/* * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist. * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries * produced as the result of such linking. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #ifndef DISABLE_DYNBLOCKS #include #include "dolog.hh" #include "dnsdist-rings.hh" #include "statnode.hh" extern "C" { #include "dnsdist-lua-inspection-ffi.h" } // dnsdist_ffi_stat_node_t is a lightuserdata template<> struct LuaContext::Pusher { static const int minSize = 1; static const int maxSize = 1; static PushedObject push(lua_State* state, dnsdist_ffi_stat_node_t* ptr) noexcept { lua_pushlightuserdata(state, ptr); return PushedObject{state, 1}; } }; typedef std::function dnsdist_ffi_stat_node_visitor_t; struct dnsdist_ffi_stat_node_t { dnsdist_ffi_stat_node_t(const StatNode& node_, const StatNode::Stat& self_, const StatNode::Stat& children_, std::optional& reason_): node(node_), self(self_), children(children_), reason(reason_) { } const StatNode& node; const StatNode::Stat& self; const StatNode::Stat& children; std::optional& reason; }; class DynBlockRulesGroup { private: struct Counts { std::map d_rcodeCounts; std::map d_qtypeCounts; uint64_t queries{0}; uint64_t responses{0}; uint64_t respBytes{0}; }; struct DynBlockRule { DynBlockRule(): d_enabled(false) { } DynBlockRule(const std::string& blockReason, unsigned int blockDuration, unsigned int rate, unsigned int warningRate, unsigned int seconds, DNSAction::Action action): d_blockReason(blockReason), d_blockDuration(blockDuration), d_rate(rate), d_warningRate(warningRate), d_seconds(seconds), d_action(action), d_enabled(true) { } bool matches(const struct timespec& when) { if (!d_enabled) { return false; } if (d_seconds && when < d_cutOff) { return false; } if (when < d_minTime) { d_minTime = when; } return true; } bool rateExceeded(unsigned int count, const struct timespec& now) const { if (!d_enabled) { return false; } double delta = d_seconds ? d_seconds : DiffTime(now, d_minTime); double limit = delta * d_rate; return (count > limit); } bool warningRateExceeded(unsigned int count, const struct timespec& now) const { if (!d_enabled) { return false; } if (d_warningRate == 0) { return false; } double delta = d_seconds ? d_seconds : DiffTime(now, d_minTime); double limit = delta * d_warningRate; return (count > limit); } bool isEnabled() const { return d_enabled; } std::string toString() const { if (!isEnabled()) { return ""; } std::stringstream result; if (d_action != DNSAction::Action::None) { result << DNSAction::typeToString(d_action) << " "; } else { result << "Apply the global DynBlock action "; } result << "for " << std::to_string(d_blockDuration) << " seconds when over " << std::to_string(d_rate) << " during the last " << d_seconds << " seconds, reason: '" << d_blockReason << "'"; return result.str(); } std::string d_blockReason; struct timespec d_cutOff; struct timespec d_minTime; unsigned int d_blockDuration{0}; unsigned int d_rate{0}; unsigned int d_warningRate{0}; unsigned int d_seconds{0}; DNSAction::Action d_action{DNSAction::Action::None}; bool d_enabled{false}; }; struct DynBlockRatioRule: DynBlockRule { DynBlockRatioRule(): DynBlockRule() { } DynBlockRatioRule(const std::string& blockReason, unsigned int blockDuration, double ratio, double warningRatio, unsigned int seconds, DNSAction::Action action, size_t minimumNumberOfResponses): DynBlockRule(blockReason, blockDuration, 0, 0, seconds, action), d_minimumNumberOfResponses(minimumNumberOfResponses), d_ratio(ratio), d_warningRatio(warningRatio) { } bool ratioExceeded(unsigned int total, unsigned int count) const { if (!d_enabled) { return false; } if (total < d_minimumNumberOfResponses) { return false; } double allowed = d_ratio * static_cast(total); return (count > allowed); } bool warningRatioExceeded(unsigned int total, unsigned int count) const { if (!d_enabled) { return false; } if (d_warningRatio == 0.0) { return false; } if (total < d_minimumNumberOfResponses) { return false; } double allowed = d_warningRatio * static_cast(total); return (count > allowed); } std::string toString() const { if (!isEnabled()) { return ""; } std::stringstream result; if (d_action != DNSAction::Action::None) { result << DNSAction::typeToString(d_action) << " "; } else { result << "Apply the global DynBlock action "; } result << "for " << std::to_string(d_blockDuration) << " seconds when over " << std::to_string(d_ratio) << " ratio during the last " << d_seconds << " seconds, reason: '" << d_blockReason << "'"; return result.str(); } size_t d_minimumNumberOfResponses{0}; double d_ratio{0.0}; double d_warningRatio{0.0}; }; typedef std::unordered_map counts_t; public: DynBlockRulesGroup() { } void setQueryRate(unsigned int rate, unsigned int warningRate, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, DNSAction::Action action) { d_queryRateRule = DynBlockRule(reason, blockDuration, rate, warningRate, seconds, action); } /* rate is in bytes per second */ void setResponseByteRate(unsigned int rate, unsigned int warningRate, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, DNSAction::Action action) { d_respRateRule = DynBlockRule(reason, blockDuration, rate, warningRate, seconds, action); } void setRCodeRate(uint8_t rcode, unsigned int rate, unsigned int warningRate, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, DNSAction::Action action) { auto& entry = d_rcodeRules[rcode]; entry = DynBlockRule(reason, blockDuration, rate, warningRate, seconds, action); } void setRCodeRatio(uint8_t rcode, double ratio, double warningRatio, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, DNSAction::Action action, size_t minimumNumberOfResponses) { auto& entry = d_rcodeRatioRules[rcode]; entry = DynBlockRatioRule(reason, blockDuration, ratio, warningRatio, seconds, action, minimumNumberOfResponses); } void setQTypeRate(uint16_t qtype, unsigned int rate, unsigned int warningRate, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, DNSAction::Action action) { auto& entry = d_qtypeRules[qtype]; entry = DynBlockRule(reason, blockDuration, rate, warningRate, seconds, action); } typedef std::function>(const StatNode&, const StatNode::Stat&, const StatNode::Stat&)> smtVisitor_t; void setSuffixMatchRule(unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, DNSAction::Action action, smtVisitor_t visitor) { d_suffixMatchRule = DynBlockRule(reason, blockDuration, 0, 0, seconds, action); d_smtVisitor = visitor; } void setSuffixMatchRuleFFI(unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, DNSAction::Action action, dnsdist_ffi_stat_node_visitor_t visitor) { d_suffixMatchRule = DynBlockRule(reason, blockDuration, 0, 0, seconds, action); d_smtVisitorFFI = visitor; } void setMasks(uint8_t v4, uint8_t v6, uint8_t port) { d_v4Mask = v4; d_v6Mask = v6; d_portMask = port; } void apply() { struct timespec now; gettime(&now); apply(now); } void apply(const struct timespec& now); void excludeRange(const Netmask& range) { d_excludedSubnets.addMask(range); } void excludeRange(const NetmaskGroup& group) { d_excludedSubnets.addMasks(group, true); } void includeRange(const Netmask& range) { d_excludedSubnets.addMask(range, false); } void includeRange(const NetmaskGroup& group) { d_excludedSubnets.addMasks(group, false); } void removeRange(const Netmask& range) { d_excludedSubnets.deleteMask(range); } void removeRange(const NetmaskGroup& group) { d_excludedSubnets.deleteMasks(group); } void excludeDomain(const DNSName& domain) { d_excludedDomains.add(domain); } std::string toString() const { std::stringstream result; result << "Query rate rule: " << d_queryRateRule.toString() << std::endl; result << "Response rate rule: " << d_respRateRule.toString() << std::endl; result << "SuffixMatch rule: " << d_suffixMatchRule.toString() << std::endl; result << "RCode rules: " << std::endl; for (const auto& rule : d_rcodeRules) { result << "- " << RCode::to_s(rule.first) << ": " << rule.second.toString() << std::endl; } for (const auto& rule : d_rcodeRatioRules) { result << "- " << RCode::to_s(rule.first) << ": " << rule.second.toString() << std::endl; } result << "QType rules: " << std::endl; for (const auto& rule : d_qtypeRules) { result << "- " << QType(rule.first).toString() << ": " << rule.second.toString() << std::endl; } result << "Excluded Subnets: " << d_excludedSubnets.toString() << std::endl; result << "Excluded Domains: " << d_excludedDomains.toString() << std::endl; return result.str(); } void setQuiet(bool quiet) { d_beQuiet = quiet; } private: bool checkIfQueryTypeMatches(const Rings::Query& query); bool checkIfResponseCodeMatches(const Rings::Response& response); void addOrRefreshBlock(boost::optional >& blocks, const struct timespec& now, const AddressAndPortRange& requestor, const DynBlockRule& rule, bool& updated, bool warning); void addOrRefreshBlockSMT(SuffixMatchTree& blocks, const struct timespec& now, const DNSName& name, const DynBlockRule& rule, bool& updated); void addBlock(boost::optional >& blocks, const struct timespec& now, const AddressAndPortRange& requestor, const DynBlockRule& rule, bool& updated) { addOrRefreshBlock(blocks, now, requestor, rule, updated, false); } void handleWarning(boost::optional >& blocks, const struct timespec& now, const AddressAndPortRange& requestor, const DynBlockRule& rule, bool& updated) { addOrRefreshBlock(blocks, now, requestor, rule, updated, true); } bool hasQueryRules() const { return d_queryRateRule.isEnabled() || !d_qtypeRules.empty(); } bool hasResponseRules() const { return d_respRateRule.isEnabled() || !d_rcodeRules.empty() || !d_rcodeRatioRules.empty(); } bool hasSuffixMatchRules() const { return d_suffixMatchRule.isEnabled(); } bool hasRules() const { return hasQueryRules() || hasResponseRules(); } void processQueryRules(counts_t& counts, const struct timespec& now); void processResponseRules(counts_t& counts, StatNode& root, const struct timespec& now); std::map d_rcodeRules; std::map d_rcodeRatioRules; std::map d_qtypeRules; DynBlockRule d_queryRateRule; DynBlockRule d_respRateRule; DynBlockRule d_suffixMatchRule; NetmaskGroup d_excludedSubnets; SuffixMatchNode d_excludedDomains; smtVisitor_t d_smtVisitor; dnsdist_ffi_stat_node_visitor_t d_smtVisitorFFI; uint8_t d_v6Mask{128}; uint8_t d_v4Mask{32}; uint8_t d_portMask{0}; bool d_beQuiet{false}; }; class DynBlockMaintenance { public: static void run(); /* return the (cached) number of hits per second for the top offenders, averaged over 60s */ static std::map>> getHitsForTopNetmasks(); static std::map>> getHitsForTopSuffixes(); /* get the the top offenders based on the current value of the counters */ static std::map>> getTopNetmasks(size_t topN); static std::map>> getTopSuffixes(size_t topN); static void purgeExpired(const struct timespec& now); static time_t s_expiredDynBlocksPurgeInterval; private: static void collectMetrics(); static void generateMetrics(); struct MetricsSnapshot { std::map>> nmgData; std::map>> smtData; }; struct Tops { std::map>> topNMGsByReason; std::map>> topSMTsByReason; }; static LockGuarded s_tops; /* s_metricsData should only be accessed by the dynamic blocks maintenance thread so it does not need a lock */ // need N+1 datapoints to be able to do the diff after a collection point has been reached static std::list s_metricsData; static size_t s_topN; }; #endif /* DISABLE_DYNBLOCKS */