# # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Andrew Resch # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # import logging import os from gi.repository import Gtk import deluge.common import deluge.component as component from deluge.ui.client import client log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RemoveTorrentDialog: """ This class is used to create and show a Remove Torrent Dialog. :param torrent_ids: the torrent_ids to remove :type torrent_ids: list of torrent_ids :raises TypeError: if `torrent_id` is not a sequence type :raises ValueError: if `torrent_id` contains no torrent_ids or is None """ def __init__(self, torrent_ids, delete_files=False): if not isinstance(torrent_ids, list) and not isinstance(torrent_ids, tuple): raise TypeError('requires a list of torrent_ids') if not torrent_ids: raise ValueError('requires a list of torrent_ids') self.__torrent_ids = torrent_ids self.builder = Gtk.Builder() self.builder.add_from_file( deluge.common.resource_filename( __package__, os.path.join('glade', 'remove_torrent_dialog.ui') ) ) self.__dialog = self.builder.get_object('remove_torrent_dialog') self.__dialog.set_transient_for(component.get('MainWindow').window) self.builder.connect_signals(self) self.builder.get_object('delete_files').set_active(delete_files) label_title = self.builder.get_object('label_title') label_torrents = self.builder.get_object('label_torrents') num_torrents = len(self.__torrent_ids) if num_torrents == 1: label_torrents.set_markup( component.get('TorrentView').get_torrent_status(self.__torrent_ids[0])[ 'name' ] ) else: label_title.set_markup(_('Remove the selected torrents?')) label_torrents.set_markup(_('Total of %s torrents selected') % num_torrents) def on_delete_files_toggled(self, widget): self.builder.get_object('warning_label').set_visible(widget.get_active()) def __remove_torrents(self, remove_data): # Unselect all to avoid issues with the selection changed event component.get('TorrentView').treeview.get_selection().unselect_all() def on_removed_finished(errors): if errors: log.info('Error(s) occured when trying to delete torrent(s).') for t_id, e_msg in errors: log.warning('Error removing torrent %s : %s', t_id, e_msg) d = client.core.remove_torrents(self.__torrent_ids, remove_data) d.addCallback(on_removed_finished) def run(self): """ Shows the dialog and awaits for user input. The user can select to remove the torrent(s) from the session with or without their data. """ if self.__dialog.run() == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: self.__remove_torrents(self.builder.get_object('delete_files').get_active()) self.__dialog.destroy()