# Protects a branch package Devscripts::Salsa::protect_branch; use strict; use Devscripts::Output; use Moo::Role; use constant levels => { o => 50, owner => 50, m => 40, maintainer => 40, d => 30, developer => 30, r => 20, reporter => 20, g => 10, guest => 10, }; sub protect_branch { my ($self, $reponame, $branch, $merge, $push) = @_; unless ($reponame and $branch) { ds_warn "usage: $0 protect_branch project branch merge push"; return 1; } if (defined $merge and $merge =~ /^(?:no|0)$/i) { $self->api->unprotect_branch($self->project2id($reponame), $branch); return 0; } unless (levels->{$merge} and levels->{$push}) { ds_warn "usage: $0 protect_branch project branch "; return 1; } my $opts = { name => $branch }; $opts->{push_access_level} = (levels->{$push}); $opts->{merge_access_level} = (levels->{$merge}); $self->api->protect_branch($self->project2id($reponame), $opts); return 0; } 1;