/** * Deluge.Details.Details.js * The details tab displayed in the details panel. * * Copyright (c) Damien Churchill 2009-2010 * * This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with * the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. * See LICENSE for more details. */ Deluge.details.DetailsTab = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { title: _('Details'), fields: {}, autoScroll: true, queuedItems: {}, oldData: {}, initComponent: function () { Deluge.details.DetailsTab.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addItem('torrent_name', _('Name:')); this.addItem('hash', _('Hash:')); this.addItem('path', _('Download Folder:')); this.addItem('size', _('Total Size:')); this.addItem('files', _('Total Files:')); this.addItem('comment', _('Comment:')); this.addItem('status', _('Status:')); this.addItem('tracker', _('Tracker:')); this.addItem('creator', _('Created By:')); }, onRender: function (ct, position) { Deluge.details.DetailsTab.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); this.body.setStyle('padding', '10px'); this.dl = Ext.DomHelper.append(this.body, { tag: 'dl' }, true); for (var id in this.queuedItems) { this.doAddItem(id, this.queuedItems[id]); } }, addItem: function (id, label) { if (!this.rendered) { this.queuedItems[id] = label; } else { this.doAddItem(id, label); } }, // private doAddItem: function (id, label) { Ext.DomHelper.append(this.dl, { tag: 'dt', cls: id, html: label }); this.fields[id] = Ext.DomHelper.append( this.dl, { tag: 'dd', cls: id, html: '' }, true ); }, clear: function () { if (!this.fields) return; for (var k in this.fields) { this.fields[k].dom.innerHTML = ''; } this.oldData = {}; }, update: function (torrentId) { deluge.client.web.get_torrent_status(torrentId, Deluge.Keys.Details, { success: this.onRequestComplete, scope: this, torrentId: torrentId, }); }, onRequestComplete: function (torrent, request, response, options) { var data = { torrent_name: torrent.name, hash: options.options.torrentId, path: torrent.download_location, size: fsize(torrent.total_size), files: torrent.num_files, status: torrent.message, tracker: torrent.tracker_host, comment: torrent.comment, creator: torrent.creator, }; for (var field in this.fields) { if (!Ext.isDefined(data[field])) continue; // This is a field we are not responsible for. if (data[field] == this.oldData[field]) continue; this.fields[field].dom.innerHTML = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode( data[field] ); } this.oldData = data; }, });