#!/bin/bash # Test that dkms works properly set -eu # Change the to base directory cd "$(dirname -- "$0")" # To use a specific kernel version, use the environment variable KERNEL_VER KERNEL_VER="${KERNEL_VER:-$(uname -r)}" KERNEL_ARCH="$(uname -m)" echo "Using kernel ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH}" # debconf can trigger at random points, in the testing process. Where a bunch of # the frontends cannot work in our CI. Just opt for the noninteractive one. export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Avoid output variations due to parallelism export parallel_jobs=1 # Temporary files, directories, and modules created during tests TEST_MODULES=( "dkms_test" "dkms_noautoinstall_test" "dkms_failing_test" "dkms_dependencies_test" "dkms_multiver_test" "dkms_nover_test" "dkms_emptyver_test" "dkms_nover_update_test" "dkms_conf_test" "dkms_build_exclusive_test" "dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test" ) TEST_TMPDIRS=( "/usr/src/dkms_test-1.0" "/usr/src/dkms_noautoinstall_test-1.0" "/usr/src/dkms_failing_test-1.0" "/usr/src/dkms_dependencies_test-1.0" "/usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-1.0" "/usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-2.0" "/usr/src/dkms_nover_test-1.0" "/usr/src/dkms_emptyver_test-1.0" "/usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-1.0" "/usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-2.0" "/usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-3.0" "/usr/src/dkms_conf_test-1.0" "/usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_test-1.0" "/usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test-1.0" "/tmp/dkms_test_dir_${KERNEL_VER}/" ) TEST_TMPFILES=( "/tmp/dkms_test_private_key" "/tmp/dkms_test_certificate" "/tmp/dkms_test_kconfig" "/etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/dkms_test_framework.conf" "test_cmd_output.log" "test_cmd_stdout.log" "test_cmd_stderr.log" "test_cmd_expected_output.log" ) SIGNING_MESSAGE="" declare -i NO_SIGNING_TOOL if [ "$#" = 1 ] && [ "$1" = "--no-signing-tool" ]; then echo 'Ignore signing tool errors' NO_SIGNING_TOOL=1 else NO_SIGNING_TOOL=0 fi # Some helpers dkms_status_grep_dkms_module() { local module_name="$1" (dkms status | grep "^${module_name}/") || true } clean_dkms_env() { local found_module for module in ${TEST_MODULES[@]}; do found_module="$(dkms_status_grep_dkms_module ${module})" if [[ -n "$found_module" ]] ; then dkms remove ${module}/1.0 >/dev/null fi rm -rf "/var/lib/dkms/${module}/" rm -f "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/${module}.ko${mod_compression_ext}" done for dir in "${TEST_TMPDIRS[@]}"; do rm -rf "$dir" done for file in "${TEST_TMPFILES[@]}"; do rm -f "$file" done } check_no_dkms_test() { local found_module for module in ${TEST_MODULES[@]}; do found_module="$(dkms_status_grep_dkms_module ${module})" if [[ -n "$found_module" ]] ; then echo >&2 "Error: module ${module} is still in DKMS tree" exit 1 fi if [[ -d "/var/lib/dkms/${module}" ]]; then echo >&2 "Error: directory /var/lib/dkms/${module} still exists" exit 1 fi if [[ -f "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/${module}.ko${mod_compression_ext}" ]]; then echo >&2 "Error: file /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/${module}.ko${mod_compression_ext} still exists" exit 1 fi done for dir in "${TEST_TMPDIRS[@]}"; do if [[ -d "$dir" ]]; then echo >&2 "Error: directory ${dir} still exists" exit 1 fi done for file in "${TEST_TMPFILES[@]}"; do if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then echo >&2 "Error: file ${file} still exists" exit 1 fi done } cert_serial() { local ver="$(openssl version)" # Some systems in CI test are still using ancient versions of openssl program. if [[ "$ver" = "OpenSSL 1.0."* ]] || [[ "$ver" = "OpenSSL 0."* ]]; then openssl x509 -text -inform DER -in "$1" -noout | grep -A 1 'X509v3 Subject Key Identifier' | tail -n 1 | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | tr -d ' :' else openssl x509 -serial -inform DER -in "$1" -noout | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | sed 's/^SERIAL=//' fi } set_signing_message() { # $1: module name # $2: module version # $3: module file name if not the same as $1 if (( NO_SIGNING_TOOL == 0 )); then SIGNING_MESSAGE="Signing module /var/lib/dkms/$1/$2/build/${3:-$1}.ko"$'\n' fi } run_status_with_expected_output() { local module=$1 cat > test_cmd_expected_output.log dkms_status_grep_dkms_module "${module}" > test_cmd_output.log 2>&1 if ! diff -U3 test_cmd_expected_output.log test_cmd_output.log ; then echo >&2 "Error: unexpected output from: dkms_status_grep_dkms_module for ${module}" return 1 fi rm test_cmd_expected_output.log test_cmd_output.log } genericize_expected_output() { local output_log=$1 # "depmod..." lines can have multiple points. Replace them, to be able to compare sed -i 's/\([^.]\)\.\.\.\.*$/\1.../' ${output_log} # On CentOS, weak-modules is executed. Drop it from the output, to be more generic sed -i '/^Adding any weak-modules$/d' ${output_log} sed -i '/^Removing any linked weak-modules$/d' ${output_log} # "depmod..." lines are missing when uninstalling modules on CentOS. Remove them to be more generic if [[ $# -ge 2 && "$2" =~ uninstall|unbuild|remove ]] ; then sed -i '/^depmod\.\.\.$/d' ${output_log} fi # Signing related output. Drop it from the output, to be more generic if (( NO_SIGNING_TOOL == 0 )); then sed -i '/^EFI variables are not supported on this system/d' ${output_log} sed -i '/^\/sys\/firmware\/efi\/efivars not found, aborting./d' ${output_log} sed -i '/^Sign command:/d' ${output_log} sed -i '/^Signing key:/d' ${output_log} sed -i '/^Public certificate (MOK):/d' ${output_log} sed -i '/^Certificate or key are missing, generating them using update-secureboot-policy...$/d' ${output_log} sed -i '/^Certificate or key are missing, generating self signed certificate for MOK...$/d' ${output_log} else sed -i "/^The kernel is built without module signing facility, modules won't be signed$/d" ${output_log} sed -i "/^Binary .* not found, modules won't be signed$/d" ${output_log} # Uncomment the following line to run this script with --no-signing-tool on platforms where the sign-file tool exists # sed -i '/^Signing module \/var\/lib\/dkms\/dkms_test\/1.0\/build\/dkms_test.ko$/d' ${output_log} fi # OpenSSL non-critical errors while signing. Remove them to be more generic sed -i '/^At main.c:/d' ${output_log} sed -i '/^- SSL error:/d' ${output_log} # Apport related error that can occur in the CI. Drop from the output to be more generic sed -i "/^python3: can't open file '\/usr\/share\/apport\/package-hooks\/dkms_packages.py'\: \[Errno 2\] No such file or directory$/d" ${output_log} sed -i "/^ERROR (dkms apport): /d" ${output_log} } run_with_expected_output() { run_with_expected_error 0 "$@" } run_with_expected_error() { local expected_error_code="$1" local dkms_command="$3" local output_log=test_cmd_output.log local expected_output_log=test_cmd_expected_output.log local error_code=0 shift cat > ${expected_output_log} stdbuf -o L -e L "$@" > ${output_log} 2>&1 || error_code=$? if [[ "${error_code}" != "${expected_error_code}" ]] ; then echo "Error: command '$*' returned status ${error_code} instead of expected ${expected_error_code}" cat ${output_log} rm ${expected_output_log} ${output_log} return 1 fi genericize_expected_output ${output_log} ${dkms_command} if ! diff -U3 ${expected_output_log} ${output_log} ; then echo >&2 "Error: unexpected output from: $*" rm ${expected_output_log} ${output_log} return 1 fi rm ${expected_output_log} ${output_log} } # sig_hashalgo itself may show bogus value if kmod version < 26 kmod_broken_hashalgo() { local -ri kmod_ver=$(kmod --version | grep version | cut -f 3 -d ' ') (( kmod_ver < 26 )) } mod_compression_ext= kernel_config="/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/build/.config" if [ -f "${kernel_config}" ]; then if grep -q "^CONFIG_MODULE_COMPRESS_NONE=y" "${kernel_config}" ; then mod_compression_ext= elif grep -q "^CONFIG_MODULE_COMPRESS_GZIP=y" "${kernel_config}" ; then mod_compression_ext=.gz elif grep -q "^CONFIG_MODULE_COMPRESS_XZ=y" "${kernel_config}" ; then mod_compression_ext=.xz elif grep -q "^CONFIG_MODULE_COMPRESS_ZSTD=y" "${kernel_config}" ; then mod_compression_ext=.zst fi fi # Compute the expected destination module location os_id="$(sed -n 's/^ID\s*=\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p' /etc/os-release | tr -d '"')" case "${os_id}" in centos | fedora | rhel | ovm | almalinux) expected_dest_loc=extra mod_compression_ext=.xz ;; sles | suse | opensuse*) expected_dest_loc=updates mod_compression_ext=.zst ;; arch) expected_dest_loc=updates/dkms ;; debian* | ubuntu | linuxmint) expected_dest_loc=updates/dkms ;; alpine) expected_dest_loc=kernel/extra ;; gentoo) expected_dest_loc=kernel/extra mod_compression_ext= ;; *) echo >&2 "Error: unknown Linux distribution ID ${os_id}" exit 1 ;; esac echo "Checking module compression ..." echo "config: $(grep "^CONFIG_MODULE_COMPRESS" "${kernel_config}" || true)" echo "files: $(find "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}" -name \*.ko\* 2>/dev/null | head -n1)" echo "Expected extension: ${mod_compression_ext:-(none)}" echo 'Preparing a clean test environment' clean_dkms_env echo 'Test framework file hijacking' mkdir -p /etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/ cp test/framework/hijacking.conf /etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/dkms_test_framework.conf run_with_expected_output dkms status -m dkms_test << EOF EOF rm /etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/dkms_test_framework.conf ############################################################################ ### Testing dkms on a regular module ### ############################################################################ echo 'Adding the test module by version (expected error)' run_with_expected_error 2 dkms add -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Error! Could not find module source directory. Directory: /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 does not exist. EOF echo 'Adding the test module by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_test-1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0: added EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 was not created' exit 1 fi echo 'Adding the test module again (expected error)' run_with_expected_error 3 dkms add test/dkms_test-1.0 << EOF Error! DKMS tree already contains: dkms_test-1.0 You cannot add the same module/version combo more than once. EOF echo 'Adding the test module by version (expected error)' run_with_expected_error 3 dkms add -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Error! DKMS tree already contains: dkms_test-1.0 You cannot add the same module/version combo more than once. EOF echo 'Building the test module' set_signing_message "dkms_test" "1.0" run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF echo 'Building the test module again' run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test/1.0 already built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}), skip. You may override by specifying --force. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF if (( NO_SIGNING_TOOL == 0 )); then echo 'Building the test module with bad sign_file path in framework file' cp test/framework/bad_sign_file_path.conf /etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/dkms_test_framework.conf run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 --force << EOF Binary /no/such/file not found, modules won't be signed Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... Cleaning build area... EOF echo 'Building the test module with bad mok_signing_key path in framework file' cp test/framework/bad_key_file_path.conf /etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/dkms_test_framework.conf run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 --force << EOF Key file /no/such/path.key not found and can't be generated, modules won't be signed Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... Cleaning build area... EOF echo 'Building the test module with bad mok_certificate path in framework file' cp test/framework/bad_cert_file_path.conf /etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/dkms_test_framework.conf run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 --force << EOF Certificate file /no/such/path.crt not found and can't be generated, modules won't be signed Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... Cleaning build area... EOF rm /tmp/dkms_test_private_key echo 'Building the test module with path contains variables in framework file' mkdir "/tmp/dkms_test_dir_${KERNEL_VER}/" cp test/framework/variables_in_path.conf /etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/dkms_test_framework.conf run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 --force << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF rm -r "/tmp/dkms_test_dir_${KERNEL_VER}/" BUILT_MODULE_PATH="/var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH}/module/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" CURRENT_HASH="$(modinfo -F sig_hashalgo "${BUILT_MODULE_PATH}")" echo 'Building the test module using a different hash algorithm' if kmod_broken_hashalgo; then echo 'Current kmod has broken hash algorithm code. Skipping...' elif [[ "${CURRENT_HASH}" == "unknown" ]]; then echo 'Current kmod reports unknown hash algorithm. Skipping...' else cp test/framework/temp_key_cert.conf /etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/dkms_test_framework.conf if [[ "${CURRENT_HASH}" == "sha512" ]]; then ALTER_HASH="sha256" else ALTER_HASH="sha512" fi echo "CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_HASH=\"${ALTER_HASH}\"" > /tmp/dkms_test_kconfig run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 --config /tmp/dkms_test_kconfig --force << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF run_with_expected_output sh -c "modinfo -F sig_hashalgo '${BUILT_MODULE_PATH}'" << EOF ${ALTER_HASH} EOF rm /tmp/dkms_test_kconfig fi rm /etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/dkms_test_framework.conf fi cp test/framework/temp_key_cert.conf /etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/dkms_test_framework.conf echo 'Building the test module again by force' run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 --force << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF if (( NO_SIGNING_TOOL == 0 )); then echo 'Extracting serial number from the certificate' MODULE_SERIAL="$(cert_serial /tmp/dkms_test_certificate)" fi echo 'Installing the test module' run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF echo 'Installing the test module again' run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test/1.0 already installed on kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}), skip. You may override by specifying --force. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF if ! [[ -f "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" ]] ; then echo >&2 "Error: module not found in /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" exit 1 fi echo 'Installing the test module again by force' run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 --force << EOF Module dkms_test-1.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. depmod... dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF echo 'Checking modinfo' run_with_expected_output sh -c "modinfo /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext} | head -n 4" << EOF filename: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext} version: 1.0 description: A Simple dkms test module license: GPL EOF if (( NO_SIGNING_TOOL == 0 )); then echo 'Checking module signature' SIG_KEY="$(modinfo -F sig_key "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" | tr -d ':')" SIG_HASH="$(modinfo -F sig_hashalgo "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}")" if kmod_broken_hashalgo; then echo 'Current kmod has broken hash algorithm code. Skipping...' elif [[ "${SIG_HASH}" == "unknown" ]]; then echo 'Current kmod reports unknown hash algorithm. Skipping...' elif [[ ! "${SIG_KEY}" ]]; then echo >&2 "Error: module was not signed" exit 1 else run_with_expected_output sh -c "echo '${SIG_KEY}'" << EOF ${MODULE_SERIAL} EOF fi fi echo 'Uninstalling the test module' run_with_expected_output dkms uninstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test-1.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF if [[ -e "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" ]] ; then echo >&2 "Error: module not removed in /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" exit 1 fi echo 'Uninstalling the test module again' run_with_expected_output dkms uninstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF echo 'Unbuilding the test module' run_with_expected_output dkms unbuild -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0: added EOF echo 'Unbuilding the test module again' run_with_expected_output dkms unbuild -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_test 1.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0: added EOF echo 'Removing the test module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_test 1.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 was removed' exit 1 fi echo 'Adding the test module by version' run_with_expected_output dkms add -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0: added EOF echo 'Removing the test module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove --all -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Deleting module dkms_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF EOF echo 'Installing the test module by version (combining add, build, install)' run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF if ! [[ -f "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" ]] ; then echo >&2 "Error: module not found in /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" exit 1 fi echo 'Checking modinfo' run_with_expected_output sh -c "modinfo /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext} | head -n 4" << EOF filename: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext} version: 1.0 description: A Simple dkms test module license: GPL EOF if (( NO_SIGNING_TOOL == 0 )); then echo 'Checking module signature' SIG_KEY="$(modinfo -F sig_key "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" | tr -d ':')" SIG_HASH="$(modinfo -F sig_hashalgo "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}")" if kmod_broken_hashalgo; then echo 'Current kmod has broken hash algorithm code. Skipping...' elif [[ "${SIG_HASH}" == "unknown" ]]; then echo 'Current kmod reports unknown hash algorithm. Skipping...' elif [[ ! "${SIG_KEY}" ]]; then # kmod may not be linked with openssl and thus can't extract the key from module echo >&2 "Error: modules was not signed, or key is unknown" exit 1 else run_with_expected_output sh -c "echo '${SIG_KEY}'" << EOF ${MODULE_SERIAL} EOF fi fi echo 'Removing the test module with --all' run_with_expected_output dkms remove --all -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test-1.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. Deleting module dkms_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF EOF if [[ -e "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" ]] ; then echo >&2 "Error: module not removed in /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" exit 1 fi echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 echo 'Building the test module by config file (combining add, build)' run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" test/dkms_test-1.0/dkms.conf << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF echo "Running dkms autoinstall" run_with_expected_output dkms autoinstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH} succeeded for dkms_test EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF echo "Running dkms autoinstall for a kernel without headers installed (expected error)" run_with_expected_error 11 dkms autoinstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}-noheaders" << EOF Error! Your kernel headers for kernel ${KERNEL_VER}-noheaders cannot be found at /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}-noheaders/build or /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}-noheaders/source. Please install the linux-headers-${KERNEL_VER}-noheaders package or use the --kernelsourcedir option to tell DKMS where it's located. dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}-noheaders/${KERNEL_ARCH} failed for dkms_test(1) Error! One or more modules failed to install during autoinstall. Refer to previous errors for more information. EOF echo 'Removing the test module with --all' run_with_expected_output dkms remove --all -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test-1.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. Deleting module dkms_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF EOF echo 'Removing temporary files' if (( NO_SIGNING_TOOL == 0 )); then rm /tmp/dkms_test_private_key /tmp/dkms_test_certificate fi rm /etc/dkms/framework.conf.d/dkms_test_framework.conf echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 echo 'Checking that the environment is clean again' check_no_dkms_test ############################################################################ ### Testing dkms on a regular module with AUTOINSTALL="" ### ############################################################################ echo 'Adding the noautoinstall test module by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_noautoinstall_test-1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_noautoinstall_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_noautoinstall_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_noautoinstall_test' << EOF dkms_noautoinstall_test/1.0: added EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_noautoinstall_test-1.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_noautoinstall_test-1.0 was not created' exit 1 fi echo "Running dkms autoinstall" run_with_expected_output dkms autoinstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_noautoinstall_test' << EOF dkms_noautoinstall_test/1.0: added EOF echo 'Building the noautoinstall test module' set_signing_message "dkms_noautoinstall_test" "1.0" run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_noautoinstall_test -v 1.0 << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_noautoinstall_test' << EOF dkms_noautoinstall_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF echo 'Installing the noautoinstall test module' run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_noautoinstall_test -v 1.0 << EOF dkms_noautoinstall_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_noautoinstall_test' << EOF dkms_noautoinstall_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF echo 'Uninstalling the noautoinstall test module' run_with_expected_output dkms uninstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_noautoinstall_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_noautoinstall_test-1.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_noautoinstall_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_noautoinstall_test' << EOF dkms_noautoinstall_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF if [[ -e "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_noautoinstall_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" ]] ; then echo >&2 "Error: module not removed in /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_noautoinstall_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" exit 1 fi echo 'Unbuilding the noautoinstall test module' run_with_expected_output dkms unbuild -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_noautoinstall_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_noautoinstall_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_noautoinstall_test' << EOF dkms_noautoinstall_test/1.0: added EOF echo 'Removing the noautoinstall test module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_noautoinstall_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_noautoinstall_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_noautoinstall_test 1.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_noautoinstall_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_noautoinstall_test' << EOF EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_noautoinstall_test-1.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_noautoinstall_test-1.0 was removed' exit 1 fi echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_noautoinstall_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_noautoinstall_test-1.0 echo 'Checking that the environment is clean again' check_no_dkms_test ############################################################################ ### Testing malformed/borderline dkms.conf ### ############################################################################ abspwd=$(readlink -f $(pwd)) echo 'Testing dkms add of source tree without dkms.conf (expected error)' run_with_expected_error 1 dkms add ${abspwd}/test/dkms_conf_test_no_conf << EOF Error! Arguments and are not specified. Usage: add / or add -m / or add -m -v EOF echo 'Testing dkms add with empty dkms.conf (expected error)' run_with_expected_error 8 dkms add test/dkms_conf_test_empty << EOF dkms.conf: Error! No 'PACKAGE_NAME' directive specified. dkms.conf: Error! No 'PACKAGE_VERSION' directive specified. dkms.conf: Warning! Zero modules specified. Error! Bad conf file. File: ${abspwd}/test/dkms_conf_test_empty/dkms.conf does not represent a valid dkms.conf file. EOF echo 'Testing dkms.conf with invalid values (expected error)' run_with_expected_error 8 dkms add test/dkms_conf_test_invalid << EOF dkms.conf: Error! No 'BUILT_MODULE_NAME' directive specified for record #0. dkms.conf: Error! 'DEST_MODULE_NAME' directive ends in '.o' or '.ko' in record #0. dkms.conf: Error! Directive 'DEST_MODULE_LOCATION' does not begin with '/kernel', '/updates', or '/extra' in record #0. dkms.conf: Error! 'BUILT_MODULE_NAME' directive ends in '.o' or '.ko' in record #1. dkms.conf: Error! No 'DEST_MODULE_LOCATION' directive specified for record #1. dkms.conf: Error! Directive 'DEST_MODULE_LOCATION' does not begin with '/kernel', '/updates', or '/extra' in record #1. Error! Bad conf file. File: ${abspwd}/test/dkms_conf_test_invalid/dkms.conf does not represent a valid dkms.conf file. EOF echo 'Testing dkms.conf defining zero modules' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_conf_test_zero_modules << EOF dkms.conf: Warning! Zero modules specified. dkms.conf: Warning! Zero modules specified. Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_conf_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_conf_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_conf_test' << EOF dkms_conf_test/1.0: added EOF run_with_expected_output dkms remove --all -m dkms_conf_test -v 1.0 << EOF Deleting module dkms_conf_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_conf_test' << EOF EOF echo 'Testing add/build/install of a test module building zero kernel modules' run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_conf_test -v 1.0 << EOF dkms.conf: Warning! Zero modules specified. Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_conf_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_conf_test-1.0 Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... Cleaning build area... depmod... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_conf_test' << EOF dkms.conf: Warning! Zero modules specified. dkms_conf_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF run_with_expected_output dkms remove --all -m dkms_conf_test -v 1.0 << EOF dkms.conf: Warning! Zero modules specified. dkms.conf: Warning! Zero modules specified. Module dkms_conf_test-1.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. Deleting module dkms_conf_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_conf_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_conf_test-1.0 echo 'Testing dkms.conf with defaulted BUILT_MODULE_NAME' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_conf_test_defaulted_BUILT_MODULE_NAME << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_conf_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_conf_test-1.0 EOF echo 'Building test module without source (expected error)' run_with_expected_error 8 dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_conf_test -v 1.0 << EOF Error! The directory /var/lib/dkms/dkms_conf_test/1.0/source does not appear to have module source located within it. Build halted. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_conf_test' << EOF dkms_conf_test/1.0: added EOF run_with_expected_output dkms remove --all -m dkms_conf_test -v 1.0 << EOF Deleting module dkms_conf_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_conf_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_conf_test-1.0 echo 'Checking that the environment is clean again' check_no_dkms_test ############################################################################ ### Testing dkms on a module with multiple versions ### ############################################################################ echo 'Adding the multiver test modules by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_multiver_test/1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_multiver_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0: added EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-1.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-1.0 was not created' exit 1 fi run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_multiver_test/2.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_multiver_test/2.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-2.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0: added dkms_multiver_test/2.0: added EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-1.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-2.0 was not created' exit 1 fi echo 'Building the multiver test modules' set_signing_message "dkms_multiver_test" "1.0" run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_multiver_test -v 1.0 << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built dkms_multiver_test/2.0: added EOF set_signing_message "dkms_multiver_test" "2.0" run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_multiver_test -v 2.0 << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built dkms_multiver_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF echo 'Installing the multiver test modules' run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_multiver_test -v 1.0 << EOF dkms_multiver_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed dkms_multiver_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_multiver_test -v 2.0 << EOF dkms_multiver_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - This kernel never originally had a module by this name - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built dkms_multiver_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF run_with_expected_error 6 dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_multiver_test -v 1.0 << EOF dkms_multiver_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. Error! Module version 1.0 for dkms_multiver_test.ko${mod_compression_ext} is not newer than what is already found in kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (2.0). You may override by specifying --force. Error! Installation aborted. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built dkms_multiver_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF echo 'Uninstalling the multiver test modules' run_with_expected_output dkms uninstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_multiver_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_multiver_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built dkms_multiver_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF run_with_expected_output dkms uninstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_multiver_test -v 2.0 << EOF Module dkms_multiver_test-2.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_multiver_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built dkms_multiver_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF if [[ -e "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_multiver_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" ]] ; then echo >&2 "Error: module not removed in /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_multiver_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" exit 1 fi echo 'Unbuilding the multiver test modules' run_with_expected_output dkms unbuild -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_multiver_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_multiver_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0: added dkms_multiver_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF run_with_expected_output dkms unbuild -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_multiver_test -v 2.0 << EOF Module dkms_multiver_test 2.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0: added dkms_multiver_test/2.0: added EOF echo 'Removing the multiver test modules' run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_multiver_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_multiver_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_multiver_test 1.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_multiver_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF dkms_multiver_test/2.0: added EOF run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_multiver_test -v 2.0 << EOF Module dkms_multiver_test 2.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_multiver_test 2.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_multiver_test-2.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_multiver_test' << EOF EOF echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-1.0 /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-2.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-1.0 /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-2.0 echo 'Checking that the environment is clean again' check_no_dkms_test ############################################################################ ### Testing dkms operations ... ############################################################################ echo 'Adding the nover/emptyver test modules by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_nover_test << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_nover_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_nover_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_test' << EOF dkms_nover_test/1.0: added EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_nover_test-1.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_nover_test-1.0 was not created' exit 1 fi run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_emptyver_test << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_emptyver_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_emptyver_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_emptyver_test' << EOF dkms_emptyver_test/1.0: added EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_emptyver_test-1.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_emptyver_test-1.0 was not created' exit 1 fi echo 'Building the nover/emptyver test modules' set_signing_message "dkms_nover_test" "1.0" run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_test -v 1.0 << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_test' << EOF dkms_nover_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF set_signing_message "dkms_emptyver_test" "1.0" run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_emptyver_test -v 1.0 << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_emptyver_test' << EOF dkms_emptyver_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF echo 'Installing the nover/emptyver test modules' run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_test -v 1.0 << EOF dkms_nover_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_test' << EOF dkms_nover_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_emptyver_test -v 1.0 << EOF dkms_emptyver_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_emptyver_test' << EOF dkms_emptyver_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF echo 'Uninstalling the nover/emptyver test modules' run_with_expected_output dkms uninstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_nover_test-1.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_nover_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_test' << EOF dkms_nover_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF if [[ -e "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_nover_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" ]] ; then echo >&2 "Error: module not removed in /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_nover_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" exit 1 fi run_with_expected_output dkms uninstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_emptyver_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_emptyver_test-1.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_emptyver_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_emptyver_test' << EOF dkms_emptyver_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF if [[ -e "/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_emptyver_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" ]] ; then echo >&2 "Error: module not removed in /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/dkms_emptyver_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" exit 1 fi echo 'Unbuilding the nover/emptyver test modules' run_with_expected_output dkms unbuild -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_nover_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_test' << EOF dkms_nover_test/1.0: added EOF run_with_expected_output dkms unbuild -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_emptyver_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_emptyver_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_emptyver_test' << EOF dkms_emptyver_test/1.0: added EOF echo 'Removing the nover/emptyver test modules' run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_nover_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_nover_test 1.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_nover_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_test' << EOF EOF run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_emptyver_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_emptyver_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_emptyver_test 1.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_emptyver_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_emptyver_test' << EOF EOF echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_nover_test-1.0 /usr/src/dkms_emptyver_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_nover_test-1.0 /usr/src/dkms_emptyver_test-1.0 echo 'Adding the nover update test modules 1.0 by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_nover_update_test/1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_nover_update_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_update_test' << EOF dkms_nover_update_test/1.0: added EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-1.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-1.0 was not created' exit 1 fi echo 'Installing the nover update test 1.0 modules' set_signing_message "dkms_nover_update_test" "1.0" run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_update_test -v 1.0 << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... dkms_nover_update_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_update_test' << EOF dkms_nover_update_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF echo 'Adding the nover update test modules 2.0 by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_nover_update_test/2.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_nover_update_test/2.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-2.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_update_test' << EOF dkms_nover_update_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed dkms_nover_update_test/2.0: added EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-2.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-2.0 was not created' exit 1 fi echo 'Installing the nover update test 2.0 modules' set_signing_message "dkms_nover_update_test" "2.0" run_with_expected_output dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_update_test -v 2.0 << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... dkms_nover_update_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - This kernel never originally had a module by this name - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_update_test' << EOF dkms_nover_update_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built dkms_nover_update_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF echo 'Adding the nover update test modules 3.0 by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_nover_update_test/3.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_nover_update_test/3.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-3.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_update_test' << EOF dkms_nover_update_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built dkms_nover_update_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed dkms_nover_update_test/3.0: added EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-3.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-3.0 was not created' exit 1 fi echo 'Building the nover update test 3.0 modules' set_signing_message "dkms_nover_update_test" "3.0" run_with_expected_output dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_update_test -v 3.0 << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_update_test' << EOF dkms_nover_update_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built dkms_nover_update_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed dkms_nover_update_test/3.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF MODULE_PATH_2="/var/lib/dkms/dkms_nover_update_test/2.0/${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH}/module/dkms_nover_update_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" MODULE_PATH_3="/var/lib/dkms/dkms_nover_update_test/3.0/${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH}/module/dkms_nover_update_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}" if ! modinfo "${MODULE_PATH_3}" | grep -q '^srcversion:' && ! diff "${MODULE_PATH_2}" "${MODULE_PATH_3}" &>/dev/null; then # On debian, no srcversion in modinfo's output, the installation will always succeed echo 'Notice: Skip installation test on this platform' else echo 'Installing the nover update test 3.0 modules (expected error)' set_signing_message "dkms_nover_update_test" "3.0" run_with_expected_error 6 dkms install -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_update_test -v 3.0 << EOF dkms_nover_update_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. Module version for dkms_nover_update_test.ko${mod_compression_ext} exactly matches what is already found in kernel ${KERNEL_VER}. DKMS will not replace this module. You may override by specifying --force. Error! Installation aborted. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_update_test' << EOF dkms_nover_update_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built dkms_nover_update_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed dkms_nover_update_test/3.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built EOF fi echo 'Removing the nover update test modules' run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_update_test -v 3.0 << EOF Module dkms_nover_update_test 3.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_nover_update_test-3.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_update_test -v 2.0 << EOF Module dkms_nover_update_test-2.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_nover_update_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. Deleting module dkms_nover_update_test-2.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_nover_update_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_nover_update_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_nover_update_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_nover_update_test' << EOF EOF echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-{1,2,3}.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_nover_update_test-{1,2,3}.0 echo 'Checking that the environment is clean' check_no_dkms_test ############################################################################ ### Testing dkms autoinstall ### ############################################################################ echo 'Running autoinstall error testing' echo 'Adding failing test module by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_failing_test-1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_failing_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_failing_test-1.0 EOF echo 'Running autoinstall with failing test module (expected error)' run_with_expected_error 11 dkms autoinstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)...(bad exit status: 2) Failed command: make -j1 KERNELRELEASE=${KERNEL_VER} all Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}) Consult /var/lib/dkms/dkms_failing_test/1.0/build/make.log for more information. dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH} failed for dkms_failing_test(10) Error! One or more modules failed to install during autoinstall. Refer to previous errors for more information. EOF echo 'Adding test module with dependencies on failing test module by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_dependencies_test-1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_dependencies_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_dependencies_test-1.0 EOF echo 'Running autoinstall with failing test module and test module with dependencies on the failing module (expected error)' run_with_expected_error 11 dkms autoinstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)...(bad exit status: 2) Failed command: make -j1 KERNELRELEASE=${KERNEL_VER} all Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}) Consult /var/lib/dkms/dkms_failing_test/1.0/build/make.log for more information. dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH} failed for dkms_failing_test(10) dkms_dependencies_test/1.0 autoinstall failed due to missing dependencies: dkms_failing_test Error! One or more modules failed to install during autoinstall. Refer to previous errors for more information. EOF echo 'Removing failing test module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_failing_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_failing_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_failing_test 1.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_failing_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_failing_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_failing_test-1.0 echo 'Running autoinstall with test module with missing dependencies (expected error)' run_with_expected_error 11 dkms autoinstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF dkms_dependencies_test/1.0 autoinstall failed due to missing dependencies: dkms_failing_test Error! One or more modules failed to install during autoinstall. Refer to previous errors for more information. EOF echo 'Removing test module with dependencies' run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_dependencies_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_dependencies_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_dependencies_test 1.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_dependencies_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_dependencies_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_dependencies_test-1.0 echo 'Checking that the environment is clean again' check_no_dkms_test ############################################################################ ### Testing BUILD_EXCLUSIVE_* ### ############################################################################ echo 'Running tests with BUILD_EXCLUSIVE_* modules' set_signing_message "dkms_test" "1.0" echo 'Adding the build-exclusive test module by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_build_exclusive_test-1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_build_exclusive_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_build_exclusive_test' << EOF dkms_build_exclusive_test/1.0: added EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_test-1.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_test-1.0 was not created' return 1 fi # Should this really fail? echo '(Not) building the build-exclusive test module' run_with_expected_error 77 dkms build -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_build_exclusive_test -v 1.0 << EOF Warning: The /var/lib/dkms/dkms_build_exclusive_test/1.0/${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH}/dkms.conf for module dkms_build_exclusive_test includes a BUILD_EXCLUSIVE directive which does not match this kernel/arch/config. This indicates that it should not be built. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_build_exclusive_test' << EOF dkms_build_exclusive_test/1.0: added EOF echo "Running dkms autoinstall (1 x skip)" run_with_expected_output dkms autoinstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Warning: The /var/lib/dkms/dkms_build_exclusive_test/1.0/${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH}/dkms.conf for module dkms_build_exclusive_test includes a BUILD_EXCLUSIVE directive which does not match this kernel/arch/config. This indicates that it should not be built. dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH} was skipped for dkms_build_exclusive_test EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_build_exclusive_test' << EOF dkms_build_exclusive_test/1.0: added EOF echo 'Adding the test module by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_test-1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0: added EOF echo "Running dkms autoinstall (1 x skip, 1 x pass)" run_with_expected_output dkms autoinstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Warning: The /var/lib/dkms/dkms_build_exclusive_test/1.0/${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH}/dkms.conf for module dkms_build_exclusive_test includes a BUILD_EXCLUSIVE directive which does not match this kernel/arch/config. This indicates that it should not be built. Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH} succeeded for dkms_test dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH} was skipped for dkms_build_exclusive_test EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_build_exclusive_test' << EOF dkms_build_exclusive_test/1.0: added EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF echo 'Unbuilding the test module' run_with_expected_output dkms unbuild -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test-1.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0: added EOF echo 'Adding failing test module by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_failing_test-1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_failing_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_failing_test-1.0 EOF echo "Running dkms autoinstall (1 x skip, 1 x fail, 1 x pass) (expected error)" run_with_expected_error 11 dkms autoinstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Warning: The /var/lib/dkms/dkms_build_exclusive_test/1.0/${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH}/dkms.conf for module dkms_build_exclusive_test includes a BUILD_EXCLUSIVE directive which does not match this kernel/arch/config. This indicates that it should not be built. Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)...(bad exit status: 2) Failed command: make -j1 KERNELRELEASE=${KERNEL_VER} all Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}) Consult /var/lib/dkms/dkms_failing_test/1.0/build/make.log for more information. Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH} succeeded for dkms_test dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH} was skipped for dkms_build_exclusive_test dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH} failed for dkms_failing_test(10) Error! One or more modules failed to install during autoinstall. Refer to previous errors for more information. EOF echo 'Removing failing test module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_failing_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_failing_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_failing_test 1.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_failing_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_failing_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_failing_test-1.0 echo 'Removing the test module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove --all -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test-1.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. Deleting module dkms_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF EOF echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 echo 'Adding the build-exclusive dependencies test module by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test-1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test' << EOF dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test/1.0: added EOF if ! [[ -d /usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test-1.0 ]] ; then echo >&2 'Error: directory /usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test-1.0 was not created' return 1 fi echo "Running dkms autoinstall (2 x skip, with dependency)" run_with_expected_output dkms autoinstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Warning: The /var/lib/dkms/dkms_build_exclusive_test/1.0/${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH}/dkms.conf for module dkms_build_exclusive_test includes a BUILD_EXCLUSIVE directive which does not match this kernel/arch/config. This indicates that it should not be built. Warning: The /var/lib/dkms/dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test/1.0/${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH}/dkms.conf for module dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test includes a BUILD_EXCLUSIVE directive which does not match this kernel/arch/config. This indicates that it should not be built. dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH} was skipped for dkms_build_exclusive_test dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_build_exclusive_test' << EOF dkms_build_exclusive_test/1.0: added EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test' << EOF dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test/1.0: added EOF echo 'Removing the build-exclusive dependencies test module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove --all -m dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test -v 1.0 << EOF Deleting module dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test' << EOF EOF echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_dependencies_test-1.0 echo 'Removing the build-exclusive test module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove --all -m dkms_build_exclusive_test -v 1.0 << EOF Deleting module dkms_build_exclusive_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_build_exclusive_test' << EOF EOF echo 'Removing /usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_test-1.0' rm -r /usr/src/dkms_build_exclusive_test-1.0 echo 'Checking that the environment is clean again' check_no_dkms_test ############################################################################ ### Testing os-release detection ### ############################################################################ echo "Backing up /etc/os-release and /usr/lib/os-release" osrelease_cleanup() { rm -f _os-release mv _etc-os-release /etc/os-release &>/dev/null || : mv _usrlib-os-release /usr/lib/os-release &>/dev/null || : } for f in /etc/os-release /usr/lib/os-release; do if [ -e "$f" ]; then cp --preserve=all -f "$f" _os-release break fi done [ -f _os-release ] || { echo >&2 "Error: file os-release not found"; exit 1; } trap osrelease_cleanup EXIT mv_osrelease() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then mv "$1" "$2" || { echo >&2 "Error: could not move os-release $1"; exit 1; } fi } mv_osrelease "/etc/os-release" "_etc-os-release" mv_osrelease "/usr/lib/os-release" "_usrlib-os-release" echo "Adding the dkms_test-1.0 module with no os-release files (expected error)" run_with_expected_error 4 dkms add test/dkms_test-1.0 << EOF Error! System is missing os-release file. EOF echo "Creating /etc/os-release" cp -f _os-release /etc/os-release echo "Adding the dkms_test-1.0 module with file /etc/os-release" run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_test-1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0: added EOF echo 'Removing dkms_test module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_test 1.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF echo "Removing /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0" rm -r /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 echo "Deleting /etc/os-release" rm -f /etc/os-release echo "Creating /usr/lib/os-release" cp -f _os-release /etc/os-release echo "Adding the dkms_test-1.0 module with file /usr/lib/os-release" run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_test-1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 EOF run_status_with_expected_output 'dkms_test' << EOF dkms_test/1.0: added EOF echo 'Removing dkms_test module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove -k "${KERNEL_VER}" -m dkms_test -v 1.0 << EOF Module dkms_test 1.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Module dkms_test 1.0 is not built for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF echo "Removing /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0" rm -r /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 echo "Deleting /usr/lib/os-release" rm -f /usr/lib/os-release echo "Restoring /etc/os-release and /usr/bin/os-release" osrelease_cleanup trap - EXIT echo 'Checking that the environment is clean again' check_no_dkms_test ############################################################################ ### Testing 'broken' status ### ############################################################################ echo echo 'Running BROKEN tests' echo echo 'Adding the test module by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_test-1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 EOF echo ' Removing symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source' rm /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source echo 'Checking broken status' run_with_expected_output dkms status dkms_test/1.0 << EOF dkms_test/1.0: broken Error! dkms_test/1.0: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it. Manual intervention is required! EOF echo 'Re-adding the test module' run_with_expected_output dkms add dkms_test/1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 EOF echo ' Removing symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source' rm /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source echo 'Building broken test module (expected erorr)' run_with_expected_error 4 dkms build dkms_test/1.0 << EOF Error! dkms_test/1.0 is broken! Missing the source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it. Manual intervention is required! EOF echo 'Installing broken test module (expected erorr)' run_with_expected_error 4 dkms install dkms_test/1.0 << EOF Error! dkms_test/1.0 is broken! Missing the source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it. Manual intervention is required! EOF echo 'Unbuild broken test module (expected erorr)' run_with_expected_error 4 dkms unbuild dkms_test/1.0 << EOF Error! dkms_test/1.0 is broken! Missing the source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it. Manual intervention is required! EOF echo 'Uninstall broken test module (expected erorr)' run_with_expected_error 4 dkms uninstall dkms_test/1.0 << EOF Error! dkms_test/1.0 is broken! Missing the source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it. Manual intervention is required! EOF echo 'Adding the multiver test module 1.0 by directory' run_with_expected_output dkms add test/dkms_multiver_test/1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_multiver_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-1.0 EOF echo 'Checking broken status' run_with_expected_output dkms status << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0: added dkms_test/1.0: broken Error! dkms_test/1.0: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it. Manual intervention is required! EOF echo 'Remove broken test module (expected erorr)' run_with_expected_error 4 dkms remove dkms_test/1.0 << EOF Error! dkms_test/1.0 is broken! Missing the source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it. Manual intervention is required! EOF echo 'Re-adding the test module' run_with_expected_output dkms add dkms_test/1.0 << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 EOF echo ' Removing source tree /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0/' rm -rf /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0/ echo 'Checking broken status' run_with_expected_output dkms status << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0: added dkms_test/1.0: broken Error! dkms_test/1.0: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it. Manual intervention is required! EOF echo 'Removing dkms_multiver_test' dkms remove dkms_multiver_test/1.0 -k "${KERNEL_VER}" > /dev/null echo 'Removing dkms_test' rm -rf /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/ echo 'Adding and building the test module by directory' set_signing_message "dkms_test" "1.0" run_with_expected_output dkms build test/dkms_test-1.0 -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF echo 'Adding and building the multiver test module 1.0 by directory' set_signing_message "dkms_multiver_test" "1.0" run_with_expected_output dkms build test/dkms_multiver_test/1.0 -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_multiver_test/1.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-1.0 Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF echo ' Removing symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_multiver_test/1.0/source' rm /var/lib/dkms/dkms_multiver_test/1.0/source echo 'Adding and building the multiver test module 2.0 by directory' set_signing_message "dkms_multiver_test" "2.0" run_with_expected_output dkms build test/dkms_multiver_test/2.0 -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/dkms_multiver_test/2.0/source -> /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-2.0 Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)... ${SIGNING_MESSAGE}Cleaning build area... EOF echo 'Running dkms autoinstall' run_with_expected_output dkms autoinstall -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Error! dkms_multiver_test/1.0 is broken! Missing the source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it. Manual intervention is required! dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: Running module version sanity check. - Original module - No original module exists within this kernel - Installation - Installing to /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ depmod... dkms autoinstall on ${KERNEL_VER}/${KERNEL_ARCH} succeeded for dkms_test EOF run_with_expected_output dkms status << EOF dkms_multiver_test/1.0: broken Error! dkms_multiver_test/1.0: Missing the module source directory or the symbolic link pointing to it. Manual intervention is required! dkms_multiver_test/2.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: built dkms_test/1.0, ${KERNEL_VER}, ${KERNEL_ARCH}: installed EOF echo 'Removing all modules' echo ' Removing the test module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove dkms_test/1.0 -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Module dkms_test-1.0 for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel. dkms_test.ko${mod_compression_ext}: - Uninstallation - Deleting from: /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VER}/${expected_dest_loc}/ - Original module - No original module was found for this module on this kernel. - Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version. Deleting module dkms_test-1.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF echo ' Removing the multi_ver_test 2.0 module' run_with_expected_output dkms remove -m dkms_multiver_test -v 2.0 -k "${KERNEL_VER}" << EOF Module dkms_multiver_test 2.0 is not installed for kernel ${KERNEL_VER} (${KERNEL_ARCH}). Skipping... Deleting module dkms_multiver_test-2.0 completely from the DKMS tree. EOF echo ' Removing directories: /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/ /var/lib/dkms/dkms_multiver_test /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-?.0' rm -rf /var/lib/dkms/dkms_test/ /var/lib/dkms/dkms_multiver_test /usr/src/dkms_test-1.0 /usr/src/dkms_multiver_test-?.0 echo 'Checking that the environment is clean again' check_no_dkms_test echo echo 'End of BROKEN tests' echo echo 'All tests successful :)'