/** * Deluge.preferences.PreferencesWindow.js * * Copyright (c) Damien Churchill 2009-2010 * * This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with * the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. * See LICENSE for more details. */ Ext.namespace('Deluge.preferences'); PreferencesRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([{ name: 'name', type: 'string' }]); /** * @class Deluge.preferences.PreferencesWindow * @extends Ext.Window */ Deluge.preferences.PreferencesWindow = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, { /** * @property {String} currentPage The currently selected page. */ currentPage: null, title: _('Preferences'), layout: 'border', width: 485, height: 500, border: false, constrainHeader: true, buttonAlign: 'right', closeAction: 'hide', closable: true, iconCls: 'x-deluge-preferences', plain: true, resizable: false, pages: {}, initComponent: function () { Deluge.preferences.PreferencesWindow.superclass.initComponent.call( this ); this.list = new Ext.list.ListView({ store: new Ext.data.Store(), columns: [ { id: 'name', dataIndex: 'name', }, ], singleSelect: true, listeners: { selectionchange: { fn: this.onPageSelect, scope: this, }, }, hideHeaders: true, autoExpandColumn: 'name', deferredRender: false, autoScroll: true, collapsible: true, }); this.add({ region: 'west', items: [this.list], width: 120, margins: '0 5 0 0', cmargins: '0 5 0 0', }); this.configPanel = this.add({ type: 'container', autoDestroy: false, region: 'center', layout: 'card', layoutConfig: { deferredRender: true, }, autoScroll: true, width: 300, }); this.addButton(_('Close'), this.onClose, this); this.addButton(_('Apply'), this.onApply, this); this.addButton(_('OK'), this.onOk, this); this.optionsManager = new Deluge.OptionsManager(); this.on('afterrender', this.onAfterRender, this); this.on('show', this.onShow, this); this.initPages(); }, initPages: function () { deluge.preferences = this; this.addPage(new Deluge.preferences.Downloads()); this.addPage(new Deluge.preferences.Network()); this.addPage(new Deluge.preferences.Encryption()); this.addPage(new Deluge.preferences.Bandwidth()); this.addPage(new Deluge.preferences.Interface()); this.addPage(new Deluge.preferences.Other()); this.addPage(new Deluge.preferences.Daemon()); this.addPage(new Deluge.preferences.Queue()); this.addPage(new Deluge.preferences.Proxy()); this.addPage(new Deluge.preferences.Cache()); this.addPage(new Deluge.preferences.Plugins()); }, onApply: function (e) { var changed = this.optionsManager.getDirty(); if (!Ext.isObjectEmpty(changed)) { // Workaround for only displaying single listen port but still pass array to core. if ('listen_ports' in changed) { changed.listen_ports = [ changed.listen_ports, changed.listen_ports, ]; } deluge.client.core.set_config(changed, { success: this.onSetConfig, scope: this, }); } for (var page in this.pages) { if (this.pages[page].onApply) this.pages[page].onApply(); } }, /** * Return the options manager for the preferences window. * @returns {Deluge.OptionsManager} the options manager */ getOptionsManager: function () { return this.optionsManager; }, /** * Adds a page to the preferences window. * @param {Mixed} page */ addPage: function (page) { var store = this.list.getStore(); var name = page.title; store.add([new PreferencesRecord({ name: name })]); page['bodyStyle'] = 'padding: 5px'; page.preferences = this; this.pages[name] = this.configPanel.add(page); this.pages[name].index = -1; return this.pages[name]; }, /** * Removes a preferences page from the window. * @param {mixed} name */ removePage: function (page) { var name = page.title; var store = this.list.getStore(); store.removeAt(store.find('name', name)); this.configPanel.remove(page); delete this.pages[page.title]; }, /** * Select which preferences page is displayed. * @param {String} page The page name to change to */ selectPage: function (page) { if (this.pages[page].index < 0) { this.pages[page].index = this.configPanel.items.indexOf( this.pages[page] ); } this.list.select(this.pages[page].index); }, // private doSelectPage: function (page) { if (this.pages[page].index < 0) { this.pages[page].index = this.configPanel.items.indexOf( this.pages[page] ); } this.configPanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(this.pages[page].index); this.currentPage = page; }, // private onGotConfig: function (config) { this.getOptionsManager().set(config); }, // private onPageSelect: function (list, selections) { var r = list.getRecord(selections[0]); this.doSelectPage(r.get('name')); }, // private onSetConfig: function () { this.getOptionsManager().commit(); }, // private onAfterRender: function () { if (!this.list.getSelectionCount()) { this.list.select(0); } this.configPanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(0); }, // private onShow: function () { if (!deluge.client.core) return; deluge.client.core.get_config({ success: this.onGotConfig, scope: this, }); }, // private onClose: function () { this.hide(); }, // private onOk: function () { var changed = this.optionsManager.getDirty(); if (!Ext.isObjectEmpty(changed)) { deluge.client.core.set_config(changed, { success: this.onSetConfig, scope: this, }); } for (var page in this.pages) { if (this.pages[page].onOk) this.pages[page].onOk(); } this.hide(); }, });