use strict; use warnings; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use Net::EmptyPort qw(check_port empty_port); use Test::More; use t::Util; plan skip_all => 'curl not found' unless prog_exists('curl'); plan skip_all => 'plackup not found' unless prog_exists('plackup'); plan skip_all => 'cannot run perl -MPlack::Handler::FCGI' if system("perl -MPlack::Handler::FCGI /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1") != 0; my $tempdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); my $fcgi_port = empty_port(); # gather information of test data my %files = map { do { my $fn = DOC_ROOT . "/$_"; +($_ => { size => (stat $fn)[7], md5 => md5_file($fn) }); } } qw(index.txt halfdome.jpg); sub doit { my ($tcp, $keepalive) = @_; subtest "tcp:$tcp,keepalive:$keepalive" => sub { # spawn upstream unlink "$tempdir/fcgi.sock"; my $upstream = spawn_server( argv => [ qw(plackup -s FCGI --access-log /dev/null --listen), ($tcp ? ":$fcgi_port" : "$tempdir/fcgi.sock"), ASSETS_DIR . "/upstream.psgi", ], is_ready => sub { $tcp ? check_port($fcgi_port) : -e "$tempdir/fcgi.sock"; }, ); # spawn h2o my $server = spawn_h2o(<< "EOT"); hosts: default: paths: "/": fastcgi.connect: @{[$tcp ? "host:" : ""]} port: @{[$tcp ? $fcgi_port : "$tempdir/fcgi.sock"]} type: @{[$tcp ? "tcp" : "unix"]} fastcgi.timeout.keepalive: @{[$keepalive ? 5000 : 0]} EOT # the tests subtest 'files' => sub { run_with_curl($server, sub { my ($proto, $port, $curl) = @_; for my $file (sort keys %files) { my $content = `$curl --silent --show-error $proto://$port/$file`; is length($content), $files{$file}->{size}, "$proto://$file (size)"; is md5_hex($content), $files{$file}->{md5}, "$proto://$file (md5)"; } }); }; subtest 'echo' => sub { # send header that exceeds the max. length fcgi record (the size of the response also exceeds the record size, and uses chunked encoding) run_with_curl($server, sub { my ($proto, $port, $curl) = @_; plan skip_all => "skip due to curl bug #659" if $curl =~ /--http2/; my $content = `$curl --silent --show-error -H foo:@{["0123456789"x7000]} $proto://$port/echo-headers`; like $content, qr/^foo: (0123456789){7000,7000}$/mi; if ($proto eq 'https') { like $content, qr/^https: on$/m; } else { unlike $content, qr/^https: on$/m; } }); }; subtest 'cookie-merge' => sub { plan skip_all => "curl does not support HTTP/2" unless curl_supports_http2(); plan skip_all => "cowardly skipping to avoid; unless PLACK_ENV=deployment is set" unless $ENV{PLACK_ENV} && $ENV{PLACK_ENV} eq 'deployment'; my $content = `curl --http2 --silent --show-error --insecure -H "cookie:a=b;c=d"$server->{tls_port}/echo-headers`; like $content, qr/^cookie: a=b;\s*c=d$/mi; }; delete $server->{guard}; }; } doit(0, 0); doit(1, 0); doit(0, 1); doit(1, 1); subtest 'httpoxy' => sub { my $doit = sub { my ($drop, $cb) = @_; unlink "$tempdir/fcgi.sock"; my $upstream = spawn_server( argv => [ qw(plackup -s FCGI --access-log /dev/null --listen), "$tempdir/fcgi.sock", ASSETS_DIR . "/upstream.psgi", ], is_ready => sub { -e "$tempdir/fcgi.sock"; }, ); # spawn h2o my $dropconf = $drop ? << 'EOT' : ""; setenv: HTTP_PROXY: "" EOT my $server = spawn_h2o(<< "EOT"); hosts: default: paths: "/": fastcgi.connect: port: $tempdir/fcgi.sock type: unix $dropconf EOT run_with_curl($server, sub { my ($proto, $port, $curl) = @_; my $content = `$curl --silent --show-error -H proxy:foobar $proto://$port/echo-headers`; $cb->($content); }); }; $doit->(undef, sub { like $_[0], qr{^proxy: foobar$}mi, "keep"; }); $doit->(1, sub { like $_[0], qr{^proxy: $}mi, "drop"; }); }; done_testing();