? my $ctx = $main::context; ? $_mt->wrapper_file("wrapper.mt", "Configure", "Mruby Directives")->(sub {

The following are the configuration directives of the mruby handler. Please refer to Using mruby to find out how to write handlers using mruby.

{directive}->( name => "mruby.handler", levels => [ qw(path) ], see_also => render_mt(<<'EOT'), mruby.handler-file EOT desc => <<'EOT', Upon start-up evaluates given mruby expression, and uses the returned mruby object to handle the incoming requests. EOT )->(sub { ?> {example}->('Hello-world in mruby', <<'EOT') mruby.handler: | Proc.new do |env| [200, {'content-type' => 'text/plain'}, ["Hello world\n"]] end EOT ?>

Note that the provided expression is evaluated more than once (typically for every thread that accepts incoming connections).

? }) {directive}->( name => "mruby.handler-file", levels => [ qw(path) ], see_also => render_mt(<<'EOT'), mruby.handler EOT desc => <<'EOT', Upon start-up evaluates given mruby file, and uses the returned mruby object to handle the incoming requests. EOT )->(sub { ?> {example}->('Hello-world in mruby', <<'EOT') mruby.handler-file: /path/to/my-mruby-handler.rb EOT ?>

Note that the provided expression is evaluated more than once (typically for every thread that accepts incoming connections).

? }) ? })