path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a5014d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+ * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist.
+ * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to
+ * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries
+ * produced as the result of such linking.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "dnsdist-carbon.hh"
+#include "dnsdist.hh"
+#include "dnsdist-backoff.hh"
+#include "dolog.hh"
+#include "sstuff.hh"
+#include "threadname.hh"
+namespace dnsdist
+LockGuarded<Carbon::Config> Carbon::s_config;
+static bool doOneCarbonExport(const Carbon::Endpoint& endpoint)
+ const auto& server = endpoint.server;
+ const std::string& namespace_name = endpoint.namespace_name;
+ const std::string& hostname = endpoint.ourname;
+ const std::string& instance_name = endpoint.instance_name;
+ try {
+ Socket s(server.sin4.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM);
+ s.setNonBlocking();
+ s.connect(server); // we do the connect so the attempt happens while we gather stats
+ ostringstream str;
+ const time_t now = time(nullptr);
+ {
+ auto entries = g_stats.entries.read_lock();
+ for (const auto& entry : *entries) {
+ str << namespace_name << "." << hostname << "." << instance_name << "." << entry.d_name << ' ';
+ if (const auto& val = boost::get<pdns::stat_t*>(&entry.d_value)) {
+ str << (*val)->load();
+ }
+ else if (const auto& adval = boost::get<pdns::stat_t_trait<double>*>(&entry.d_value)) {
+ str << (*adval)->load();
+ }
+ else if (const auto& dval = boost::get<double*>(&entry.d_value)) {
+ str << **dval;
+ }
+ else if (const auto& func = boost::get<DNSDistStats::statfunction_t>(&entry.d_value)) {
+ str << (*func)(entry.d_name);
+ }
+ str << ' ' << now << "\r\n";
+ }
+ }
+ auto states = g_dstates.getLocal();
+ for (const auto& state : *states) {
+ string serverName = state->getName().empty() ? state->d_config.remote.toStringWithPort() : state->getName();
+ boost::replace_all(serverName, ".", "_");
+ const string base = namespace_name + "." + hostname + "." + instance_name + ".servers." + serverName + ".";
+ str << base << "queries" << ' ' << state->queries.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "responses" << ' ' << state->responses.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "drops" << ' ' << state->reuseds.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "latency" << ' ' << (state->d_config.availability != DownstreamState::Availability::Down ? state->latencyUsec / 1000.0 : 0) << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "latencytcp" << ' ' << (state->d_config.availability != DownstreamState::Availability::Down ? state->latencyUsecTCP / 1000.0 : 0) << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "senderrors" << ' ' << state->sendErrors.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "outstanding" << ' ' << state->outstanding.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpdiedsendingquery" << ' ' << state->tcpDiedSendingQuery.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpdiedreaddingresponse" << ' ' << state->tcpDiedReadingResponse.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpgaveup" << ' ' << state->tcpGaveUp.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpreadimeouts" << ' ' << state->tcpReadTimeouts.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpwritetimeouts" << ' ' << state->tcpWriteTimeouts.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpconnecttimeouts" << ' ' << state->tcpConnectTimeouts.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpcurrentconnections" << ' ' << state->tcpCurrentConnections.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpmaxconcurrentconnections" << ' ' << state->tcpMaxConcurrentConnections.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpnewconnections" << ' ' << state->tcpNewConnections.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpreusedconnections" << ' ' << state->tcpReusedConnections.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsresumptions" << ' ' << state->tlsResumptions.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpavgqueriesperconnection" << ' ' << state->tcpAvgQueriesPerConnection.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpavgconnectionduration" << ' ' << state->tcpAvgConnectionDuration.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcptoomanyconcurrentconnections" << ' ' << state->tcpTooManyConcurrentConnections.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ }
+ std::map<std::string, uint64_t> frontendDuplicates;
+ for (const auto& front : g_frontends) {
+ if (front->udpFD == -1 && front->tcpFD == -1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ string frontName = front->local.toStringWithPort() + (front->udpFD >= 0 ? "_udp" : "_tcp");
+ boost::replace_all(frontName, ".", "_");
+ auto dupPair = frontendDuplicates.insert({frontName, 1});
+ if (!dupPair.second) {
+ frontName = frontName + "_" + std::to_string(dupPair.first->second);
+ ++(dupPair.first->second);
+ }
+ const string base = namespace_name + "." + hostname + "." + instance_name + ".frontends." + frontName + ".";
+ str << base << "queries" << ' ' << front->queries.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "responses" << ' ' << front->responses.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpdiedreadingquery" << ' ' << front->tcpDiedReadingQuery.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpdiedsendingresponse" << ' ' << front->tcpDiedSendingResponse.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpgaveup" << ' ' << front->tcpGaveUp.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpclientimeouts" << ' ' << front->tcpClientTimeouts.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpdownstreamtimeouts" << ' ' << front->tcpDownstreamTimeouts.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpcurrentconnections" << ' ' << front->tcpCurrentConnections.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpmaxconcurrentconnections" << ' ' << front->tcpMaxConcurrentConnections.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpavgqueriesperconnection" << ' ' << front->tcpAvgQueriesPerConnection.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tcpavgconnectionduration" << ' ' << front->tcpAvgConnectionDuration.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tls10-queries" << ' ' << front->tls10queries.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tls11-queries" << ' ' << front->tls11queries.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tls12-queries" << ' ' << front->tls12queries.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tls13-queries" << ' ' << front->tls13queries.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tls-unknown-queries" << ' ' << front->tlsUnknownqueries.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsnewsessions" << ' ' << front->tlsNewSessions.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsresumptions" << ' ' << front->tlsResumptions.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsunknownticketkeys" << ' ' << front->tlsUnknownTicketKey.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsinactiveticketkeys" << ' ' << front->tlsInactiveTicketKey.load() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ const TLSErrorCounters* errorCounters = nullptr;
+ if (front->tlsFrontend != nullptr) {
+ errorCounters = &front->tlsFrontend->d_tlsCounters;
+ }
+ else if (front->dohFrontend != nullptr) {
+ errorCounters = &front->dohFrontend->d_tlsCounters;
+ }
+ if (errorCounters != nullptr) {
+ str << base << "tlsdhkeytoosmall" << ' ' << errorCounters->d_dhKeyTooSmall << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsinappropriatefallback" << ' ' << errorCounters->d_inappropriateFallBack << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsnosharedcipher" << ' ' << errorCounters->d_noSharedCipher << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsunknownciphertype" << ' ' << errorCounters->d_unknownCipherType << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsunknownkeyexchangetype" << ' ' << errorCounters->d_unknownKeyExchangeType << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsunknownprotocol" << ' ' << errorCounters->d_unknownProtocol << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsunsupportedec" << ' ' << errorCounters->d_unsupportedEC << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "tlsunsupportedprotocol" << ' ' << errorCounters->d_unsupportedProtocol << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ }
+ }
+ auto localPools = g_pools.getLocal();
+ for (const auto& entry : *localPools) {
+ string poolName = entry.first;
+ boost::replace_all(poolName, ".", "_");
+ if (poolName.empty()) {
+ poolName = "_default_";
+ }
+ const string base = namespace_name + "." + hostname + "." + instance_name + ".pools." + poolName + ".";
+ const std::shared_ptr<ServerPool> pool = entry.second;
+ str << base << "servers"
+ << " " << pool->countServers(false) << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "servers-up"
+ << " " << pool->countServers(true) << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ if (pool->packetCache != nullptr) {
+ const auto& cache = pool->packetCache;
+ str << base << "cache-size"
+ << " " << cache->getMaxEntries() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "cache-entries"
+ << " " << cache->getEntriesCount() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "cache-hits"
+ << " " << cache->getHits() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "cache-misses"
+ << " " << cache->getMisses() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "cache-deferred-inserts"
+ << " " << cache->getDeferredInserts() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "cache-deferred-lookups"
+ << " " << cache->getDeferredLookups() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "cache-lookup-collisions"
+ << " " << cache->getLookupCollisions() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "cache-insert-collisions"
+ << " " << cache->getInsertCollisions() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "cache-ttl-too-shorts"
+ << " " << cache->getTTLTooShorts() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ str << base << "cache-cleanup-count"
+ << " " << cache->getCleanupCount() << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ std::map<std::string, uint64_t> dohFrontendDuplicates;
+ const string base = "dnsdist." + hostname + ".main.doh.";
+ for (const auto& doh : g_dohlocals) {
+ string name = doh->d_local.toStringWithPort();
+ boost::replace_all(name, ".", "_");
+ boost::replace_all(name, ":", "_");
+ boost::replace_all(name, "[", "_");
+ boost::replace_all(name, "]", "_");
+ auto dupPair = dohFrontendDuplicates.insert({name, 1});
+ if (!dupPair.second) {
+ name = name + "_" + std::to_string(dupPair.first->second);
+ ++(dupPair.first->second);
+ }
+ vector<pair<const char*, const pdns::stat_t&>> v{
+ {"http-connects", doh->d_httpconnects},
+ {"http1-queries", doh->d_http1Stats.d_nbQueries},
+ {"http2-queries", doh->d_http2Stats.d_nbQueries},
+ {"http1-200-responses", doh->d_http1Stats.d_nb200Responses},
+ {"http2-200-responses", doh->d_http2Stats.d_nb200Responses},
+ {"http1-400-responses", doh->d_http1Stats.d_nb400Responses},
+ {"http2-400-responses", doh->d_http2Stats.d_nb400Responses},
+ {"http1-403-responses", doh->d_http1Stats.d_nb403Responses},
+ {"http2-403-responses", doh->d_http2Stats.d_nb403Responses},
+ {"http1-500-responses", doh->d_http1Stats.d_nb500Responses},
+ {"http2-500-responses", doh->d_http2Stats.d_nb500Responses},
+ {"http1-502-responses", doh->d_http1Stats.d_nb502Responses},
+ {"http2-502-responses", doh->d_http2Stats.d_nb502Responses},
+ {"http1-other-responses", doh->d_http1Stats.d_nbOtherResponses},
+ {"http2-other-responses", doh->d_http2Stats.d_nbOtherResponses},
+ {"get-queries", doh->d_getqueries},
+ {"post-queries", doh->d_postqueries},
+ {"bad-requests", doh->d_badrequests},
+ {"error-responses", doh->d_errorresponses},
+ {"redirect-responses", doh->d_redirectresponses},
+ {"valid-responses", doh->d_validresponses}};
+ for (const auto& item : v) {
+ str << base << name << "." << item.first << " " << item.second << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* HAVE_DNS_OVER_HTTPS */
+ {
+ std::string qname;
+ auto records = g_qcount.records.write_lock();
+ for (const auto& record : *records) {
+ qname = record.first;
+ boost::replace_all(qname, ".", "_");
+ str << "dnsdist.querycount." << qname << ".queries " << record.second << " " << now << "\r\n";
+ }
+ records->clear();
+ }
+ const string msg = str.str();
+ int ret = waitForRWData(s.getHandle(), false, 1, 0);
+ if (ret <= 0) {
+ vinfolog("Unable to write data to carbon server on %s: %s", server.toStringWithPort(), (ret < 0 ? stringerror() : "Timeout"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ s.setBlocking();
+ writen2(s.getHandle(), msg.c_str(), msg.size());
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ warnlog("Problem sending carbon data to %s: %s", server.toStringWithPort(), e.what());
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static void carbonHandler(Carbon::Endpoint&& endpoint)
+ setThreadName("dnsdist/carbon");
+ const auto intervalUSec = endpoint.interval * 1000 * 1000;
+ /* maximum interval between two attempts is 10 minutes */
+ const ExponentialBackOffTimer backOffTimer(10 * 60);
+ try {
+ uint8_t consecutiveFailures = 0;
+ do {
+ DTime dt;
+ dt.set();
+ if (doOneCarbonExport(endpoint)) {
+ const auto elapsedUSec = dt.udiff();
+ if (elapsedUSec < 0 || static_cast<unsigned int>(elapsedUSec) <= intervalUSec) {
+ useconds_t toSleepUSec = intervalUSec - elapsedUSec;
+ usleep(toSleepUSec);
+ }
+ else {
+ vinfolog("Carbon export for %s took longer (%s usec) than the configured interval (%d usec)", endpoint.server.toStringWithPort(), elapsedUSec, intervalUSec);
+ }
+ consecutiveFailures = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ const auto backOff = backOffTimer.get(consecutiveFailures);
+ if (consecutiveFailures < std::numeric_limits<decltype(consecutiveFailures)>::max()) {
+ consecutiveFailures++;
+ }
+ vinfolog("Run for %s - %s failed, next attempt in %d", endpoint.server.toStringWithPort(), endpoint.ourname, backOff);
+ sleep(backOff);
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ catch (const PDNSException& e) {
+ errlog("Carbon thread for %s died, PDNSException: %s", endpoint.server.toStringWithPort(), e.reason);
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ errlog("Carbon thread for %s died", endpoint.server.toStringWithPort());
+ }
+bool Carbon::addEndpoint(Carbon::Endpoint&& endpoint)
+ if (endpoint.ourname.empty()) {
+ try {
+ endpoint.ourname = getCarbonHostName();
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(std::string("The 'ourname' setting in 'carbonServer()' has not been set and we are unable to determine the system's hostname: ") + e.what());
+ }
+ }
+ auto config = s_config.lock();
+ if (config->d_running) {
+ // we already started the threads, let's just spawn a new one
+ std::thread newHandler(carbonHandler, std::move(endpoint));
+ newHandler.detach();
+ }
+ else {
+ config->d_endpoints.push_back(std::move(endpoint));
+ }
+ return true;
+void Carbon::run()
+ auto config = s_config.lock();
+ if (config->d_running) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("The carbon threads are already running");
+ }
+ for (auto& endpoint : config->d_endpoints) {
+ std::thread newHandler(carbonHandler, std::move(endpoint));
+ newHandler.detach();
+ }
+ config->d_endpoints.clear();
+ config->d_running = true;
+#endif /* DISABLE_CARBON */
+static time_t s_start = time(nullptr);
+uint64_t uptimeOfProcess(const std::string& str)
+ return time(nullptr) - s_start;