#if defined(__sun__) && defined(__svr4__) #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #endif #include #include "mplexer.hh" #include "sstuff.hh" #include #include "misc.hh" #include "namespaces.hh" class PortsFDMultiplexer : public FDMultiplexer { public: PortsFDMultiplexer(unsigned int maxEventsHint); ~PortsFDMultiplexer() { close(d_portfd); } int run(struct timeval* tv, int timeout = 500) override; void getAvailableFDs(std::vector& fds, int timeout) override; void addFD(int fd, FDMultiplexer::EventKind kind) override; void removeFD(int fd, FDMultiplexer::EventKind kind) override; string getName() const override { return "solaris completion ports"; } private: int d_portfd; std::vector d_pevents; }; static FDMultiplexer* makePorts(unsigned int maxEventsHint) { return new PortsFDMultiplexer(maxEventsHint); } static struct PortsRegisterOurselves { PortsRegisterOurselves() { FDMultiplexer::getMultiplexerMap().emplace(0, &makePorts); // priority 0! } } doItPorts; PortsFDMultiplexer::PortsFDMultiplexer(unsigned int maxEventsHint) : d_pevents(maxEventsHint) { d_portfd = port_create(); // not hard max if (d_portfd < 0) { throw FDMultiplexerException("Setting up port: " + stringerror()); } } static int convertEventKind(FDMultiplexer::EventKind kind) { switch (kind) { case FDMultiplexer::EventKind::Read: return POLLIN; case FDMultiplexer::EventKind::Write: return POLLOUT; case FDMultiplexer::EventKind::Both: return POLLIN | POLLOUT; } throw std::runtime_error("Unhandled event kind in the ports multiplexer"); } void PortsFDMultiplexer::addFD(int fd, FDMultiplexer::EventKind kind) { if (port_associate(d_portfd, PORT_SOURCE_FD, fd, convertEventKind(kind), 0) < 0) { throw FDMultiplexerException("Adding fd to port set: " + stringerror()); } } void PortsFDMultiplexer::removeFD(int fd, FDMultiplexer::EventKind) { if (port_dissociate(d_portfd, PORT_SOURCE_FD, fd) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) { // it appears under some circumstances, ENOENT will be returned, without this being an error. Apache has this same "fix" throw FDMultiplexerException("Removing fd from port set: " + stringerror()); } } void PortsFDMultiplexer::getAvailableFDs(std::vector& fds, int timeout) { struct timespec timeoutspec; timeoutspec.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; timeoutspec.tv_nsec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000000; unsigned int numevents = 1; int ret = port_getn(d_portfd, d_pevents.data(), min(PORT_MAX_LIST, static_cast(d_pevents.size())), &numevents, timeout != -1 ? &timeoutspec : nullptr); /* port_getn has an unusual API - (ret == -1, errno == ETIME) can mean partial success; you must check (*numevents) in this case and process anything in there, otherwise you'll never see any events from that object again. We don't care about pure timeouts (ret == -1, errno == ETIME, *numevents == 0) so we don't bother with that case. */ if (ret == -1 && errno != ETIME) { if (errno != EINTR) { throw FDMultiplexerException("completion port_getn returned error: " + stringerror()); } // EINTR is not really an error return; } if (numevents == 0) { // nothing return; } fds.reserve(numevents); for (unsigned int n = 0; n < numevents; ++n) { const auto fd = d_pevents[n].portev_object; /* we need to re-associate the FD */ if ((d_pevents[n].portev_events & POLLIN || d_pevents[n].portev_events & POLLERR || d_pevents[n].portev_events & POLLHUP)) { if (d_readCallbacks.count(fd)) { if (port_associate(d_portfd, PORT_SOURCE_FD, fd, d_writeCallbacks.count(fd) > 0 ? POLLIN | POLLOUT : POLLIN, 0) < 0) { throw FDMultiplexerException("Unable to add fd back to ports (read): " + stringerror()); } } } else if ((d_pevents[n].portev_events & POLLOUT || d_pevents[n].portev_events & POLLERR)) { if (d_writeCallbacks.count(fd)) { if (port_associate(d_portfd, PORT_SOURCE_FD, fd, d_readCallbacks.count(fd) > 0 ? POLLIN | POLLOUT : POLLOUT, 0) < 0) { throw FDMultiplexerException("Unable to add fd back to ports (write): " + stringerror()); } } } else { /* not registered, this is unexpected */ continue; } fds.push_back(fd); } } int PortsFDMultiplexer::run(struct timeval* now, int timeout) { if (d_inrun) { throw FDMultiplexerException("FDMultiplexer::run() is not reentrant!\n"); } struct timespec timeoutspec; timeoutspec.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; timeoutspec.tv_nsec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000000; unsigned int numevents = 1; int ret = port_getn(d_portfd, d_pevents.data(), min(PORT_MAX_LIST, static_cast(d_pevents.size())), &numevents, timeout != -1 ? &timeoutspec : nullptr); /* port_getn has an unusual API - (ret == -1, errno == ETIME) can mean partial success; you must check (*numevents) in this case and process anything in there, otherwise you'll never see any events from that object again. We don't care about pure timeouts (ret == -1, errno == ETIME, *numevents == 0) so we don't bother with that case. */ if (ret == -1 && errno != ETIME) { if (errno != EINTR) { throw FDMultiplexerException("completion port_getn returned error: " + stringerror()); } // EINTR is not really an error gettimeofday(now, nullptr); return 0; } gettimeofday(now, nullptr); if (!numevents) { // nothing return 0; } d_inrun = true; int count = 0; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < numevents; ++n) { if (d_pevents[n].portev_events & POLLIN || d_pevents[n].portev_events & POLLERR || d_pevents[n].portev_events & POLLHUP) { const auto& iter = d_readCallbacks.find(d_pevents[n].portev_object); if (iter != d_readCallbacks.end()) { iter->d_callback(iter->d_fd, iter->d_parameter); count++; if (d_readCallbacks.count(d_pevents[n].portev_object) && port_associate(d_portfd, PORT_SOURCE_FD, d_pevents[n].portev_object, d_writeCallbacks.count(d_pevents[n].portev_object) ? POLLIN | POLLOUT : POLLIN, 0) < 0) { throw FDMultiplexerException("Unable to add fd back to ports (read): " + stringerror()); } } } if (d_pevents[n].portev_events & POLLOUT || d_pevents[n].portev_events & POLLERR) { const auto& iter = d_writeCallbacks.find(d_pevents[n].portev_object); if (iter != d_writeCallbacks.end()) { iter->d_callback(iter->d_fd, iter->d_parameter); count++; if (d_writeCallbacks.count(d_pevents[n].portev_object) && port_associate(d_portfd, PORT_SOURCE_FD, d_pevents[n].portev_object, d_readCallbacks.count(d_pevents[n].portev_object) ? POLLIN | POLLOUT : POLLOUT, 0) < 0) { throw FDMultiplexerException("Unable to add fd back to ports (write): " + stringerror()); } } } } d_inrun = false; return count; } #if 0 void acceptData(int fd, boost::any& parameter) { cout<<"Have data on fd "<(parameter); string packet; IPEndpoint rem; sock->recvFrom(packet, rem); cout<<"Received "<