? my $ctx = $main::context; ? $_mt->wrapper_file("wrapper.mt", "Configure", "Quick Start")->(sub {

In order to run the H2O standalone HTTP server, you need to write a configuration file. The minimal configuration file looks like as follows.

{code}->(<< 'EOT') listen: port: 8080 user: nobody hosts: "myhost.example.com": paths: /: file.dir: /path/to/the/public-files access-log: /path/to/the/access-log error-log: /path/to/the/error-log pid-file: /path/to/the/pid-file EOT ?>

The configuration instructs the server to:

  1. listen to port 8080
  2. under the privileges of nobody
  3. serve files under /path/to/the/public-files
  4. emit access logs to file: /path/to/the/access-log
  5. emit error logs to /path/to/the/error-log
  6. store the process id of the server in /path/to/the/pid-file

Enter the command below to start the server.

{code}->(<< 'EOT') % sudo h2o -m daemon -c /path/to/the/configuration-file EOT ?>

The command instructs the server to read the configuration file, and start in daemon mode, which dispatches a pair of master and worker processes that serves the HTTP requests.

To stop the server, send SIGTERM to the server.

{code}->(<< 'EOT') % sudo kill -TERM `cat /path/to/the/pid-file` EOT ?>

Next Step

Now that you know how to start and stop the server, the next step is to learn the configuration directives and their structure, or see the configuration examples.

? })