/* * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist. * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries * produced as the result of such linking. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "dnsdist.hh" #include "dnsdist-lua.hh" #include "dnsdist-dynblocks.hh" #include "dnsdist-nghttp2.hh" #include "dnsdist-rings.hh" #include "dnsdist-tcp.hh" #include "statnode.hh" #ifndef DISABLE_TOP_N_BINDINGS static LuaArray>> getGenResponses(uint64_t top, boost::optional labels, std::function pred) { setLuaNoSideEffect(); map counts; unsigned int total=0; { for (const auto& shard : g_rings.d_shards) { auto rl = shard->respRing.lock(); if (!labels) { for(const auto& a : *rl) { if(!pred(a)) continue; counts[a.name]++; total++; } } else { unsigned int lab = *labels; for(const auto& a : *rl) { if(!pred(a)) continue; DNSName temp(a.name); temp.trimToLabels(lab); counts[temp]++; total++; } } } } // cout<<"Looked at "<> rcounts; rcounts.reserve(counts.size()); for (const auto& c : counts) rcounts.emplace_back(c.second, c.first.makeLowerCase()); sort(rcounts.begin(), rcounts.end(), [](const decltype(rcounts)::value_type& a, const decltype(rcounts)::value_type& b) { return b.first < a.first; }); LuaArray>> ret; ret.reserve(std::min(rcounts.size(), static_cast(top + 1U))); int count = 1; unsigned int rest = 0; for (const auto& rc : rcounts) { if (count == static_cast(top + 1)) { rest+=rc.first; } else { ret.push_back({count++, {rc.second.toString(), rc.first, 100.0*rc.first/total}}); } } if (total > 0) { ret.push_back({count, {"Rest", rest, 100.0*rest/total}}); } else { ret.push_back({count, {"Rest", rest, 100.0 }}); } return ret; } #endif /* DISABLE_TOP_N_BINDINGS */ #ifndef DISABLE_DYNBLOCKS #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED_DYNBLOCK typedef std::unordered_map counts_t; static counts_t filterScore(const counts_t& counts, double delta, unsigned int rate) { counts_t ret; double lim = delta*rate; for(const auto& c : counts) { if (c.second > lim) { ret[c.first] = c.second; } } return ret; } using statvisitor_t = std::function; static void statNodeRespRing(statvisitor_t visitor, uint64_t seconds) { struct timespec cutoff, now; gettime(&now); cutoff = now; cutoff.tv_sec -= seconds; StatNode root; for (const auto& shard : g_rings.d_shards) { auto rl = shard->respRing.lock(); for(const auto& c : *rl) { if (now < c.when){ continue; } if (seconds && c.when < cutoff) { continue; } bool hit = c.ds.sin4.sin_family == 0; if (!hit && c.ds.isIPv4() && c.ds.sin4.sin_addr.s_addr == 0 && c.ds.sin4.sin_port == 0) { hit = true; } root.submit(c.name, ((c.dh.rcode == 0 && c.usec == std::numeric_limits::max()) ? -1 : c.dh.rcode), c.size, hit, boost::none); } } StatNode::Stat node; root.visit([visitor](const StatNode* node_, const StatNode::Stat& self, const StatNode::Stat& children) { visitor(*node_, self, children);}, node); } static LuaArray> getRespRing(boost::optional rcode) { typedef LuaAssociativeTable entry_t; LuaArray ret; for (const auto& shard : g_rings.d_shards) { auto rl = shard->respRing.lock(); int count = 1; for (const auto& c : *rl) { if (rcode && (rcode.get() != c.dh.rcode)) { continue; } entry_t e; e["qname"] = c.name.toString(); e["rcode"] = std::to_string(c.dh.rcode); ret.emplace_back(count, std::move(e)); count++; } } return ret; } static counts_t exceedRespGen(unsigned int rate, int seconds, std::function T) { counts_t counts; struct timespec cutoff, mintime, now; gettime(&now); cutoff = mintime = now; cutoff.tv_sec -= seconds; counts.reserve(g_rings.getNumberOfResponseEntries()); for (const auto& shard : g_rings.d_shards) { auto rl = shard->respRing.lock(); for(const auto& c : *rl) { if(seconds && c.when < cutoff) continue; if(now < c.when) continue; T(counts, c); if(c.when < mintime) mintime = c.when; } } double delta = seconds ? seconds : DiffTime(now, mintime); return filterScore(counts, delta, rate); } static counts_t exceedQueryGen(unsigned int rate, int seconds, std::function T) { counts_t counts; struct timespec cutoff, mintime, now; gettime(&now); cutoff = mintime = now; cutoff.tv_sec -= seconds; counts.reserve(g_rings.getNumberOfQueryEntries()); for (const auto& shard : g_rings.d_shards) { auto rl = shard->queryRing.lock(); for(const auto& c : *rl) { if(seconds && c.when < cutoff) continue; if(now < c.when) continue; T(counts, c); if(c.when < mintime) mintime = c.when; } } double delta = seconds ? seconds : DiffTime(now, mintime); return filterScore(counts, delta, rate); } static counts_t exceedRCode(unsigned int rate, int seconds, int rcode) { return exceedRespGen(rate, seconds, [rcode](counts_t& counts, const Rings::Response& r) { if(r.dh.rcode == rcode) counts[r.requestor]++; }); } static counts_t exceedRespByterate(unsigned int rate, int seconds) { return exceedRespGen(rate, seconds, [](counts_t& counts, const Rings::Response& r) { counts[r.requestor]+=r.size; }); } #endif /* DISABLE_DEPRECATED_DYNBLOCK */ #endif /* DISABLE_DYNBLOCKS */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-function-cognitive-complexity): this function declares Lua bindings, even with a good refactoring it will likely blow up the threshold void setupLuaInspection(LuaContext& luaCtx) { #ifndef DISABLE_TOP_N_BINDINGS luaCtx.writeFunction("topClients", [](boost::optional top_) { setLuaNoSideEffect(); uint64_t top = top_ ? *top_ : 10U; map counts; unsigned int total=0; { for (const auto& shard : g_rings.d_shards) { auto rl = shard->queryRing.lock(); for(const auto& c : *rl) { counts[c.requestor]++; total++; } } } vector> rcounts; rcounts.reserve(counts.size()); for(const auto& c : counts) rcounts.emplace_back(c.second, c.first); sort(rcounts.begin(), rcounts.end(), [](const decltype(rcounts)::value_type& a, const decltype(rcounts)::value_type& b) { return b.first < a.first; }); unsigned int count=1, rest=0; boost::format fmt("%4d %-40s %4d %4.1f%%\n"); for(const auto& rc : rcounts) { if(count==top+1) rest+=rc.first; else g_outputBuffer += (fmt % (count++) % rc.second.toString() % rc.first % (100.0*rc.first/total)).str(); } g_outputBuffer += (fmt % (count) % "Rest" % rest % (total > 0 ? 100.0*rest/total : 100.0)).str(); }); luaCtx.writeFunction("getTopQueries", [](uint64_t top, boost::optional labels) { setLuaNoSideEffect(); map counts; unsigned int total=0; if(!labels) { for (const auto& shard : g_rings.d_shards) { auto rl = shard->queryRing.lock(); for(const auto& a : *rl) { counts[a.name]++; total++; } } } else { unsigned int lab = *labels; for (const auto& shard : g_rings.d_shards) { auto rl = shard->queryRing.lock(); // coverity[auto_causes_copy] for (auto a : *rl) { a.name.trimToLabels(lab); counts[a.name]++; total++; } } } // cout<<"Looked at "<> rcounts; rcounts.reserve(counts.size()); for(const auto& c : counts) rcounts.emplace_back(c.second, c.first.makeLowerCase()); sort(rcounts.begin(), rcounts.end(), [](const decltype(rcounts)::value_type& a, const decltype(rcounts)::value_type& b) { return b.first < a.first; }); std::unordered_map>> ret; unsigned int count=1, rest=0; for(const auto& rc : rcounts) { if(count==top+1) rest+=rc.first; else ret.insert({count++, {rc.second.toString(), rc.first, 100.0*rc.first/total}}); } if (total > 0) { ret.insert({count, {"Rest", rest, 100.0*rest/total}}); } else { ret.insert({count, {"Rest", rest, 100.0}}); } return ret; }); luaCtx.executeCode(R"(function topQueries(top, labels) top = top or 10; for k,v in ipairs(getTopQueries(top,labels)) do show(string.format("%4d %-40s %4d %4.1f%%",k,v[1],v[2], v[3])) end end)"); luaCtx.writeFunction("getResponseRing", []() { setLuaNoSideEffect(); size_t totalEntries = 0; std::vector> rings; rings.reserve(g_rings.getNumberOfShards()); for (const auto& shard : g_rings.d_shards) { { auto rl = shard->respRing.lock(); rings.push_back(*rl); } totalEntries += rings.back().size(); } vector > > ret; ret.reserve(totalEntries); decltype(ret)::value_type item; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < rings.size(); idx++) { for(const auto& r : rings[idx]) { item["name"]=r.name.toString(); item["qtype"]=r.qtype; item["rcode"]=r.dh.rcode; item["usec"]=r.usec; ret.push_back(item); } } return ret; }); luaCtx.writeFunction("getTopResponses", [](uint64_t top, uint64_t kind, boost::optional labels) { return getGenResponses(top, labels, [kind](const Rings::Response& r) { return r.dh.rcode == kind; }); }); luaCtx.executeCode(R"(function topResponses(top, kind, labels) top = top or 10; kind = kind or 0; for k,v in ipairs(getTopResponses(top, kind, labels)) do show(string.format("%4d %-40s %4d %4.1f%%",k,v[1],v[2],v[3])) end end)"); luaCtx.writeFunction("getSlowResponses", [](uint64_t top, uint64_t msec, boost::optional labels) { return getGenResponses(top, labels, [msec](const Rings::Response& r) { return r.usec > msec*1000; }); }); luaCtx.executeCode(R"(function topSlow(top, msec, labels) top = top or 10; msec = msec or 500; for k,v in ipairs(getSlowResponses(top, msec, labels)) do show(string.format("%4d %-40s %4d %4.1f%%",k,v[1],v[2],v[3])) end end)"); luaCtx.writeFunction("getTopBandwidth", [](uint64_t top) { setLuaNoSideEffect(); return g_rings.getTopBandwidth(top); }); luaCtx.executeCode(R"(function topBandwidth(top) top = top or 10; for k,v in ipairs(getTopBandwidth(top)) do show(string.format("%4d %-40s %4d %4.1f%%",k,v[1],v[2],v[3])) end end)"); #endif /* DISABLE_TOP_N_BINDINGS */ luaCtx.writeFunction("delta", []() { setLuaNoSideEffect(); // we hold the lua lock already! for(const auto& d : g_confDelta) { struct tm tm; localtime_r(&d.first.tv_sec, &tm); char date[80]; strftime(date, sizeof(date)-1, "-- %a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\n", &tm); g_outputBuffer += date; g_outputBuffer += d.second + "\n"; } }); luaCtx.writeFunction("grepq", [](LuaTypeOrArrayOf inp, boost::optional limit) { setLuaNoSideEffect(); boost::optional nm; boost::optional dn; int msec=-1; vector vec; auto str=boost::get(&inp); if(str) vec.push_back(*str); else { auto v = boost::get>(inp); for(const auto& a: v) vec.push_back(a.second); } for(const auto& s : vec) { try { nm = Netmask(s); } catch(...) { if(boost::ends_with(s,"ms") && sscanf(s.c_str(), "%ums", &msec)) { ; } else { try { dn=DNSName(s); } catch(...) { g_outputBuffer = "Could not parse '"+s+"' as domain name or netmask"; return; } } } } std::vector qr; std::vector rr; qr.reserve(g_rings.getNumberOfQueryEntries()); rr.reserve(g_rings.getNumberOfResponseEntries()); for (const auto& shard : g_rings.d_shards) { { auto rl = shard->queryRing.lock(); for (const auto& entry : *rl) { qr.push_back(entry); } } { auto rl = shard->respRing.lock(); for (const auto& entry : *rl) { rr.push_back(entry); } } } sort(qr.begin(), qr.end(), [](const decltype(qr)::value_type& a, const decltype(qr)::value_type& b) { return b.when < a.when; }); sort(rr.begin(), rr.end(), [](const decltype(rr)::value_type& a, const decltype(rr)::value_type& b) { return b.when < a.when; }); unsigned int num=0; struct timespec now; gettime(&now); std::multimap out; boost::format fmt("%-7.1f %-47s %-12s %-12s %-5d %-25s %-5s %-6.1f %-2s %-2s %-2s %-s\n"); g_outputBuffer+= (fmt % "Time" % "Client" % "Protocol" % "Server" % "ID" % "Name" % "Type" % "Lat." % "TC" % "RD" % "AA" % "Rcode").str(); if(msec==-1) { for(const auto& c : qr) { bool nmmatch=true, dnmatch=true; if (nm) { nmmatch = nm->match(c.requestor); } if (dn) { if (c.name.empty()) { dnmatch = false; } else { dnmatch = c.name.isPartOf(*dn); } } if (nmmatch && dnmatch) { QType qt(c.qtype); std::string extra; if (c.dh.opcode != 0) { extra = " (" + Opcode::to_s(c.dh.opcode) + ")"; } out.emplace(c.when, (fmt % DiffTime(now, c.when) % c.requestor.toStringWithPort() % dnsdist::Protocol(c.protocol).toString() % "" % htons(c.dh.id) % c.name.toString() % qt.toString() % "" % (c.dh.tc ? "TC" : "") % (c.dh.rd ? "RD" : "") % (c.dh.aa ? "AA" : "") % ("Question" + extra)).str()); if(limit && *limit==++num) break; } } } num=0; string extra; for(const auto& c : rr) { bool nmmatch=true, dnmatch=true, msecmatch=true; if (nm) { nmmatch = nm->match(c.requestor); } if (dn) { if (c.name.empty()) { dnmatch = false; } else { dnmatch = c.name.isPartOf(*dn); } } if (msec != -1) { msecmatch=(c.usec/1000 > (unsigned int)msec); } if (nmmatch && dnmatch && msecmatch) { QType qt(c.qtype); if (!c.dh.rcode) { extra=". " +std::to_string(htons(c.dh.ancount))+ " answers"; } else { extra.clear(); } std::string server = c.ds.toStringWithPort(); std::string protocol = dnsdist::Protocol(c.protocol).toString(); if (server == "") { server = "Cache"; protocol = "-"; } if (c.usec != std::numeric_limits::max()) { out.emplace(c.when, (fmt % DiffTime(now, c.when) % c.requestor.toStringWithPort() % protocol % server % htons(c.dh.id) % c.name.toString() % qt.toString() % (c.usec / 1000.0) % (c.dh.tc ? "TC" : "") % (c.dh.rd ? "RD" : "") % (c.dh.aa ? "AA" : "") % (RCode::to_s(c.dh.rcode) + extra)).str()); } else { out.emplace(c.when, (fmt % DiffTime(now, c.when) % c.requestor.toStringWithPort() % protocol % server % htons(c.dh.id) % c.name.toString() % qt.toString() % "T.O" % (c.dh.tc ? "TC" : "") % (c.dh.rd ? "RD" : "") % (c.dh.aa ? "AA" : "") % (RCode::to_s(c.dh.rcode) + extra)).str()); } if (limit && *limit == ++num) { break; } } } for(const auto& p : out) { g_outputBuffer+=p.second; } }); luaCtx.writeFunction("showResponseLatency", []() { setLuaNoSideEffect(); map histo; double bin=100; for(int i=0; i < 15; ++i) { histo[bin]; bin*=2; } double totlat=0; unsigned int size=0; { for (const auto& shard : g_rings.d_shards) { auto rl = shard->respRing.lock(); for(const auto& r : *rl) { /* skip actively discovered timeouts */ if (r.usec == std::numeric_limits::max()) continue; ++size; auto iter = histo.lower_bound(r.usec); if(iter != histo.end()) iter->second++; else histo.rbegin()++; totlat+=r.usec; } } } if (size == 0) { g_outputBuffer = "No traffic yet.\n"; return; } g_outputBuffer = (boost::format("Average response latency: %.02f msec\n") % (0.001*totlat/size)).str(); double highest=0; for(auto iter = histo.cbegin(); iter != histo.cend(); ++iter) { highest=std::max(highest, iter->second*1.0); } boost::format fmt("%7.2f\t%s\n"); g_outputBuffer += (fmt % "msec" % "").str(); for(auto iter = histo.cbegin(); iter != histo.cend(); ++iter) { int stars = (70.0 * iter->second/highest); char c='*'; if(!stars && iter->second) { stars=1; // you get 1 . to show something is there.. if(70.0*iter->second/highest > 0.5) c=':'; else c='.'; } g_outputBuffer += (fmt % (iter->first/1000.0) % string(stars, c)).str(); } }); luaCtx.writeFunction("showTCPStats", [] { setLuaNoSideEffect(); ostringstream ret; boost::format fmt("%-12d %-12d %-12d %-12d"); ret << (fmt % "Workers" % "Max Workers" % "Queued" % "Max Queued") << endl; ret << (fmt % g_tcpclientthreads->getThreadsCount() % (g_maxTCPClientThreads ? *g_maxTCPClientThreads : 0) % g_tcpclientthreads->getQueuedCount() % g_maxTCPQueuedConnections) << endl; ret << endl; ret << "Frontends:" << endl; fmt = boost::format("%-3d %-20.20s %-20d %-20d %-20d %-25d %-20d %-20d %-20d %-20f %-20f %-20d %-20d %-25d %-25d %-15d %-15d %-15d %-15d %-15d"); ret << (fmt % "#" % "Address" % "Connections" % "Max concurrent conn" % "Died reading query" % "Died sending response" % "Gave up" % "Client timeouts" % "Downstream timeouts" % "Avg queries/conn" % "Avg duration" % "TLS new sessions" % "TLS Resumptions" % "TLS unknown ticket keys" % "TLS inactive ticket keys" % "TLS 1.0" % "TLS 1.1" % "TLS 1.2" % "TLS 1.3" % "TLS other") << endl; size_t counter = 0; for(const auto& f : g_frontends) { ret << (fmt % counter % f->local.toStringWithPort() % f->tcpCurrentConnections % f->tcpMaxConcurrentConnections % f->tcpDiedReadingQuery % f->tcpDiedSendingResponse % f->tcpGaveUp % f->tcpClientTimeouts % f->tcpDownstreamTimeouts % f->tcpAvgQueriesPerConnection % f->tcpAvgConnectionDuration % f->tlsNewSessions % f->tlsResumptions % f->tlsUnknownTicketKey % f->tlsInactiveTicketKey % f->tls10queries % f->tls11queries % f->tls12queries % f->tls13queries % f->tlsUnknownqueries) << endl; ++counter; } ret << endl; ret << "Backends:" << endl; fmt = boost::format("%-3d %-20.20s %-20.20s %-20d %-20d %-25d %-25d %-20d %-20d %-20d %-20d %-20d %-20d %-20d %-20d %-20f %-20f"); ret << (fmt % "#" % "Name" % "Address" % "Connections" % "Max concurrent conn" % "Died sending query" % "Died reading response" % "Gave up" % "Read timeouts" % "Write timeouts" % "Connect timeouts" % "Too many conn" % "Total connections" % "Reused connections" % "TLS resumptions" % "Avg queries/conn" % "Avg duration") << endl; auto states = g_dstates.getLocal(); counter = 0; for(const auto& s : *states) { ret << (fmt % counter % s->getName() % s->d_config.remote.toStringWithPort() % s->tcpCurrentConnections % s->tcpMaxConcurrentConnections % s->tcpDiedSendingQuery % s->tcpDiedReadingResponse % s->tcpGaveUp % s->tcpReadTimeouts % s->tcpWriteTimeouts % s->tcpConnectTimeouts % s->tcpTooManyConcurrentConnections % s->tcpNewConnections % s->tcpReusedConnections % s->tlsResumptions % s->tcpAvgQueriesPerConnection % s->tcpAvgConnectionDuration) << endl; ++counter; } g_outputBuffer=ret.str(); }); luaCtx.writeFunction("showTLSErrorCounters", [] { setLuaNoSideEffect(); ostringstream ret; boost::format fmt("%-3d %-20.20s %-23d %-23d %-23d %-23d %-23d %-23d %-23d %-23d"); ret << (fmt % "#" % "Address" % "DH key too small" % "Inappropriate fallback" % "No shared cipher" % "Unknown cipher type" % "Unknown exchange type" % "Unknown protocol" % "Unsupported EC" % "Unsupported protocol") << endl; size_t counter = 0; for(const auto& f : g_frontends) { if (!f->hasTLS()) { continue; } const TLSErrorCounters* errorCounters = nullptr; if (f->tlsFrontend != nullptr) { errorCounters = &f->tlsFrontend->d_tlsCounters; } else if (f->dohFrontend != nullptr) { errorCounters = &f->dohFrontend->d_tlsCounters; } if (errorCounters == nullptr) { continue; } ret << (fmt % counter % f->local.toStringWithPort() % errorCounters->d_dhKeyTooSmall % errorCounters->d_inappropriateFallBack % errorCounters->d_noSharedCipher % errorCounters->d_unknownCipherType % errorCounters->d_unknownKeyExchangeType % errorCounters->d_unknownProtocol % errorCounters->d_unsupportedEC % errorCounters->d_unsupportedProtocol) << endl; ++counter; } ret << endl; g_outputBuffer=ret.str(); }); luaCtx.writeFunction("requestTCPStatesDump", [] { setLuaNoSideEffect(); extern std::atomic g_tcpStatesDumpRequested; g_tcpStatesDumpRequested += g_tcpclientthreads->getThreadsCount(); }); luaCtx.writeFunction("requestDoHStatesDump", [] { setLuaNoSideEffect(); g_dohStatesDumpRequested += g_dohClientThreads->getThreadsCount(); }); luaCtx.writeFunction("dumpStats", [] { setLuaNoSideEffect(); vector leftcolumn, rightcolumn; boost::format fmt("%-35s\t%+11s"); g_outputBuffer.clear(); auto entries = *g_stats.entries.read_lock(); sort(entries.begin(), entries.end(), [](const decltype(entries)::value_type& a, const decltype(entries)::value_type& b) { return a.d_name < b.d_name; }); boost::format flt(" %9.1f"); for (const auto& entry : entries) { string second; if (const auto& val = boost::get(&entry.d_value)) { second = std::to_string((*val)->load()); } else if (const auto& adval = boost::get*>(&entry.d_value)) { second = (flt % (*adval)->load()).str(); } else if (const auto& dval = boost::get(&entry.d_value)) { second = (flt % (**dval)).str(); } else if (const auto& func = boost::get(&entry.d_value)) { second = std::to_string((*func)(entry.d_name)); } if (leftcolumn.size() < entries.size() / 2) { leftcolumn.push_back((fmt % entry.d_name % second).str()); } else { rightcolumn.push_back((fmt % entry.d_name % second).str()); } } auto leftiter=leftcolumn.begin(), rightiter=rightcolumn.begin(); boost::format clmn("%|0t|%1% %|51t|%2%\n"); for(;leftiter != leftcolumn.end() || rightiter != rightcolumn.end();) { string lentry, rentry; if(leftiter!= leftcolumn.end()) { lentry = *leftiter; leftiter++; } if(rightiter!= rightcolumn.end()) { rentry = *rightiter; rightiter++; } g_outputBuffer += (clmn % lentry % rentry).str(); } }); #ifndef DISABLE_DYNBLOCKS #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED_DYNBLOCK luaCtx.writeFunction("exceedServFails", [](unsigned int rate, int seconds) { setLuaNoSideEffect(); return exceedRCode(rate, seconds, RCode::ServFail); }); luaCtx.writeFunction("exceedNXDOMAINs", [](unsigned int rate, int seconds) { setLuaNoSideEffect(); return exceedRCode(rate, seconds, RCode::NXDomain); }); luaCtx.writeFunction("exceedRespByterate", [](unsigned int rate, int seconds) { setLuaNoSideEffect(); return exceedRespByterate(rate, seconds); }); luaCtx.writeFunction("exceedQTypeRate", [](uint16_t type, unsigned int rate, int seconds) { setLuaNoSideEffect(); return exceedQueryGen(rate, seconds, [type](counts_t& counts, const Rings::Query& q) { if(q.qtype==type) counts[q.requestor]++; }); }); luaCtx.writeFunction("exceedQRate", [](unsigned int rate, int seconds) { setLuaNoSideEffect(); return exceedQueryGen(rate, seconds, [](counts_t& counts, const Rings::Query& q) { counts[q.requestor]++; }); }); luaCtx.writeFunction("getRespRing", getRespRing); /* StatNode */ luaCtx.registerFunction("numChildren", [](StatNode& sn) -> unsigned int { return sn.children.size(); } ); luaCtx.registerMember("fullname", &StatNode::fullname); luaCtx.registerMember("labelsCount", &StatNode::labelsCount); luaCtx.registerMember("servfails", &StatNode::Stat::servfails); luaCtx.registerMember("nxdomains", &StatNode::Stat::nxdomains); luaCtx.registerMember("queries", &StatNode::Stat::queries); luaCtx.registerMember("noerrors", &StatNode::Stat::noerrors); luaCtx.registerMember("drops", &StatNode::Stat::drops); luaCtx.registerMember("bytes", &StatNode::Stat::bytes); luaCtx.registerMember("hits", &StatNode::Stat::hits); luaCtx.writeFunction("statNodeRespRing", [](statvisitor_t visitor, boost::optional seconds) { statNodeRespRing(visitor, seconds ? *seconds : 0U); }); #endif /* DISABLE_DEPRECATED_DYNBLOCK */ /* DynBlockRulesGroup */ luaCtx.writeFunction("dynBlockRulesGroup", []() { return std::make_shared(); }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(unsigned int, unsigned int, const std::string&, unsigned int, boost::optional, boost::optional)>("setQueryRate", [](std::shared_ptr& group, unsigned int rate, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, boost::optional action, boost::optional warningRate) { if (group) { group->setQueryRate(rate, warningRate ? *warningRate : 0, seconds, reason, blockDuration, action ? *action : DNSAction::Action::None); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(unsigned int, unsigned int, const std::string&, unsigned int, boost::optional, boost::optional)>("setResponseByteRate", [](std::shared_ptr& group, unsigned int rate, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, boost::optional action, boost::optional warningRate) { if (group) { group->setResponseByteRate(rate, warningRate ? *warningRate : 0, seconds, reason, blockDuration, action ? *action : DNSAction::Action::None); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(unsigned int, const std::string&, unsigned int, boost::optional, DynBlockRulesGroup::smtVisitor_t)>("setSuffixMatchRule", [](std::shared_ptr& group, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, boost::optional action, DynBlockRulesGroup::smtVisitor_t visitor) { if (group) { group->setSuffixMatchRule(seconds, reason, blockDuration, action ? *action : DNSAction::Action::None, visitor); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(unsigned int, const std::string&, unsigned int, boost::optional, dnsdist_ffi_stat_node_visitor_t)>("setSuffixMatchRuleFFI", [](std::shared_ptr& group, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, boost::optional action, dnsdist_ffi_stat_node_visitor_t visitor) { if (group) { group->setSuffixMatchRuleFFI(seconds, reason, blockDuration, action ? *action : DNSAction::Action::None, visitor); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(uint8_t, unsigned int, unsigned int, const std::string&, unsigned int, boost::optional, boost::optional)>("setRCodeRate", [](std::shared_ptr& group, uint8_t rcode, unsigned int rate, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, boost::optional action, boost::optional warningRate) { if (group) { group->setRCodeRate(rcode, rate, warningRate ? *warningRate : 0, seconds, reason, blockDuration, action ? *action : DNSAction::Action::None); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(uint8_t, double, unsigned int, const std::string&, unsigned int, size_t, boost::optional, boost::optional)>("setRCodeRatio", [](std::shared_ptr& group, uint8_t rcode, double ratio, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, size_t minimumNumberOfResponses, boost::optional action, boost::optional warningRatio) { if (group) { group->setRCodeRatio(rcode, ratio, warningRatio ? *warningRatio : 0.0, seconds, reason, blockDuration, action ? *action : DNSAction::Action::None, minimumNumberOfResponses); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(uint16_t, unsigned int, unsigned int, const std::string&, unsigned int, boost::optional, boost::optional)>("setQTypeRate", [](std::shared_ptr& group, uint16_t qtype, unsigned int rate, unsigned int seconds, const std::string& reason, unsigned int blockDuration, boost::optional action, boost::optional warningRate) { if (group) { group->setQTypeRate(qtype, rate, warningRate ? *warningRate : 0, seconds, reason, blockDuration, action ? *action : DNSAction::Action::None); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t)>("setMasks", [](std::shared_ptr& group, uint8_t v4, uint8_t v6, uint8_t port) { if (group) { if (v4 > 32) { throw std::runtime_error("Trying to set an invalid IPv4 mask (" + std::to_string(v4) + ") to a Dynamic Block object"); } if (v6 > 128) { throw std::runtime_error("Trying to set an invalid IPv6 mask (" + std::to_string(v6) + ") to a Dynamic Block object"); } if (port > 16) { throw std::runtime_error("Trying to set an invalid port mask (" + std::to_string(port) + ") to a Dynamic Block object"); } if (port > 0 && v4 != 32) { throw std::runtime_error("Setting a non-zero port mask for Dynamic Blocks while only considering parts of IPv4 addresses does not make sense"); } group->setMasks(v4, v6, port); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(boost::variant, NetmaskGroup>)>("excludeRange", [](std::shared_ptr& group, boost::variant, NetmaskGroup> ranges) { if (ranges.type() == typeid(LuaArray)) { for (const auto& range : *boost::get>(&ranges)) { group->excludeRange(Netmask(range.second)); } } else if (ranges.type() == typeid(NetmaskGroup)) { group->excludeRange(*boost::get(&ranges)); } else { group->excludeRange(Netmask(*boost::get(&ranges))); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(boost::variant, NetmaskGroup>)>("includeRange", [](std::shared_ptr& group, boost::variant, NetmaskGroup> ranges) { if (ranges.type() == typeid(LuaArray)) { for (const auto& range : *boost::get>(&ranges)) { group->includeRange(Netmask(range.second)); } } else if (ranges.type() == typeid(NetmaskGroup)) { group->includeRange(*boost::get(&ranges)); } else { group->includeRange(Netmask(*boost::get(&ranges))); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(boost::variant, NetmaskGroup>)>("removeRange", [](std::shared_ptr& group, boost::variant, NetmaskGroup> ranges) { if (ranges.type() == typeid(LuaArray)) { for (const auto& range : *boost::get>(&ranges)) { group->removeRange(Netmask(range.second)); } } else if (ranges.type() == typeid(NetmaskGroup)) { group->removeRange(*boost::get(&ranges)); } else { group->removeRange(Netmask(*boost::get(&ranges))); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)(LuaTypeOrArrayOf)>("excludeDomains", [](std::shared_ptr& group, LuaTypeOrArrayOf domains) { if (domains.type() == typeid(LuaArray)) { for (const auto& range : *boost::get>(&domains)) { group->excludeDomain(DNSName(range.second)); } } else { group->excludeDomain(DNSName(*boost::get(&domains))); } }); luaCtx.registerFunction::*)()>("apply", [](std::shared_ptr& group) { group->apply(); }); luaCtx.registerFunction("setQuiet", &DynBlockRulesGroup::setQuiet); luaCtx.registerFunction("toString", &DynBlockRulesGroup::toString); #endif /* DISABLE_DYNBLOCKS */ }