/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 DeNA Co., Ltd., Kazuho Oku, Fastly, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "h2o.h" #include "h2o/configurator.h" struct st_core_config_vars_t { struct { unsigned reprioritize_blocking_assets : 1; unsigned push_preload : 1; h2o_casper_conf_t casper; } http2; struct { unsigned emit_request_errors : 1; } error_log; }; struct st_core_configurator_t { h2o_configurator_t super; struct st_core_config_vars_t *vars, _vars_stack[H2O_CONFIGURATOR_NUM_LEVELS + 1]; }; static h2o_configurator_context_t *create_context(h2o_configurator_context_t *parent, int is_custom_handler) { h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx = h2o_mem_alloc(sizeof(*ctx)); if (parent == NULL) { *ctx = (h2o_configurator_context_t){NULL}; return ctx; } *ctx = *parent; if (ctx->env != NULL) h2o_mem_addref_shared(ctx->env); ctx->parent = parent; return ctx; } static void destroy_context(h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx) { if (ctx->env != NULL) { if (ctx->pathconf != NULL) ctx->pathconf->env = ctx->env; else h2o_mem_release_shared(ctx->env); } free(ctx); } static int on_core_enter(h2o_configurator_t *_self, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { struct st_core_configurator_t *self = (void *)_self; ++self->vars; self->vars[0] = self->vars[-1]; return 0; } static int on_core_exit(h2o_configurator_t *_self, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { struct st_core_configurator_t *self = (void *)_self; if (ctx->hostconf != NULL && ctx->pathconf == NULL) { /* exitting from host-level configuration */ ctx->hostconf->http2.reprioritize_blocking_assets = self->vars->http2.reprioritize_blocking_assets; ctx->hostconf->http2.push_preload = self->vars->http2.push_preload; ctx->hostconf->http2.casper = self->vars->http2.casper; } else if (ctx->pathconf != NULL) { /* exitting from path or extension-level configuration */ ctx->pathconf->error_log.emit_request_errors = self->vars->error_log.emit_request_errors; } --self->vars; return 0; } static void destroy_configurator(h2o_configurator_t *configurator) { if (configurator->dispose != NULL) configurator->dispose(configurator); free(configurator->commands.entries); free(configurator); } static int setup_configurators(h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, int is_enter, yoml_t *node) { h2o_linklist_t *n; for (n = ctx->globalconf->configurators.next; n != &ctx->globalconf->configurators; n = n->next) { h2o_configurator_t *c = H2O_STRUCT_FROM_MEMBER(h2o_configurator_t, _link, n); if (is_enter) { if (c->enter != NULL && c->enter(c, ctx, node) != 0) return -1; } else { if (c->exit != NULL && c->exit(c, ctx, node) != 0) return -1; } } return 0; } static int config_timeout(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, yoml_t *node, uint64_t *slot) { uint64_t timeout_in_secs; if (h2o_configurator_scanf(cmd, node, "%" SCNu64, &timeout_in_secs) != 0) return -1; *slot = timeout_in_secs * 1000; return 0; } int h2o_configurator_apply_commands(h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node, int flags_mask, const char **ignore_commands) { struct st_cmd_value_t { h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd; yoml_t *value; }; H2O_VECTOR(struct st_cmd_value_t) deferred = {NULL}, semi_deferred = {NULL}; int ret = -1; if (node != NULL && node->type != YOML_TYPE_MAPPING) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(NULL, node, "node must be a MAPPING"); goto Exit; } /* call on_enter of every configurator */ if (setup_configurators(ctx, 1, node) != 0) goto Exit; /* handle the configuration commands */ if (node != NULL) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i != node->data.mapping.size; ++i) { yoml_t *key = node->data.mapping.elements[i].key, *value = node->data.mapping.elements[i].value; h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd; /* obtain the target command */ if (key->type != YOML_TYPE_SCALAR) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(NULL, key, "command must be a string"); goto Exit; } if (ignore_commands != NULL) { size_t i; for (i = 0; ignore_commands[i] != NULL; ++i) if (strcmp(ignore_commands[i], key->data.scalar) == 0) goto SkipCommand; } if ((cmd = h2o_configurator_get_command(ctx->globalconf, key->data.scalar)) == NULL) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(NULL, key, "unknown command: %s", key->data.scalar); goto Exit; } if ((cmd->flags & flags_mask) == 0) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, key, "the command cannot be used at this level"); goto Exit; } /* check value type */ if ((cmd->flags & (H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SEQUENCE | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_MAPPING)) != 0) { switch (value->type) { case YOML_TYPE_SCALAR: if ((cmd->flags & H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR) == 0) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, value, "argument cannot be a scalar"); goto Exit; } break; case YOML_TYPE_SEQUENCE: if ((cmd->flags & H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SEQUENCE) == 0) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, value, "argument cannot be a sequence"); goto Exit; } break; case YOML_TYPE_MAPPING: if ((cmd->flags & H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_MAPPING) == 0) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, value, "argument cannot be a mapping"); goto Exit; } break; default: assert(!"unreachable"); break; } } /* handle the command (or keep it for later execution) */ if ((cmd->flags & H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_SEMI_DEFERRED) != 0) { h2o_vector_reserve(NULL, &semi_deferred, semi_deferred.size + 1); semi_deferred.entries[semi_deferred.size++] = (struct st_cmd_value_t){cmd, value}; } else if ((cmd->flags & H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_DEFERRED) != 0) { h2o_vector_reserve(NULL, &deferred, deferred.size + 1); deferred.entries[deferred.size++] = (struct st_cmd_value_t){cmd, value}; } else { if (cmd->cb(cmd, ctx, value) != 0) goto Exit; } SkipCommand:; } for (i = 0; i != semi_deferred.size; ++i) { struct st_cmd_value_t *pair = semi_deferred.entries + i; if (pair->cmd->cb(pair->cmd, ctx, pair->value) != 0) goto Exit; } for (i = 0; i != deferred.size; ++i) { struct st_cmd_value_t *pair = deferred.entries + i; if (pair->cmd->cb(pair->cmd, ctx, pair->value) != 0) goto Exit; } } /* call on_exit of every configurator */ if (setup_configurators(ctx, 0, node) != 0) goto Exit; ret = 0; Exit: free(deferred.entries); free(semi_deferred.entries); return ret; } static int sort_from_longer_paths(const yoml_mapping_element_t *x, const yoml_mapping_element_t *y) { size_t xlen = strlen(x->key->data.scalar), ylen = strlen(y->key->data.scalar); if (xlen < ylen) return 1; else if (xlen > ylen) return -1; /* apply strcmp for stable sort */ return strcmp(x->key->data.scalar, y->key->data.scalar); } static yoml_t *convert_path_config_node(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, yoml_t *node) { size_t i, j; switch (node->type) { case YOML_TYPE_MAPPING: break; case YOML_TYPE_SEQUENCE: { /* convert to mapping */ yoml_t *map = h2o_mem_alloc(sizeof(yoml_t)); *map = (yoml_t){YOML_TYPE_MAPPING}; if (node->filename != NULL) map->filename = h2o_strdup(NULL, node->filename, SIZE_MAX).base; map->line = node->line; map->column = node->column; if (node->anchor != NULL) map->anchor = h2o_strdup(NULL, node->anchor, SIZE_MAX).base; map->_refcnt = 1; for (i = 0; i != node->data.sequence.size; ++i) { yoml_t *elem = node->data.sequence.elements[i]; if (elem->type != YOML_TYPE_MAPPING) { yoml_free(map, NULL); goto Error; } for (j = 0; j != elem->data.mapping.size; ++j) { yoml_t *elemkey = elem->data.mapping.elements[j].key; yoml_t *elemvalue = elem->data.mapping.elements[j].value; map = h2o_mem_realloc(map, offsetof(yoml_t, data.mapping.elements) + sizeof(yoml_mapping_element_t) * (map->data.mapping.size + 1)); map->data.mapping.elements[map->data.mapping.size].key = elemkey; map->data.mapping.elements[map->data.mapping.size].value = elemvalue; ++map->data.mapping.size; ++elemkey->_refcnt; ++elemvalue->_refcnt; } } return map; } break; default: Error: h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "value must be a mapping or sequence of mapping"); return NULL; } ++node->_refcnt; return node; } static int config_path(h2o_configurator_context_t *parent_ctx, h2o_pathconf_t *pathconf, yoml_t *node) { h2o_configurator_context_t *path_ctx = create_context(parent_ctx, 0); path_ctx->pathconf = pathconf; path_ctx->mimemap = &pathconf->mimemap; int ret = h2o_configurator_apply_commands(path_ctx, node, H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_PATH, NULL); destroy_context(path_ctx); return ret; } static int on_config_paths(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { size_t i; /* sort by the length of the path (descending) */ for (i = 0; i != node->data.mapping.size; ++i) { yoml_t *key = node->data.mapping.elements[i].key; if (key->type != YOML_TYPE_SCALAR) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, key, "key (representing the virtual path) must be a string"); return -1; } } qsort(node->data.mapping.elements, node->data.mapping.size, sizeof(node->data.mapping.elements[0]), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))sort_from_longer_paths); for (i = 0; i != node->data.mapping.size; ++i) { yoml_t *key = node->data.mapping.elements[i].key, *value; if ((value = convert_path_config_node(cmd, node->data.mapping.elements[i].value)) == NULL) return -1; h2o_pathconf_t *pathconf = h2o_config_register_path(ctx->hostconf, key->data.scalar, 0); int cmd_ret = config_path(ctx, pathconf, value); yoml_free(value, NULL); if (cmd_ret != 0) return cmd_ret; } /* configure fallback path along with ordinary paths */ return config_path(ctx, &ctx->hostconf->fallback_path, NULL); } static int on_config_hosts(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { size_t i; if (node->data.mapping.size == 0) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "the mapping cannot be empty"); return -1; } for (i = 0; i != node->data.mapping.size; ++i) { yoml_t *key = node->data.mapping.elements[i].key; yoml_t *value = node->data.mapping.elements[i].value; h2o_iovec_t hostname; uint16_t port; if (key->type != YOML_TYPE_SCALAR) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, key, "key (representing the hostname) must be a string"); return -1; } if (h2o_url_parse_hostport(key->data.scalar, strlen(key->data.scalar), &hostname, &port) == NULL) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, key, "invalid key (must be either `host` or `host:port`)"); return -1; } assert(hostname.len != 0); if ((hostname.base[0] == '*' && !(hostname.len == 1 || hostname.base[1] == '.')) || memchr(hostname.base + 1, '*', hostname.len - 1) != NULL) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, key, "wildcard (*) can only be used at the start of the hostname"); return -1; } h2o_configurator_context_t *host_ctx = create_context(ctx, 0); if ((host_ctx->hostconf = h2o_config_register_host(host_ctx->globalconf, hostname, port)) == NULL) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, key, "duplicate host entry"); destroy_context(host_ctx); return -1; } host_ctx->mimemap = &host_ctx->hostconf->mimemap; int cmd_ret = h2o_configurator_apply_commands(host_ctx, value, H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_HOST, NULL); destroy_context(host_ctx); if (cmd_ret != 0) return -1; if (yoml_get(value, "paths") == NULL) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(NULL, value, "mandatory configuration directive `paths` is missing"); return -1; } } return 0; } static int on_config_limit_request_body(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { return h2o_configurator_scanf(cmd, node, "%zu", &ctx->globalconf->max_request_entity_size); } static int on_config_max_delegations(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { return h2o_configurator_scanf(cmd, node, "%u", &ctx->globalconf->max_delegations); } static int on_config_handshake_timeout(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { return config_timeout(cmd, node, &ctx->globalconf->handshake_timeout); } static int on_config_http1_request_timeout(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { return config_timeout(cmd, node, &ctx->globalconf->http1.req_timeout); } static int on_config_http1_upgrade_to_http2(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { ssize_t ret = h2o_configurator_get_one_of(cmd, node, "OFF,ON"); if (ret == -1) return -1; ctx->globalconf->http1.upgrade_to_http2 = (int)ret; return 0; } static int on_config_http2_idle_timeout(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { return config_timeout(cmd, node, &ctx->globalconf->http2.idle_timeout); } static int on_config_http2_graceful_shutdown_timeout(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { return config_timeout(cmd, node, &ctx->globalconf->http2.graceful_shutdown_timeout); } static int on_config_http2_max_concurrent_requests_per_connection(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { return h2o_configurator_scanf(cmd, node, "%zu", &ctx->globalconf->http2.max_concurrent_requests_per_connection); } static int on_config_http2_latency_optimization_min_rtt(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { return h2o_configurator_scanf(cmd, node, "%u", &ctx->globalconf->http2.latency_optimization.min_rtt); } static int on_config_http2_latency_optimization_max_additional_delay(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { double ratio; if (h2o_configurator_scanf(cmd, node, "%lf", &ratio) != 0) return -1; if (!(0.0 < ratio)) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "ratio must be a positive number"); return -1; } ctx->globalconf->http2.latency_optimization.max_additional_delay = 100 * ratio; return 0; } static int on_config_http2_latency_optimization_max_cwnd(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { return h2o_configurator_scanf(cmd, node, "%u", &ctx->globalconf->http2.latency_optimization.max_cwnd); } static int on_config_http2_reprioritize_blocking_assets(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { struct st_core_configurator_t *self = (void *)cmd->configurator; ssize_t on; if ((on = h2o_configurator_get_one_of(cmd, node, "OFF,ON")) == -1) return -1; self->vars->http2.reprioritize_blocking_assets = (int)on; return 0; } static int on_config_http2_push_preload(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { struct st_core_configurator_t *self = (void *)cmd->configurator; ssize_t on; if ((on = h2o_configurator_get_one_of(cmd, node, "OFF,ON")) == -1) return -1; self->vars->http2.push_preload = (int)on; return 0; } static int on_config_http2_casper(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { static const h2o_casper_conf_t defaults = { 13, /* casper_bits: default (2^13 ~= 100 assets * 1/0.01 collision probability) */ 0 /* track blocking assets only */ }; struct st_core_configurator_t *self = (void *)cmd->configurator; switch (node->type) { case YOML_TYPE_SCALAR: if (strcasecmp(node->data.scalar, "OFF") == 0) { self->vars->http2.casper = (h2o_casper_conf_t){0}; } else if (strcasecmp(node->data.scalar, "ON") == 0) { self->vars->http2.casper = defaults; } break; case YOML_TYPE_MAPPING: { /* set to default */ self->vars->http2.casper = defaults; /* override the attributes defined */ yoml_t *t; if ((t = yoml_get(node, "capacity-bits")) != NULL) { if (!(t->type == YOML_TYPE_SCALAR && sscanf(t->data.scalar, "%u", &self->vars->http2.casper.capacity_bits) == 1 && self->vars->http2.casper.capacity_bits < 16)) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, t, "value of `capacity-bits` must be an integer between 0 to 15"); return -1; } } if ((t = yoml_get(node, "tracking-types")) != NULL) { if (t->type == YOML_TYPE_SCALAR && strcasecmp(t->data.scalar, "blocking-assets") == 0) { self->vars->http2.casper.track_all_types = 0; } else if (t->type == YOML_TYPE_SCALAR && strcasecmp(t->data.scalar, "all") == 0) { self->vars->http2.casper.track_all_types = 1; } else { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, t, "value of `tracking-types` must be either of: `blocking-assets` or `all`"); return -1; } } } break; default: h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "value must be `OFF`,`ON` or a mapping containing the necessary attributes"); return -1; } return 0; } static int on_config_http2_dos_delay(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { return config_timeout(cmd, node, &ctx->globalconf->http2.dos_delay); } static int assert_is_mimetype(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, yoml_t *node) { if (node->type != YOML_TYPE_SCALAR) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "expected a scalar (mime-type)"); return -1; } if (strchr(node->data.scalar, '/') == NULL) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "the string \"%s\" does not look like a mime-type", node->data.scalar); return -1; } return 0; } static int assert_is_extension(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, yoml_t *node) { if (node->type != YOML_TYPE_SCALAR) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "expected a scalar (extension)"); return -1; } if (node->data.scalar[0] != '.') { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "given extension \"%s\" does not start with a \".\"", node->data.scalar); return -1; } return 0; } static int set_mimetypes(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_mimemap_t *mimemap, yoml_t *node) { size_t i, j; assert(node->type == YOML_TYPE_MAPPING); for (i = 0; i != node->data.mapping.size; ++i) { yoml_t *key = node->data.mapping.elements[i].key; yoml_t *value = node->data.mapping.elements[i].value; if (assert_is_mimetype(cmd, key) != 0) return -1; switch (value->type) { case YOML_TYPE_SCALAR: if (assert_is_extension(cmd, value) != 0) return -1; h2o_mimemap_define_mimetype(mimemap, value->data.scalar + 1, key->data.scalar, NULL); break; case YOML_TYPE_SEQUENCE: for (j = 0; j != value->data.sequence.size; ++j) { yoml_t *ext_node = value->data.sequence.elements[j]; if (assert_is_extension(cmd, ext_node) != 0) return -1; h2o_mimemap_define_mimetype(mimemap, ext_node->data.scalar + 1, key->data.scalar, NULL); } break; case YOML_TYPE_MAPPING: { yoml_t *t; h2o_mime_attributes_t attr; h2o_mimemap_get_default_attributes(key->data.scalar, &attr); if ((t = yoml_get(value, "is_compressible")) != NULL) { if (t->type == YOML_TYPE_SCALAR && strcasecmp(t->data.scalar, "YES") == 0) { attr.is_compressible = 1; } else if (t->type == YOML_TYPE_SCALAR && strcasecmp(t->data.scalar, "NO") == 0) { attr.is_compressible = 0; } else { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, t, "`is_compressible` attribute must be either of: `YES` or `NO`"); return -1; } } if ((t = yoml_get(value, "priority")) != NULL) { if (t->type == YOML_TYPE_SCALAR && strcasecmp(t->data.scalar, "normal") == 0) { attr.priority = H2O_MIME_ATTRIBUTE_PRIORITY_NORMAL; } else if (t->type == YOML_TYPE_SCALAR && strcasecmp(t->data.scalar, "highest") == 0) { attr.priority = H2O_MIME_ATTRIBUTE_PRIORITY_HIGHEST; } else { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, t, "`priority` attribute must be either of: `normal` or `highest`"); return -1; } } if ((t = yoml_get(value, "extensions")) == NULL) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, value, "cannot find mandatory attribute `extensions`"); return -1; } if (t->type != YOML_TYPE_SEQUENCE) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, t, "`extensions` attribute must be a sequence of scalars"); return -1; } for (j = 0; j != t->data.sequence.size; ++j) { yoml_t *ext_node = t->data.sequence.elements[j]; if (assert_is_extension(cmd, ext_node) != 0) return -1; h2o_mimemap_define_mimetype(mimemap, ext_node->data.scalar + 1, key->data.scalar, &attr); } } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "logic flaw at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); abort(); } } return 0; } static int on_config_mime_settypes(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { h2o_mimemap_t *newmap = h2o_mimemap_create(); h2o_mimemap_clear_types(newmap); h2o_mimemap_set_default_type(newmap, h2o_mimemap_get_default_type(*ctx->mimemap)->data.mimetype.base, NULL); if (set_mimetypes(cmd, newmap, node) != 0) { h2o_mem_release_shared(newmap); return -1; } h2o_mem_release_shared(*ctx->mimemap); *ctx->mimemap = newmap; return 0; } static void clone_mimemap_if_clean(h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx) { if (ctx->parent == NULL) return; if (*ctx->mimemap != *ctx->parent->mimemap) return; h2o_mem_release_shared(*ctx->mimemap); /* even after release, ctx->mimemap is still retained by the parent and therefore we can use it as the argument to clone */ *ctx->mimemap = h2o_mimemap_clone(*ctx->mimemap); } static int on_config_mime_addtypes(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { clone_mimemap_if_clean(ctx); return set_mimetypes(cmd, *ctx->mimemap, node); } static int on_config_mime_removetypes(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { size_t i; clone_mimemap_if_clean(ctx); for (i = 0; i != node->data.sequence.size; ++i) { yoml_t *ext_node = node->data.sequence.elements[i]; if (assert_is_extension(cmd, ext_node) != 0) return -1; h2o_mimemap_remove_type(*ctx->mimemap, ext_node->data.scalar + 1); } return 0; } static int on_config_mime_setdefaulttype(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { if (assert_is_mimetype(cmd, node) != 0) return -1; clone_mimemap_if_clean(ctx); h2o_mimemap_set_default_type(*ctx->mimemap, node->data.scalar, NULL); return 0; } static int on_config_custom_handler(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { static const char *ignore_commands[] = {"extension", NULL}; yoml_t *ext_node; const char **exts; h2o_mimemap_type_t *type = NULL; if (node->type != YOML_TYPE_MAPPING) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "argument must be a MAPPING"); return -1; } if ((ext_node = yoml_get(node, "extension")) == NULL) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "mandatory key `extension` is missing"); return -1; } /* create dynamic type */ switch (ext_node->type) { case YOML_TYPE_SCALAR: if (assert_is_extension(cmd, ext_node) != 0) return -1; exts = alloca(2 * sizeof(*exts)); exts[0] = ext_node->data.scalar + 1; exts[1] = NULL; break; case YOML_TYPE_SEQUENCE: { exts = alloca((ext_node->data.sequence.size + 1) * sizeof(*exts)); size_t i; for (i = 0; i != ext_node->data.sequence.size; ++i) { yoml_t *n = ext_node->data.sequence.elements[i]; if (assert_is_extension(cmd, n) != 0) return -1; exts[i] = n->data.scalar + 1; } exts[i] = NULL; } break; default: h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, ext_node, "`extensions` must be a scalar or sequence of scalar"); return -1; } clone_mimemap_if_clean(ctx); type = h2o_mimemap_define_dynamic(*ctx->mimemap, exts, ctx->globalconf); /* apply the configuration commands */ h2o_configurator_context_t *ext_ctx = create_context(ctx, 1); ext_ctx->pathconf = &type->data.dynamic.pathconf; ext_ctx->mimemap = NULL; int cmd_ret = h2o_configurator_apply_commands(ext_ctx, node, H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXTENSION, ignore_commands); destroy_context(ext_ctx); if (cmd_ret != 0) return cmd_ret; switch (type->data.dynamic.pathconf.handlers.size) { case 1: break; case 0: h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "no handler declared for given extension"); return -1; default: h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "cannot assign more than one handler for given extension"); return -1; } return 0; } static void inherit_env_if_necessary(h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx) { if (ctx->env == (ctx->parent != NULL ? ctx->parent->env : NULL)) ctx->env = h2o_config_create_envconf(ctx->env); } static int on_config_setenv(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { size_t i; inherit_env_if_necessary(ctx); for (i = 0; i != node->data.mapping.size; ++i) { yoml_t *key = node->data.mapping.elements[i].key, *value = node->data.mapping.elements[i].value; if (key->type != YOML_TYPE_SCALAR) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, key, "key must be a scalar"); return -1; } if (value->type != YOML_TYPE_SCALAR) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, value, "value must be a scalar"); return -1; } h2o_config_setenv(ctx->env, key->data.scalar, value->data.scalar); } return 0; } static int on_config_unsetenv(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { inherit_env_if_necessary(ctx); switch (node->type) { case YOML_TYPE_SCALAR: h2o_config_unsetenv(ctx->env, node->data.scalar); break; case YOML_TYPE_SEQUENCE: { size_t i; for (i = 0; i != node->data.sequence.size; ++i) { yoml_t *element = node->data.sequence.elements[i]; if (element->type != YOML_TYPE_SCALAR) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, element, "element of a sequence passed to unsetenv must be a scalar"); return -1; } h2o_config_unsetenv(ctx->env, element->data.scalar); } } break; default: h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "argument to unsetenv must be either a scalar or a sequence"); return -1; } return 0; } static int on_config_server_name(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { ctx->globalconf->server_name = h2o_strdup(NULL, node->data.scalar, SIZE_MAX); return 0; } static int on_config_send_server_name(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { switch(h2o_configurator_get_one_of(cmd, node, "OFF,ON,preserve")) { case 0: /* off */ ctx->globalconf->server_name = h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("")); break; case 1: /* on */ break; case 2: /* preserve */ ctx->globalconf->server_name = h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("")); ctx->globalconf->proxy.preserve_server_header = 1; break; default: return -1; } return 0; } static int on_config_error_log_emit_request_errors(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx, yoml_t *node) { struct st_core_configurator_t *self = (void *)cmd->configurator; ssize_t on; if ((on = h2o_configurator_get_one_of(cmd, node, "OFF,ON")) == -1) return -1; self->vars->error_log.emit_request_errors = (int)on; return 0; } void h2o_configurator__init_core(h2o_globalconf_t *conf) { /* check if already initialized */ if (h2o_configurator_get_command(conf, "files") != NULL) return; { /* `hosts` and `paths` */ h2o_configurator_t *c = h2o_configurator_create(conf, sizeof(*c)); h2o_configurator_define_command(c, "hosts", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_MAPPING | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_DEFERRED, on_config_hosts); h2o_configurator_define_command(c, "paths", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_HOST | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_MAPPING | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_DEFERRED, on_config_paths); }; { /* setup global configurators */ struct st_core_configurator_t *c = (void *)h2o_configurator_create(conf, sizeof(*c)); c->super.enter = on_core_enter; c->super.exit = on_core_exit; c->vars = c->_vars_stack; c->vars->http2.reprioritize_blocking_assets = 1; /* defaults to ON */ c->vars->http2.push_preload = 1; /* defaults to ON */ c->vars->error_log.emit_request_errors = 1; /* defaults to ON */ h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "limit-request-body", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_limit_request_body); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "max-delegations", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_max_delegations); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "handshake-timeout", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_handshake_timeout); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http1-request-timeout", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_http1_request_timeout); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http1-upgrade-to-http2", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_http1_upgrade_to_http2); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http2-idle-timeout", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_http2_idle_timeout); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http2-graceful-shutdown-timeout", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_http2_graceful_shutdown_timeout); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http2-max-concurrent-requests-per-connection", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_http2_max_concurrent_requests_per_connection); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http2-latency-optimization-min-rtt", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_http2_latency_optimization_min_rtt); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http2-latency-optimization-max-additional-delay", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_http2_latency_optimization_max_additional_delay); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http2-latency-optimization-max-cwnd", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_http2_latency_optimization_max_cwnd); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http2-reprioritize-blocking-assets", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_HOST | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_http2_reprioritize_blocking_assets); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http2-push-preload", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_HOST | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_http2_push_preload); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http2-casper", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_HOST, on_config_http2_casper); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "http2-dos-delay", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_http2_dos_delay); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "file.mime.settypes", (H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_ALL_LEVELS & ~H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXTENSION) | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_MAPPING, on_config_mime_settypes); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "file.mime.addtypes", (H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_ALL_LEVELS & ~H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXTENSION) | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_MAPPING, on_config_mime_addtypes); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "file.mime.removetypes", (H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_ALL_LEVELS & ~H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXTENSION) | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SEQUENCE, on_config_mime_removetypes); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "file.mime.setdefaulttype", (H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_ALL_LEVELS & ~H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXTENSION) | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_mime_setdefaulttype); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "file.custom-handler", (H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_ALL_LEVELS & ~H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXTENSION) | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_SEMI_DEFERRED, on_config_custom_handler); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "setenv", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_ALL_LEVELS | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_MAPPING, on_config_setenv); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "unsetenv", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_ALL_LEVELS, on_config_unsetenv); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "server-name", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_server_name); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "send-server-name", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_DEFERRED, on_config_send_server_name); h2o_configurator_define_command(&c->super, "error-log.emit-request-errors", H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_ALL_LEVELS | H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_EXPECT_SCALAR, on_config_error_log_emit_request_errors); } } void h2o_configurator__dispose_configurators(h2o_globalconf_t *conf) { while (!h2o_linklist_is_empty(&conf->configurators)) { h2o_configurator_t *c = H2O_STRUCT_FROM_MEMBER(h2o_configurator_t, _link, conf->configurators.next); h2o_linklist_unlink(&c->_link); if (c->dispose != NULL) c->dispose(c); destroy_configurator(c); } } h2o_configurator_t *h2o_configurator_create(h2o_globalconf_t *conf, size_t sz) { h2o_configurator_t *c; assert(sz >= sizeof(*c)); c = h2o_mem_alloc(sz); memset(c, 0, sz); h2o_linklist_insert(&conf->configurators, &c->_link); return c; } void h2o_configurator_define_command(h2o_configurator_t *configurator, const char *name, int flags, h2o_configurator_command_cb cb) { h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd; h2o_vector_reserve(NULL, &configurator->commands, configurator->commands.size + 1); cmd = configurator->commands.entries + configurator->commands.size++; cmd->configurator = configurator; cmd->flags = flags; cmd->name = name; cmd->cb = cb; } h2o_configurator_command_t *h2o_configurator_get_command(h2o_globalconf_t *conf, const char *name) { h2o_linklist_t *node; size_t i; for (node = conf->configurators.next; node != &conf->configurators; node = node->next) { h2o_configurator_t *configurator = H2O_STRUCT_FROM_MEMBER(h2o_configurator_t, _link, node); for (i = 0; i != configurator->commands.size; ++i) { h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd = configurator->commands.entries + i; if (strcmp(cmd->name, name) == 0) { return cmd; } } } return NULL; } int h2o_configurator_apply(h2o_globalconf_t *config, yoml_t *node, int dry_run) { h2o_configurator_context_t *ctx = create_context(NULL, 0); ctx->globalconf = config; ctx->mimemap = &ctx->globalconf->mimemap; ctx->dry_run = dry_run; int cmd_ret = h2o_configurator_apply_commands(ctx, node, H2O_CONFIGURATOR_FLAG_GLOBAL, NULL); destroy_context(ctx); if (cmd_ret != 0) return cmd_ret; if (config->hosts[0] == NULL) { h2o_configurator_errprintf(NULL, node, "mandatory configuration directive `hosts` is missing"); return -1; } return 0; } void h2o_configurator_errprintf(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, yoml_t *node, const char *reason, ...) { va_list args; fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%zu] ", node->filename ? node->filename : "-", node->line + 1); if (cmd != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "in command %s, ", cmd->name); va_start(args, reason); vfprintf(stderr, reason, args); va_end(args); fputc('\n', stderr); } int h2o_configurator_scanf(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, yoml_t *node, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; int sscan_ret; if (node->type != YOML_TYPE_SCALAR) goto Error; va_start(args, fmt); sscan_ret = vsscanf(node->data.scalar, fmt, args); va_end(args); if (sscan_ret != 1) goto Error; return 0; Error: h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "argument must match the format: %s", fmt); return -1; } ssize_t h2o_configurator_get_one_of(h2o_configurator_command_t *cmd, yoml_t *node, const char *candidates) { const char *config_str, *cand_str; ssize_t config_str_len, cand_index; if (node->type != YOML_TYPE_SCALAR) goto Error; config_str = node->data.scalar; config_str_len = strlen(config_str); cand_str = candidates; for (cand_index = 0;; ++cand_index) { if (strncasecmp(cand_str, config_str, config_str_len) == 0 && (cand_str[config_str_len] == '\0' || cand_str[config_str_len] == ',')) { /* found */ return cand_index; } cand_str = strchr(cand_str, ','); if (cand_str == NULL) goto Error; cand_str += 1; /* skip ',' */ } /* not reached */ Error: h2o_configurator_errprintf(cmd, node, "argument must be one of: %s", candidates); return -1; } char *h2o_configurator_get_cmd_path(const char *cmd) { char *root, *cmd_fullpath; /* just return the cmd (being strdup'ed) in case we do not need to prefix the value */ if (cmd[0] == '/' || strchr(cmd, '/') == NULL) goto ReturnOrig; /* obtain root */ if ((root = getenv("H2O_ROOT")) == NULL) { root = H2O_TO_STR(H2O_ROOT); } /* build full-path and return */ cmd_fullpath = h2o_mem_alloc(strlen(root) + strlen(cmd) + 2); sprintf(cmd_fullpath, "%s/%s", root, cmd); return cmd_fullpath; ReturnOrig: return h2o_strdup(NULL, cmd, SIZE_MAX).base; }