'mruby-onig-regexp') do |spec| spec.license = 'MIT' spec.authors = 'mattn' def spec.bundle_onigmo return if @onigmo_bundled @onigmo_bundled = true visualcpp = ENV['VisualStudioVersion'] || ENV['VSINSTALLDIR'] require 'open3' # remove libonig, instead link directly against pthread unless ENV['OS'] == 'Windows_NT' linker.libraries = ['pthread'] end version = '6.1.1' oniguruma_dir = "#{build_dir}/onigmo-#{version}" oniguruma_lib = libfile "#{oniguruma_dir}/.libs/libonigmo" unless ENV['OS'] == 'Windows_NT' oniguruma_lib = libfile "#{oniguruma_dir}/.libs/libonigmo" else if ENV['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'] == 'AMD64' oniguruma_lib = libfile "#{oniguruma_dir}/build-x86-64/onigmo" else oniguruma_lib = libfile "#{oniguruma_dir}/build-i686/onigmo" end end header = "#{oniguruma_dir}/onigmo.h" task :clean do FileUtils.rm_rf [oniguruma_dir] end file header do |t| FileUtils.mkdir_p oniguruma_dir Dir.chdir(build_dir) do _pp 'extracting', "Onigmo-#{version}" `gzip -dc "#{dir}/Onigmo-#{version}.tar.gz" | tar xf -` end end def run_command(env, command) STDOUT.sync = true Open3.popen2e(env, command) do |stdin, stdout, thread| print fail "#{command} failed" if thread.value != 0 end end libonig_objs_dir = "#{oniguruma_dir}/libonig_objs" libmruby_a = libfile("#{build.build_dir}/lib/libmruby") objext = visualcpp ? '.obj' : '.o' file oniguruma_lib => header do |t| Dir.chdir(oniguruma_dir) do e = { 'CC' => "#{} #{' ')}", 'CXX' => "#{build.cxx.command} #{build.cxx.flags.join(' ')}", 'LD' => "#{build.linker.command} #{build.linker.flags.join(' ')}", 'AR' => build.archiver.command } unless ENV['OS'] == 'Windows_NT' if build.kind_of? MRuby::CrossBuild host = "--host #{}" end _pp 'autotools', oniguruma_dir run_command e, './' if File.exists? '' run_command e, "./configure --disable-shared --enable-static #{host}" run_command e, 'make' else run_command e, 'cmd /c "copy /Y win32 > NUL"' if visualcpp run_command e, 'nmake -f Makefile' else run_command e, 'make -f Makefile.mingw' end end end FileUtils.mkdir_p libonig_objs_dir Dir.chdir(libonig_objs_dir) do unless visualcpp `ar x #{oniguruma_lib}` else winname = oniguruma_lib.gsub(%'/', '\\') `lib -nologo -list #{winname}`.each_line do |line| line.chomp! `lib -nologo -extract:#{line} #{winname}` end end end file libmruby_a => Dir.glob("#{libonig_objs_dir}/*#{objext}") end file libmruby_a => Dir.glob("#{libonig_objs_dir}/*#{objext}") if File.exists? oniguruma_lib file "#{dir}/src/mruby_onig_regexp.c" => oniguruma_lib cc.include_paths << oniguruma_dir cc.defines += ['HAVE_ONIGMO_H'] end if spec.respond_to? :search_package and spec.search_package 'onigmo' += ['HAVE_ONIGMO_H'] elsif spec.respond_to? :search_package and spec.search_package 'oniguruma' += ['HAVE_ONIGURUMA_H'] elsif :search_header_path and 'oniguruma.h' spec.linker.libraries << 'onig' else spec.bundle_onigmo end end