path: root/debian/vendor-h2o/deps/picotls/deps/cifra/src/blockwise.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/debian/vendor-h2o/deps/picotls/deps/cifra/src/blockwise.h b/debian/vendor-h2o/deps/picotls/deps/cifra/src/blockwise.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a20ff95..0000000
--- a/debian/vendor-h2o/deps/picotls/deps/cifra/src/blockwise.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- * cifra - embedded cryptography library
- * Written in 2014 by Joseph Birr-Pixton <>
- *
- * To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
- * copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the
- * public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any
- * warranty.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
- * along with this software. If not, see
- * <>.
- */
-#ifndef BLOCKWISE_H
-#define BLOCKWISE_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-/* Processing function for cf_blockwise_accumulate. */
-typedef void (*cf_blockwise_in_fn)(void *ctx, const uint8_t *data);
-/* Processing function for cf_blockwise_xor. */
-typedef void (*cf_blockwise_out_fn)(void *ctx, uint8_t *data);
-/* This function manages the common abstraction of accumulating input in
- * a buffer, and processing it when a full block is available.
- *
- * partial is the buffer (maintained by the caller)
- * on entry, npartial is the currently valid count of used bytes on
- * the front of partial.
- * on exit, npartial is updated to reflect the status of partial.
- * nblock is the blocksize to accumulate -- partial must be at least
- * this long!
- * input is the new data to process, of length nbytes.
- * process is the processing function, passed ctx and a pointer
- * to the data to process (always exactly nblock bytes long!)
- * which may not neccessarily be the same as partial.
- */
-void cf_blockwise_accumulate(uint8_t *partial, size_t *npartial,
- size_t nblock,
- const void *input, size_t nbytes,
- cf_blockwise_in_fn process,
- void *ctx);
-/* This function manages the common abstraction of accumulating input in
- * a buffer, and processing it when a full block is available.
- * This version supports calling a different processing function for
- * the last block.
- *
- * partial is the buffer (maintained by the caller)
- * on entry, npartial is the currently valid count of used bytes on
- * the front of partial.
- * on exit, npartial is updated to reflect the status of partial.
- * nblock is the blocksize to accumulate -- partial must be at least
- * this long!
- * input is the new data to process, of length nbytes.
- * process is the processing function, passed ctx and a pointer
- * to the data to process (always exactly nblock bytes long!)
- * which may not neccessarily be the same as partial.
- * process_final is called last (but may not be called at all if
- * all input is buffered).
- */
-void cf_blockwise_accumulate_final(uint8_t *partial, size_t *npartial,
- size_t nblock,
- const void *input, size_t nbytes,
- cf_blockwise_in_fn process,
- cf_blockwise_in_fn process_final,
- void *ctx);
-/* This function manages XORing an input stream with a keystream
- * to produce an output stream. The keystream is produced in blocks
- * (ala a block cipher in counter mode).
- *
- * partial is the keystream buffer (maintained by the caller)
- * on entry, *npartial is the currently valid count of bytes in partial:
- * unused bytes are at the *end*. So *npartial = 4 means the last four
- * bytes of partial are usable as keystream.
- * on exit, npartial is updated to reflect the new state of partial.
- * nblock is the blocksize to accumulate -- partial must be at least
- * this long!
- * input is the new data to process, of length nbytes.
- * output is where to write input xored with the keystream -- also length
- * nbytes.
- * process is the processing function, passed ctx and partial which it
- * should fill with fresh key stream.
- */
-void cf_blockwise_xor(uint8_t *partial, size_t *npartial,
- size_t nblock,
- const void *input, void *output, size_t nbytes,
- cf_blockwise_out_fn newblock,
- void *ctx);
-/* This function processes a single byte a number of times. It's useful
- * for padding, and more efficient than calling cf_blockwise_accumulate
- * a bunch of times.
- *
- * partial is the buffer (maintained by the caller)
- * on entry, npartial is the currently valid count of used bytes on
- * the front of partial.
- * on exit, npartial is updated to reflect the status of partial.
- * nblock is the blocksize to accumulate -- partial must be at least
- * this long!
- * process is the processing function, passed ctx and a pointer
- * to the data to process (always exactly nblock bytes long!)
- * which may not neccessarily be the same as partial.
- * byte is the byte to process, nbytes times.
- */
-void cf_blockwise_acc_byte(uint8_t *partial, size_t *npartial,
- size_t nblock,
- uint8_t byte, size_t nbytes,
- cf_blockwise_in_fn process,
- void *ctx);
-/* This function attempts to process patterns of bytes common in
- * block cipher padding.
- *
- * This takes three bytes:
- * - a first byte, fbyte,
- * - a middle byte, mbyte,
- * - a last byte, lbyte.
- *
- * If nbytes is zero, nothing happens.
- * If nbytes is one, the byte fbyte ^ lbyte is processed.
- * If nbytes is two, the fbyte then lbyte are processed.
- * If nbytes is three or more, fbyte, then one or more mbytes, then fbyte
- * is processed.
- *
- * partial is the buffer (maintained by the caller)
- * on entry, npartial is the currently valid count of used bytes on
- * the front of partial.
- * on exit, npartial is updated to reflect the status of partial.
- * nblock is the blocksize to accumulate -- partial must be at least
- * this long!
- * process is the processing function, passed ctx and a pointer
- * to the data to process (always exactly nblock bytes long!)
- * which may not neccessarily be the same as partial.
- */
-void cf_blockwise_acc_pad(uint8_t *partial, size_t *npartial,
- size_t nblock,
- uint8_t fbyte, uint8_t mbyte, uint8_t lbyte,
- size_t nbytes,
- cf_blockwise_in_fn process,
- void *ctx);