrent') with open(filename, 'rb') as _file: filedump = b64encode(_file.read()) torrent_id = self.core.add_torrent_file(filename, filedump, options) torrent = self.core.torrentmanager.torrents[torrent_id] orig_state = 'Paused' self.assert_state(torrent, orig_state) # Force an error by reading (non-existant) piece from disk torrent.handle.read_piece(0) self.assert_state_wait(torrent, 'Error') # Clear error and verify returned to original state torrent.force_recheck() def test_torrent_error_resume_data_unaltered(self): if VersionSplit(lt.__version__) >= VersionSplit(''): pytest.skip('Test not working as expected on lt 1.2 or greater') resume_data = { 'active_time': 13399, 'num_incomplete': 16777215, 'announce_to_lsd': 1, 'seed_mode': 0, 'pieces': '\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01', 'paused': 0, 'seeding_time': 13399, 'last_scrape': 13399, 'info-hash': '-\xc5\xd0\xe7\x1af\xfeid\x9ad\r9\xcb\x00\xa2YpIs', 'max_uploads': 16777215, 'max_connections': 16777215, 'num_downloaders': 16777215, 'total_downloaded': 0, 'file-format': 'libtorrent resume file', 'peers6': '', 'added_time': 1411826665, 'banned_peers6': '', 'file_priority': [1], 'last_seen_complete': 0, 'total_uploaded': 0, 'piece_priority': '\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01', 'file-version': 1, 'announce_to_dht': 1, 'auto_managed': 1, 'upload_rate_limit': 0, 'completed_time': 1411826665, 'allocation': 'sparse', 'blocks per piece': 2, 'download_rate_limit': 0, 'libtorrent-version': '', 'banned_peers': '', 'num_seeds': 16777215, 'sequential_download': 0, 'announce_to_trackers': 1, 'peers': '\n\x00\x02\x0f=\xc6SC\x17]\xd8}\x7f\x00\x00\x01=\xc6', 'finished_time': 13399, 'last_upload': 13399, 'trackers': [[]], 'super_seeding': 0, 'file sizes': [[512000, 1411826586]], 'last_download': 13399, } torrent_state = TorrentState( torrent_id='2dc5d0e71a66fe69649a640d39cb00a259704973', filename='test_torrent.file.torrent', name='', save_path='/home/ubuntu/Downloads', file_priorities=[1], is_finished=True, ) filename = common.get_test_data_file('test_torrent.file.torrent') with open(filename, 'rb') as _file: filedump = _file.read() resume_data = utf8_encode_structure(resume_data) torrent_id = self.core.torrentmanager.add( state=torrent_state, filedump=filedump, resume_data=lt.bencode(resume_data) ) torrent = self.core.torrentmanager.torrents[torrent_id] def assert_resume_data(): self.assert_state(torrent, 'Error') tm_resume_data = lt.bdecode( self.core.torrentmanager.resume_data[torrent.torrent_id] ) assert tm_resume_data == resume_data return deferLater(reactor, 0.5, assert_resume_data) def test_get_eta_seeding(self): atp = self.get_torrent_atp('test_torrent.file.torrent') handle = self.session.add_torrent(atp) self.torrent = Torrent(handle, {}) assert self.torrent.get_eta() == 0 self.torrent.status = mock.MagicMock() self.torrent.status.upload_payload_rate = 5000 self.torrent.status.download_payload_rate = 0 self.torrent.status.all_time_download = 10000 self.torrent.status.all_time_upload = 500 self.torrent.is_finished = True self.torrent.options = {'stop_at_ratio': False} # Test finished and uploading but no stop_at_ratio set. assert self.torrent.get_eta() == 0 self.torrent.options = {'stop_at_ratio': True, 'stop_ratio': 1.5} result = self.torrent.get_eta() assert result == 2 assert isinstance(result, int) def test_get_eta_downloading(self): atp = self.get_torrent_atp('test_torrent.file.torrent') handle = self.session.add_torrent(atp) self.torrent = Torrent(handle, {}) assert self.torrent.get_eta() == 0 self.torrent.status = mock.MagicMock() self.torrent.status.download_payload_rate = 50 self.torrent.status.total_wanted = 10000 self.torrent.status.total_wanted_done = 5000 result = self.torrent.get_eta() assert result == 100 assert isinstance(result, int) def test_get_name_unicode(self): """Test retrieving a unicode torrent name from libtorrent.""" atp = self.get_torrent_atp('unicode_file.torrent') handle = self.session.add_torrent(atp) self.torrent = Torrent(handle, {}) assert self.torrent.get_name() == 'সুকুমার রায়.txt' def test_rename_unicode(self): """Test renaming file/folders with unicode filenames.""" atp = self.get_torrent_atp('unicode_filenames.torrent') handle = self.session.add_torrent(atp) self.torrent = Torrent(handle, {}) # Ignore TorrentManager method call TorrentManager.save_resume_data = AsyncMock() result = self.torrent.rename_folder('unicode_filenames', 'Горбачёв') assert isinstance(result, defer.DeferredList) result = self.torrent.rename_files([[0, 'new_рбачёв']]) assert result is None def test_connect_peer_port(self): """Test to ensure port is int for libtorrent""" atp = self.get_torrent_atp('test_torrent.file.torrent') handle = self.session.add_torrent(atp) self.torrent = Torrent(handle, {}) assert not self.torrent.connect_peer('', 'text') assert self.torrent.connect_peer('', '1234') def test_status_cache(self): atp = self.get_torrent_atp('test_torrent.file.torrent') handle = self.session.add_torrent(atp) mock_time = mock.Mock(return_value=time.time()) with mock.patch('time.time', mock_time): torrent = Torrent(handle, {}) counter = itertools.count() handle.status = mock.Mock(side_effect=counter.__next__) first_status = torrent.get_lt_status() assert first_status == 0, 'sanity check' assert first_status == torrent.status, 'cached status should be used' assert torrent.get_lt_status() == 1, 'status should update' assert torrent.status == 1 # Advance time and verify cache expires and updates mock_time.return_value += 10 assert torrent.status == 2