? my $ctx = $main::context; ? $_mt->wrapper_file("wrapper.mt", "Configure", "Errordoc Directives")->(sub {

This document describes the configuration directives of the errordoc handler.

{directive}->( name => "error-doc", levels => [ qw(global host path extension) ], desc => <<'EOT', Specifies the content to be sent when returning an error response (i.e. a response with 4xx or 5xx status code). EOT )->(sub { ?>

The argument must be a mapping containing following attributes, or if it is a sequence, every element must be a mapping with the following attributes.

URL can either be absolute or relative. Only content-type, content-language, set-cookie headers obtained from the specified URL are served to the client.

{example}->('Set error document for 404 status', <<'EOT') error-doc: status: 404 url: /404.html EOT ?> {example}->('Set error document for 500 and 503 status', <<'EOT') error-doc: - status: 500 url: /internal-error.html - status: 503 url: /service-unavailable.html EOT ?> {example}->('Set error document for 50x statuses (From version 2.3)', <<'EOT') error-doc: status: [500, 502, 503, 504] url: /50x.html EOT ?>

? }) ? })