#!/usr/bin/perl # vim: set ai shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab: # dget - Download Debian source and binary packages # Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Christoph Berg # Modifications Copyright (C) 2005-06 Julian Gilbey # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # 2005-10-04 cb: initial release # 2005-12-11 cb: -x option, update documentation # 2005-12-31 cb: -b, -q options, use getopt # 2006-01-10 cb: support new binnmu version scheme # 2006-11-12 cb: also look in other places in the local filesystem (e.g. pbuilder result dir) # Later modifications: see debian/changelog use strict; use warnings; use Cwd qw(abs_path); use IO::Dir; use IO::File; use Digest::MD5; use Devscripts::Compression; use Dpkg::Control; use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling permute no_getopt_compat); use File::Basename; # global variables my $progname = basename($0, '.pl'); # the '.pl' is for when we're debugging my $found_dsc; my $wget; my $opt; my $backup_dir = "backup"; my @dget_path = ("/var/cache/apt/archives"); my $modified_conf_msg; my $compression_re = compression_get_file_extension_regex(); # use curl if installed, wget otherwise if (system("command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0) { $wget = "curl"; } elsif (system("command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0) { $wget = "wget"; } else { die "$progname: can't find either curl or wget; you need at least one of these\ninstalled to run me!\n"; } # functions sub usage { print <<"EOT"; Usage: $progname [options] URL ... $progname [options] [--all] package[=version] ... Downloads Debian packages (source and binary) from the specified URLs (first form), or using the mirror configured in /etc/apt/sources.list(.d) (second form). It is capable of downloading several packages at once. -a, --all Package is a source package; download all binary packages -b, --backup Move files that would be overwritten to ./backup -q, --quiet Suppress wget/curl output -d, --download-only Do not extract downloaded source -x, --extract Unpack downloaded source (default) -u, --allow-unauthenticated Do not attempt to verify source package signature --build Build package with dpkg-buildpackage after download --path DIR Check these directories in addition to the apt archive; if DIR='' then clear current list (may be used multiple times) -k, --insecure Do not check SSL certificates when downloading --no-cache Disable server-side HTTP cache --no-conf Don\'t read devscripts config files; must be the first option given -h, --help This message -V, --version Version information Default settings modified by devscripts configuration files: $modified_conf_msg EOT } sub version { print <<"EOF"; This is $progname, from the Debian devscripts package, version ###VERSION### This code is copyright 2005-08 by Christoph Berg . Modifications copyright 2005-06 by Julian Gilbey . All rights reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. EOF } sub wget { my ($file, $url) = @_; # schemes not supported by all backends if ($url =~ m!^(file|copy):(.+)!) { my $path = abs_path($2); unless ($path) { warn "$progname: unable to resolve full path for $2: $!\n"; return 1; } if ($1 eq "copy" or not link($path, $file)) { system 'cp', '-aL', $path, $file; return $? >> 8; } return; } my @cmd = ($wget); # curl does not follow document moved headers, and does not exit # with a non-zero error code by default if a document is not found # also try to retain the mtime of the remote file push @cmd, "-f", "-L", "-R" if $wget eq "curl"; push @cmd, ($wget eq "wget" ? "-nv" : ("-s", "-S")) if $opt->{'quiet'}; push @cmd, ($wget eq "wget" ? "--no-check-certificate" : "--insecure") if $opt->{'insecure'}; push @cmd, ($wget eq "wget" ? "--no-cache" : ("--header", "Pragma: no-cache")) if $opt->{'no-cache'}; push @cmd, ($wget eq "wget" ? "-O" : "-o"); system @cmd, $file, $url; return $? >> 8; } sub backup_or_unlink { my $file = shift; return unless -e $file; if ($opt->{'backup'}) { unless (-d $backup_dir) { mkdir $backup_dir or die "mkdir $backup_dir: $!"; } rename $file, "$backup_dir/$file" or die "rename $file $backup_dir/$file: $!"; } else { unlink $file or die "unlink $file: $!"; } } # some files both are in .dsc and .changes, download only once my %seen; sub get_file { my ($dir, $file, $md5sum) = @_; return 1 if $seen{$file}; if ($md5sum eq "unlink") { backup_or_unlink($file); } # check the existing file's md5sum if (-e $file) { my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; my $fh5 = new IO::File($file) or die "$file: $!"; my $md5sum_new = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($fh5)->hexdigest(); close $fh5; if (not $md5sum or ($md5sum_new eq $md5sum)) { print "$progname: using existing $file\n" unless $opt->{'quiet'}; } else { print "$progname: removing $file (md5sum does not match)\n" unless $opt->{'quiet'}; backup_or_unlink($file); } } # look for the file in other local directories unless (-e $file) { foreach my $path (@dget_path) { next unless -e "$path/$file"; my $fh5 = new IO::File("$path/$file") or next; my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; my $md5sum_new = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($fh5)->hexdigest(); close $fh5; if ($md5sum_new eq $md5sum) { if (link "$path/$file", $file) { print "$progname: using $path/$file (hardlink)\n" unless $opt->{'quiet'}; } else { print "$progname: using $path/$file (copy)\n" unless $opt->{'quiet'}; system 'cp', '-aL', "$path/$file", $file; } last; } } } # finally get it from the web unless (-e $file) { print "$progname: retrieving $dir/$file\n" unless $opt->{'quiet'}; if (wget($file, "$dir/$file")) { warn "$progname: $wget $file $dir/$file failed\n"; unlink $file; } } # try apt-get if it is still not there my $ext = $compression_re; if (not -e $file and $file =~ m!^([a-z0-9][a-z0-9.+-]+)_[^/]+\.(?:diff|tar)\.$ext$!) { my @cmd = ('apt-get', 'source', '--print-uris', $1); my $cmd = join ' ', @cmd; open(my $apt, '-|', @cmd) or die "$cmd: $!"; while (<$apt>) { if (/'(\S+)'\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+([\da-f]+)/i and $2 eq $md5sum) { if (wget($file, $1)) { warn "$progname: $wget $file $1 failed\n"; unlink $file; } } } close $apt; } # still not there, return unless (-e $file) { return 0; } $seen{$file} = 1; if ($file =~ /\.(?:changes|dsc)$/) { parse_file($dir, $file); } if ($file =~ /\.dsc$/) { $found_dsc = $file; } return 1; } sub parse_file { my ($dir, $file) = @_; my $fh = new IO::File($file); open $fh, $file or die "$file: $!"; while (<$fh>) { if (/^ ([0-9a-f]{32}) (?:\S+ )*(\S+)$/) { my ($_sum, $_file) = ($1, $2); $_file !~ m,[/\x00], or die "File name contains invalid characters: $_file"; get_file($dir, $_file, $_sum) or return; } } close $fh; } sub quote_version { my $version = shift; $version = quotemeta($version); $version =~ s/^([^:]+:)/(?:$1)?/; # Epochs are not part of the filename $version =~ s/-([^.-]+)$/-$1(?:\\+b\\d+|\.0\.\\d+)?/; # BinNMU: -x -> -x.0.1 -x+by $version =~ s/-([^.-]+\.[^.-]+)$/-$1(?:\\+b\\d+|\.\\d+)?/ ; # -x.y -> -x.y.1 -x.y+bz return $version; } # we reinvent "apt-get -d install" here, without requiring root # (and we do not download dependencies) sub apt_get { my ($package, $version) = @_; my ($archpackage, $arch) = $package; ($package, $arch) = split(/:/, $package, 2); my $qpackage = quotemeta($package); my $qversion = quote_version($version) if $version; my @hosts; my $apt = IO::File->new("LC_ALL=C apt-cache policy $archpackage |") or die "$!"; OUTER: while (<$apt>) { if (not $version and /^ Candidate: (.+)/) { $version = $1; $qversion = quote_version($version); } if ($qversion and /^ [ *]{3} ($qversion) \d/) { while (<$apt>) { last OUTER unless /^ *(?:\d+) (\S+)/; (my $host = $1) =~ s@/$@@; next if $host eq '/var/lib/dpkg/status'; push @hosts, $host; } } } close $apt; unless ($version) { die "$progname: $archpackage has no installation candidate\n"; } unless (@hosts) { die "$progname: no hostnames in apt-cache policy $archpackage for version $version found\n"; } $apt = IO::File->new("LC_ALL=C apt-cache show $archpackage=$version |") or die "$!"; my ($v, $p, $filename, $md5sum); while (<$apt>) { if (/^Package: $qpackage$/) { $p = $package; } if (/^Version: $qversion$/) { $v = $version; } if (/^Filename: (.*)/) { $filename = $1; } if (/^MD5sum: (.*)/) { $md5sum = $1; } if (/^Description:/) { # we assume this is the last field if ($p and $v and $filename) { last; } undef $p; undef $v; undef $filename; undef $md5sum; } } close $apt; unless ($filename) { die "$progname: no filename for $archpackage ($version) found\n"; } # find deb lines matching the hosts in the policy output my %repositories; # the regexp within the map below can be removed and replaced with only the quotemeta statement once bug #154868 is fixed my $host_re = '(?:' . ( join '|', map { my $host = quotemeta; $host =~ s@^(\w+\\:\\/\\/[^:/]+)\\/@$1(?::[0-9]+)?\\/@; $host; } @hosts ) . ')'; my @sources; if (-f "/etc/apt/sources.list") { push @sources, "/etc/apt/sources.list"; } my %dir; tie %dir, "IO::Dir", "/etc/apt/sources.list.d"; foreach (keys %dir) { next unless /\.list$/; push @sources, "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/$_"; } foreach my $source (@sources) { $apt = IO::File->new($source) or die "$source: $!"; while (<$apt>) { if (/^\s*deb\s*(?:\[[^]]*\]\s*)?($host_re\b)/) { $repositories{$1} = 1; } } close $apt; } unless (%repositories) { die "no repository found in /etc/apt/sources.list or sources.list.d"; } # try each repository in turn foreach my $repository (keys %repositories) { my ($dir, $file) = ($repository, $filename); if ($filename =~ /(.*)\/([^\/]*)$/) { ($dir, $file) = ("$repository/$1", $2); } get_file($dir, $file, $md5sum) and return; } exit 1; } # main program # Now start by reading configuration files and then command line # The next stuff is boilerplate my ($dget_path, $dget_unpack, $dget_verify); if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?conf$/) { $modified_conf_msg = " (no configuration files read)"; shift; } else { my @config_files = ('/etc/devscripts.conf', '~/.devscripts'); my %config_vars = ( 'DGET_PATH' => '', 'DGET_UNPACK' => 'yes', 'DGET_VERIFY' => 'yes', ); my %config_default = %config_vars; my $shell_cmd; # Set defaults foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) { $shell_cmd .= "$var='$config_vars{$var}';\n"; } $shell_cmd .= 'for file in ' . join(" ", @config_files) . "; do\n"; $shell_cmd .= '[ -f $file ] && . $file; done;' . "\n"; # Read back values foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) { $shell_cmd .= "echo \$$var;\n" } my $shell_out = `/bin/bash -c '$shell_cmd'`; @config_vars{ keys %config_vars } = split /\n/, $shell_out, -1; foreach my $var (sort keys %config_vars) { if ($config_vars{$var} ne $config_default{$var}) { $modified_conf_msg .= " $var=$config_vars{$var}\n"; } } $modified_conf_msg ||= " (none)\n"; chomp $modified_conf_msg; $dget_path = $config_vars{'DGET_PATH'}; $dget_unpack = $config_vars{'DGET_UNPACK'} =~ /^y/i; $dget_verify = $config_vars{'DGET_VERIFY'} =~ /^y/i; } # handle options Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetOptions( "a|all" => \$opt->{'all'}, "b|backup" => \$opt->{'backup'}, "q|quiet" => \$opt->{'quiet'}, "build" => \$opt->{'build'}, "d|download-only" => sub { $dget_unpack = 0 }, "x|extract" => sub { $dget_unpack = 1 }, "u|allow-unauthenticated" => sub { $dget_verify = 0 }, "k|insecure" => \$opt->{'insecure'}, "no-cache" => \$opt->{'no-cache'}, "noconf|no-conf" => \$opt->{'no-conf'}, "path=s" => sub { if ($_[1] eq '') { $dget_path = ''; } else { $dget_path .= ":$_[1]"; } }, "h|help" => \$opt->{'help'}, "V|version" => \$opt->{'version'}, ) or die "$progname: unrecognised option. Run $progname --help for more details.\n"; if ($opt->{'help'}) { usage(); exit 0; } if ($opt->{'version'}) { version(); exit 0; } if ($opt->{'no-conf'}) { die "$progname: --no-conf is only acceptable as the first command-line option!\n"; } if ($dget_path) { foreach my $p (split /:/, $dget_path) { push @dget_path, $p if -d $p; } } if (!@ARGV) { die "Usage: $progname [options] URL|package[=version]\nRun $progname --help for more details.\n"; } # handle arguments for my $arg (@ARGV) { $found_dsc = ""; # case 1: URL if ($arg =~ /^((?:copy|file|ftp|gopher|http|rsh|rsync|scp|sftp|ssh|www).*)\/([^\/]+\.\w+)$/ ) { get_file($1, $2, "unlink") or exit 1; if ($found_dsc) { if ($dget_verify) { # We are duplicating work here a bit as # dpkg-source -x will also verify signatures. Still, we # also want to barf with -d, and on unsigned packages. system 'dscverify', $found_dsc; exit $? >> 8 if $? >> 8 != 0; } my @cmd = qw(dpkg-source -x); push @cmd, '--no-check' unless $dget_verify; if ($opt->{'build'}) { my @output = `LC_ALL=C @cmd $found_dsc`; my $rc = $?; print @output unless $opt->{'quiet'}; exit $rc >> 8 if $rc >> 8 != 0; foreach (@output) { if ( /^.*dpkg-source:.* (?:.*info.*: )?extracting .* in (.*)/ ) { chdir $1; exec 'dpkg-buildpackage', '-b', '-uc'; die "Unable to run dpkg-buildpackage: $!"; } } } elsif ($dget_unpack) { system @cmd, $found_dsc; exit $? >> 8 if $? >> 8 != 0; } } # case 2a: --all srcpackage[=version] } elsif ($opt->{'all'} and $arg =~ /^([a-z0-9.+-:]{2,})(?:=([a-zA-Z0-9.:~+-]+))?$/) { my ($source, $version, $arch) = ($1, $2); ($source, $arch) = split(/:/, $source, 2); my $cmd = "apt-cache showsrc --only-source $source"; # unfortunately =version doesn't work here, and even if it did, was the # user referring to the source version or the binary version? The code # assumes binary version. #$cmd .= "=$version" if ($version); open my $showsrc, '-|', $cmd; my $c = Dpkg::Control->new(type => CTRL_INDEX_SRC); while ($c->parse($showsrc, $cmd)) { if ($arch) { my @packages = grep { $_ } split /\n/, $c->{'Package-List'}; # Find all packages whose architecture is either 'all', 'any', # or the given architecture. The Package-List lines are # $pkg $debtype $section $priority arch=$archlist foreach my $package (@packages) { $package =~ s/^\s*//; my ($binary, $debtype, $section, $priority, $archs) = split(/\s+/, $package, 5); if ($archs =~ m/all/) { eval { apt_get($binary, $version) } or print "$@"; } elsif ($archs =~ m/any|[=,]$arch/) { eval { apt_get("$binary:$arch", $version) } or print "$@"; } } } else { my @packages = split /, /, $c->{Binary}; foreach my $package (@packages) { eval { apt_get($package, $version) } or print "$@"; } } last; } close $showsrc; # case 2b: package[=version] } elsif ($arg =~ /^([a-z0-9.+-:]{2,})(?:=([a-zA-Z0-9.:~+-]+))?$/) { apt_get($1, $2); } else { usage(); } } =head1 NAME dget - Download Debian source and binary packages =head1 SYNOPSIS =over =item B [I] I ... =item B [I] [B<--all>] I[B<=>I] ... =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B downloads Debian packages. In the first form, B fetches the requested URLs. If this is a .dsc or .changes file, then B acts as a source-package aware form of B: it also fetches any files referenced in the .dsc/.changes file. The downloaded source is then checked with B and, if successful, unpacked by B. In the second form, B downloads a I package (i.e., a I<.deb> file) from the Debian mirror configured in /etc/apt/sources.list(.d). Unlike B, it does not require root privileges, writes to the current directory, and does not download dependencies. If a version number is specified, this version of the package is requested. With B<--all>, the list of all binaries for the source package I is extracted from the output of C. In both cases dget is capable of getting several packages and/or URLs at once. (Note that I<.udeb> packages used by debian-installer are located in separate packages files from I<.deb> packages. In order to use I<.udebs> with B, you will need to have configured B to use a packages file for I/I). Before downloading files listed in .dsc and .changes files, and before downloading binary packages, B checks to see whether any of these files already exist. If they do, then their md5sums are compared to avoid downloading them again unnecessarily. B also looks for matching files in I and directories given by the B<--path> option or specified in the configuration files (see below). Finally, if downloading (.orig).tar.gz or .diff.gz files fails, dget consults B. Download backends used are B and B, looked for in that order. B was written to make it easier to retrieve source packages from the web for sponsor uploads. For checking the package with B, the last binary version is available via B I, the last source version via B I. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-a>, B<--all> Interpret I as a source package name, and download all binaries as found in the output of "apt-cache showsrc I". If I is arch-qualified, then only binary packages which are "Arch: all", "Arch: any", or "Arch: $arch" will be downloaded. =item B<-b>, B<--backup> Move files that would be overwritten to I<./backup>. =item B<-q>, B<--quiet> Suppress B/B non-error output. =item B<-d>, B<--download-only> Do not run B on the downloaded source package. This can only be used with the first method of calling B. =item B<-x>, B<--extract> Run B on the downloaded source package to unpack it. This option is the default and can only be used with the first method of calling B. =item B<-u>, B<--allow-unauthenticated> Do not attempt to verify the integrity of downloaded source packages using B. =item B<--build> Run B on the downloaded source package. =item B<--path> I[B<:>I ...] In addition to I, B uses the colon-separated list given as argument to B<--path> to find files with a matching md5sum. For example: "--path /srv/pbuilder/result:/home/cb/UploadQueue". If DIR is empty (i.e., "--path ''" is specified), then any previously listed directories or directories specified in the configuration files will be ignored. This option may be specified multiple times, and all of the directories listed will be searched; hence, the above example could have been written as: "--path /srv/pbuilder/result --path /home/cb/UploadQueue". =item B<-k>, B<--insecure> Allow SSL connections to untrusted hosts. =item B<--no-cache> Bypass server-side HTTP caches by sending a B header. =item B<-h>, B<--help> Show a help message. =item B<-V>, B<--version> Show version information. =back =head1 CONFIGURATION VARIABLES The two configuration files F and F<~/.devscripts> are sourced by a shell in that order to set configuration variables. Command line options can be used to override configuration file settings. Environment variable settings are ignored for this purpose. The currently recognised variable is: =over 4 =item B This can be set to a colon-separated list of directories in which to search for files in addition to the default I. It has the same effect as the B<--path> command line option. It is not set by default. =item B Set to 'no' to disable extracting downloaded source packages. Default is 'yes'. =item B Set to 'no' to disable checking signatures of downloaded source packages. Default is 'yes'. =back =head1 EXAMPLES Download all I<.deb> files for the previous version of a package and run B on them: dget --all mypackage=1.2-1 debdiff --from *_1.2-1_*.deb --to *_1.2-2_*.deb =head1 BUGS AND COMPATIBILITY B I should be implemented in B. Before devscripts version 2.10.17, the default was not to extract the downloaded source. Set DGET_UNPACK=no to revert to the old behaviour. =head1 AUTHOR This program is Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Christoph Berg . Modifications are Copyright (C) 2005-06 by Julian Gilbey . This program is licensed under the terms of the GPL, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. =head1 SEE ALSO B(1), B(1), B(1), B(1), B(1), B(1)