{ package MockRESTClient; use JSON; use URI; use Moo; use JSON; extends 'GitLab::API::v4::RESTClient'; has _mocks => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { [] }, init_arg => undef, ); sub mock_endpoints { my $self = shift; while (@_) { my $method = shift; my $path_re = shift; my $sub = shift; push @{ $self->_mocks() }, [$method, $path_re, $sub]; } return; } sub _http_tiny_request { my ($self, $req_method, $req) = @_; die "req_method may only be 'request' at this time" if $req_method ne 'request'; my ($method, $url, $options) = @$req; my $path = URI->new($url)->path(); $path =~ s{^.*api/v4/}{}; foreach my $mock (@{ $self->_mocks() }) { my ($handler_method, $path_re, $sub) = @$mock; next if $method ne $handler_method; my @captures = ($path =~ $path_re); next if !@captures; # No captures still returns a 1. my ($status, $content) = $sub->([$method, $url, $options], @captures); $content = JSON::to_json($content) if ref $content; return { status => $status, success => ($status =~ m{^2\d\d$}) ? 1 : 0, defined($content) ? (content => $content) : (), }; } die "No mock endpoint matched the $method '$path' endpoint"; } } sub api { my ($gitdir) = @_; my @users = ({ id => 11, username => 'me', name => 'Me', email => 'me@debian.org', state => 'active' }); my @teams = ({ id => 2099, name => 'Debian JavaScript Maintainers', full_name => 'Debian JavaScript Maintainers', full_path => 'js-team', }); my @projects; my $next_id = 1; my $api = GitLab::API::v4->new( url => 'https://example.com/api/v4', rest_client_class => 'MockRESTClient', ); $api->rest_client->mock_endpoints( GET => qr{^user$} => sub { 200, $users[0] }, GET => qr{^users$} => sub { 200, \@users }, POST => qr{^users$} => sub { my ($req) = @_; my $user = decode_json($req->[2]->{content}); $user->{id} = $next_id; $next_id++; push @users, $user; return 204; }, GET => qr{^users?/(\d+)$} => sub { my ($req, $id) = @_; foreach my $user (@users) { next if $user->{id} != $id; return 200, $user; } return 404; }, GET => qr{^users/(\D+)$} => sub { my ($req, $id) = @_; foreach my $user (@users) { next if $user->{username} != $id; return 200, $user; } return 404; }, GET => qr{^groups$} => sub { 200, \@teams; }, GET => qr{^groups/([^/]+)$} => sub { my ($req, $name) = @_; foreach my $team (@teams) { next if $team->{full_path} ne $name; return 200, $team; } return 404; }, PUT => qr{^users/(\d+)$} => sub { my ($req, $id) = @_; my $data = decode_json($req->[2]->{content}); foreach my $user (@users) { next if $user->{id} != $id; %$user = (%$user, %$data,); return 204; } return 404; }, DELETE => qr{^users/(\d+)$} => sub { my ($req, $id) = @_; my @new; foreach my $user (@users) { next if $user->{id} == $id; push @new, $user; } return 404 if @new == @users; @users = @new; return 204; }, # Projects POST => qr{^projects$} => sub { my $content = JSON::from_json($_[0]->[2]->{content}); mkdir "$gitdir/me/$content->{path}"; $ENV{"GIT_CONFIG_NOGLOBAL"} = 1; print `cd $gitdir/me/$content->{path};git init;git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore;cd -`; $content->{id} = scalar @projects + 1; $content->{hooks} = []; $content->{namespace} = { kind => 'user', id => 11, name => 'me', }; $content->{path_with_namespace} = 'me/' . $content->{path}; $content->{web_url} = 'http://no.org/me/' . $content->{path}; push @projects, $content; return 200, $content; }, GET => qr{^projects/(\d+)/hooks} => sub { my ($req, $id) = @_; my $res = eval { $projects[$id - 1]->{hooks} }; return ($res ? (200, $res) : (404)); }, GET => qr{^projects/(\d+)/services/(\w+)} => sub { my ($req, $id, $service) = @_; return 404; }, GET => qr{^projects$} => sub { my ($req) = @_; return (200, \@projects) unless ($req->[1] =~ /search=([^&]+)/); my $str = $1; my @res; foreach (@projects) { if ($_->{name} =~ /\Q$str\E/) { push @res, $_; } } return 200, \@res; }, GET => qr{^projects/([a-z]+)(?:%2F(\w+))*$} => sub { my ($req, @path) = @_; my $repo = pop @path; my $path = join '/', @path; foreach (@projects) { if ($_->{namespace}->{name} eq $path and $_->{path} eq $repo) { return 200, $_; } } return 404; }, GET => qr{^projects/(\d+)$} => sub { my ($req, $id) = @_; return 404 unless ($_ = $projects[$id - 1]); return 200, $_; }, PUT => qr{^projects/(\d+)} => sub { my ($req, $id) = @_; return 404 unless ($_ = $projects[$id - 1]); my $content = JSON::from_json($req->[2]->{content}); foreach my $k (keys %$content) { $_->{$k} = $content->{$k}; } return 200, {}; }, POST => qr{^projects/(\d+)/hooks} => sub { my ($req, $id) = @_; return 404 unless ($_ = $projects[$id - 1]); my $content = JSON::from_json($req->[2]->{content}); push @{ $_->{hooks} }, $content; return 200, {}; }, POST => qr{^projects/(\d+)/repository/branches} => sub { return 200, {}; }, DELETE => qr{^projects/(\d+)/repository/branches/([\w\-\.]+)$} => sub { return 200, {}; }, ); return $api; } 1;