=head1 NAME Net::FastCGI - FastCGI Toolkit =head1 DESCRIPTION This distribution aims to provide a complete API for working with the FastCGI protocol. The primary goal is to provide a function oriented and object oriented API which are not tied to a specific I/O model or framework. Secondary goal is to provide higher level tools/API which can be used for debugging and interoperability testing. =head1 PROGRESS The function oriented API is considered feature complete. L provides functions to build and parse all FastCGI v1.0 messages, also provided is a few convenient higher level functions such as C, C, C and C. Work has begun on object oriented implementation and a simple blocking I/O class which is intended for testing and debugging. =head1 PACKAGES =over 4 =item L FastCGI protocol constants. =item L Provides functions to read and write FastCGI messages. =item L Provides functions to build and parse FastCGI messages. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT Environment variable C can be set to a true value before loading this package to disable usage of XS implementation. =head1 PREREQUISITES =head2 Run-Time =over 4 =item L 5.6 or greater. =item L, core module. =item L, core module. =back =head2 Build-Time In addition to Run-Time: =over 4 =item L 0.47 or greater, core module since 5.6.2. =item L. =item L. =back =head1 SEE ALSO =head2 Community =over 4 =item Official FastCGI site L =back =head2 Standards =over 4 =item FastCGI Specification Version 1.0 L =item RFC 3875 - The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Version 1.1 L =back =head2 White papers =over 4 =item FastCGI: A High-Performance Web Server Interface L =item FastCGI - The Forgotten Treasure L =back =head2 Perl implementations =over 4 =item L Application server implementation, built on top of L. Supports Responder role. Capable of multiplexing. =item L Application server implementation, built on top of C (reference implementation). Supports all FastCGI roles. Responds to management records. Processes requests synchronously. =item L Application server implementation, built on top of L. Supports Responder role. Responds to management records. Capable of multiplexing. =item L Client (Web server) implementation. Supports Responder role. =item L Application server implementation, built on top of L. Supports Responder role. =item L Application server implementation. Supports Responder role. Processes requests synchronously. =item L Application server implementation, built on top of L. Supports Responder role. Capable of multiplexing. =back =head1 SUPPORT Please report any bugs or feature requests to C, or through the web interface at L =head1 AUTHOR Christian Hansen C =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2008-2010 by Christian Hansen. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.