# # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Andrew Resch # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # import logging import os import sys from base64 import b64encode from glob import glob from tempfile import mkstemp from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib.request import url2pathname import rencode import twisted.internet.error from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory, Factory, Protocol, connectionDone import deluge.component as component from deluge.common import decode_bytes, is_magnet, is_url, windows_check from deluge.configmanager import ConfigManager, get_config_dir from deluge.ui.client import client log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class IPCProtocolServer(Protocol): def __init__(self): pass def dataReceived(self, data): # NOQA: N802 config = ConfigManager('gtk3ui.conf') data = rencode.loads(data, decode_utf8=True) if not data or config['focus_main_window_on_add']: component.get('MainWindow').present() process_args(data) class IPCProtocolClient(Protocol): def __init__(self): pass def connectionMade(self): # NOQA: N802 self.transport.write(rencode.dumps(self.factory.args)) self.transport.loseConnection() def connectionLost(self, reason=connectionDone): # NOQA: N802 reactor.stop() self.factory.stop = True class IPCClientFactory(ClientFactory): protocol = IPCProtocolClient def __init__(self): self.stop = False def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): # NOQA: N802 log.warning('Connection to running instance failed.') reactor.stop() class IPCInterface(component.Component): def __init__(self, args): component.Component.__init__(self, 'IPCInterface') self.listener = None ipc_dir = get_config_dir('ipc') if not os.path.exists(ipc_dir): os.makedirs(ipc_dir) socket = os.path.join(ipc_dir, 'deluge-gtk') if windows_check(): # If we're on windows we need to check the global mutex to see if deluge is # already running. import win32api import win32event import winerror self.mutex = win32event.CreateMutex(None, False, 'deluge') if win32api.GetLastError() != winerror.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: # Create listen socket self.factory = Factory() self.factory.protocol = IPCProtocolServer import random port = random.randrange(20000, 65535) self.listener = reactor.listenTCP(port, self.factory) # Store the port number in the socket file with open(socket, 'w') as _file: _file.write(str(port)) # We need to process any args when starting this process process_args(args) else: # Send to existing deluge process with open(socket) as _file: port = int(_file.readline()) self.factory = ClientFactory() self.factory.args = args self.factory.protocol = IPCProtocolClient reactor.connectTCP('', port, self.factory) reactor.run() sys.exit(0) else: # Find and remove any restart tempfiles restart_tempfile = glob(os.path.join(ipc_dir, 'restart.*')) for f in restart_tempfile: os.remove(f) lockfile = socket + '.lock' log.debug('Checking if lockfile exists: %s', lockfile) if os.path.lexists(lockfile): def delete_lockfile(): log.debug('Delete stale lockfile.') try: os.remove(lockfile) os.remove(socket) except OSError as ex: log.error('Failed to delete lockfile: %s', ex) try: os.kill(int(os.readlink(lockfile)), 0) except OSError: delete_lockfile() else: if restart_tempfile: log.warning( 'Found running PID but it is not a Deluge process, removing lockfile...' ) delete_lockfile() try: self.factory = Factory() self.factory.protocol = IPCProtocolServer self.listener = reactor.listenUNIX(socket, self.factory, wantPID=True) except twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError as ex: log.info( 'Deluge is already running! Sending arguments to running instance...' ) self.factory = IPCClientFactory() self.factory.args = args reactor.connectUNIX(socket, self.factory, checkPID=True) reactor.run() if self.factory.stop: log.info('Success sending arguments to running Deluge.') from gi.repository.Gdk import notify_startup_complete notify_startup_complete() sys.exit(0) else: if restart_tempfile: log.error('Deluge restart failed: %s', ex) sys.exit(1) else: log.warning('Restarting Deluge... (%s)', ex) # Create a tempfile to keep track of restart mkstemp(prefix='restart.', dir=ipc_dir) os.execv(sys.argv[0], sys.argv) else: process_args(args) def shutdown(self): if windows_check(): import win32api win32api.CloseHandle(self.mutex) if self.listener: return self.listener.stopListening() def process_args(args): """Process arguments sent to already running Deluge""" # Make sure args is a list args = list(args) log.debug('Processing args from other process: %s', args) if not client.connected(): # We're not connected so add these to the queue log.debug('Not connected to host.. Adding to queue.') component.get('QueuedTorrents').add_to_queue(args) return config = ConfigManager('gtk3ui.conf') for arg in args: if not arg.strip(): continue log.debug('arg: %s', arg) if is_url(arg): log.debug('Attempting to add url (%s) from external source...', arg) if config['interactive_add']: component.get('AddTorrentDialog').add_from_url(arg) component.get('AddTorrentDialog').show(config['focus_add_dialog']) else: client.core.add_torrent_url(arg, None) elif is_magnet(arg): log.debug('Attempting to add magnet (%s) from external source...', arg) if config['interactive_add']: component.get('AddTorrentDialog').add_from_magnets([arg]) component.get('AddTorrentDialog').show(config['focus_add_dialog']) else: client.core.add_torrent_magnet(arg, {}) else: log.debug('Attempting to add file (%s) from external source...', arg) if urlparse(arg).scheme == 'file': arg = url2pathname(urlparse(arg).path) path = os.path.abspath(decode_bytes(arg)) if not os.path.exists(path): log.error('No such file: %s', path) continue if config['interactive_add']: component.get('AddTorrentDialog').add_from_files([path]) component.get('AddTorrentDialog').show(config['focus_add_dialog']) else: with open(path, 'rb') as _file: filedump = b64encode(_file.read()) client.core.add_torrent_file(os.path.split(path)[-1], filedump, None)