/* * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist. * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries * produced as the result of such linking. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "dnsdist.hh" #include "dnsdist-lbpolicies.hh" #include "dnsdist-lua.hh" #include "dnsdist-lua-ffi.hh" #include "dolog.hh" GlobalStateHolder g_policy; bool g_roundrobinFailOnNoServer{false}; static constexpr size_t s_staticArrayCutOff = 16; template using DynamicIndexArray = std::vector>; template using StaticIndexArray = std::array, s_staticArrayCutOff>; template static std::shared_ptr getLeastOutstanding(const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers, T& poss) { /* so you might wonder, why do we go through this trouble? The data on which we sort could change during the sort, which would suck royally and could even lead to crashes. So first we snapshot on what we sort, and then we sort */ size_t usableServers = 0; for (const auto& d : servers) { if (d.second->isUp()) { poss[usableServers] = std::make_pair(std::make_tuple(d.second->outstanding.load(), d.second->d_config.order, d.second->getRelevantLatencyUsec()), d.first); usableServers++; } } if (usableServers == 0) { return shared_ptr(); } std::nth_element(poss.begin(), poss.begin(), poss.begin() + usableServers, [](const typename T::value_type& a, const typename T::value_type& b) { return a.first < b.first; }); // minus 1 because the NumberedServerVector starts at 1 for Lua return servers.at(poss.begin()->second - 1).second; } // get server with least outstanding queries, and within those, with the lowest order, and within those: the fastest shared_ptr leastOutstanding(const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq) { using LeastOutstandingType = std::tuple; if (servers.size() == 1 && servers[0].second->isUp()) { return servers[0].second; } if (servers.size() <= s_staticArrayCutOff) { StaticIndexArray poss; return getLeastOutstanding(servers, poss); } DynamicIndexArray poss; poss.resize(servers.size()); return getLeastOutstanding(servers, poss); } shared_ptr firstAvailable(const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq) { for (auto& d : servers) { if (d.second->isUp() && d.second->qps.checkOnly()) { return d.second; } } return leastOutstanding(servers, dq); } double g_weightedBalancingFactor = 0; template static std::shared_ptr getValRandom(const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers, T& poss, const unsigned int val, const double targetLoad) { constexpr int max = std::numeric_limits::max(); int sum = 0; size_t usableServers = 0; for (const auto& d : servers) { // w=1, w=10 -> 1, 11 if (d.second->isUp() && (g_weightedBalancingFactor == 0 || (d.second->outstanding <= (targetLoad * d.second->d_config.d_weight)))) { // Don't overflow sum when adding high weights if (d.second->d_config.d_weight > max - sum) { sum = max; } else { sum += d.second->d_config.d_weight; } poss[usableServers] = std::make_pair(sum, d.first); usableServers++; } } // Catch the case where usableServers or sum are equal to 0 to avoid a SIGFPE if (usableServers == 0 || sum == 0) { return shared_ptr(); } int r = val % sum; auto p = std::upper_bound(poss.begin(), poss.begin() + usableServers, r, [](int r_, const typename T::value_type& a) { return r_ < a.first;}); if (p == poss.begin() + usableServers) { return shared_ptr(); } // minus 1 because the NumberedServerVector starts at 1 for Lua return servers.at(p->second - 1).second; } static shared_ptr valrandom(const unsigned int val, const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers) { using ValRandomType = int; double targetLoad = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (g_weightedBalancingFactor > 0) { /* we start with one, representing the query we are currently handling */ double currentLoad = 1; size_t totalWeight = 0; for (const auto& pair : servers) { if (pair.second->isUp()) { currentLoad += pair.second->outstanding; totalWeight += pair.second->d_config.d_weight; } } if (totalWeight > 0) { targetLoad = (currentLoad / totalWeight) * g_weightedBalancingFactor; } } if (servers.size() <= s_staticArrayCutOff) { StaticIndexArray poss; return getValRandom(servers, poss, val, targetLoad); } DynamicIndexArray poss; poss.resize(servers.size()); return getValRandom(servers, poss, val, targetLoad); } shared_ptr wrandom(const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq) { return valrandom(random(), servers); } uint32_t g_hashperturb; double g_consistentHashBalancingFactor = 0; shared_ptr whashedFromHash(const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers, size_t hash) { return valrandom(hash, servers); } shared_ptr whashed(const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq) { return whashedFromHash(servers, dq->ids.qname.hash(g_hashperturb)); } shared_ptr chashedFromHash(const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers, size_t qhash) { unsigned int sel = std::numeric_limits::max(); unsigned int min = std::numeric_limits::max(); shared_ptr ret = nullptr, first = nullptr; double targetLoad = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (g_consistentHashBalancingFactor > 0) { /* we start with one, representing the query we are currently handling */ double currentLoad = 1; size_t totalWeight = 0; for (const auto& pair : servers) { if (pair.second->isUp()) { currentLoad += pair.second->outstanding; totalWeight += pair.second->d_config.d_weight; } } if (totalWeight > 0) { targetLoad = (currentLoad / totalWeight) * g_consistentHashBalancingFactor; } } for (const auto& d: servers) { if (d.second->isUp() && (g_consistentHashBalancingFactor == 0 || d.second->outstanding <= (targetLoad * d.second->d_config.d_weight))) { // make sure hashes have been computed if (!d.second->hashesComputed) { d.second->hash(); } { const auto& server = d.second; auto hashes = server->hashes.read_lock(); // we want to keep track of the last hash if (min > *(hashes->begin())) { min = *(hashes->begin()); first = server; } auto hash_it = std::lower_bound(hashes->begin(), hashes->end(), qhash); if (hash_it != hashes->end()) { if (*hash_it < sel) { sel = *hash_it; ret = server; } } } } } if (ret != nullptr) { return ret; } if (first != nullptr) { return first; } return shared_ptr(); } shared_ptr chashed(const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq) { return chashedFromHash(servers, dq->ids.qname.hash(g_hashperturb)); } shared_ptr roundrobin(const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers, const DNSQuestion* dq) { if (servers.empty()) { return shared_ptr(); } vector candidates; candidates.reserve(servers.size()); for (auto& d : servers) { if (d.second->isUp()) { candidates.push_back(d.first); } } if (candidates.empty()) { if (g_roundrobinFailOnNoServer) { return shared_ptr(); } for (auto& d : servers) { candidates.push_back(d.first); } } static unsigned int counter; return servers.at(candidates.at((counter++) % candidates.size()) - 1).second; } const std::shared_ptr getDownstreamCandidates(const pools_t& pools, const std::string& poolName) { std::shared_ptr pool = getPool(pools, poolName); return pool->getServers(); } std::shared_ptr createPoolIfNotExists(pools_t& pools, const string& poolName) { std::shared_ptr pool; pools_t::iterator it = pools.find(poolName); if (it != pools.end()) { pool = it->second; } else { if (!poolName.empty()) vinfolog("Creating pool %s", poolName); pool = std::make_shared(); pools.insert(std::pair >(poolName, pool)); } return pool; } void setPoolPolicy(pools_t& pools, const string& poolName, std::shared_ptr policy) { std::shared_ptr pool = createPoolIfNotExists(pools, poolName); if (!poolName.empty()) { vinfolog("Setting pool %s server selection policy to %s", poolName, policy->getName()); } else { vinfolog("Setting default pool server selection policy to %s", policy->getName()); } pool->policy = policy; } void addServerToPool(pools_t& pools, const string& poolName, std::shared_ptr server) { std::shared_ptr pool = createPoolIfNotExists(pools, poolName); if (!poolName.empty()) { vinfolog("Adding server to pool %s", poolName); } else { vinfolog("Adding server to default pool"); } pool->addServer(server); } void removeServerFromPool(pools_t& pools, const string& poolName, std::shared_ptr server) { std::shared_ptr pool = getPool(pools, poolName); if (!poolName.empty()) { vinfolog("Removing server from pool %s", poolName); } else { vinfolog("Removing server from default pool"); } pool->removeServer(server); } std::shared_ptr getPool(const pools_t& pools, const std::string& poolName) { pools_t::const_iterator it = pools.find(poolName); if (it == pools.end()) { throw std::out_of_range("No pool named " + poolName); } return it->second; } ServerPolicy::ServerPolicy(const std::string& name_, const std::string& code): d_name(name_), d_perThreadPolicyCode(code), d_isLua(true), d_isFFI(true), d_isPerThread(true) { LuaContext tmpContext; setupLuaLoadBalancingContext(tmpContext); auto ret = tmpContext.executeCode(code); } thread_local ServerPolicy::PerThreadState ServerPolicy::t_perThreadState; const ServerPolicy::ffipolicyfunc_t& ServerPolicy::getPerThreadPolicy() const { auto& state = t_perThreadState; if (!state.d_initialized) { setupLuaLoadBalancingContext(state.d_luaContext); state.d_initialized = true; } const auto& it = state.d_policies.find(d_name); if (it != state.d_policies.end()) { return it->second; } auto newPolicy = state.d_luaContext.executeCode(d_perThreadPolicyCode); state.d_policies[d_name] = std::move(newPolicy); return state.d_policies.at(d_name); } std::shared_ptr ServerPolicy::getSelectedBackend(const ServerPolicy::NumberedServerVector& servers, DNSQuestion& dq) const { std::shared_ptr selectedBackend{nullptr}; if (d_isLua) { if (!d_isFFI) { auto lock = g_lua.lock(); selectedBackend = d_policy(servers, &dq); } else { dnsdist_ffi_dnsquestion_t dnsq(&dq); dnsdist_ffi_servers_list_t serversList(servers); unsigned int selected = 0; if (!d_isPerThread) { auto lock = g_lua.lock(); selected = d_ffipolicy(&serversList, &dnsq); } else { const auto& policy = getPerThreadPolicy(); selected = policy(&serversList, &dnsq); } selectedBackend = servers.at(selected).second; } } else { selectedBackend = d_policy(servers, &dq); } return selectedBackend; }