#include "dnsdist-session-cache.hh" #include "dnsdist-tcp-downstream.hh" #include "dnsdist-tcp-upstream.hh" #include "dnsdist-downstream-connection.hh" #include "dnsparser.hh" thread_local DownstreamTCPConnectionsManager t_downstreamTCPConnectionsManager; ConnectionToBackend::~ConnectionToBackend() { if (d_ds && d_handler) { --d_ds->tcpCurrentConnections; struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); if (d_handler->isTLS()) { if (d_handler->hasTLSSessionBeenResumed()) { ++d_ds->tlsResumptions; } try { auto sessions = d_handler->getTLSSessions(); if (!sessions.empty()) { g_sessionCache.putSessions(d_ds->getID(), now.tv_sec, std::move(sessions)); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { vinfolog("Unable to get a TLS session: %s", e.what()); } } auto diff = now - d_connectionStartTime; // cerr<<"connection to backend terminated after "<updateTCPMetrics(d_queries, diff.tv_sec * 1000 + diff.tv_usec / 1000); } } bool ConnectionToBackend::reconnect() { std::unique_ptr tlsSession{nullptr}; if (d_handler) { DEBUGLOG("closing socket "<getDescriptor()); if (d_handler->isTLS()) { if (d_handler->hasTLSSessionBeenResumed()) { ++d_ds->tlsResumptions; } try { auto sessions = d_handler->getTLSSessions(); if (!sessions.empty()) { tlsSession = std::move(sessions.back()); sessions.pop_back(); if (!sessions.empty()) { g_sessionCache.putSessions(d_ds->getID(), time(nullptr), std::move(sessions)); } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { vinfolog("Unable to get a TLS session to resume: %s", e.what()); } } d_handler->close(); d_ioState.reset(); d_handler.reset(); --d_ds->tcpCurrentConnections; } d_fresh = true; d_highestStreamID = 0; d_proxyProtocolPayloadSent = false; do { DEBUGLOG("TCP connecting to downstream "<getNameWithAddr()<<" ("<getNameWithAddr()); ++d_ds->tcpNewConnections; try { auto socket = Socket(d_ds->d_config.remote.sin4.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); DEBUGLOG("result of socket() is "<d_config.sourceItfName.empty()) { int res = setsockopt(socket.getHandle(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, d_ds->d_config.sourceItfName.c_str(), d_ds->d_config.sourceItfName.length()); if (res != 0) { vinfolog("Error setting up the interface on backend TCP socket '%s': %s", d_ds->getNameWithAddr(), stringerror()); } } #endif if (!IsAnyAddress(d_ds->d_config.sourceAddr)) { SSetsockopt(socket.getHandle(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1); #ifdef IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT if (d_ds->d_config.ipBindAddrNoPort) { SSetsockopt(socket.getHandle(), SOL_IP, IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT, 1); } #endif socket.bind(d_ds->d_config.sourceAddr, false); } socket.setNonBlocking(); gettimeofday(&d_connectionStartTime, nullptr); auto handler = std::make_unique(d_ds->d_config.d_tlsSubjectName, d_ds->d_config.d_tlsSubjectIsAddr, socket.releaseHandle(), timeval{0,0}, d_ds->d_tlsCtx); if (!tlsSession && d_ds->d_tlsCtx) { tlsSession = g_sessionCache.getSession(d_ds->getID(), d_connectionStartTime.tv_sec); } if (tlsSession) { handler->setTLSSession(tlsSession); } handler->tryConnect(d_ds->d_config.tcpFastOpen && isFastOpenEnabled(), d_ds->d_config.remote); d_queries = 0; d_handler = std::move(handler); d_ds->incCurrentConnectionsCount(); return true; } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { vinfolog("Connection to downstream server %s failed: %s", d_ds->getNameWithAddr(), e.what()); d_downstreamFailures++; if (d_downstreamFailures >= d_ds->d_config.d_retries) { throw; } } } while (d_downstreamFailures < d_ds->d_config.d_retries); return false; } TCPConnectionToBackend::~TCPConnectionToBackend() { if (d_ds && !d_pendingResponses.empty()) { d_ds->outstanding -= d_pendingResponses.size(); } } void TCPConnectionToBackend::release(){ d_ds->outstanding -= d_pendingResponses.size(); d_pendingResponses.clear(); d_pendingQueries.clear(); if (d_ioState) { d_ioState.reset(); } } static uint32_t getSerialFromRawSOAContent(const std::vector& raw) { /* minimal size for a SOA record, as defined by rfc1035: MNAME (root): 1 RNAME (root): 1 SERIAL: 4 REFRESH: 4 RETRY: 4 EXPIRE: 4 MINIMUM: 4 = 22 bytes */ if (raw.size() < 22) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid content of size " + std::to_string(raw.size()) + " for a SOA record"); } /* As rfc1025 states that "all domain names in the RDATA section of these RRs may be compressed", and we don't want to parse these names, start at the end */ uint32_t serial = 0; memcpy(&serial, &raw.at(raw.size() - 20), sizeof(serial)); return ntohl(serial); } static bool getSerialFromIXFRQuery(TCPQuery& query) { try { size_t proxyPayloadSize = query.d_proxyProtocolPayloadAdded ? query.d_idstate.d_proxyProtocolPayloadSize : 0; if (query.d_buffer.size() <= (proxyPayloadSize + sizeof(uint16_t))) { return false; } size_t payloadSize = query.d_buffer.size() - sizeof(uint16_t) - proxyPayloadSize; MOADNSParser parser(true, reinterpret_cast(query.d_buffer.data() + sizeof(uint16_t) + proxyPayloadSize), payloadSize); for (const auto& record : parser.d_answers) { if (record.first.d_place != DNSResourceRecord::AUTHORITY || record.first.d_class != QClass::IN || record.first.d_type != QType::SOA) { return false; } auto unknownContent = getRR(record.first); if (!unknownContent) { return false; } const auto& raw = unknownContent->getRawContent(); query.d_ixfrQuerySerial = getSerialFromRawSOAContent(raw); return true; } } catch (const MOADNSException& e) { DEBUGLOG("Exception when parsing IXFR TCP Query to DNS: " << e.what()); /* ponder what to do here, shall we close the connection? */ } return false; } static void editPayloadID(PacketBuffer& payload, uint16_t newId, size_t proxyProtocolPayloadSize, bool sizePrepended) { /* we cannot do a direct cast as the alignment might be off (the size of the payload might have been prepended, which is bad enough, but we might also have a proxy protocol payload */ size_t startOfHeaderOffset = (sizePrepended ? sizeof(uint16_t) : 0) + proxyProtocolPayloadSize; if (payload.size() < startOfHeaderOffset + sizeof(dnsheader)) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid buffer for outgoing TCP query (size " + std::to_string(payload.size())); } uint16_t id = htons(newId); memcpy(&payload.at(startOfHeaderOffset), &id, sizeof(id)); } enum class QueryState : uint8_t { hasSizePrepended, noSize }; enum class ConnectionState : uint8_t { needProxy, proxySent }; static void prepareQueryForSending(TCPQuery& query, uint16_t id, QueryState queryState, ConnectionState connectionState) { if (connectionState == ConnectionState::needProxy) { if (query.d_proxyProtocolPayload.size() > 0 && !query.d_proxyProtocolPayloadAdded) { query.d_buffer.insert(query.d_buffer.begin(), query.d_proxyProtocolPayload.begin(), query.d_proxyProtocolPayload.end()); query.d_proxyProtocolPayloadAdded = true; query.d_idstate.d_proxyProtocolPayloadSize = query.d_proxyProtocolPayload.size(); } } else if (connectionState == ConnectionState::proxySent) { if (query.d_proxyProtocolPayloadAdded) { if (query.d_buffer.size() < query.d_idstate.d_proxyProtocolPayloadSize) { throw std::runtime_error("Trying to remove a proxy protocol payload of size " + std::to_string(query.d_proxyProtocolPayload.size()) + " from a buffer of size " + std::to_string(query.d_buffer.size())); } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(*-narrowing-conversions): the size of the payload is limited to 2^16-1 query.d_buffer.erase(query.d_buffer.begin(), query.d_buffer.begin() + static_cast(query.d_idstate.d_proxyProtocolPayloadSize)); query.d_proxyProtocolPayloadAdded = false; query.d_idstate.d_proxyProtocolPayloadSize = 0; } } if (query.d_idstate.qclass == QClass::IN && query.d_idstate.qtype == QType::IXFR) { getSerialFromIXFRQuery(query); } editPayloadID(query.d_buffer, id, query.d_proxyProtocolPayloadAdded ? query.d_idstate.d_proxyProtocolPayloadSize : 0, true); } IOState TCPConnectionToBackend::queueNextQuery(std::shared_ptr& conn) { conn->d_currentQuery = std::move(conn->d_pendingQueries.front()); uint16_t id = conn->d_highestStreamID; prepareQueryForSending(conn->d_currentQuery.d_query, id, QueryState::hasSizePrepended, conn->needProxyProtocolPayload() ? ConnectionState::needProxy : ConnectionState::proxySent); conn->d_pendingQueries.pop_front(); conn->d_state = State::sendingQueryToBackend; conn->d_currentPos = 0; return IOState::NeedWrite; } IOState TCPConnectionToBackend::sendQuery(std::shared_ptr& conn, const struct timeval& now) { DEBUGLOG("sending query to backend "<getDS()->getNameWithAddr()<<" over FD "<d_handler->getDescriptor()); IOState state = conn->d_handler->tryWrite(conn->d_currentQuery.d_query.d_buffer, conn->d_currentPos, conn->d_currentQuery.d_query.d_buffer.size()); if (state != IOState::Done) { return state; } DEBUGLOG("query sent to backend"); /* request sent ! */ if (conn->d_currentQuery.d_query.d_proxyProtocolPayloadAdded) { conn->d_proxyProtocolPayloadSent = true; } ++conn->d_queries; conn->d_currentPos = 0; DEBUGLOG("adding a pending response for ID "<d_highestStreamID<<" and QNAME "<d_currentQuery.d_query.d_idstate.qname); auto res = conn->d_pendingResponses.insert({conn->d_highestStreamID, std::move(conn->d_currentQuery)}); /* if there was already a pending response with that ID, we messed up and we don't expect more than one response */ if (res.second) { ++conn->d_ds->outstanding; } ++conn->d_highestStreamID; conn->d_currentQuery.d_sender.reset(); conn->d_currentQuery.d_query.d_buffer.clear(); return state; } void TCPConnectionToBackend::handleIO(std::shared_ptr& conn, const struct timeval& now) { if (conn->d_handler == nullptr) { throw std::runtime_error("No downstream socket in " + std::string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) + "!"); } bool connectionDied = false; IOState iostate = IOState::Done; IOStateGuard ioGuard(conn->d_ioState); bool reconnected = false; do { reconnected = false; try { if (conn->d_state == State::sendingQueryToBackend) { iostate = sendQuery(conn, now); while (iostate == IOState::Done && !conn->d_pendingQueries.empty()) { queueNextQuery(conn); iostate = sendQuery(conn, now); } if (iostate == IOState::Done && conn->d_pendingQueries.empty()) { conn->d_state = State::waitingForResponseFromBackend; conn->d_currentPos = 0; conn->d_responseBuffer.resize(sizeof(uint16_t)); iostate = IOState::NeedRead; } } if (conn->d_state == State::waitingForResponseFromBackend || conn->d_state == State::readingResponseSizeFromBackend) { DEBUGLOG("reading response size from backend"); // then we need to allocate a new buffer (new because we might need to re-send the query if the // backend dies on us) // We also might need to read and send to the client more than one response in case of XFR (yeah!) conn->d_responseBuffer.resize(sizeof(uint16_t)); iostate = conn->d_handler->tryRead(conn->d_responseBuffer, conn->d_currentPos, sizeof(uint16_t)); if (iostate == IOState::Done) { DEBUGLOG("got response size from backend"); conn->d_state = State::readingResponseFromBackend; conn->d_responseSize = conn->d_responseBuffer.at(0) * 256 + conn->d_responseBuffer.at(1); conn->d_responseBuffer.reserve(conn->d_responseSize + /* we will need to prepend the size later */ 2); conn->d_responseBuffer.resize(conn->d_responseSize); conn->d_currentPos = 0; conn->d_lastDataReceivedTime = now; } else if (conn->d_state == State::waitingForResponseFromBackend && conn->d_currentPos > 0) { conn->d_state = State::readingResponseSizeFromBackend; } } if (conn->d_state == State::readingResponseFromBackend) { DEBUGLOG("reading response from backend"); iostate = conn->d_handler->tryRead(conn->d_responseBuffer, conn->d_currentPos, conn->d_responseSize); if (iostate == IOState::Done) { DEBUGLOG("got response from backend"); try { conn->d_lastDataReceivedTime = now; iostate = conn->handleResponse(conn, now); } catch (const std::exception& e) { vinfolog("Got an exception while handling TCP response from %s (client is %s): %s", conn->d_ds ? conn->d_ds->getNameWithAddr() : "unknown", conn->d_currentQuery.d_query.d_idstate.origRemote.toStringWithPort(), e.what()); ioGuard.release(); conn->release(); return; } } } if (conn->d_state != State::idle && conn->d_state != State::sendingQueryToBackend && conn->d_state != State::waitingForResponseFromBackend && conn->d_state != State::readingResponseSizeFromBackend && conn->d_state != State::readingResponseFromBackend) { vinfolog("Unexpected state %d in TCPConnectionToBackend::handleIO", static_cast(conn->d_state)); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { /* most likely an EOF because the other end closed the connection, but it might also be a real IO error or something else. Let's just drop the connection */ vinfolog("Got an exception while handling (%s backend) TCP query from %s: %s", (conn->d_state == State::sendingQueryToBackend ? "writing to" : "reading from"), conn->d_currentQuery.d_query.d_idstate.origRemote.toStringWithPort(), e.what()); if (conn->d_state == State::sendingQueryToBackend) { ++conn->d_ds->tcpDiedSendingQuery; } else if (conn->d_state != State::idle) { ++conn->d_ds->tcpDiedReadingResponse; } /* don't increase this counter when reusing connections */ if (conn->d_fresh) { ++conn->d_downstreamFailures; } /* remove this FD from the IO multiplexer */ iostate = IOState::Done; connectionDied = true; } if (connectionDied) { DEBUGLOG("connection died, number of failures is "<d_downstreamFailures<<", retries is "<d_ds->d_config.d_retries); if (conn->d_downstreamFailures < conn->d_ds->d_config.d_retries) { conn->d_ioState.reset(); ioGuard.release(); try { if (conn->reconnect()) { conn->d_ioState = make_unique(*conn->d_mplexer, conn->d_handler->getDescriptor()); /* we need to resend the queries that were in flight, if any */ if (conn->d_state == State::sendingQueryToBackend) { /* we need to edit this query so it has the correct ID */ auto query = std::move(conn->d_currentQuery); uint16_t id = conn->d_highestStreamID; prepareQueryForSending(query.d_query, id, QueryState::hasSizePrepended, ConnectionState::needProxy); conn->d_currentQuery = std::move(query); } /* if we notify the sender it might terminate us so we need to move these first */ auto pendingResponses = std::move(conn->d_pendingResponses); conn->d_pendingResponses.clear(); for (auto& pending : pendingResponses) { --conn->d_ds->outstanding; if (pending.second.d_query.isXFR() && pending.second.d_query.d_xfrStarted) { /* this one can't be restarted, sorry */ DEBUGLOG("A XFR for which a response has already been sent cannot be restarted"); try { TCPResponse response(std::move(pending.second.d_query)); pending.second.d_sender->notifyIOError(now, std::move(response)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { vinfolog("Got an exception while notifying: %s", e.what()); } catch (...) { vinfolog("Got exception while notifying"); } } else { conn->d_pendingQueries.push_back(std::move(pending.second)); } } conn->d_currentPos = 0; if (conn->d_state == State::sendingQueryToBackend) { iostate = IOState::NeedWrite; // resume sending query } else { if (conn->d_pendingQueries.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("TCP connection to a backend in state " + std::to_string((int)conn->d_state) + " with no pending queries"); } iostate = queueNextQuery(conn); } reconnected = true; connectionDied = false; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { // reconnect might throw on failure, let's ignore that, we just need to know // it failed } } if (!reconnected) { /* reconnect failed, we give up */ DEBUGLOG("reconnect failed, we give up"); ++conn->d_ds->tcpGaveUp; conn->notifyAllQueriesFailed(now, FailureReason::gaveUp); } } if (conn->d_ioState) { if (iostate == IOState::Done) { conn->d_ioState->update(iostate, handleIOCallback, conn); } else { boost::optional ttd{boost::none}; if (iostate == IOState::NeedRead) { ttd = conn->getBackendReadTTD(now); } else if (conn->isFresh() && conn->d_queries == 0) { /* first write just after the non-blocking connect */ ttd = conn->getBackendConnectTTD(now); } else { ttd = conn->getBackendWriteTTD(now); } conn->d_ioState->update(iostate, handleIOCallback, conn, ttd); } } } while (reconnected); ioGuard.release(); } void TCPConnectionToBackend::handleIOCallback(int fd, FDMultiplexer::funcparam_t& param) { auto conn = boost::any_cast>(param); if (fd != conn->getHandle()) { throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected socket descriptor " + std::to_string(fd) + " received in " + std::string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) + ", expected " + std::to_string(conn->getHandle())); } struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); handleIO(conn, now); } void TCPConnectionToBackend::queueQuery(std::shared_ptr& sender, TCPQuery&& query) { if (!d_ioState) { d_ioState = make_unique(*d_mplexer, d_handler->getDescriptor()); } // if we are not already sending a query or in the middle of reading a response (so idle), // start sending the query if (d_state == State::idle || d_state == State::waitingForResponseFromBackend) { DEBUGLOG("Sending new query to backend right away, with ID "<(shared_from_this()); handleIO(shared, now); } else { DEBUGLOG("Adding new query to the queue because we are in state "<<(int)d_state); // store query in the list of queries to send d_pendingQueries.push_back(PendingRequest({sender, std::move(query)})); } } void TCPConnectionToBackend::handleTimeout(const struct timeval& now, bool write) { /* in some cases we could retry, here, reconnecting and sending our pending responses again */ if (write) { if (isFresh() && d_queries == 0) { ++d_ds->tcpConnectTimeouts; vinfolog("Timeout while connecting to TCP backend %s", d_ds->getNameWithAddr()); } else { ++d_ds->tcpWriteTimeouts; vinfolog("Timeout while writing to TCP backend %s", d_ds->getNameWithAddr()); } } else { ++d_ds->tcpReadTimeouts; vinfolog("Timeout while reading from TCP backend %s", d_ds->getNameWithAddr()); } try { notifyAllQueriesFailed(now, FailureReason::timeout); } catch (const std::exception& e) { vinfolog("Got an exception while notifying a timeout: %s", e.what()); } catch (...) { vinfolog("Got exception while notifying a timeout"); } release(); } void TCPConnectionToBackend::notifyAllQueriesFailed(const struct timeval& now, FailureReason reason) { d_connectionDied = true; d_ds->reportTimeoutOrError(); /* we might be terminated while notifying a query sender */ d_ds->outstanding -= d_pendingResponses.size(); auto pendingQueries = std::move(d_pendingQueries); d_pendingQueries.clear(); auto pendingResponses = std::move(d_pendingResponses); d_pendingResponses.clear(); auto increaseCounters = [reason](const ClientState* cs) { if (reason == FailureReason::timeout) { if (cs) { ++cs->tcpDownstreamTimeouts; } } else if (reason == FailureReason::gaveUp) { if (cs) { ++cs->tcpGaveUp; } } }; try { if (d_state == State::sendingQueryToBackend) { increaseCounters(d_currentQuery.d_query.d_idstate.cs); auto sender = std::move(d_currentQuery.d_sender); if (sender->active()) { TCPResponse response(std::move(d_currentQuery.d_query)); sender->notifyIOError(now, std::move(response)); } } for (auto& query : pendingQueries) { increaseCounters(query.d_query.d_idstate.cs); auto sender = std::move(query.d_sender); if (sender->active()) { TCPResponse response(std::move(query.d_query)); sender->notifyIOError(now, std::move(response)); } } for (auto& response : pendingResponses) { increaseCounters(response.second.d_query.d_idstate.cs); auto sender = std::move(response.second.d_sender); if (sender->active()) { TCPResponse tresp(std::move(response.second.d_query)); sender->notifyIOError(now, std::move(tresp)); } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { vinfolog("Got an exception while notifying: %s", e.what()); } catch (...) { vinfolog("Got exception while notifying"); } release(); } IOState TCPConnectionToBackend::handleResponse(std::shared_ptr& conn, const struct timeval& now) { d_downstreamFailures = 0; uint16_t queryId = 0; try { queryId = getQueryIdFromResponse(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { DEBUGLOG("Unable to get query ID"); notifyAllQueriesFailed(now, FailureReason::unexpectedQueryID); throw; } auto it = d_pendingResponses.find(queryId); if (it == d_pendingResponses.end()) { DEBUGLOG("could not find any corresponding query for ID "<second.d_query.d_idstate.origID), 0, false); auto sender = it->second.d_sender; if (sender->active() && it->second.d_query.isXFR()) { DEBUGLOG("XFR!"); bool done = false; TCPResponse response; response.d_buffer = std::move(d_responseBuffer); response.d_connection = conn; response.d_ds = conn->d_ds; /* we don't move the whole IDS because we will need for the responses to come */ response.d_idstate.qtype = it->second.d_query.d_idstate.qtype; response.d_idstate.qname = it->second.d_query.d_idstate.qname; DEBUGLOG("passing XFRresponse to client connection for "<second.d_query.d_xfrStarted = true; done = isXFRFinished(response, it->second.d_query); if (done) { d_pendingResponses.erase(it); --conn->d_ds->outstanding; /* marking as idle for now, so we can accept new queries if our queues are empty */ if (d_pendingQueries.empty() && d_pendingResponses.empty()) { d_state = State::idle; t_downstreamTCPConnectionsManager.moveToIdle(conn); } } sender->handleXFRResponse(now, std::move(response)); if (done) { d_state = State::idle; t_downstreamTCPConnectionsManager.moveToIdle(conn); return IOState::Done; } d_state = State::waitingForResponseFromBackend; d_currentPos = 0; d_responseBuffer.resize(sizeof(uint16_t)); // get ready to read the next packet, if any return IOState::NeedRead; } --conn->d_ds->outstanding; auto ids = std::move(it->second.d_query.d_idstate); const double udiff = ids.queryRealTime.udiff(); conn->d_ds->updateTCPLatency(udiff); if (d_responseBuffer.size() >= sizeof(dnsheader)) { dnsheader dh; memcpy(&dh, d_responseBuffer.data(), sizeof(dh)); conn->d_ds->reportResponse(dh.rcode); } else { conn->d_ds->reportTimeoutOrError(); } d_pendingResponses.erase(it); /* marking as idle for now, so we can accept new queries if our queues are empty */ if (d_pendingQueries.empty() && d_pendingResponses.empty()) { d_state = State::idle; t_downstreamTCPConnectionsManager.moveToIdle(conn); } else if (!d_pendingResponses.empty()) { d_currentPos = 0; d_state = State::waitingForResponseFromBackend; } // be very careful that handleResponse() might trigger new queries being assigned to us, // which may reset our d_currentPos, d_state and/or d_responseBuffer, so we cannot assume // anything without checking first auto shared = conn; if (sender->active()) { DEBUGLOG("passing response to client connection for "<d_ds); sender->handleResponse(now, std::move(response)); } if (!d_pendingQueries.empty()) { DEBUGLOG("still have some queries to send"); return queueNextQuery(shared); } else if (!d_pendingResponses.empty()) { DEBUGLOG("still have some responses to read"); return IOState::NeedRead; } else { DEBUGLOG("nothing to do, waiting for a new query"); d_state = State::idle; t_downstreamTCPConnectionsManager.moveToIdle(conn); return IOState::Done; } } uint16_t TCPConnectionToBackend::getQueryIdFromResponse() const { if (d_responseBuffer.size() < sizeof(dnsheader)) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to get query ID in a too small (" + std::to_string(d_responseBuffer.size()) + ") response from " + d_ds->getNameWithAddr()); } uint16_t id; memcpy(&id, &d_responseBuffer.at(0), sizeof(id)); return ntohs(id); } void TCPConnectionToBackend::setProxyProtocolValuesSent(std::unique_ptr>&& proxyProtocolValuesSent) { /* if we already have some values, we have already verified they match */ if (!d_proxyProtocolValuesSent) { d_proxyProtocolValuesSent = std::move(proxyProtocolValuesSent); } } bool TCPConnectionToBackend::matchesTLVs(const std::unique_ptr>& tlvs) const { if (tlvs == nullptr) { if (d_proxyProtocolValuesSent == nullptr) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (d_proxyProtocolValuesSent == nullptr) { return false; } return *tlvs == *d_proxyProtocolValuesSent; } bool TCPConnectionToBackend::isXFRFinished(const TCPResponse& response, TCPQuery& query) { bool done = false; try { MOADNSParser parser(true, reinterpret_cast(response.d_buffer.data()), response.d_buffer.size()); if (parser.d_header.rcode != 0U) { done = true; } else { for (const auto& record : parser.d_answers) { if (record.first.d_class != QClass::IN || record.first.d_type != QType::SOA) { continue; } auto unknownContent = getRR(record.first); if (!unknownContent) { continue; } const auto& raw = unknownContent->getRawContent(); auto serial = getSerialFromRawSOAContent(raw); if (query.d_xfrPrimarySerial == 0) { // store the first SOA in our client's connection metadata query.d_xfrPrimarySerial = serial; if (query.d_idstate.qtype == QType::IXFR && (query.d_xfrPrimarySerial == query.d_ixfrQuerySerial || rfc1982LessThan(query.d_xfrPrimarySerial, query.d_ixfrQuerySerial))) { /* This is the first message with a primary SOA: RFC 1995 Section 2: If an IXFR query with the same or newer version number than that of the server is received, it is replied to with a single SOA record of the server's current version. */ done = true; break; } } ++query.d_xfrSerialCount; if (serial == query.d_xfrPrimarySerial) { ++query.d_xfrPrimarySerialCount; // figure out if it's end when receiving primary's SOA again if (query.d_xfrSerialCount == 2) { // if there are only two SOA records marks a finished AXFR done = true; break; } if (query.d_xfrPrimarySerialCount == 3) { // receiving primary's SOA 3 times marks a finished IXFR done = true; break; } } } } } catch (const MOADNSException& e) { DEBUGLOG("Exception when parsing TCPResponse to DNS: " << e.what()); /* ponder what to do here, shall we close the connection? */ } return done; } void setTCPDownstreamMaxIdleConnectionsPerBackend(uint64_t max) { DownstreamTCPConnectionsManager::setMaxIdleConnectionsPerDownstream(max); } void setTCPDownstreamCleanupInterval(uint64_t interval) { DownstreamTCPConnectionsManager::setCleanupInterval(interval); } void setTCPDownstreamMaxIdleTime(uint64_t max) { DownstreamTCPConnectionsManager::setMaxIdleTime(max); }