/* * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist. * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries * produced as the result of such linking. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include "config.h" #include "iputils.hh" #include "gettime.hh" #include "uuid-utils.hh" #ifndef DISABLE_PROTOBUF #include namespace pdns { namespace ProtoZero { class Message { public: enum class MetaValueField : protozero::pbf_tag_type { stringVal = 1, intVal = 2 }; enum class HTTPVersion : protozero::pbf_tag_type { HTTP1 = 1, HTTP2 = 2, HTTP3 = 3 }; enum class MetaField : protozero::pbf_tag_type { key = 1, value = 2 }; enum class Event : protozero::pbf_tag_type { ts = 1, event = 2, start = 3, boolVal = 4, intVal = 5, stringVal = 6, bytesVal = 7, custom = 8 }; enum class MessageType : int32_t { DNSQueryType = 1, DNSResponseType = 2, DNSOutgoingQueryType = 3, DNSIncomingResponseType = 4 }; enum class Field : protozero::pbf_tag_type { type = 1, messageId = 2, serverIdentity = 3, socketFamily = 4, socketProtocol = 5, from = 6, to = 7, inBytes = 8, timeSec = 9, timeUsec = 10, id = 11, question = 12, response = 13, originalRequestorSubnet = 14, requestorId = 15, initialRequestId = 16, deviceId = 17, newlyObservedDomain = 18, deviceName = 19, fromPort = 20, toPort = 21, meta = 22, trace = 23, httpVersion = 24 }; enum class QuestionField : protozero::pbf_tag_type { qName = 1, qType = 2, qClass = 3 }; enum class ResponseField : protozero::pbf_tag_type { rcode = 1, rrs = 2, appliedPolicy = 3, tags = 4, queryTimeSec = 5, queryTimeUsec = 6, appliedPolicyType = 7, appliedPolicyTrigger = 8, appliedPolicyHit = 9, appliedPolicyKind = 10, validationState = 11 }; enum class RRField : protozero::pbf_tag_type { name = 1, type = 2, class_ = 3, ttl = 4, rdata = 5, udr = 6 }; enum class TransportProtocol : protozero::pbf_tag_type { UDP = 1, TCP = 2, DoT = 3, DoH = 4, DNSCryptUDP = 5, DNSCryptTCP = 6, DoQ = 7 }; Message(std::string& buffer): d_buffer(buffer), d_message{d_buffer} { } Message(const Message&) = delete; Message(Message&&) = delete; Message& operator=(const Message&) = delete; Message& operator=(Message&&) = delete; void setRequest(const boost::uuids::uuid& uniqueId, const ComboAddress& requestor, const ComboAddress& local, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, uint16_t qclass, uint16_t id, TransportProtocol proto, size_t len); void setResponse(const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, uint16_t qclass); void setType(MessageType mtype) { add_enum(d_message, Field::type, static_cast(mtype)); } void setHTTPVersion(HTTPVersion version) { add_enum(d_message, Field::httpVersion, static_cast(version)); } void setMessageIdentity(const boost::uuids::uuid& uniqueId) { add_bytes(d_message, Field::messageId, reinterpret_cast(uniqueId.begin()), uniqueId.size()); } void setServerIdentity(const std::string& serverIdentity) { add_bytes(d_message, Field::serverIdentity, serverIdentity.data(), serverIdentity.length()); } void setSocketFamily(int family) { add_enum(d_message, Field::socketFamily, family == AF_INET ? 1 : 2); } void setSocketProtocol(TransportProtocol proto) { add_enum(d_message, Field::socketProtocol, static_cast(proto)); } void setFrom(const ComboAddress& ca) { encodeComboAddress(static_cast(Field::from), ca); } void setTo(const ComboAddress& ca) { encodeComboAddress(static_cast(Field::to), ca); } void setInBytes(uint64_t len) { add_uint64(d_message, Field::inBytes, len); } void setTime() { struct timespec ts; gettime(&ts, true); setTime(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec / 1000); } void setTime(time_t sec, uint32_t usec) { // coverity[store_truncates_time_t] add_uint32(d_message, Field::timeSec, sec); add_uint32(d_message, Field::timeUsec, usec); } void setId(uint16_t id) { add_uint32(d_message, Field::id, ntohs(id)); } void setQuestion(const DNSName& qname, uint16_t qtype, uint16_t qclass) { protozero::pbf_writer pbf_question{d_message, static_cast(Field::question)}; encodeDNSName(pbf_question, d_buffer, static_cast(QuestionField::qName), qname); pbf_question.add_uint32(static_cast(QuestionField::qType), qtype); pbf_question.add_uint32(static_cast(QuestionField::qClass), qclass); } void setMeta(const std::string& key, const std::unordered_set& stringVal, const std::unordered_set& intVal) { protozero::pbf_writer pbf_meta{d_message, static_cast(Field::meta)}; pbf_meta.add_string(static_cast(MetaField::key), key); protozero::pbf_writer pbf_meta_value{pbf_meta, static_cast(MetaField::value)}; for (const auto& s: stringVal) { pbf_meta_value.add_string(static_cast(MetaValueField::stringVal), s); } for (const auto& i: intVal) { pbf_meta_value.add_uint64(static_cast(MetaValueField::intVal), i); } } void setEDNSSubnet(const Netmask& nm, uint8_t mask) { encodeNetmask(static_cast(Field::originalRequestorSubnet), nm, mask); } void setRequestorId(const std::string& req) { if (!req.empty()) { add_string(d_message, Field::requestorId, req); } } void setInitialRequestID(const boost::uuids::uuid& uniqueId) { add_bytes(d_message, Field::initialRequestId, reinterpret_cast(uniqueId.begin()), uniqueId.size()); } void setDeviceId(const std::string& id) { if (!id.empty()) { add_string(d_message, Field::deviceId, id); } } void setNewlyObservedDomain(bool nod) { add_bool(d_message, Field::newlyObservedDomain, nod); } void setDeviceName(const std::string& name) { if (!name.empty()) { add_string(d_message, Field::deviceName, name); } } void setFromPort(in_port_t port) { add_uint32(d_message, Field::fromPort, port); } void setToPort(in_port_t port) { add_uint32(d_message, Field::toPort, port); } void startResponse() { d_response = protozero::pbf_writer{d_message, static_cast(Field::response)}; } void commitResponse() { d_response.commit(); } void setResponseCode(uint8_t rcode) { d_response.add_uint32(static_cast(ResponseField::rcode), rcode); } void setNetworkErrorResponseCode() { /* special code meaning 'network error', like a timeout */ d_response.add_uint32(static_cast(ResponseField::rcode), 65536); } void setAppliedPolicy(const std::string& policy) { d_response.add_string(static_cast(ResponseField::appliedPolicy), policy); } void addPolicyTags(const std::unordered_set& tags) { for (const auto& tag : tags) { addPolicyTag(tag); } } void addPolicyTag(const string& tag) { d_response.add_string(static_cast(ResponseField::tags), tag); } void setQueryTime(uint32_t sec, uint32_t usec) { d_response.add_uint32(static_cast(ResponseField::queryTimeSec), sec); d_response.add_uint32(static_cast(ResponseField::queryTimeUsec), usec); } void addRRsFromPacket(const char* packet, const size_t len, bool includeCNAME=false); void addRR(const DNSName& name, uint16_t uType, uint16_t uClass, uint32_t uTTL, const std::string& blob); protected: void encodeComboAddress(protozero::pbf_tag_type type, const ComboAddress& ca); void encodeNetmask(protozero::pbf_tag_type type, const Netmask& subnet, uint8_t mask); void encodeDNSName(protozero::pbf_writer& pbf, std::string& buffer, protozero::pbf_tag_type type, const DNSName& name); static void add_enum(protozero::pbf_writer& writer, Field type, int32_t value) { writer.add_enum(static_cast(type), value); } static void add_bool(protozero::pbf_writer& writer, Field type, bool value) { writer.add_bool(static_cast(type), value); } static void add_uint32(protozero::pbf_writer& writer, Field type, uint32_t value) { writer.add_uint32(static_cast(type), value); } static void add_uint64(protozero::pbf_writer& writer, Field type, uint64_t value) { writer.add_uint64(static_cast(type), value); } static void add_bytes(protozero::pbf_writer& writer, Field type, const char* data, size_t len) { writer.add_bytes(static_cast(type), data, len); } static void add_string(protozero::pbf_writer& writer, Field type, const std::string& str) { writer.add_string(static_cast(type), str); } std::string& d_buffer; protozero::pbf_writer d_message; protozero::pbf_writer d_response; }; }; }; #endif /* DISABLE_PROTOBUF */