/* * Copyright (c) 2016 DeNA Co., Ltd., Kazuho Oku * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef _WINDOWS #include "wincompat.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "picotls.h" #include "picotls/minicrypto.h" #include "../deps/picotest/picotest.h" #include "../lib/picotls.c" #include "test.h" ptls_context_t *ctx, *ctx_peer; static ptls_cipher_suite_t *find_cipher(ptls_context_t *ctx, uint16_t id) { ptls_cipher_suite_t **cs; for (cs = ctx->cipher_suites; *cs != NULL; ++cs) if ((*cs)->id == id) return *cs; return NULL; } static void test_hash(ptls_hash_algorithm_t *hash) { ptls_hash_context_t *hctx = hash->create(); uint8_t digest[PTLS_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE]; hctx->final(hctx, digest, PTLS_HASH_FINAL_MODE_FREE); ok(memcmp(digest, hash->empty_digest, hash->digest_size) == 0); } static void test_sha256(void) { test_hash(find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)->hash); } static void test_sha384(void) { ptls_cipher_suite_t *cs = find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_AES_256_GCM_SHA384); if (cs != NULL) test_hash(cs->hash); } static void test_hmac_sha256(void) { /* test vector from RFC 4231 */ const char *secret = "\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b", *message = "Hi There"; uint8_t digest[32]; ptls_hash_context_t *hctx = ptls_hmac_create(find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)->hash, secret, strlen(secret)); hctx->update(hctx, message, strlen(message)); hctx->final(hctx, digest, 0); ok(memcmp(digest, "\xb0\x34\x4c\x61\xd8\xdb\x38\x53\x5c\xa8\xaf\xce\xaf\x0b\xf1\x2b\x88\x1d\xc2\x00\xc9\x83\x3d\xa7\x26\xe9\x37" "\x6c\x2e\x32\xcf\xf7", 32) == 0); } static void test_hkdf(void) { ptls_hash_algorithm_t *sha256 = find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)->hash; const char salt[] = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c"; const char ikm[] = "\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b"; const char info[] = "\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9"; uint8_t prk[PTLS_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE]; uint8_t okm[42]; ptls_hkdf_extract(sha256, prk, ptls_iovec_init(salt, sizeof(salt) - 1), ptls_iovec_init(ikm, sizeof(ikm) - 1)); ok(memcmp(prk, "\x07\x77\x09\x36\x2c\x2e\x32\xdf\x0d\xdc\x3f\x0d\xc4\x7b\xba\x63\x90\xb6\xc7\x3b\xb5\x0f\x9c\x31\x22\xec\x84" "\x4a\xd7\xc2\xb3\xe5", 32) == 0); ptls_hkdf_expand(sha256, okm, sizeof(okm), ptls_iovec_init(prk, sha256->digest_size), ptls_iovec_init(info, sizeof(info) - 1)); ok(memcmp(okm, "\x3c\xb2\x5f\x25\xfa\xac\xd5\x7a\x90\x43\x4f\x64\xd0\x36\x2f\x2a\x2d\x2d\x0a\x90\xcf\x1a\x5a\x4c\x5d\xb0\x2d" "\x56\xec\xc4\xc5\xbf\x34\x00\x72\x08\xd5\xb8\x87\x18\x58\x65", sizeof(okm)) == 0); } static void test_ciphersuite(ptls_cipher_suite_t *cs1, ptls_cipher_suite_t *cs2) { const char *traffic_secret = "01234567890123456789012345678901", *src1 = "hello world", *src2 = "good bye, all"; ptls_aead_context_t *c; char enc1[256], enc2[256], dec1[256], dec2[256]; size_t enc1len, enc2len, dec1len, dec2len; /* encrypt */ c = ptls_aead_new(cs1->aead, cs1->hash, 1, traffic_secret, NULL); assert(c != NULL); ptls_aead_encrypt_init(c, 0, NULL, 0); enc1len = ptls_aead_encrypt_update(c, enc1, src1, strlen(src1)); enc1len += ptls_aead_encrypt_final(c, enc1 + enc1len); ptls_aead_encrypt_init(c, 1, NULL, 0); enc2len = ptls_aead_encrypt_update(c, enc2, src2, strlen(src2)); enc2len += ptls_aead_encrypt_final(c, enc2 + enc2len); ptls_aead_free(c); c = ptls_aead_new(cs2->aead, cs2->hash, 0, traffic_secret, NULL); assert(c != NULL); /* decrypt and compare */ dec1len = ptls_aead_decrypt(c, dec1, enc1, enc1len, 0, NULL, 0); ok(dec1len != SIZE_MAX); dec2len = ptls_aead_decrypt(c, dec2, enc2, enc2len, 1, NULL, 0); ok(dec2len != SIZE_MAX); ok(strlen(src1) == dec1len); ok(memcmp(src1, dec1, dec1len) == 0); ok(strlen(src2) == dec2len); ok(memcmp(src2, dec2, dec2len - 1) == 0); /* alter and decrypt to detect failure */ enc1[0] ^= 1; dec1len = ptls_aead_decrypt(c, dec1, enc1, enc1len, 0, NULL, 0); ok(dec1len == SIZE_MAX); ptls_aead_free(c); } static void test_aad_ciphersuite(ptls_cipher_suite_t *cs1, ptls_cipher_suite_t *cs2) { const char *traffic_secret = "01234567890123456789012345678901", *src = "hello world", *aad = "my true aad"; ptls_aead_context_t *c; char enc[256], dec[256]; size_t enclen, declen; /* encrypt */ c = ptls_aead_new(cs1->aead, cs1->hash, 1, traffic_secret, NULL); assert(c != NULL); ptls_aead_encrypt_init(c, 123, aad, strlen(aad)); enclen = ptls_aead_encrypt_update(c, enc, src, strlen(src)); enclen += ptls_aead_encrypt_final(c, enc + enclen); ptls_aead_free(c); /* decrypt */ c = ptls_aead_new(cs2->aead, cs2->hash, 0, traffic_secret, NULL); assert(c != NULL); declen = ptls_aead_decrypt(c, dec, enc, enclen, 123, aad, strlen(aad)); ok(declen == strlen(src)); ok(memcmp(src, dec, declen) == 0); declen = ptls_aead_decrypt(c, dec, enc, enclen, 123, "my fake aad", strlen(aad)); ok(declen == SIZE_MAX); ptls_aead_free(c); } static void test_ctr(ptls_cipher_suite_t *cs, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, const void *iv, size_t iv_len, const void *expected, size_t expected_len) { static uint8_t zeroes[64] = {0}; if (cs == NULL) return; ptls_cipher_algorithm_t *algo = cs->aead->ctr_cipher; uint8_t buf[sizeof(zeroes)]; assert(expected_len <= sizeof(zeroes)); ok(algo->key_size == key_len); ok(algo->iv_size == iv_len); ptls_cipher_context_t *ctx = ptls_cipher_new(algo, 1, key); assert(ctx != NULL); ptls_cipher_init(ctx, iv); ptls_cipher_encrypt(ctx, buf, zeroes, expected_len); ptls_cipher_free(ctx); ok(memcmp(buf, expected, expected_len) == 0); } static void test_aes128ctr(void) { static const uint8_t key[] = {0x2b, 0x7e, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xae, 0xd2, 0xa6, 0xab, 0xf7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xcf, 0x4f, 0x3c}, iv[] = {0x6b, 0xc1, 0xbe, 0xe2, 0x2e, 0x40, 0x9f, 0x96, 0xe9, 0x3d, 0x7e, 0x11, 0x73, 0x93, 0x17, 0x2a}, expected[] = {0x3a, 0xd7, 0x7b, 0xb4, 0x0d, 0x7a, 0x36, 0x60, 0xa8, 0x9e, 0xca, 0xf3, 0x24, 0x66, 0xef, 0x97}; test_ctr(find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_AES_128_GCM_SHA256), key, sizeof(key), iv, sizeof(iv), expected, sizeof(expected)); } static void test_chacha20(void) { static const uint8_t key[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31}, iv[] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0x4a, 0, 0, 0, 0}, expected[] = {0x10, 0xf1, 0xe7, 0xe4, 0xd1, 0x3b, 0x59, 0x15, 0x50, 0x0f, 0xdd, 0x1f, 0xa3, 0x20, 0x71, 0xc4, 0xc7, 0xd1, 0xf4, 0xc7, 0x33, 0xc0, 0x68, 0x03, 0x04, 0x22, 0xaa, 0x9a, 0xc3, 0xd4, 0x6c, 0x4e}; test_ctr(find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256), key, sizeof(key), iv, sizeof(iv), expected, sizeof(expected)); } static void test_aes128gcm(void) { ptls_cipher_suite_t *cs = find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_AES_128_GCM_SHA256), *cs_peer = find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_AES_128_GCM_SHA256); test_ciphersuite(cs, cs_peer); test_aad_ciphersuite(cs, cs_peer); } static void test_aes256gcm(void) { ptls_cipher_suite_t *cs = find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_AES_256_GCM_SHA384), *cs_peer = find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_AES_256_GCM_SHA384); if (cs != NULL && cs_peer != NULL) { test_ciphersuite(cs, cs_peer); test_aad_ciphersuite(cs, cs_peer); } } static void test_chacha20poly1305(void) { ptls_cipher_suite_t *cs = find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256), *cs_peer = find_cipher(ctx, PTLS_CIPHER_SUITE_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256); if (cs != NULL && cs_peer != NULL) { test_ciphersuite(cs, cs_peer); test_aad_ciphersuite(cs, cs_peer); } } static struct { struct { uint8_t buf[32]; size_t len; int is_end_of_record; } vec[16]; size_t count; } test_fragmented_message_queue = {{{{0}}}}; static int test_fragmented_message_record(ptls_t *tls, ptls_buffer_t *sendbuf, ptls_iovec_t message, int is_end_of_record, ptls_handshake_properties_t *properties) { memcpy(test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[test_fragmented_message_queue.count].buf, message.base, message.len); test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[test_fragmented_message_queue.count].len = message.len; test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[test_fragmented_message_queue.count].is_end_of_record = is_end_of_record; ++test_fragmented_message_queue.count; return 0; } static void test_fragmented_message(void) { ptls_t tls = {NULL}; struct st_ptls_record_t rec = {PTLS_CONTENT_TYPE_HANDSHAKE, 0x0301}; int ret; #define SET_RECORD(lit) \ do { \ rec.length = sizeof(lit) - 1; \ rec.fragment = (const uint8_t *)(lit); \ } while (0) /* not fragmented */ test_fragmented_message_queue.count = 0; SET_RECORD("\x01\x00\x00\x03" "abc"); ret = handle_handshake_record(&tls, test_fragmented_message_record, NULL, &rec, NULL); ok(ret == 0); ok(test_fragmented_message_queue.count == 1); ok(test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[0].len == rec.length); ok(memcmp(test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[0].buf, rec.fragment, rec.length) == 0); ok(test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[0].is_end_of_record); ok(tls.recvbuf.mess.base == NULL); /* fragmented */ test_fragmented_message_queue.count = 0; SET_RECORD("\x01\x00\x00\x03" "a"); ret = handle_handshake_record(&tls, test_fragmented_message_record, NULL, &rec, NULL); ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS); ok(tls.recvbuf.mess.base != NULL); ok(test_fragmented_message_queue.count == 0); SET_RECORD("bc\x02\x00\x00\x02" "de" "\x03"); ret = handle_handshake_record(&tls, test_fragmented_message_record, NULL, &rec, NULL); ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS); ok(test_fragmented_message_queue.count == 2); ok(test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[0].len == 7); ok(memcmp(test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[0].buf, "\x01\x00\x00\x03" "abc", 7) == 0); ok(!test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[0].is_end_of_record); ok(test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[1].len == 6); ok(memcmp(test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[1].buf, "\x02\x00\x00\x02" "de", 6) == 0); ok(!test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[1].is_end_of_record); SET_RECORD("\x00\x00\x03" "end"); ret = handle_handshake_record(&tls, test_fragmented_message_record, NULL, &rec, NULL); ok(ret == 0); ok(tls.recvbuf.mess.base == NULL); ok(test_fragmented_message_queue.count == 3); ok(test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[2].len == 7); ok(memcmp(test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[2].buf, "\x03\x00\x00\x03" "end", 7) == 0); ok(test_fragmented_message_queue.vec[2].is_end_of_record); #undef SET_RECORD } static int save_client_hello(ptls_on_client_hello_t *self, ptls_t *tls, ptls_iovec_t server_name, const ptls_iovec_t *protocols, size_t num_protocols, const uint16_t *signature_algorithms, size_t num_signature_algorithms) { ptls_set_server_name(tls, (const char *)server_name.base, server_name.len); ptls_set_negotiated_protocol(tls, (const char *)protocols[0].base, protocols[0].len); return 0; } enum { TEST_HANDSHAKE_1RTT, TEST_HANDSHAKE_2RTT, TEST_HANDSHAKE_HRR, TEST_HANDSHAKE_HRR_STATELESS, TEST_HANDSHAKE_EARLY_DATA }; static void test_handshake(ptls_iovec_t ticket, int mode, int expect_ticket, int check_ch) { ptls_t *client, *server; ptls_handshake_properties_t client_hs_prop = {{{{NULL}, ticket}}}, server_hs_prop = {{{{NULL}}}}; uint8_t cbuf_small[16384], sbuf_small[16384], decbuf_small[16384]; ptls_buffer_t cbuf, sbuf, decbuf; size_t consumed, max_early_data_size = 0; int ret; const char *req = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; const char *resp = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\nhello world\n"; client = ptls_new(ctx, 0); server = ptls_new(ctx_peer, 1); ptls_buffer_init(&cbuf, cbuf_small, sizeof(cbuf_small)); ptls_buffer_init(&sbuf, sbuf_small, sizeof(sbuf_small)); ptls_buffer_init(&decbuf, decbuf_small, sizeof(decbuf_small)); if (check_ch) { static ptls_on_client_hello_t cb = {save_client_hello}; ctx_peer->on_client_hello = &cb; static const ptls_iovec_t protocols[] = {{(uint8_t *)"h2", 2}, {(uint8_t *)"http/1.1", 8}}; client_hs_prop.client.negotiated_protocols.list = protocols; client_hs_prop.client.negotiated_protocols.count = sizeof(protocols) / sizeof(protocols[0]); ptls_set_server_name(client, "example.com", 0); } switch (mode) { case TEST_HANDSHAKE_HRR: client_hs_prop.client.negotiate_before_key_exchange = 1; break; case TEST_HANDSHAKE_HRR_STATELESS: client_hs_prop.client.negotiate_before_key_exchange = 1; server_hs_prop.server.cookie.key = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"; server_hs_prop.server.retry_uses_cookie = 1; break; case TEST_HANDSHAKE_EARLY_DATA: assert(ctx_peer->max_early_data_size != 0); client_hs_prop.client.max_early_data_size = &max_early_data_size; break; } ret = ptls_handshake(client, &cbuf, NULL, NULL, &client_hs_prop); ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS); ok(cbuf.off != 0); switch (mode) { case TEST_HANDSHAKE_2RTT: case TEST_HANDSHAKE_HRR: case TEST_HANDSHAKE_HRR_STATELESS: consumed = cbuf.off; ret = ptls_handshake(server, &sbuf, cbuf.base, &consumed, &server_hs_prop); if (mode == TEST_HANDSHAKE_HRR_STATELESS) { ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_STATELESS_RETRY); ptls_free(server); server = ptls_new(ctx_peer, 1); } else { ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS); } ok(cbuf.off == consumed); ok(sbuf.off != 0); cbuf.off = 0; consumed = sbuf.off; ret = ptls_handshake(client, &cbuf, sbuf.base, &consumed, &client_hs_prop); ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS); ok(sbuf.off == consumed); ok(cbuf.off != 0); sbuf.off = 0; break; case TEST_HANDSHAKE_EARLY_DATA: ok(max_early_data_size == ctx_peer->max_early_data_size); ret = ptls_send(client, &cbuf, req, strlen(req)); ok(ret == 0); break; } consumed = cbuf.off; ret = ptls_handshake(server, &sbuf, cbuf.base, &consumed, &server_hs_prop); ok(ret == 0); ok(sbuf.off != 0); if (check_ch) { ok(ptls_get_server_name(server) != NULL); ok(strcmp(ptls_get_server_name(server), "example.com") == 0); ok(ptls_get_negotiated_protocol(server) != NULL); ok(strcmp(ptls_get_negotiated_protocol(server), "h2") == 0); } else { ok(ptls_get_server_name(server) == NULL); ok(ptls_get_negotiated_protocol(server) == NULL); } if (mode == TEST_HANDSHAKE_EARLY_DATA) { ok(consumed < cbuf.off); memmove(cbuf.base, cbuf.base + consumed, cbuf.off - consumed); cbuf.off -= consumed; consumed = cbuf.off; ret = ptls_receive(server, &decbuf, cbuf.base, &consumed); ok(ret == 0); ok(consumed == cbuf.off); ok(decbuf.off == strlen(req)); ok(memcmp(decbuf.base, req, decbuf.off) == 0); ok(!ptls_handshake_is_complete(server)); cbuf.off = 0; decbuf.off = 0; ret = ptls_send(server, &sbuf, resp, strlen(resp)); ok(ret == 0); } else { ok(consumed == cbuf.off); cbuf.off = 0; } consumed = sbuf.off; ret = ptls_handshake(client, &cbuf, sbuf.base, &consumed, NULL); ok(ret == 0); ok(cbuf.off != 0); if (check_ch) { ok(ptls_get_server_name(client) != NULL); ok(strcmp(ptls_get_server_name(client), "example.com") == 0); ok(ptls_get_negotiated_protocol(client) != NULL); ok(strcmp(ptls_get_negotiated_protocol(client), "h2") == 0); } else { ok(ptls_get_server_name(server) == NULL); ok(ptls_get_negotiated_protocol(server) == NULL); } if (expect_ticket) { ok(consumed < sbuf.off); memmove(sbuf.base, sbuf.base + consumed, sbuf.off - consumed); sbuf.off -= consumed; } else { ok(consumed == sbuf.off); sbuf.off = 0; } if (mode != TEST_HANDSHAKE_EARLY_DATA) { ret = ptls_send(client, &cbuf, req, strlen(req)); ok(ret == 0); consumed = cbuf.off; ret = ptls_receive(server, &decbuf, cbuf.base, &consumed); ok(ret == 0); ok(consumed == cbuf.off); ok(decbuf.off == strlen(req)); ok(memcmp(decbuf.base, req, strlen(req)) == 0); ok(ptls_handshake_is_complete(server)); decbuf.off = 0; ret = ptls_send(server, &sbuf, resp, strlen(resp)); ok(ret == 0); } consumed = sbuf.off; ret = ptls_receive(client, &decbuf, sbuf.base, &consumed); ok(ret == 0); ok(consumed == sbuf.off); ok(decbuf.off == strlen(resp)); ok(memcmp(decbuf.base, resp, strlen(resp)) == 0); ok(ptls_handshake_is_complete(client)); decbuf.off = 0; if (mode == TEST_HANDSHAKE_EARLY_DATA) { consumed = cbuf.off; ret = ptls_receive(server, &decbuf, cbuf.base, &consumed); ok(ret == 0); ok(cbuf.off == consumed); ok(decbuf.off == 0); ok(ptls_handshake_is_complete(client)); } ptls_buffer_dispose(&cbuf); ptls_buffer_dispose(&sbuf); ptls_buffer_dispose(&decbuf); ptls_free(client); ptls_free(server); if (check_ch) ctx_peer->on_client_hello = NULL; } static ptls_sign_certificate_t *sc_orig; size_t sc_callcnt; static int sign_certificate(ptls_sign_certificate_t *self, ptls_t *tls, uint16_t *selected_algorithm, ptls_buffer_t *output, ptls_iovec_t input, const uint16_t *algorithms, size_t num_algorithms) { ++sc_callcnt; return sc_orig->cb(sc_orig, tls, selected_algorithm, output, input, algorithms, num_algorithms); } static void test_full_handshake(void) { sc_callcnt = 0; test_handshake(ptls_iovec_init(NULL, 0), TEST_HANDSHAKE_1RTT, 0, 0); ok(sc_callcnt == 1); test_handshake(ptls_iovec_init(NULL, 0), TEST_HANDSHAKE_1RTT, 0, 0); ok(sc_callcnt == 2); test_handshake(ptls_iovec_init(NULL, 0), TEST_HANDSHAKE_1RTT, 0, 1); ok(sc_callcnt == 3); } static void test_hrr_handshake(void) { sc_callcnt = 0; test_handshake(ptls_iovec_init(NULL, 0), TEST_HANDSHAKE_HRR, 0, 0); ok(sc_callcnt == 1); } static void test_hrr_stateless_handshake(void) { sc_callcnt = 0; test_handshake(ptls_iovec_init(NULL, 0), TEST_HANDSHAKE_HRR_STATELESS, 0, 0); ok(sc_callcnt == 1); } static int copy_ticket(ptls_encrypt_ticket_t *self, ptls_t *tls, int is_encrypt, ptls_buffer_t *dst, ptls_iovec_t src) { int ret; if ((ret = ptls_buffer_reserve(dst, src.len)) != 0) return ret; memcpy(dst->base + dst->off, src.base, src.len); dst->off += src.len; return 0; } static ptls_iovec_t saved_ticket = {NULL}; static int save_ticket(ptls_save_ticket_t *self, ptls_t *tls, ptls_iovec_t src) { saved_ticket.base = malloc(src.len); memcpy(saved_ticket.base, src.base, src.len); saved_ticket.len = src.len; return 0; } static void do_test_resumption(int different_preferred_key_share) { assert(ctx->key_exchanges[0]->id == ctx_peer->key_exchanges[0]->id); assert(ctx->key_exchanges[1] == NULL); assert(ctx_peer->key_exchanges[1] == NULL); assert(ctx->key_exchanges[0]->id != ptls_minicrypto_x25519.id); ptls_key_exchange_algorithm_t *different_key_exchanges[] = {&ptls_minicrypto_x25519, ctx->key_exchanges[0], NULL}, **key_exchanges_orig = ctx->key_exchanges; if (different_preferred_key_share) ctx->key_exchanges = different_key_exchanges; ptls_encrypt_ticket_t et = {copy_ticket}; ptls_save_ticket_t st = {save_ticket}; assert(ctx_peer->ticket_lifetime == 0); assert(ctx_peer->max_early_data_size == 0); assert(ctx_peer->encrypt_ticket == NULL); assert(ctx_peer->save_ticket == NULL); saved_ticket = ptls_iovec_init(NULL, 0); ctx_peer->ticket_lifetime = 86400; ctx_peer->max_early_data_size = 8192; ctx_peer->encrypt_ticket = &et; ctx->save_ticket = &st; sc_callcnt = 0; test_handshake(saved_ticket, different_preferred_key_share ? TEST_HANDSHAKE_2RTT : TEST_HANDSHAKE_1RTT, 1, 0); ok(sc_callcnt == 1); ok(saved_ticket.base != NULL); /* psk using saved ticket */ test_handshake(saved_ticket, TEST_HANDSHAKE_1RTT, 1, 0); ok(sc_callcnt == 1); /* 0-rtt psk using saved ticket */ test_handshake(saved_ticket, TEST_HANDSHAKE_EARLY_DATA, 1, 0); ok(sc_callcnt == 1); ctx->require_dhe_on_psk = 1; /* psk-dhe using saved ticket */ test_handshake(saved_ticket, TEST_HANDSHAKE_1RTT, 1, 0); ok(sc_callcnt == 1); /* 0-rtt psk-dhe using saved ticket */ test_handshake(saved_ticket, TEST_HANDSHAKE_EARLY_DATA, 1, 0); ok(sc_callcnt == 1); ctx->require_dhe_on_psk = 0; ctx_peer->ticket_lifetime = 0; ctx_peer->max_early_data_size = 0; ctx_peer->encrypt_ticket = NULL; ctx->save_ticket = NULL; ctx->key_exchanges = key_exchanges_orig; } static void test_resumption(void) { do_test_resumption(0); } static void test_resumption_different_preferred_key_share(void) { if (ctx == ctx_peer) return; do_test_resumption(1); } static void test_enforce_retry(int use_cookie) { ptls_t *client, *server; ptls_handshake_properties_t server_hs_prop = {{{{NULL}}}}; ptls_buffer_t cbuf, sbuf, decbuf; size_t consumed; int ret; server_hs_prop.server.cookie.key = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"; server_hs_prop.server.cookie.additional_data = ptls_iovec_init("", 12); server_hs_prop.server.enforce_retry = 1; server_hs_prop.server.retry_uses_cookie = use_cookie; ptls_buffer_init(&cbuf, "", 0); ptls_buffer_init(&sbuf, "", 0); ptls_buffer_init(&decbuf, "", 0); client = ptls_new(ctx, 0); ret = ptls_handshake(client, &cbuf, NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS); ok(cbuf.off != 0); server = ptls_new(ctx, 1); consumed = cbuf.off; ret = ptls_handshake(server, &sbuf, cbuf.base, &consumed, &server_hs_prop); cbuf.off = 0; if (use_cookie) { ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_STATELESS_RETRY); ptls_free(server); server = ptls_new(ctx, 1); } else { ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS); } consumed = sbuf.off; ret = ptls_handshake(client, &cbuf, sbuf.base, &consumed, NULL); ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS); ok(sbuf.off == consumed); sbuf.off = 0; consumed = cbuf.off; ret = ptls_handshake(server, &sbuf, cbuf.base, &consumed, &server_hs_prop); ok(ret == 0); ok(cbuf.off == consumed); cbuf.off = 0; consumed = sbuf.off; ret = ptls_handshake(client, &cbuf, sbuf.base, &consumed, NULL); ok(ret == 0); ok(sbuf.off == consumed); sbuf.off = 0; ret = ptls_send(client, &cbuf, "hello world", 11); ok(ret == 0); consumed = cbuf.off; ret = ptls_receive(server, &decbuf, cbuf.base, &consumed); ok(ret == 0); ok(cbuf.off == consumed); cbuf.off = 0; ok(decbuf.off == 11); ok(memcmp(decbuf.base, "hello world", 11) == 0); decbuf.off = 0; ptls_free(client); ptls_free(server); ptls_buffer_dispose(&cbuf); ptls_buffer_dispose(&sbuf); ptls_buffer_dispose(&decbuf); } static void test_enforce_retry_stateful(void) { test_enforce_retry(0); } static void test_enforce_retry_stateless(void) { test_enforce_retry(1); } static ptls_t *stateless_hrr_prepare(ptls_buffer_t *sbuf, ptls_handshake_properties_t *server_hs_prop) { ptls_t *client = ptls_new(ctx, 0), *server = ptls_new(ctx_peer, 1); ptls_buffer_t cbuf; size_t consumed; int ret; ptls_buffer_init(&cbuf, "", 0); ptls_buffer_init(sbuf, "", 0); ret = ptls_handshake(client, &cbuf, NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS); consumed = cbuf.off; ret = ptls_handshake(server, sbuf, cbuf.base, &consumed, server_hs_prop); ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_STATELESS_RETRY); ptls_buffer_dispose(&cbuf); ptls_free(server); return client; } static void test_stateless_hrr_aad_change(void) { ptls_t *client, *server; ptls_handshake_properties_t server_hs_prop = {{{{NULL}}}}; ptls_buffer_t cbuf, sbuf; size_t consumed; int ret; server_hs_prop.server.cookie.key = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"; server_hs_prop.server.cookie.additional_data = ptls_iovec_init("", 12); server_hs_prop.server.enforce_retry = 1; server_hs_prop.server.retry_uses_cookie = 1; client = stateless_hrr_prepare(&sbuf, &server_hs_prop); ptls_buffer_init(&cbuf, "", 0); consumed = sbuf.off; ret = ptls_handshake(client, &cbuf, sbuf.base, &consumed, NULL); ok(ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS); ok(sbuf.off == consumed); sbuf.off = 0; server = ptls_new(ctx_peer, 1); server_hs_prop.server.cookie.additional_data = ptls_iovec_init("", 12); consumed = cbuf.off; ret = ptls_handshake(server, &sbuf, cbuf.base, &consumed, &server_hs_prop); ok(ret == PTLS_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE); ptls_free(client); ptls_free(server); ptls_buffer_dispose(&cbuf); ptls_buffer_dispose(&sbuf); } void test_picotls(void) { subtest("sha256", test_sha256); subtest("sha384", test_sha384); subtest("hmac-sha256", test_hmac_sha256); subtest("hkdf", test_hkdf); subtest("aes128gcm", test_aes128gcm); subtest("aes256gcm", test_aes256gcm); subtest("chacha20poly1305", test_chacha20poly1305); subtest("aes128ctr", test_aes128ctr); subtest("chacha20", test_chacha20); subtest("fragmented-message", test_fragmented_message); ptls_sign_certificate_t sc = {sign_certificate}; sc_orig = ctx_peer->sign_certificate; ctx_peer->sign_certificate = ≻ subtest("full-handshake", test_full_handshake); subtest("hrr-handshake", test_hrr_handshake); subtest("hrr-stateless-handshake", test_hrr_stateless_handshake); subtest("resumption", test_resumption); subtest("resumption-different-preferred-key-share", test_resumption_different_preferred_key_share); subtest("enforce-retry-stateful", test_enforce_retry_stateful); subtest("enforce-retry-stateless", test_enforce_retry_stateless); subtest("stateless-hrr-aad-change", test_stateless_hrr_aad_change); ctx_peer->sign_certificate = sc_orig; } void test_key_exchange(ptls_key_exchange_algorithm_t *algo) { ptls_key_exchange_context_t *ctx; ptls_iovec_t client_pubkey, client_secret, server_pubkey, server_secret; int ret; /* fail */ ret = algo->exchange(&server_pubkey, &server_secret, (ptls_iovec_t){NULL}); ok(ret != 0); /* perform ecdh */ ret = algo->create(&ctx, &client_pubkey); ok(ret == 0); ret = algo->exchange(&server_pubkey, &server_secret, client_pubkey); ok(ret == 0); ret = ctx->on_exchange(&ctx, &client_secret, server_pubkey); ok(ret == 0); ok(client_secret.len == server_secret.len); ok(memcmp(client_secret.base, server_secret.base, client_secret.len) == 0); free(client_secret.base); free(server_pubkey.base); free(server_secret.base); }