/* * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist. * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries * produced as the result of such linking. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "doq-common.hh" #include "dnsdist-random.hh" #include "libssl.hh" #ifdef HAVE_DNS_OVER_QUIC #if 0 #define DEBUGLOG_ENABLED #define DEBUGLOG(x) std::cerr << x << std::endl; #else #define DEBUGLOG(x) #endif namespace dnsdist::doq { static const std::string s_quicRetryTokenKey = dnsdist::crypto::authenticated::newKey(false); PacketBuffer mintToken(const PacketBuffer& dcid, const ComboAddress& peer) { try { dnsdist::crypto::authenticated::Nonce nonce; nonce.init(); const auto addrBytes = peer.toByteString(); // this token will be valid for 60s const uint64_t ttd = time(nullptr) + 60U; PacketBuffer plainTextToken; plainTextToken.reserve(sizeof(ttd) + addrBytes.size() + dcid.size()); // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast,cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic) plainTextToken.insert(plainTextToken.end(), reinterpret_cast(&ttd), reinterpret_cast(&ttd) + sizeof(ttd)); plainTextToken.insert(plainTextToken.end(), addrBytes.begin(), addrBytes.end()); plainTextToken.insert(plainTextToken.end(), dcid.begin(), dcid.end()); // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast) const auto encryptedToken = dnsdist::crypto::authenticated::encryptSym(std::string_view(reinterpret_cast(plainTextToken.data()), plainTextToken.size()), s_quicRetryTokenKey, nonce, false); // a bit sad, let's see if we can do better later PacketBuffer encryptedTokenPacket; encryptedTokenPacket.reserve(encryptedToken.size() + nonce.value.size()); encryptedTokenPacket.insert(encryptedTokenPacket.begin(), encryptedToken.begin(), encryptedToken.end()); encryptedTokenPacket.insert(encryptedTokenPacket.begin(), nonce.value.begin(), nonce.value.end()); return encryptedTokenPacket; } catch (const std::exception& exp) { vinfolog("Error while minting DoH3 token: %s", exp.what()); throw; } } void fillRandom(PacketBuffer& buffer, size_t size) { buffer.reserve(size); while (size > 0) { buffer.insert(buffer.end(), dnsdist::getRandomValue(std::numeric_limits::max())); --size; } } std::optional getCID() { PacketBuffer buffer; fillRandom(buffer, LOCAL_CONN_ID_LEN); return buffer; } // returns the original destination ID if the token is valid, nothing otherwise std::optional validateToken(const PacketBuffer& token, const ComboAddress& peer) { try { dnsdist::crypto::authenticated::Nonce nonce; auto addrBytes = peer.toByteString(); const uint64_t now = time(nullptr); const auto minimumSize = nonce.value.size() + sizeof(now) + addrBytes.size(); if (token.size() <= minimumSize) { return std::nullopt; } memcpy(nonce.value.data(), token.data(), nonce.value.size()); // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast) auto cipher = std::string_view(reinterpret_cast(&token.at(nonce.value.size())), token.size() - nonce.value.size()); auto plainText = dnsdist::crypto::authenticated::decryptSym(cipher, s_quicRetryTokenKey, nonce, false); if (plainText.size() <= sizeof(now) + addrBytes.size()) { return std::nullopt; } uint64_t ttd{0}; memcpy(&ttd, plainText.data(), sizeof(ttd)); if (ttd < now) { return std::nullopt; } if (std::memcmp(&plainText.at(sizeof(ttd)), &*addrBytes.begin(), addrBytes.size()) != 0) { return std::nullopt; } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-narrowing-conversions,cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions) return PacketBuffer(plainText.begin() + (sizeof(ttd) + addrBytes.size()), plainText.end()); } catch (const std::exception& exp) { vinfolog("Error while validating DoH3 token: %s", exp.what()); return std::nullopt; } } static void sendFromTo(Socket& sock, const ComboAddress& peer, const ComboAddress& local, PacketBuffer& buffer) { const int flags = 0; if (local.sin4.sin_family == 0) { // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast) auto ret = sendto(sock.getHandle(), buffer.data(), buffer.size(), flags, reinterpret_cast(&peer), peer.getSocklen()); if (ret < 0) { auto error = errno; vinfolog("Error while sending QUIC datagram of size %d to %s: %s", buffer.size(), peer.toStringWithPort(), stringerror(error)); } return; } try { sendMsgWithOptions(sock.getHandle(), buffer.data(), buffer.size(), &peer, &local, 0, 0); } catch (const std::exception& exp) { vinfolog("Error while sending QUIC datagram of size %d from %s to %s: %s", buffer.size(), local.toStringWithPort(), peer.toStringWithPort(), exp.what()); } } void handleStatelessRetry(Socket& sock, const PacketBuffer& clientConnID, const PacketBuffer& serverConnID, const ComboAddress& peer, const ComboAddress& localAddr, uint32_t version, PacketBuffer& buffer) { auto newServerConnID = getCID(); if (!newServerConnID) { return; } auto token = mintToken(serverConnID, peer); buffer.resize(MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE); auto written = quiche_retry(clientConnID.data(), clientConnID.size(), serverConnID.data(), serverConnID.size(), newServerConnID->data(), newServerConnID->size(), token.data(), token.size(), version, buffer.data(), buffer.size()); if (written < 0) { DEBUGLOG("failed to create retry packet " << written); return; } buffer.resize(static_cast(written)); sendFromTo(sock, peer, localAddr, buffer); } void handleVersionNegociation(Socket& sock, const PacketBuffer& clientConnID, const PacketBuffer& serverConnID, const ComboAddress& peer, const ComboAddress& localAddr, PacketBuffer& buffer) { buffer.resize(MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE); auto written = quiche_negotiate_version(clientConnID.data(), clientConnID.size(), serverConnID.data(), serverConnID.size(), buffer.data(), buffer.size()); if (written < 0) { DEBUGLOG("failed to create vneg packet " << written); return; } buffer.resize(static_cast(written)); sendFromTo(sock, peer, localAddr, buffer); } void flushEgress(Socket& sock, QuicheConnection& conn, const ComboAddress& peer, const ComboAddress& localAddr, PacketBuffer& buffer) { buffer.resize(MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE); quiche_send_info send_info; while (true) { auto written = quiche_conn_send(conn.get(), buffer.data(), buffer.size(), &send_info); if (written == QUICHE_ERR_DONE) { return; } if (written < 0) { return; } // FIXME pacing (as send_info.at should tell us when to send the packet) ? buffer.resize(static_cast(written)); sendFromTo(sock, peer, localAddr, buffer); } } void configureQuiche(QuicheConfig& config, const QuicheParams& params, bool isHTTP) { for (const auto& pair : params.d_tlsConfig.d_certKeyPairs) { auto res = quiche_config_load_cert_chain_from_pem_file(config.get(), pair.d_cert.c_str()); if (res != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Error loading the server certificate: " + std::to_string(res)); } if (pair.d_key) { res = quiche_config_load_priv_key_from_pem_file(config.get(), pair.d_key->c_str()); if (res != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Error loading the server key: " + std::to_string(res)); } } } { auto res = quiche_config_set_application_protos(config.get(), // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast) reinterpret_cast(params.d_alpn.data()), params.d_alpn.size()); if (res != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Error setting ALPN: " + std::to_string(res)); } } quiche_config_set_max_idle_timeout(config.get(), params.d_idleTimeout * 1000); /* maximum size of an outgoing packet, which means the buffer we pass to quiche_conn_send() should be at least that big */ quiche_config_set_max_send_udp_payload_size(config.get(), MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE); quiche_config_set_max_recv_udp_payload_size(config.get(), MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE); // The number of concurrent remotely-initiated bidirectional streams to be open at any given time // https://docs.rs/quiche/latest/quiche/struct.Config.html#method.set_initial_max_streams_bidi // 0 means none will get accepted, that's why we have a default value of 65535 quiche_config_set_initial_max_streams_bidi(config.get(), params.d_maxInFlight); // The number of bytes of incoming stream data to be buffered for each localy or remotely-initiated bidirectional stream quiche_config_set_initial_max_stream_data_bidi_local(config.get(), 8192); quiche_config_set_initial_max_stream_data_bidi_remote(config.get(), 8192); if (isHTTP) { /* see rfc9114 section 6.2. Unidirectional Streams: Each endpoint needs to create at least one unidirectional stream for the HTTP control stream. QPACK requires two additional unidirectional streams, and other extensions might require further streams. Therefore, the transport parameters sent by both clients and servers MUST allow the peer to create at least three unidirectional streams. These transport parameters SHOULD also provide at least 1,024 bytes of flow-control credit to each unidirectional stream. */ quiche_config_set_initial_max_streams_uni(config.get(), 3U); quiche_config_set_initial_max_stream_data_uni(config.get(), 1024U); } // The number of total bytes of incoming stream data to be buffered for the whole connection // https://docs.rs/quiche/latest/quiche/struct.Config.html#method.set_initial_max_data quiche_config_set_initial_max_data(config.get(), 8192 * params.d_maxInFlight); if (!params.d_keyLogFile.empty()) { quiche_config_log_keys(config.get()); } auto algo = dnsdist::doq::s_available_cc_algorithms.find(params.d_ccAlgo); if (algo != dnsdist::doq::s_available_cc_algorithms.end()) { quiche_config_set_cc_algorithm(config.get(), static_cast(algo->second)); } { PacketBuffer resetToken; fillRandom(resetToken, 16); quiche_config_set_stateless_reset_token(config.get(), resetToken.data()); } } bool recvAsync(Socket& socket, PacketBuffer& buffer, ComboAddress& clientAddr, ComboAddress& localAddr) { msghdr msgh{}; iovec iov{}; /* used by HarvestDestinationAddress */ cmsgbuf_aligned cbuf; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast) fillMSGHdr(&msgh, &iov, &cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), reinterpret_cast(&buffer.at(0)), buffer.size(), &clientAddr); ssize_t got = recvmsg(socket.getHandle(), &msgh, 0); if (got < 0) { int error = errno; if (error != EAGAIN) { throw NetworkError("Error in recvmsg: " + stringerror(error)); } return false; } if ((msgh.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC) != 0) { return false; } buffer.resize(static_cast(got)); if (HarvestDestinationAddress(&msgh, &localAddr)) { /* so it turns out that sometimes the kernel lies to us: the address is set to which makes our sendfromto() use the wrong address. In that case it's better to let the kernel do the work by itself and use sendto() instead. This is indicated by setting the family to 0 which is acted upon in sendUDPResponse() and DelayedPacket::(). */ const ComboAddress bogusV4(""); const ComboAddress bogusV6("[::]:0"); if ((localAddr.sin4.sin_family == AF_INET && localAddr == bogusV4) || (localAddr.sin4.sin_family == AF_INET6 && localAddr == bogusV6)) { localAddr.sin4.sin_family = 0; } } else { localAddr.sin4.sin_family = 0; } return !buffer.empty(); } }; #endif