# Common hooks library package Devscripts::Salsa::Hooks; use strict; use Devscripts::Output; use Moo::Role; sub add_hooks { my ($self, $repo_id, $repo) = @_; if ( $self->config->kgb or $self->config->disable_kgb or $self->config->tagpending or $self->config->disable_tagpending or $self->config->irker or $self->config->disable_irker or $self->config->email or $self->config->disable_email) { my $hooks = $self->enabled_hooks($repo_id); return 1 unless (defined $hooks); # KGB hook (IRC) if ($self->config->kgb or $self->config->disable_kgb) { unless ($self->config->irc_channel->[0] or $self->config->disable_kgb) { ds_warn "--kgb needs --irc-channel"; return 1; } if ($self->config->irc_channel->[1]) { ds_warn "KGB accepts only one --irc-channel value,"; } if ($hooks->{kgb}) { ds_warn "Deleting old kgb (was $hooks->{kgb}->{url})"; $self->api->delete_project_hook($repo_id, $hooks->{kgb}->{id}); } if ($self->config->irc_channel->[0] and not $self->config->disable_kgb) { # TODO: if useful, add parameters for this options eval { $self->api->create_project_hook( $repo_id, { url => $self->config->kgb_server_url . $self->config->irc_channel->[0], map { ($_ => 1) } @{ $self->config->kgb_options }, }); ds_verbose "KGB hook added to project $repo_id (channel: " . $self->config->irc_channel->[0] . ')'; }; if ($@) { ds_warn "Fail to add KGB hook: $@"; if (!$self->config->no_fail) { ds_verbose "Use --no-fail to continue"; return 1; } } } } # Irker hook (IRC) if ($self->config->irker or $self->config->disable_irker) { unless ($self->config->irc_channel->[0] or $self->config->disable_irker) { ds_warn "--irker needs --irc-channel"; return 1; } if ($hooks->{irker}) { no warnings; ds_warn "Deleting old irker (redirected to $hooks->{irker}->{recipients})"; $self->api->delete_project_service($repo_id, 'irker'); } if ($self->config->irc_channel->[0] and not $self->config->disable_irker) { # TODO: if useful, add parameters for this options my $ch = join(' ', map { '#' . $_ } @{ $self->config->irc_channel }); $self->api->edit_project_service( $repo_id, 'irker', { active => 1, server_host => $self->config->irker_host, ( $self->config->irker_port ? (server_port => $self->config->irker_port) : () ), default_irc_uri => $self->config->irker_server_url, recipients => $ch, colorize_messages => 1, }); ds_verbose "Irker hook added to project $repo_id (channel: $ch)"; } } # email on push if ($self->config->email or $self->config->disable_email) { if ($hooks->{email}) { no warnings; ds_warn "Deleting old email-on-push (redirected to $hooks->{email}->{recipients})"; $self->api->delete_project_service($repo_id, 'emails-on-push'); } if (@{ $self->config->email_recipient } and not $self->config->disable_email) { # TODO: if useful, add parameters for this options $self->api->edit_project_service( $repo_id, 'emails-on-push', { recipients => join(' ', map { my $a = $_; $a =~ s/%p/$repo/; $a } @{ $self->config->email_recipient }), }); no warnings; ds_verbose "Email-on-push hook added to project $repo_id (recipients: " . join(' ', @{ $self->config->email_recipient }) . ')'; } } # Tagpending hook if ($self->config->tagpending or $self->config->disable_tagpending) { if ($hooks->{tagpending}) { ds_warn "Deleting old tagpending (was $hooks->{tagpending}->{url})"; $self->api->delete_project_hook($repo_id, $hooks->{tagpending}->{id}); } my $repo_name = $self->api->project($repo_id)->{name}; unless ($self->config->disable_tagpending) { eval { $self->api->create_project_hook( $repo_id, { url => $self->config->tagpending_server_url . $repo_name, push_events => 1, }); ds_verbose "Tagpending hook added to project $repo_id"; }; if ($@) { ds_warn "Fail to add Tagpending hook: $@"; if (!$self->config->no_fail) { ds_verbose "Use --no-fail to continue"; return 1; } } } } } return 0; } sub enabled_hooks { my ($self, $repo_id) = @_; my $hooks; my $res = {}; if ( $self->config->kgb or $self->config->disable_kgb or $self->config->tagpending or $self->config->disable_tagpending) { $hooks = eval { $self->api->project_hooks($repo_id) }; if ($@) { ds_warn "Unable to check hooks for project $repo_id"; return undef; } foreach my $h (@{$hooks}) { $res->{kgb} = { id => $h->{id}, url => $h->{url}, options => [grep { $h->{$_} and $h->{$_} eq 1 } keys %$h], } if $h->{url} =~ /\Q$self->{config}->{kgb_server_url}\E/; $res->{tagpending} = { id => $h->{id}, url => $h->{url}, } if $h->{url} =~ /\Q$self->{config}->{tagpending_server_url}\E/; } } if ( ($self->config->email or $self->config->disable_email) and $_ = $self->api->project_service($repo_id, 'emails-on-push') and $_->{active}) { $res->{email} = $_->{properties}; } if ( ($self->config->irker or $self->config->disable_irker) and $_ = $self->api->project_service($repo_id, 'irker') and $_->{active}) { $res->{irker} = $_->{properties}; } return $res; } sub _check_config { my ($config, $key_name, $config_name, $can_be_private, $res_ref) = @_; if (!$config) { return undef; } for ($config) { if ($can_be_private) { if ($_ eq "private") { push @$res_ref, $key_name => "private"; } elsif ($_ =~ qr/y(es)?|true|enabled?/) { push @$res_ref, $key_name => "enabled"; } elsif ($_ =~ qr/no?|false|disabled?/) { push @$res_ref, $key_name => "disabled"; } else { print "error with SALSA_$config_name"; } } else { if ($_ =~ qr/y(es)?|true|enabled?/) { push @$res_ref, $key_name => 1; } elsif ($_ =~ qr/no?|false|disabled?/) { push @$res_ref, $key_name => 0; } else { print "error with SALSA_$config_name"; } } } } sub desc { my ($self, $repo) = @_; my @res = (); if ($self->config->desc) { my $str = $self->config->desc_pattern; $str =~ s/%P/$repo/g; $repo =~ s#.*/##; $str =~ s/%p/$repo/g; push @res, description => $str; } if ($self->config->build_timeout) { push @res, build_timeout => $self->config->build_timeout; } if ($self->config->ci_config_path) { push @res, ci_config_path => $self->config->ci_config_path; } # Parameter: config value, key name, config name, has private _check_config($self->config->analytics, "analytics_access_level", "ENABLE_ANALYTICS", 1, \@res); _check_config($self->config->auto_devops, "auto_devops_enabled", "ENABLE_AUTO_DEVOPS", 0, \@res); _check_config( $self->config->container, "container_registry_access_level", "ENABLE_CONTAINER", 1, \@res ); _check_config($self->config->environments, "environments_access_level", "ENABLE_ENVIRONMENTS", 1, \@res); _check_config($self->config->feature_flags, "feature_flags_access_level", "ENABLE_FEATURE_FLAGS", 1, \@res); _check_config($self->config->forks, "forking_access_level", "ENABLE_FORKS", 1, \@res); _check_config($self->config->infrastructure, "infrastructure_access_level", "ENABLE_INFRASTRUCTURE", 1, \@res); _check_config($self->config->issues, "issues_access_level", "ENABLE_ISSUES", 1, \@res); # Renamed terminology, kept for legacy: jobs == builds_access_level (ENABLE_JOBS -> ENABLE_BUILD) _check_config($self->config->jobs, "builds_access_level", "ENABLE_JOBS", 1, \@res); _check_config($self->config->lfs, "lfs_enabled", "ENABLE_LFS", 0, \@res); _check_config($self->config->mr, "merge_requests_access_level", "ENABLE_MR", 1, \@res); _check_config($self->config->monitor, "monitor_access_level", "ENABLE_MONITOR", 1, \@res); _check_config($self->config->packages, "packages_enabled", "ENABLE_PACKAGES", 0, \@res); _check_config($self->config->pages, "pages_access_level", "ENABLE_PAGES", 1, \@res); _check_config($self->config->releases, "releases_access_level", "ENABLE_RELEASES", 1, \@res); _check_config( $self->config->disable_remove_branch, "remove_source_branch_after_merge", "REMOVE_SOURCE_BRANCH", 0, \@res ); _check_config($self->config->repo, "repository_access_level", "ENABLE_REPO", 1, \@res); _check_config($self->config->request_access, "request_access_enabled", "REQUEST_ACCESS", 0, \@res); _check_config($self->config->requirements, "requirements_access_level", "ENABLE_REQUIREMENTS", 1, \@res); _check_config( $self->config->security_compliance, "security_and_compliance_access_level", "ENABLE_SECURITY_COMPLIANCE", 1, \@res ); _check_config($self->config->service_desk, "service_desk_enabled", "ENABLE_SERVICE_DESK", 0, \@res); _check_config($self->config->snippets, "snippets_access_level", "ENABLE_SNIPPETS", 1, \@res); _check_config($self->config->wiki, "wiki_access_level", "ENABLE_WIKI", 1, \@res); return @res; } sub desc_multipart { my ($self, $repo) = @_; my @res = (); if ($self->config->avatar_path) { my $str = $self->config->avatar_path; $str =~ s/%p/$repo/g; unless (-r $str) { ds_warn "Unable to find: $str"; unless ($self->config->no_fail) { ds_verbose "Use --no-fail to continue"; exit 1; } } else { # avatar_path (salsa) -> avatar (GitLab API) push @res, avatar => $str; } } return @res; } 1;