/** * Deluge.preferences.QueuePage.js * * Copyright (c) Damien Churchill 2009-2010 * * This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with * the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. * See LICENSE for more details. */ Ext.namespace('Deluge.preferences'); /** * @class Deluge.preferences.Queue * @extends Ext.form.FormPanel */ Deluge.preferences.Queue = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, { border: false, title: _('Queue'), header: false, layout: 'form', initComponent: function () { Deluge.preferences.Queue.superclass.initComponent.call(this); var om = deluge.preferences.getOptionsManager(); var fieldset = this.add({ xtype: 'fieldset', border: false, title: _('New Torrents'), style: 'padding-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 0px;', autoHeight: true, labelWidth: 1, defaultType: 'checkbox', }); om.bind( 'queue_new_to_top', fieldset.add({ fieldLabel: '', labelSeparator: '', height: 22, boxLabel: _('Queue to top'), name: 'queue_new_to_top', }) ); fieldset = this.add({ xtype: 'fieldset', border: false, title: _('Active Torrents'), autoHeight: true, labelWidth: 150, defaultType: 'spinnerfield', style: 'padding-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 0px', }); om.bind( 'max_active_limit', fieldset.add({ fieldLabel: _('Total:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'max_active_limit', value: 8, width: 80, decimalPrecision: 0, minValue: -1, maxValue: 99999, }) ); om.bind( 'max_active_downloading', fieldset.add({ fieldLabel: _('Downloading:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'max_active_downloading', value: 3, width: 80, decimalPrecision: 0, minValue: -1, maxValue: 99999, }) ); om.bind( 'max_active_seeding', fieldset.add({ fieldLabel: _('Seeding:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'max_active_seeding', value: 5, width: 80, decimalPrecision: 0, minValue: -1, maxValue: 99999, }) ); om.bind( 'dont_count_slow_torrents', fieldset.add({ xtype: 'checkbox', name: 'dont_count_slow_torrents', height: 22, hideLabel: true, boxLabel: _('Ignore slow torrents'), }) ); om.bind( 'auto_manage_prefer_seeds', fieldset.add({ xtype: 'checkbox', name: 'auto_manage_prefer_seeds', hideLabel: true, boxLabel: _('Prefer seeding torrents'), }) ); fieldset = this.add({ xtype: 'fieldset', border: false, title: _('Seeding Rotation'), autoHeight: true, labelWidth: 150, defaultType: 'spinnerfield', style: 'padding-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 0px', }); om.bind( 'share_ratio_limit', fieldset.add({ fieldLabel: _('Share Ratio:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'share_ratio_limit', value: 8, width: 80, incrementValue: 0.1, minValue: -1, maxValue: 99999, alternateIncrementValue: 1, decimalPrecision: 2, }) ); om.bind( 'seed_time_ratio_limit', fieldset.add({ fieldLabel: _('Time Ratio:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'seed_time_ratio_limit', value: 3, width: 80, incrementValue: 0.1, minValue: -1, maxValue: 99999, alternateIncrementValue: 1, decimalPrecision: 2, }) ); om.bind( 'seed_time_limit', fieldset.add({ fieldLabel: _('Time (m):'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'seed_time_limit', value: 5, width: 80, decimalPrecision: 0, minValue: -1, maxValue: 99999, }) ); fieldset = this.add({ xtype: 'fieldset', border: false, autoHeight: true, style: 'padding-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 0px', title: _('Share Ratio Reached'), layout: 'table', layoutConfig: { columns: 2 }, labelWidth: 0, defaultType: 'checkbox', defaults: { fieldLabel: '', labelSeparator: '', }, }); this.stopAtRatio = fieldset.add({ name: 'stop_seed_at_ratio', boxLabel: _('Share Ratio:'), }); this.stopAtRatio.on('check', this.onStopRatioCheck, this); om.bind('stop_seed_at_ratio', this.stopAtRatio); this.stopRatio = fieldset.add({ xtype: 'spinnerfield', name: 'stop_seed_ratio', ctCls: 'x-deluge-indent-checkbox', disabled: true, value: '2.0', width: 60, incrementValue: 0.1, minValue: -1, maxValue: 99999, alternateIncrementValue: 1, decimalPrecision: 2, }); om.bind('stop_seed_ratio', this.stopRatio); this.removeAtRatio = fieldset.add({ xtype: 'radiogroup', columns: 1, colspan: 2, disabled: true, style: 'margin-left: 10px', items: [ { boxLabel: _('Pause torrent'), name: 'at_ratio', inputValue: false, checked: true, }, { boxLabel: _('Remove torrent'), name: 'at_ratio', inputValue: true, }, ], }); om.bind('remove_seed_at_ratio', this.removeAtRatio); }, onStopRatioCheck: function (e, checked) { this.stopRatio.setDisabled(!checked); this.removeAtRatio.setDisabled(!checked); }, });