/* * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist. * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries * produced as the result of such linking. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include // we need this to get the home directory of the current user #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBEDIT #if defined (__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) // If this is not undeffed, __attribute__ wil be redefined by /usr/include/readline/rlstdc.h #undef __STRICT_ANSI__ #include #include #else #include #endif #endif /* HAVE_LIBEDIT */ #include "ext/json11/json11.hpp" #include "connection-management.hh" #include "dolog.hh" #include "dnsdist.hh" #include "dnsdist-console.hh" #include "sodcrypto.hh" #include "threadname.hh" GlobalStateHolder g_consoleACL; vector > g_confDelta; std::string g_consoleKey; bool g_logConsoleConnections{true}; bool g_consoleEnabled{false}; uint32_t g_consoleOutputMsgMaxSize{10000000}; static ConcurrentConnectionManager s_connManager(100); class ConsoleConnection { public: ConsoleConnection(const ComboAddress& client, FDWrapper&& fd): d_client(client), d_fd(std::move(fd)) { if (!s_connManager.registerConnection()) { throw std::runtime_error("Too many concurrent console connections"); } } ConsoleConnection(ConsoleConnection&& rhs): d_client(rhs.d_client), d_fd(std::move(rhs.d_fd)) { } ConsoleConnection(const ConsoleConnection&) = delete; ConsoleConnection& operator=(const ConsoleConnection&) = delete; ~ConsoleConnection() { if (d_fd.getHandle() != -1) { s_connManager.releaseConnection(); } } int getFD() const { return d_fd.getHandle(); } const ComboAddress& getClient() const { return d_client; } private: ComboAddress d_client; FDWrapper d_fd; }; void setConsoleMaximumConcurrentConnections(size_t max) { s_connManager.setMaxConcurrentConnections(max); } // MUST BE CALLED UNDER A LOCK - right now the LuaLock static void feedConfigDelta(const std::string& line) { if(line.empty()) return; struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, 0); g_confDelta.emplace_back(now, line); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBEDIT static string historyFile(const bool &ignoreHOME = false) { string ret; struct passwd pwd; struct passwd *result; char buf[16384]; getpwuid_r(geteuid(), &pwd, buf, sizeof(buf), &result); const char *homedir = getenv("HOME"); if (result) ret = string(pwd.pw_dir); if (homedir && !ignoreHOME) // $HOME overrides what the OS tells us ret = string(homedir); if (ret.empty()) ret = "."; // CWD if nothing works.. ret.append("/.dnsdist_history"); return ret; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBEDIT */ enum class ConsoleCommandResult : uint8_t { Valid = 0, ConnectionClosed, TooLarge }; static ConsoleCommandResult getMsgLen32(int fd, uint32_t* len) { try { uint32_t raw; size_t ret = readn2(fd, &raw, sizeof(raw)); if (ret != sizeof raw) { return ConsoleCommandResult::ConnectionClosed; } *len = ntohl(raw); if (*len > g_consoleOutputMsgMaxSize) { return ConsoleCommandResult::TooLarge; } return ConsoleCommandResult::Valid; } catch (...) { return ConsoleCommandResult::ConnectionClosed; } } static bool putMsgLen32(int fd, uint32_t len) { try { uint32_t raw = htonl(len); size_t ret = writen2(fd, &raw, sizeof raw); return ret == sizeof raw; } catch(...) { return false; } } static ConsoleCommandResult sendMessageToServer(int fd, const std::string& line, SodiumNonce& readingNonce, SodiumNonce& writingNonce, const bool outputEmptyLine) { string msg = sodEncryptSym(line, g_consoleKey, writingNonce); const auto msgLen = msg.length(); if (msgLen > std::numeric_limits::max()) { cerr << "Encrypted message is too long to be sent to the server, "<< std::to_string(msgLen) << " > " << std::numeric_limits::max() << endl; return ConsoleCommandResult::TooLarge; } putMsgLen32(fd, static_cast(msgLen)); if (!msg.empty()) { writen2(fd, msg); } uint32_t len; auto commandResult = getMsgLen32(fd, &len); if (commandResult == ConsoleCommandResult::ConnectionClosed) { cout << "Connection closed by the server." << endl; return commandResult; } else if (commandResult == ConsoleCommandResult::TooLarge) { cerr << "Received a console message whose length (" << len << ") is exceeding the allowed one (" << g_consoleOutputMsgMaxSize << "), closing that connection" << endl; return commandResult; } if (len == 0) { if (outputEmptyLine) { cout << endl; } return ConsoleCommandResult::Valid; } msg.clear(); msg.resize(len); readn2(fd, msg.data(), len); msg = sodDecryptSym(msg, g_consoleKey, readingNonce); cout << msg; cout.flush(); return ConsoleCommandResult::Valid; } void doClient(ComboAddress server, const std::string& command) { if (!sodIsValidKey(g_consoleKey)) { cerr << "The currently configured console key is not valid, please configure a valid key using the setKey() directive" << endl; return; } if (g_verbose) { cout<<"Connecting to "< "); rl_bind_key('\t',rl_complete); if (!sline) { break; } string line(sline); if (!line.empty() && line != lastline) { add_history(sline); history << sline < getNextConsoleLine(ofstream& history, std::string& lastline) { char* sline = readline("> "); rl_bind_key('\t', rl_complete); if (!sline) { return std::nullopt; } string line(sline); if (!line.empty() && line != lastline) { add_history(sline); history << sline < getNextConsoleLine() { std::string line; if (!std::getline(std::cin, line)) { return std::nullopt; } return line; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBEDIT */ void doConsole() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBEDIT string histfile = historyFile(true); { ifstream history(histfile); string line; while (getline(history, line)) { add_history(line.c_str()); } } ofstream history(histfile, std::ios_base::app); string lastline; #endif /* HAVE_LIBEDIT */ for (;;) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBEDIT auto line = getNextConsoleLine(history, lastline); #else /* HAVE_LIBEDIT */ auto line = getNextConsoleLine(); #endif /* HAVE_LIBEDIT */ if (!line) { break; } if (*line == "quit") { break; } if (*line == "help" || *line == "?") { line = "help()"; } string response; try { bool withReturn = true; retry:; try { auto lua = g_lua.lock(); g_outputBuffer.clear(); resetLuaSideEffect(); auto ret = lua->executeCode< boost::optional< boost::variant< string, shared_ptr, ClientState*, std::unordered_map > > >(withReturn ? ("return "+*line) : *line); if (ret) { if (const auto dsValue = boost::get>(&*ret)) { if (*dsValue) { cout<<(*dsValue)->getName()<(&*ret)) { if (*csValue) { cout<<(*csValue)->local.toStringWithPort()<(&*ret)) { cout<<*strValue< >(&*ret)) { using namespace json11; Json::object o; for(const auto& v : *um) o[v.first]=v.second; Json out = o; cout< g_consoleKeywords{ /* keyword, function, parameters, description */ { "addACL", true, "netmask", "add to the ACL set who can use this server" }, { "addAction", true, "DNS rule, DNS action [, {uuid=\"UUID\", name=\"name\"}]", "add a rule" }, { "addBPFFilterDynBlocks", true, "addresses, dynbpf[[, seconds=10], msg]", "This is the eBPF equivalent of addDynBlocks(), blocking a set of addresses for (optionally) a number of seconds, using an eBPF dynamic filter" }, { "addCapabilitiesToRetain", true, "capability or list of capabilities", "Linux capabilities to retain after startup, like CAP_BPF" }, { "addConsoleACL", true, "netmask", "add a netmask to the console ACL" }, { "addDNSCryptBind", true, "\"\", \"provider name\", \"/path/to/resolver.cert\", \"/path/to/resolver.key\", {reusePort=false, tcpFastOpenQueueSize=0, interface=\"\", cpus={}}", "listen to incoming DNSCrypt queries on port 8443, with a provider name of `provider name`, using a resolver certificate and associated key stored respectively in the `resolver.cert` and `resolver.key` files. The fifth optional parameter is a table of parameters" }, { "addDOHLocal", true, "addr, certFile, keyFile [, urls [, vars]]", "listen to incoming DNS over HTTPS queries on the specified address using the specified certificate and key. The last two parameters are tables" }, { "addDynBlocks", true, "addresses, message[, seconds[, action]]", "block the set of addresses with message `msg`, for `seconds` seconds (10 by default), applying `action` (default to the one set with `setDynBlocksAction()`)" }, { "addDynBlockSMT", true, "names, message[, seconds [, action]]", "block the set of names with message `msg`, for `seconds` seconds (10 by default), applying `action` (default to the one set with `setDynBlocksAction()`)" }, { "addLocal", true, "addr [, {doTCP=true, reusePort=false, tcpFastOpenQueueSize=0, interface=\"\", cpus={}}]", "add `addr` to the list of addresses we listen on" }, { "addCacheHitResponseAction", true, "DNS rule, DNS response action [, {uuid=\"UUID\", name=\"name\"}}]", "add a cache hit response rule" }, { "addCacheInsertedResponseAction", true, "DNS rule, DNS response action [, {uuid=\"UUID\", name=\"name\"}}]", "add a cache inserted response rule" }, { "addResponseAction", true, "DNS rule, DNS response action [, {uuid=\"UUID\", name=\"name\"}}]", "add a response rule" }, { "addSelfAnsweredResponseAction", true, "DNS rule, DNS response action [, {uuid=\"UUID\", name=\"name\"}}]", "add a self-answered response rule" }, { "addTLSLocal", true, "addr, certFile(s), keyFile(s) [,params]", "listen to incoming DNS over TLS queries on the specified address using the specified certificate (or list of) and key (or list of). The last parameter is a table" }, { "AllowAction", true, "", "let these packets go through" }, { "AllowResponseAction", true, "", "let these packets go through" }, { "AllRule", true, "", "matches all traffic" }, { "AndRule", true, "list of DNS rules", "matches if all sub-rules matches" }, { "benchRule", true, "DNS Rule [, iterations [, suffix]]", "bench the specified DNS rule" }, { "carbonServer", true, "serverIP, [ourname], [interval]", "report statistics to serverIP using our hostname, or 'ourname' if provided, every 'interval' seconds" }, { "clearConsoleHistory", true, "", "clear the internal (in-memory) history of console commands" }, { "clearDynBlocks", true, "", "clear all dynamic blocks" }, { "clearQueryCounters", true, "", "clears the query counter buffer" }, { "clearRules", true, "", "remove all current rules" }, { "controlSocket", true, "addr", "open a control socket on this address / connect to this address in client mode" }, { "ContinueAction", true, "action", "execute the specified action and continue the processing of the remaining rules, regardless of the return of the action" }, { "declareMetric", true, "name, type, description [, prometheusName]", "Declare a custom metric" }, { "decMetric", true, "name", "Decrement a custom metric" }, { "DelayAction", true, "milliseconds", "delay the response by the specified amount of milliseconds (UDP-only)" }, { "DelayResponseAction", true, "milliseconds", "delay the response by the specified amount of milliseconds (UDP-only)" }, { "delta", true, "", "shows all commands entered that changed the configuration" }, { "DNSSECRule", true, "", "matches queries with the DO bit set" }, { "DnstapLogAction", true, "identity, FrameStreamLogger [, alterFunction]", "send the contents of this query to a FrameStreamLogger or RemoteLogger as dnstap. `alterFunction` is a callback, receiving a DNSQuestion and a DnstapMessage, that can be used to modify the dnstap message" }, { "DnstapLogResponseAction", true, "identity, FrameStreamLogger [, alterFunction]", "send the contents of this response to a remote or FrameStreamLogger or RemoteLogger as dnstap. `alterFunction` is a callback, receiving a DNSResponse and a DnstapMessage, that can be used to modify the dnstap message" }, { "DropAction", true, "", "drop these packets" }, { "DropResponseAction", true, "", "drop these packets" }, { "DSTPortRule", true, "port", "matches questions received to the destination port specified" }, { "dumpStats", true, "", "print all statistics we gather" }, { "dynBlockRulesGroup", true, "", "return a new DynBlockRulesGroup object" }, { "EDNSVersionRule", true, "version", "matches queries with the specified EDNS version" }, { "EDNSOptionRule", true, "optcode", "matches queries with the specified EDNS0 option present" }, { "ERCodeAction", true, "ercode", "Reply immediately by turning the query into a response with the specified EDNS extended rcode" }, { "ERCodeRule", true, "rcode", "matches responses with the specified extended rcode (EDNS0)" }, { "exceedNXDOMAINs", true, "rate, seconds", "get set of addresses that exceed `rate` NXDOMAIN/s over `seconds` seconds" }, { "exceedQRate", true, "rate, seconds", "get set of address that exceed `rate` queries/s over `seconds` seconds" }, { "exceedQTypeRate", true, "type, rate, seconds", "get set of address that exceed `rate` queries/s for queries of type `type` over `seconds` seconds" }, { "exceedRespByterate", true, "rate, seconds", "get set of addresses that exceeded `rate` bytes/s answers over `seconds` seconds" }, { "exceedServFails", true, "rate, seconds", "get set of addresses that exceed `rate` servfails/s over `seconds` seconds" }, { "firstAvailable", false, "", "picks the server with the lowest `order` that has not exceeded its QPS limit" }, { "fixupCase", true, "bool", "if set (default to no), rewrite the first qname of the question part of the answer to match the one from the query. It is only useful when you have a downstream server that messes up the case of the question qname in the answer" }, { "generateDNSCryptCertificate", true, "\"/path/to/providerPrivate.key\", \"/path/to/resolver.cert\", \"/path/to/resolver.key\", serial, validFrom, validUntil", "generate a new resolver private key and related certificate, valid from the `validFrom` timestamp until the `validUntil` one, signed with the provider private key" }, { "generateDNSCryptProviderKeys", true, "\"/path/to/providerPublic.key\", \"/path/to/providerPrivate.key\"", "generate a new provider keypair" }, { "getAction", true, "n", "Returns the Action associated with rule n" }, { "getBind", true, "n", "returns the listener at index n" }, { "getBindCount", true, "", "returns the number of listeners all kinds" }, { "getCurrentTime", true, "", "returns the current time" }, { "getDNSCryptBind", true, "n", "return the `DNSCryptContext` object corresponding to the bind `n`" }, { "getDNSCryptBindCount", true, "", "returns the number of DNSCrypt listeners" }, { "getDOHFrontend", true, "n", "returns the DOH frontend with index n" }, { "getDOHFrontendCount", true, "", "returns the number of DoH listeners" }, { "getListOfAddressesOfNetworkInterface", true, "itf", "returns the list of addresses configured on a given network interface, as strings" }, { "getListOfNetworkInterfaces", true, "", "returns the list of network interfaces present on the system, as strings" }, { "getListOfRangesOfNetworkInterface", true, "itf", "returns the list of network ranges configured on a given network interface, as strings" }, { "getMACAddress", true, "IP addr", "return the link-level address (MAC) corresponding to the supplied neighbour IP address, if known by the kernel" }, { "getMetric", true, "name", "Get the value of a custom metric" }, { "getOutgoingTLSSessionCacheSize", true, "", "returns the number of TLS sessions (for outgoing connections) currently cached" }, { "getPool", true, "name", "return the pool named `name`, or \"\" for the default pool" }, { "getPoolServers", true, "pool", "return servers part of this pool" }, { "getPoolNames", true, "", "returns a table with all the pool names" }, { "getQueryCounters", true, "[max=10]", "show current buffer of query counters, limited by 'max' if provided" }, { "getResponseRing", true, "", "return the current content of the response ring" }, { "getRespRing", true, "", "return the qname/rcode content of the response ring" }, { "getServer", true, "id", "returns server with index 'n' or whose uuid matches if 'id' is an UUID string" }, { "getServers", true, "", "returns a table with all defined servers" }, { "getStatisticsCounters", true, "", "returns a map of statistic counters" }, { "getTopCacheHitResponseRules", true, "[top]", "return the `top` cache-hit response rules" }, { "getTopCacheInsertedResponseRules", true, "[top]", "return the `top` cache-inserted response rules" }, { "getTopResponseRules", true, "[top]", "return the `top` response rules" }, { "getTopRules", true, "[top]", "return the `top` rules" }, { "getTopSelfAnsweredResponseRules", true, "[top]", "return the `top` self-answered response rules" }, { "getTLSContext", true, "n", "returns the TLS context with index n" }, { "getTLSFrontend", true, "n", "returns the TLS frontend with index n" }, { "getTLSFrontendCount", true, "", "returns the number of DoT listeners" }, { "getVerbose", true, "", "get whether log messages at the verbose level will be logged" }, { "grepq", true, "Netmask|DNS Name|100ms|{\"::1\", \"powerdns.com\", \"100ms\"} [, n]", "shows the last n queries and responses matching the specified client address or range (Netmask), or the specified DNS Name, or slower than 100ms" }, { "hashPassword", true, "password [, workFactor]", "Returns a hashed and salted version of the supplied password, usable with 'setWebserverConfig()'"}, { "HTTPHeaderRule", true, "name, regex", "matches DoH queries with a HTTP header 'name' whose content matches the regular expression 'regex'"}, { "HTTPPathRegexRule", true, "regex", "matches DoH queries whose HTTP path matches 'regex'"}, { "HTTPPathRule", true, "path", "matches DoH queries whose HTTP path is an exact match to 'path'"}, { "HTTPStatusAction", true, "status, reason, body", "return an HTTP response"}, { "inClientStartup", true, "", "returns true during console client parsing of configuration" }, { "includeDirectory", true, "path", "include configuration files from `path`" }, { "incMetric", true, "name", "Increment a custom metric" }, { "KeyValueLookupKeyQName", true, "[wireFormat]", "Return a new KeyValueLookupKey object that, when passed to KeyValueStoreLookupAction or KeyValueStoreLookupRule, will return the qname of the query, either in wire format (default) or in plain text if 'wireFormat' is false" }, { "KeyValueLookupKeySourceIP", true, "[v4Mask [, v6Mask [, includePort]]]", "Return a new KeyValueLookupKey object that, when passed to KeyValueStoreLookupAction or KeyValueStoreLookupRule, will return the (possibly bitmasked) source IP of the client in network byte-order." }, { "KeyValueLookupKeySuffix", true, "[minLabels [,wireFormat]]", "Return a new KeyValueLookupKey object that, when passed to KeyValueStoreLookupAction or KeyValueStoreLookupRule, will return a vector of keys based on the labels of the qname in DNS wire format or plain text" }, { "KeyValueLookupKeyTag", true, "tag", "Return a new KeyValueLookupKey object that, when passed to KeyValueStoreLookupAction or KeyValueStoreLookupRule, will return the value of the corresponding tag for this query, if it exists" }, { "KeyValueStoreLookupAction", true, "kvs, lookupKey, destinationTag", "does a lookup into the key value store referenced by 'kvs' using the key returned by 'lookupKey', and storing the result if any into the tag named 'destinationTag'" }, { "KeyValueStoreRangeLookupAction", true, "kvs, lookupKey, destinationTag", "does a range-based lookup into the key value store referenced by 'kvs' using the key returned by 'lookupKey', and storing the result if any into the tag named 'destinationTag'" }, { "KeyValueStoreLookupRule", true, "kvs, lookupKey", "matches queries if the key is found in the specified Key Value store" }, { "KeyValueStoreRangeLookupRule", true, "kvs, lookupKey", "matches queries if the key is found in the specified Key Value store" }, { "leastOutstanding", false, "", "Send traffic to downstream server with least outstanding queries, with the lowest 'order', and within that the lowest recent latency"}, #if defined(HAVE_LIBSSL) && !defined(HAVE_TLS_PROVIDERS) { "loadTLSEngine", true, "engineName [, defaultString]", "Load the OpenSSL engine named 'engineName', setting the engine default string to 'defaultString' if supplied"}, #endif #if defined(HAVE_LIBSSL) && OPENSSL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 && defined(HAVE_TLS_PROVIDERS) { "loadTLSProvider", true, "providerName", "Load the OpenSSL provider named 'providerName'"}, #endif { "LogAction", true, "[filename], [binary], [append], [buffered]", "Log a line for each query, to the specified file if any, to the console (require verbose) otherwise. When logging to a file, the `binary` optional parameter specifies whether we log in binary form (default) or in textual form, the `append` optional parameter specifies whether we open the file for appending or truncate each time (default), and the `buffered` optional parameter specifies whether writes to the file are buffered (default) or not." }, { "LogResponseAction", true, "[filename], [append], [buffered]", "Log a line for each response, to the specified file if any, to the console (require verbose) otherwise. The `append` optional parameter specifies whether we open the file for appending or truncate each time (default), and the `buffered` optional parameter specifies whether writes to the file are buffered (default) or not." }, { "LuaAction", true, "function", "Invoke a Lua function that accepts a DNSQuestion" }, { "LuaFFIAction", true, "function", "Invoke a Lua FFI function that accepts a DNSQuestion" }, { "LuaFFIPerThreadAction", true, "function", "Invoke a Lua FFI function that accepts a DNSQuestion, with a per-thread Lua context" }, { "LuaFFIPerThreadResponseAction", true, "function", "Invoke a Lua FFI function that accepts a DNSResponse, with a per-thread Lua context" }, { "LuaFFIResponseAction", true, "function", "Invoke a Lua FFI function that accepts a DNSResponse" }, { "LuaFFIRule", true, "function", "Invoke a Lua FFI function that filters DNS questions" }, { "LuaResponseAction", true, "function", "Invoke a Lua function that accepts a DNSResponse" }, { "LuaRule", true, "function", "Invoke a Lua function that filters DNS questions" }, #ifdef HAVE_IPCIPHER { "makeIPCipherKey", true, "password", "generates a 16-byte key that can be used to pseudonymize IP addresses with IP cipher" }, #endif /* HAVE_IPCIPHER */ { "makeKey", true, "", "generate a new server access key, emit configuration line ready for pasting" }, { "makeRule", true, "rule", "Make a NetmaskGroupRule() or a SuffixMatchNodeRule(), depending on how it is called" } , { "MaxQPSIPRule", true, "qps, [v4Mask=32 [, v6Mask=64 [, burst=qps [, expiration=300 [, cleanupDelay=60 [, scanFraction=10 [, shards=10]]]]]]]", "matches traffic exceeding the qps limit per subnet" }, { "MaxQPSRule", true, "qps", "matches traffic **not** exceeding this qps limit" }, { "mvCacheHitResponseRule", true, "from, to", "move cache hit response rule 'from' to a position where it is in front of 'to'. 'to' can be one larger than the largest rule" }, { "mvCacheHitResponseRuleToTop", true, "", "move the last cache hit response rule to the first position" }, { "mvCacheInsertedResponseRule", true, "from, to", "move cache inserted response rule 'from' to a position where it is in front of 'to'. 'to' can be one larger than the largest rule" }, { "mvCacheInsertedResponseRuleToTop", true, "", "move the last cache inserted response rule to the first position" }, { "mvResponseRule", true, "from, to", "move response rule 'from' to a position where it is in front of 'to'. 'to' can be one larger than the largest rule" }, { "mvResponseRuleToTop", true, "", "move the last response rule to the first position" }, { "mvRule", true, "from, to", "move rule 'from' to a position where it is in front of 'to'. 'to' can be one larger than the largest rule, in which case the rule will be moved to the last position" }, { "mvRuleToTop", true, "", "move the last rule to the first position" }, { "mvSelfAnsweredResponseRule", true, "from, to", "move self-answered response rule 'from' to a position where it is in front of 'to'. 'to' can be one larger than the largest rule" }, { "mvSelfAnsweredResponseRuleToTop", true, "", "move the last self-answered response rule to the first position" }, { "NetmaskGroupRule", true, "nmg[, src]", "Matches traffic from/to the network range specified in nmg. Set the src parameter to false to match nmg against destination address instead of source address. This can be used to differentiate between clients" }, { "newBPFFilter", true, "{ipv4MaxItems=int, ipv4PinnedPath=string, ipv6MaxItems=int, ipv6PinnedPath=string, cidr4MaxItems=int, cidr4PinnedPath=string, cidr6MaxItems=int, cidr6PinnedPath=string, qnamesMaxItems=int, qnamesPinnedPath=string, external=bool}", "Return a new eBPF socket filter with specified options." }, { "newCA", true, "address", "Returns a ComboAddress based on `address`" }, #ifdef HAVE_CDB { "newCDBKVStore", true, "fname, refreshDelay", "Return a new KeyValueStore object associated to the corresponding CDB database" }, #endif { "newDNSName", true, "name", "make a DNSName based on this .-terminated name" }, { "newDNSNameSet", true, "", "returns a new DNSNameSet" }, { "newDynBPFFilter", true, "bpf", "Return a new dynamic eBPF filter associated to a given BPF Filter" }, { "newFrameStreamTcpLogger", true, "addr [, options]", "create a FrameStream logger object writing to a TCP address (addr should be ip:port), to use with `DnstapLogAction()` and `DnstapLogResponseAction()`" }, { "newFrameStreamUnixLogger", true, "socket [, options]", "create a FrameStream logger object writing to a local unix socket, to use with `DnstapLogAction()` and `DnstapLogResponseAction()`" }, #ifdef HAVE_LMDB { "newLMDBKVStore", true, "fname, dbName [, noLock]", "Return a new KeyValueStore object associated to the corresponding LMDB database" }, #endif { "newNMG", true, "", "Returns a NetmaskGroup" }, { "newPacketCache", true, "maxEntries[, maxTTL=86400, minTTL=0, temporaryFailureTTL=60, staleTTL=60, dontAge=false, numberOfShards=1, deferrableInsertLock=true, options={}]", "return a new Packet Cache" }, { "newQPSLimiter", true, "rate, burst", "configure a QPS limiter with that rate and that burst capacity" }, { "newRemoteLogger", true, "address:port [, timeout=2, maxQueuedEntries=100, reconnectWaitTime=1]", "create a Remote Logger object, to use with `RemoteLogAction()` and `RemoteLogResponseAction()`" }, { "newRuleAction", true, "DNS rule, DNS action [, {uuid=\"UUID\", name=\"name\"}]", "return a pair of DNS Rule and DNS Action, to be used with `setRules()`" }, { "newServer", true, "{address=\"ip:port\", qps=1000, order=1, weight=10, pool=\"abuse\", retries=5, tcpConnectTimeout=5, tcpSendTimeout=30, tcpRecvTimeout=30, checkName=\"a.root-servers.net.\", checkType=\"A\", maxCheckFailures=1, mustResolve=false, useClientSubnet=true, source=\"address|interface name|address@interface\", sockets=1, reconnectOnUp=false}", "instantiate a server" }, { "newServerPolicy", true, "name, function", "create a policy object from a Lua function" }, { "newSuffixMatchNode", true, "", "returns a new SuffixMatchNode" }, { "newSVCRecordParameters", true, "priority, target, mandatoryParams, alpns, noDefaultAlpn [, port [, ech [, ipv4hints [, ipv6hints [, additionalParameters ]]]]]", "return a new SVCRecordParameters object, to use with SpoofSVCAction" }, { "NegativeAndSOAAction", true, "nxd, zone, ttl, mname, rname, serial, refresh, retry, expire, minimum [, options]", "Turn a query into a NXDomain or NoData answer and sets a SOA record in the additional section" }, { "NoneAction", true, "", "Does nothing. Subsequent rules are processed after this action" }, { "NotRule", true, "selector", "Matches the traffic if the selector rule does not match" }, { "OpcodeRule", true, "code", "Matches queries with opcode code. code can be directly specified as an integer, or one of the built-in DNSOpcodes" }, { "OrRule", true, "selectors", "Matches the traffic if one or more of the the selectors rules does match" }, { "PoolAction", true, "poolname [, stop]", "set the packet into the specified pool" }, { "PoolAvailableRule", true, "poolname", "Check whether a pool has any servers available to handle queries" }, { "PoolOutstandingRule", true, "poolname, limit", "Check whether a pool has outstanding queries above limit" }, { "printDNSCryptProviderFingerprint", true, "\"/path/to/providerPublic.key\"", "display the fingerprint of the provided resolver public key" }, { "ProbaRule", true, "probability", "Matches queries with a given probability. 1.0 means always" }, { "ProxyProtocolValueRule", true, "type [, value]", "matches queries with a specified Proxy Protocol TLV value of that type, optionally matching the content of the option as well" }, { "QClassRule", true, "qclass", "Matches queries with the specified qclass. class can be specified as an integer or as one of the built-in DNSClass" }, { "QNameLabelsCountRule", true, "min, max", "matches if the qname has less than `min` or more than `max` labels" }, { "QNameRule", true, "qname", "matches queries with the specified qname" }, { "QNameSetRule", true, "set", "Matches if the set contains exact qname" }, { "QNameWireLengthRule", true, "min, max", "matches if the qname's length on the wire is less than `min` or more than `max` bytes" }, { "QPSAction", true, "maxqps", "Drop a packet if it does exceed the maxqps queries per second limits. Letting the subsequent rules apply otherwise" }, { "QPSPoolAction", true, "maxqps, poolname [, stop]", "Send the packet into the specified pool only if it does not exceed the maxqps queries per second limits. Letting the subsequent rules apply otherwise" }, { "QTypeRule", true, "qtype", "matches queries with the specified qtype" }, { "RCodeAction", true, "rcode", "Reply immediately by turning the query into a response with the specified rcode" }, { "RCodeRule", true, "rcode", "matches responses with the specified rcode" }, { "RDRule", true, "", "Matches queries with the RD flag set" }, { "RecordsCountRule", true, "section, minCount, maxCount", "Matches if there is at least minCount and at most maxCount records in the section section. section can be specified as an integer or as a DNS Packet Sections" }, { "RecordsTypeCountRule", true, "section, qtype, minCount, maxCount", "Matches if there is at least minCount and at most maxCount records of type type in the section section" }, { "RegexRule", true, "regex", "matches the query name against the supplied regex" }, { "registerDynBPFFilter", true, "DynBPFFilter", "register this dynamic BPF filter into the web interface so that its counters are displayed" }, { "reloadAllCertificates", true, "", "reload all DNSCrypt and TLS certificates, along with their associated keys" }, { "RemoteLogAction", true, "RemoteLogger [, alterFunction [, serverID]]", "send the content of this query to a remote logger via Protocol Buffer. `alterFunction` is a callback, receiving a DNSQuestion and a DNSDistProtoBufMessage, that can be used to modify the Protocol Buffer content, for example for anonymization purposes. `serverID` is the server identifier." }, { "RemoteLogResponseAction", true, "RemoteLogger [,alterFunction [,includeCNAME [, serverID]]]", "send the content of this response to a remote logger via Protocol Buffer. `alterFunction` is the same callback than the one in `RemoteLogAction` and `includeCNAME` indicates whether CNAME records inside the response should be parsed and exported. The default is to only exports A and AAAA records. `serverID` is the server identifier." }, { "requestTCPStatesDump", true, "", "Request a dump of the TCP states (incoming connections, outgoing connections) during the next scan. Useful for debugging purposes only" }, { "rmACL", true, "netmask", "remove netmask from ACL" }, { "rmCacheHitResponseRule", true, "id", "remove cache hit response rule in position 'id', or whose uuid matches if 'id' is an UUID string, or finally whose name matches if 'id' is a string but not a valid UUID" }, { "rmCacheInsertedResponseRule", true, "id", "remove cache inserted response rule in position 'id', or whose uuid matches if 'id' is an UUID string, or finally whose name matches if 'id' is a string but not a valid UUID" }, { "rmResponseRule", true, "id", "remove response rule in position 'id', or whose uuid matches if 'id' is an UUID string, or finally whose name matches if 'id' is a string but not a valid UUID" }, { "rmRule", true, "id", "remove rule in position 'id', or whose uuid matches if 'id' is an UUID string, or finally whose name matches if 'id' is a string but not a valid UUID" }, { "rmSelfAnsweredResponseRule", true, "id", "remove self-answered response rule in position 'id', or whose uuid matches if 'id' is an UUID string, or finally whose name matches if 'id' is a string but not a valid UUID" }, { "rmServer", true, "id", "remove server with index 'id' or whose uuid matches if 'id' is an UUID string" }, { "roundrobin", false, "", "Simple round robin over available servers" }, { "sendCustomTrap", true, "str", "send a custom `SNMP` trap from Lua, containing the `str` string"}, { "setACL", true, "{netmask, netmask}", "replace the ACL set with these netmasks. Use `setACL({})` to reset the list, meaning no one can use us" }, { "setACLFromFile", true, "file", "replace the ACL set with netmasks in this file" }, { "setAddEDNSToSelfGeneratedResponses", true, "add", "set whether to add EDNS to self-generated responses, provided that the initial query had EDNS" }, { "setAllowEmptyResponse", true, "allow", "Set to true (defaults to false) to allow empty responses (qdcount=0) with a NoError or NXDomain rcode (default) from backends" }, { "setAPIWritable", true, "bool, dir", "allow modifications via the API. if `dir` is set, it must be a valid directory where the configuration files will be written by the API" }, { "setCacheCleaningDelay", true, "num", "Set the interval in seconds between two runs of the cache cleaning algorithm, removing expired entries" }, { "setCacheCleaningPercentage", true, "num", "Set the percentage of the cache that the cache cleaning algorithm will try to free by removing expired entries. By default (100), all expired entries are remove" }, { "setConsistentHashingBalancingFactor", true, "factor", "Set the balancing factor for bounded-load consistent hashing" }, { "setConsoleACL", true, "{netmask, netmask}", "replace the console ACL set with these netmasks" }, { "setConsoleConnectionsLogging", true, "enabled", "whether to log the opening and closing of console connections" }, { "setConsoleMaximumConcurrentConnections", true, "max", "Set the maximum number of concurrent console connections" }, { "setConsoleOutputMaxMsgSize", true, "messageSize", "set console message maximum size in bytes, default is 10 MB" }, { "setDefaultBPFFilter", true, "filter", "When used at configuration time, the corresponding BPFFilter will be attached to every bind" }, { "setDoHDownstreamCleanupInterval", true, "interval", "minimum interval in seconds between two cleanups of the idle DoH downstream connections" }, { "setDoHDownstreamMaxIdleTime", true, "time", "Maximum time in seconds that a downstream DoH connection to a backend might stay idle" }, { "setDynBlocksAction", true, "action", "set which action is performed when a query is blocked. Only DNSAction.Drop (the default) and DNSAction.Refused are supported" }, { "setDynBlocksPurgeInterval", true, "sec", "set how often the expired dynamic block entries should be removed" }, { "setDropEmptyQueries", true, "drop", "Whether to drop empty queries right away instead of sending a NOTIMP response" }, { "setECSOverride", true, "bool", "whether to override an existing EDNS Client Subnet value in the query" }, { "setECSSourcePrefixV4", true, "prefix-length", "the EDNS Client Subnet prefix-length used for IPv4 queries" }, { "setECSSourcePrefixV6", true, "prefix-length", "the EDNS Client Subnet prefix-length used for IPv6 queries" }, { "setKey", true, "key", "set access key to that key" }, { "setLocal", true, "addr [, {doTCP=true, reusePort=false, tcpFastOpenQueueSize=0, interface=\"\", cpus={}}]", "reset the list of addresses we listen on to this address" }, { "setMaxCachedDoHConnectionsPerDownstream", true, "max", "Set the maximum number of inactive DoH connections to a backend cached by each worker DoH thread" }, { "setMaxCachedTCPConnectionsPerDownstream", true, "max", "Set the maximum number of inactive TCP connections to a backend cached by each worker TCP thread" }, { "setMaxTCPClientThreads", true, "n", "set the maximum of TCP client threads, handling TCP connections" }, { "setMaxTCPConnectionDuration", true, "n", "set the maximum duration of an incoming TCP connection, in seconds. 0 means unlimited" }, { "setMaxTCPConnectionsPerClient", true, "n", "set the maximum number of TCP connections per client. 0 means unlimited" }, { "setMaxTCPQueriesPerConnection", true, "n", "set the maximum number of queries in an incoming TCP connection. 0 means unlimited" }, { "setMaxTCPQueuedConnections", true, "n", "set the maximum number of TCP connections queued (waiting to be picked up by a client thread)" }, { "setMaxUDPOutstanding", true, "n", "set the maximum number of outstanding UDP queries to a given backend server. This can only be set at configuration time and defaults to 65535" }, { "setMetric", true, "name, value", "Set the value of a custom metric to the supplied value" }, { "setPayloadSizeOnSelfGeneratedAnswers", true, "payloadSize", "set the UDP payload size advertised via EDNS on self-generated responses" }, { "setPoolServerPolicy", true, "policy, pool", "set the server selection policy for this pool to that policy" }, { "setPoolServerPolicyLua", true, "name, function, pool", "set the server selection policy for this pool to one named 'name' and provided by 'function'" }, { "setPoolServerPolicyLuaFFI", true, "name, function, pool", "set the server selection policy for this pool to one named 'name' and provided by 'function'" }, { "setPoolServerPolicyLuaFFIPerThread", true, "name, code", "set server selection policy for this pool to one named 'name' and returned by the Lua FFI code passed in 'code'" }, { "setProxyProtocolACL", true, "{netmask, netmask}", "Set the netmasks who are allowed to send Proxy Protocol headers in front of queries/connections" }, { "setProxyProtocolApplyACLToProxiedClients", true, "apply", "Whether the general ACL should be applied to the source IP address gathered from a Proxy Protocol header, in addition to being first applied to the source address seen by dnsdist" }, { "setProxyProtocolMaximumPayloadSize", true, "max", "Set the maximum size of a Proxy Protocol payload, in bytes" }, { "setQueryCount", true, "bool", "set whether queries should be counted" }, { "setQueryCountFilter", true, "func", "filter queries that would be counted, where `func` is a function with parameter `dq` which decides whether a query should and how it should be counted" }, { "SetReducedTTLResponseAction", true, "percentage", "Reduce the TTL of records in a response to a given percentage" }, { "setRingBuffersLockRetries", true, "n", "set the number of attempts to get a non-blocking lock to a ringbuffer shard before blocking" }, { "setRingBuffersOptions", true, "{ lockRetries=int, recordQueries=true, recordResponses=true }", "set ringbuffer options" }, { "setRingBuffersSize", true, "n [, numberOfShards]", "set the capacity of the ringbuffers used for live traffic inspection to `n`, and optionally the number of shards to use to `numberOfShards`" }, { "setRoundRobinFailOnNoServer", true, "value", "By default the roundrobin load-balancing policy will still try to select a backend even if all backends are currently down. Setting this to true will make the policy fail and return that no server is available instead" }, { "setRules", true, "list of rules", "replace the current rules with the supplied list of pairs of DNS Rules and DNS Actions (see `newRuleAction()`)" }, { "setSecurityPollInterval", true, "n", "set the security polling interval to `n` seconds" }, { "setSecurityPollSuffix", true, "suffix", "set the security polling suffix to the specified value" }, { "setServerPolicy", true, "policy", "set server selection policy to that policy" }, { "setServerPolicyLua", true, "name, function", "set server selection policy to one named 'name' and provided by 'function'" }, { "setServerPolicyLuaFFI", true, "name, function", "set server selection policy to one named 'name' and provided by the Lua FFI 'function'" }, { "setServerPolicyLuaFFIPerThread", true, "name, code", "set server selection policy to one named 'name' and returned by the Lua FFI code passed in 'code'" }, { "setServFailWhenNoServer", true, "bool", "if set, return a ServFail when no servers are available, instead of the default behaviour of dropping the query" }, { "setStaleCacheEntriesTTL", true, "n", "allows using cache entries expired for at most n seconds when there is no backend available to answer for a query" }, { "setSyslogFacility", true, "facility", "set the syslog logging facility to 'facility'. Defaults to LOG_DAEMON" }, { "setTCPDownstreamCleanupInterval", true, "interval", "minimum interval in seconds between two cleanups of the idle TCP downstream connections" }, { "setTCPFastOpenKey", true, "string", "TCP Fast Open Key" }, { "setTCPDownstreamMaxIdleTime", true, "time", "Maximum time in seconds that a downstream TCP connection to a backend might stay idle" }, { "setTCPInternalPipeBufferSize", true, "size", "Set the size in bytes of the internal buffer of the pipes used internally to distribute connections to TCP (and DoT) workers threads" }, { "setTCPRecvTimeout", true, "n", "set the read timeout on TCP connections from the client, in seconds" }, { "setTCPSendTimeout", true, "n", "set the write timeout on TCP connections from the client, in seconds" }, { "setUDPMultipleMessagesVectorSize", true, "n", "set the size of the vector passed to recvmmsg() to receive UDP messages. Default to 1 which means that the feature is disabled and recvmsg() is used instead" }, { "setUDPSocketBufferSizes", true, "recv, send", "Set the size of the receive (SO_RCVBUF) and send (SO_SNDBUF) buffers for incoming UDP sockets" }, { "setUDPTimeout", true, "n", "set the maximum time dnsdist will wait for a response from a backend over UDP, in seconds" }, { "setVerbose", true, "bool", "set whether log messages at the verbose level will be logged" }, { "setVerboseHealthChecks", true, "bool", "set whether health check errors will be logged" }, { "setVerboseLogDestination", true, "destination file", "Set a destination file to write the 'verbose' log messages to, instead of sending them to syslog and/or the standard output" }, { "setWebserverConfig", true, "[{password=string, apiKey=string, customHeaders, statsRequireAuthentication}]", "Updates webserver configuration" }, { "setWeightedBalancingFactor", true, "factor", "Set the balancing factor for bounded-load weighted policies (whashed, wrandom)" }, { "setWHashedPertubation", true, "value", "Set the hash perturbation value to be used in the whashed policy instead of a random one, allowing to have consistent whashed results on different instance" }, { "show", true, "string", "outputs `string`" }, { "showACL", true, "", "show our ACL set" }, { "showBinds", true, "", "show listening addresses (frontends)" }, { "showCacheHitResponseRules", true, "[{showUUIDs=false, truncateRuleWidth=-1}]", "show all defined cache hit response rules, optionally with their UUIDs and optionally truncated to a given width" }, { "showConsoleACL", true, "", "show our current console ACL set" }, { "showDNSCryptBinds", true, "", "display the currently configured DNSCrypt binds" }, { "showDOHFrontends", true, "", "list all the available DOH frontends" }, { "showDOHResponseCodes", true, "", "show the HTTP response code statistics for the DoH frontends"}, { "showDynBlocks", true, "", "show dynamic blocks in force" }, { "showPools", true, "", "show the available pools" }, { "showPoolServerPolicy", true, "pool", "show server selection policy for this pool" }, { "showResponseLatency", true, "", "show a plot of the response time latency distribution" }, { "showResponseRules", true, "[{showUUIDs=false, truncateRuleWidth=-1}]", "show all defined response rules, optionally with their UUIDs and optionally truncated to a given width" }, { "showRules", true, "[{showUUIDs=false, truncateRuleWidth=-1}]", "show all defined rules, optionally with their UUIDs and optionally truncated to a given width" }, { "showSecurityStatus", true, "", "Show the security status"}, { "showSelfAnsweredResponseRules", true, "[{showUUIDs=false, truncateRuleWidth=-1}]", "show all defined self-answered response rules, optionally with their UUIDs and optionally truncated to a given width" }, { "showServerPolicy", true, "", "show name of currently operational server selection policy" }, { "showServers", true, "[{showUUIDs=false}]", "output all servers, optionally with their UUIDs" }, { "showTCPStats", true, "", "show some statistics regarding TCP" }, { "showTLSContexts", true, "", "list all the available TLS contexts" }, { "showTLSErrorCounters", true, "", "show metrics about TLS handshake failures" }, { "showVersion", true, "", "show the current version" }, { "showWebserverConfig", true, "", "Show the current webserver configuration" }, { "shutdown", true, "", "shut down `dnsdist`" }, { "snmpAgent", true, "enableTraps [, daemonSocket]", "enable `SNMP` support. `enableTraps` is a boolean indicating whether traps should be sent and `daemonSocket` an optional string specifying how to connect to the daemon agent"}, { "SetAdditionalProxyProtocolValueAction", true, "type, value", "Add a Proxy Protocol TLV value of this type" }, { "SetDisableECSAction", true, "", "Disable the sending of ECS to the backend. Subsequent rules are processed after this action." }, { "SetDisableValidationAction", true, "", "set the CD bit in the question, let it go through" }, { "SetECSAction", true, "v4[, v6]", "Set the ECS prefix and prefix length sent to backends to an arbitrary value" }, { "SetECSOverrideAction", true, "override", "Whether an existing EDNS Client Subnet value should be overridden (true) or not (false). Subsequent rules are processed after this action" }, { "SetECSPrefixLengthAction", true, "v4, v6", "Set the ECS prefix length. Subsequent rules are processed after this action" }, { "SetMacAddrAction", true, "option", "Add the source MAC address to the query as EDNS0 option option. This action is currently only supported on Linux. Subsequent rules are processed after this action" }, { "SetEDNSOptionAction", true, "option, data", "Add arbitrary EDNS option and data to the query. Subsequent rules are processed after this action" }, { "SetNoRecurseAction", true, "", "strip RD bit from the question, let it go through" }, { "setOutgoingDoHWorkerThreads", true, "n", "Number of outgoing DoH worker threads" }, { "SetProxyProtocolValuesAction", true, "values", "Set the Proxy-Protocol values for this queries to 'values'" }, { "SetSkipCacheAction", true, "", "Don’t lookup the cache for this query, don’t store the answer" }, { "SetSkipCacheResponseAction", true, "", "Don’t store this response into the cache" }, { "SetTagAction", true, "name, value", "set the tag named 'name' to the given value" }, { "SetTagResponseAction", true, "name, value", "set the tag named 'name' to the given value" }, { "SetTempFailureCacheTTLAction", true, "ttl", "set packetcache TTL for temporary failure replies" }, { "SNIRule", true, "name", "Create a rule which matches on the incoming TLS SNI value, if any (DoT or DoH)" }, { "SNMPTrapAction", true, "[reason]", "send an SNMP trap, adding the optional `reason` string as the query description"}, { "SNMPTrapResponseAction", true, "[reason]", "send an SNMP trap, adding the optional `reason` string as the response description"}, { "SpoofAction", true, "ip|list of ips [, options]", "forge a response with the specified IPv4 (for an A query) or IPv6 (for an AAAA). If you specify multiple addresses, all that match the query type (A, AAAA or ANY) will get spoofed in" }, { "SpoofCNAMEAction", true, "cname [, options]", "Forge a response with the specified CNAME value" }, { "SpoofRawAction", true, "raw|list of raws [, options]", "Forge a response with the specified record data as raw bytes. If you specify multiple raws (it is assumed they match the query type), all will get spoofed in" }, { "SpoofSVCAction", true, "list of svcParams [, options]", "Forge a response with the specified SVC record data" } , { "SuffixMatchNodeRule", true, "smn[, quiet]", "Matches based on a group of domain suffixes for rapid testing of membership. Pass true as second parameter to prevent listing of all domains matched" }, { "TagRule", true, "name [, value]", "matches if the tag named 'name' is present, with the given 'value' matching if any" }, { "TCAction", true, "", "create answer to query with TC and RD bits set, to move to TCP" }, { "TCPRule", true, "[tcp]", "Matches question received over TCP if tcp is true, over UDP otherwise" }, { "TeeAction", true, "remote [, addECS [, local]]", "send copy of query to remote, optionally adding ECS info, optionally set local address" }, { "testCrypto", true, "", "test of the crypto all works" }, { "TimedIPSetRule", true, "", "Create a rule which matches a set of IP addresses which expire"}, { "topBandwidth", true, "top", "show top-`top` clients that consume the most bandwidth over length of ringbuffer" }, { "topCacheHitResponseRules", true, "[top][, vars]", "show `top` cache-hit response rules" }, { "topCacheInsertedResponseRules", true, "[top][, vars]", "show `top` cache-inserted response rules" }, { "topClients", true, "n", "show top-`n` clients sending the most queries over length of ringbuffer" }, { "topQueries", true, "n[, labels]", "show top 'n' queries, as grouped when optionally cut down to 'labels' labels" }, { "topResponses", true, "n, kind[, labels]", "show top 'n' responses with RCODE=kind (0=NO Error, 2=ServFail, 3=NXDomain), as grouped when optionally cut down to 'labels' labels" }, { "topResponseRules", true, "[top][, vars]", "show `top` response rules" }, { "topRules", true, "[top][, vars]", "show `top` rules" }, { "topSelfAnsweredResponseRules", true, "[top][, vars]", "show `top` self-answered response rules" }, { "topSlow", true, "[top][, limit][, labels]", "show `top` queries slower than `limit` milliseconds, grouped by last `labels` labels" }, { "TrailingDataRule", true, "", "Matches if the query has trailing data" }, { "truncateTC", true, "bool", "if set (defaults to no starting with dnsdist 1.2.0) truncate TC=1 answers so they are actually empty. Fixes an issue for PowerDNS Authoritative Server 2.9.22. Note: turning this on breaks compatibility with RFC 6891." }, { "unregisterDynBPFFilter", true, "DynBPFFilter", "unregister this dynamic BPF filter" }, { "webserver", true, "address:port", "launch a webserver with stats on that address" }, { "whashed", false, "", "Weighted hashed ('sticky') distribution over available servers, based on the server 'weight' parameter" }, { "chashed", false, "", "Consistent hashed ('sticky') distribution over available servers, also based on the server 'weight' parameter" }, { "wrandom", false, "", "Weighted random over available servers, based on the server 'weight' parameter" }, }; #if defined(HAVE_LIBEDIT) extern "C" { static char* my_generator(const char* text, int state) { string t(text); /* to keep it readable, we try to keep only 4 keywords per line and to start a new line when the first letter changes */ static int s_counter = 0; int counter=0; if (!state) { s_counter = 0; } for (const auto& keyword : g_consoleKeywords) { if (boost::starts_with(keyword.name, t) && counter++ == s_counter) { std::string value(keyword.name); s_counter++; if (keyword.function) { value += "("; if (keyword.parameters.empty()) { value += ")"; } } return strdup(value.c_str()); } } return 0; } char** my_completion( const char * text , int start, int end) { char **matches=0; if (start == 0) { matches = rl_completion_matches ((char*)text, &my_generator); } // skip default filename completion. rl_attempted_completion_over = 1; return matches; } } #endif /* HAVE_LIBEDIT */ #endif /* DISABLE_COMPLETION */ static void controlClientThread(ConsoleConnection&& conn) { try { setThreadName("dnsdist/conscli"); setTCPNoDelay(conn.getFD()); SodiumNonce theirs, ours, readingNonce, writingNonce; ours.init(); readn2(conn.getFD(), (char*)theirs.value, sizeof(theirs.value)); writen2(conn.getFD(), (char*)ours.value, sizeof(ours.value)); readingNonce.merge(ours, theirs); writingNonce.merge(theirs, ours); for (;;) { uint32_t len; if (getMsgLen32(conn.getFD(), &len) != ConsoleCommandResult::Valid) { break; } if (len == 0) { /* just ACK an empty message with an empty response */ putMsgLen32(conn.getFD(), 0); continue; } std::string line; line.resize(len); readn2(conn.getFD(), line.data(), len); line = sodDecryptSym(line, g_consoleKey, readingNonce); string response; try { bool withReturn = true; retry:; try { auto lua = g_lua.lock(); g_outputBuffer.clear(); resetLuaSideEffect(); auto ret = lua->executeCode< boost::optional< boost::variant< string, shared_ptr, ClientState*, std::unordered_map > > >(withReturn ? ("return "+line) : line); if (ret) { if (const auto dsValue = boost::get>(&*ret)) { if (*dsValue) { response = (*dsValue)->getName()+"\n"; } else { response = ""; } } else if (const auto csValue = boost::get(&*ret)) { if (*csValue) { response = (*csValue)->local.toStringWithPort()+"\n"; } else { response = ""; } } else if (const auto strValue = boost::get(&*ret)) { response = *strValue+"\n"; } else if (const auto um = boost::get >(&*ret)) { using namespace json11; Json::object o; for(const auto& v : *um) { o[v.first] = v.second; } Json out = o; response = out.dump()+"\n"; } } else { response = g_outputBuffer; } if (!getLuaNoSideEffect()) { feedConfigDelta(line); } } catch (const LuaContext::SyntaxErrorException&) { if(withReturn) { withReturn=false; goto retry; } throw; } } catch(const LuaContext::WrongTypeException& e) { response = "Command returned an object we can't print: " +std::string(e.what()) + "\n"; // tried to return something we don't understand } catch (const LuaContext::ExecutionErrorException& e) { if (!strcmp(e.what(),"invalid key to 'next'")) { response = "Error: Parsing function parameters, did you forget parameter name?"; } else { response = "Error: " + string(e.what()); } try { std::rethrow_if_nested(e); } catch (const std::exception& ne) { // ne is the exception that was thrown from inside the lambda response+= ": " + string(ne.what()); } catch (const PDNSException& ne) { // ne is the exception that was thrown from inside the lambda response += ": " + string(ne.reason); } } catch (const LuaContext::SyntaxErrorException& e) { response = "Error: " + string(e.what()) + ": "; } response = sodEncryptSym(response, g_consoleKey, writingNonce); putMsgLen32(conn.getFD(), response.length()); writen2(conn.getFD(), response.c_str(), response.length()); } if (g_logConsoleConnections) { infolog("Closed control connection from %s", conn.getClient().toStringWithPort()); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { errlog("Got an exception in client connection from %s: %s", conn.getClient().toStringWithPort(), e.what()); } } void controlThread(int fd, ComboAddress local) { FDWrapper acceptFD(fd); try { setThreadName("dnsdist/control"); ComboAddress client; int sock; auto localACL = g_consoleACL.getLocal(); infolog("Accepting control connections on %s", local.toStringWithPort()); while ((sock = SAccept(acceptFD.getHandle(), client)) >= 0) { FDWrapper socket(sock); if (!sodIsValidKey(g_consoleKey)) { vinfolog("Control connection from %s dropped because we don't have a valid key configured, please configure one using setKey()", client.toStringWithPort()); continue; } if (!localACL->match(client)) { vinfolog("Control connection from %s dropped because of ACL", client.toStringWithPort()); continue; } try { ConsoleConnection conn(client, std::move(socket)); if (g_logConsoleConnections) { warnlog("Got control connection from %s", client.toStringWithPort()); } std::thread t(controlClientThread, std::move(conn)); t.detach(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { errlog("Control connection died: %s", e.what()); } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { errlog("Control thread died: %s", e.what()); } } void clearConsoleHistory() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBEDIT clear_history(); #endif /* HAVE_LIBEDIT */ g_confDelta.clear(); }