# # Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Lanham # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # from deluge.ui.client import client from deluge.ui.console.utils import curses_util as util from deluge.ui.console.widgets.popup import MessagePopup, SelectablePopup from . import ACTION try: import curses except ImportError: pass key_to_action = { curses.KEY_HOME: ACTION.QUEUE_TOP, curses.KEY_UP: ACTION.QUEUE_UP, curses.KEY_DOWN: ACTION.QUEUE_DOWN, curses.KEY_END: ACTION.QUEUE_BOTTOM, } QUEUE_MODE_HELP_STR = """ Change queue position of selected torrents {!info!}'+'{!normal!} - {|indent_pos:|}Move up {!info!}'-'{!normal!} - {|indent_pos:|}Move down {!info!}'Home'{!normal!} - {|indent_pos:|}Move to top {!info!}'End'{!normal!} - {|indent_pos:|}Move to bottom """ class QueueMode: def __init__(self, torrentslist, torrent_ids): self.torrentslist = torrentslist self.torrentview = torrentslist.torrentview self.torrent_ids = torrent_ids def set_statusbar_args(self, statusbar_args): statusbar_args[ 'bottombar' ] = '{!black,white!}Queue mode: change queue position of selected torrents.' statusbar_args['bottombar_help'] = ' Press [h] for help' def update_cursor(self): pass def update_colors(self, tidx, colors): pass def handle_read(self, c): if c in [util.KEY_ESC, util.KEY_BELL]: # If Escape key or CTRL-g, we abort self.torrentslist.set_minor_mode(None) elif c == ord('h'): popup = MessagePopup( self.torrentslist, 'Help', QUEUE_MODE_HELP_STR, width_req=0.65, border_off_west=1, ) self.torrentslist.push_popup(popup, clear=True) elif c in [ curses.KEY_UP, curses.KEY_DOWN, curses.KEY_HOME, curses.KEY_END, curses.KEY_NPAGE, curses.KEY_PPAGE, ]: action = key_to_action[c] self.do_queue(action) def move_selection(self, cb_arg, qact): if self.torrentslist.config['torrentview']['move_selection'] is False: return queue_length = 0 selected_num = 0 for tid in self.torrentview.curstate: tq = self.torrentview.curstate[tid]['queue'] if tq != -1: queue_length += 1 if tq in self.torrentview.marked: selected_num += 1 if qact == ACTION.QUEUE_TOP: if self.torrentview.marked: self.torrentview.cursel = 1 + sorted(self.torrentview.marked).index( self.torrentview.cursel ) else: self.torrentview.cursel = 1 self.torrentview.marked = list(range(1, selected_num + 1)) elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_UP: self.torrentview.cursel = max(1, self.torrentview.cursel - 1) self.torrentview.marked = [marked - 1 for marked in self.torrentview.marked] self.torrentview.marked = [ marked for marked in self.torrentview.marked if marked > 0 ] elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_DOWN: self.torrentview.cursel = min(queue_length, self.torrentview.cursel + 1) self.torrentview.marked = [marked + 1 for marked in self.torrentview.marked] self.torrentview.marked = [ marked for marked in self.torrentview.marked if marked <= queue_length ] elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_BOTTOM: if self.torrentview.marked: self.torrentview.cursel = ( queue_length - selected_num + 1 + sorted(self.torrentview.marked).index(self.torrentview.cursel) ) else: self.torrentview.cursel = queue_length self.torrentview.marked = list( range(queue_length - selected_num + 1, queue_length + 1) ) def do_queue(self, qact, *args, **kwargs): if qact == ACTION.QUEUE_TOP: client.core.queue_top(self.torrent_ids).addCallback( self.move_selection, qact ) elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_BOTTOM: client.core.queue_bottom(self.torrent_ids).addCallback( self.move_selection, qact ) elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_UP: client.core.queue_up(self.torrent_ids).addCallback( self.move_selection, qact ) elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_DOWN: client.core.queue_down(self.torrent_ids).addCallback( self.move_selection, qact ) def popup(self, **kwargs): popup = SelectablePopup( self.torrentslist, 'Queue Action', self.do_queue, cb_args=kwargs, border_off_west=1, ) popup.add_line(ACTION.QUEUE_TOP, '_Top') popup.add_line(ACTION.QUEUE_UP, '_Up') popup.add_line(ACTION.QUEUE_DOWN, '_Down') popup.add_line(ACTION.QUEUE_BOTTOM, '_Bottom') self.torrentslist.push_popup(popup)