path: root/src/director/director-connection.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/director/director-connection.c')
1 files changed, 2712 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/director/director-connection.c b/src/director/director-connection.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a89cc2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/director/director-connection.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2712 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */
+ Handshaking:
+ Incoming director connections send:
+ ME
+ <wait for DONE from remote handshake>
+ <make this connection our "left" connection, potentially disconnecting
+ another one>
+ Outgoing director connections send:
+ ME
+ [0..n] DIRECTOR
+ [0..n] HOST
+ [0..n] USER
+ <possibly other non-handshake commands between USERs>
+ <wait for DONE from remote>
+ <make this connection our "right" connection, potentially disconnecting
+ another one>
+#include "lib.h"
+#include "ioloop.h"
+#include "array.h"
+#include "net.h"
+#include "istream.h"
+#include "ostream.h"
+#include "str.h"
+#include "strescape.h"
+#include "time-util.h"
+#include "master-service.h"
+#include "mail-host.h"
+#include "director.h"
+#include "director-host.h"
+#include "director-request.h"
+#include "director-connection.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#define MAX_INBUF_SIZE 1024
+#define OUTBUF_FLUSH_THRESHOLD (1024*128)
+/* Max time to wait for connect() to finish before aborting */
+/* Max idling time before "ME" command must have been received,
+ or we'll disconnect. */
+/* Max time to wait for USERs in handshake to be sent. With a lot of users the
+ kernel may quickly eat up everything we send, while the receiver is busy
+ parsing the data. */
+/* Max idling time before "DONE" command must have been received,
+ or we'll disconnect. Use a slightly larger value than for _SEND_USERS_ so
+ that we'll get a better error if the sender decides to disconnect. */
+/* How long to wait to send PING when connection is idle */
+/* How long to wait before sending PING while waiting for SYNC reply */
+/* Log a warning if PING reply or PONG response takes longer than this */
+/* If outgoing director connection exists for less than this many seconds,
+ mark the host as failed so we won't try to reconnect to it immediately */
+/* If USER request doesn't have a timestamp, user isn't refreshed if it was
+ already refreshed director_user_expire/4 seconds ago. This value is the
+ hardcoded maximum for that value. */
+/* If we receive SYNCs with a timestamp this many seconds higher than the last
+ valid received SYNC timestamp, assume that we lost the director's restart
+ notification and reset the last_sync_seq */
+/* How many USER entries to send during handshake before going back to ioloop
+ to see if there's other work to be done as well. */
+#define CMD_IS_USER_HANDSHAKE(minor_version, args) \
+ ((minor_version) < DIRECTOR_VERSION_HANDSHAKE_U_CMD && \
+ str_array_length(args) > 2)
+#define DIRECTOR_OPT_CONSISTENT_HASHING "consistent-hashing"
+struct director_connection {
+ int refcount;
+ struct director *dir;
+ struct event *event;
+ char *name;
+ struct timeval created, connected_time, me_received_time;
+ struct timeval connected_user_cpu;
+ unsigned int minor_version;
+ struct timeval last_input, last_output;
+ size_t peak_bytes_buffered;
+ struct timeval ping_sent_time;
+ size_t ping_sent_buffer_size;
+ struct timeval ping_sent_user_cpu;
+ uoff_t ping_sent_input_offset, ping_sent_output_offset;
+ unsigned int last_ping_msecs;
+ /* for incoming connections the director host isn't known until
+ ME-line is received */
+ struct director_host *host;
+ /* this is set only for wrong connections: */
+ struct director_host *connect_request_to;
+ int fd;
+ struct io *io;
+ struct istream *input;
+ struct ostream *output;
+ struct timeout *to_disconnect, *to_ping, *to_pong;
+ struct director_user_iter *user_iter;
+ unsigned int users_received, handshake_users_received;
+ unsigned int handshake_users_sent;
+ /* set during command execution */
+ const char *cur_cmd, *const *cur_args;
+ bool in:1;
+ bool connected:1;
+ bool version_received:1;
+ bool me_received:1;
+ bool handshake_received:1;
+ bool ignore_host_events:1;
+ bool handshake_sending_hosts:1;
+ bool ping_waiting:1;
+ bool synced:1;
+ bool wrong_host:1;
+ bool verifying_left:1;
+ bool users_unsorted:1;
+ bool connected_user_cpu_set:1;
+static bool director_connection_unref(struct director_connection *conn);
+static void director_finish_sending_handshake(struct director_connection *conn);
+static void director_connection_disconnected(struct director_connection **conn,
+ const char *reason);
+static void director_connection_reconnect(struct director_connection **conn,
+ const char *reason);
+static void
+director_connection_log_disconnect(struct director_connection *conn, int err,
+ const char *errstr);
+static int director_connection_send_done(struct director_connection *conn);
+static void
+director_connection_set_name(struct director_connection *conn, const char *name)
+ char *old_name = conn->name;
+ conn->name = i_strdup(name);
+ i_free(old_name);
+ event_set_append_log_prefix(conn->event,
+ t_strdup_printf("director(%s): ", conn->name));
+static void ATTR_FORMAT(2, 3)
+director_cmd_error(struct director_connection *conn, const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ e_error(conn->event, "Command %s: %s (input: %s)",
+ conn->cur_cmd, t_strdup_vprintf(fmt, args),
+ t_strarray_join(conn->cur_args, "\t"));
+ va_end(args);
+ if (conn->host != NULL)
+ conn->host->last_protocol_failure = ioloop_time;
+static void
+director_connection_append_stats(struct director_connection *conn, string_t *str)
+ struct rusage usage;
+ str_printfa(str, "bytes in=%"PRIuUOFF_T", bytes out=%"PRIuUOFF_T,
+ conn->input->v_offset, conn->output->offset);
+ str_printfa(str, ", %u+%u USERs received",
+ conn->handshake_users_received, conn->users_received);
+ if (conn->handshake_users_sent > 0) {
+ str_printfa(str, ", %u USERs sent in handshake",
+ conn->handshake_users_sent);
+ }
+ if (conn->last_input.tv_sec > 0) {
+ int input_msecs = timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval,
+ &conn->last_input);
+ str_printfa(str, ", last input %u.%03u s ago",
+ input_msecs/1000, input_msecs%1000);
+ }
+ if (conn->last_output.tv_sec > 0) {
+ int output_msecs = timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval,
+ &conn->last_output);
+ str_printfa(str, ", last output %u.%03u s ago",
+ output_msecs/1000, output_msecs%1000);
+ }
+ if (conn->connected) {
+ int connected_msecs = timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval,
+ &conn->connected_time);
+ str_printfa(str, ", connected %u.%03u s ago",
+ connected_msecs/1000, connected_msecs%1000);
+ }
+ if (o_stream_get_buffer_used_size(conn->output) > 0) {
+ str_printfa(str, ", %zu bytes in output buffer",
+ o_stream_get_buffer_used_size(conn->output));
+ }
+ str_printfa(str, ", %zu peak output buffer size",
+ conn->peak_bytes_buffered);
+ if (conn->connected_user_cpu_set &&
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage) == 0) {
+ /* this isn't measuring the CPU usage used by the connection
+ itself, but it can still be a useful measurement */
+ int diff = timeval_diff_msecs(&usage.ru_utime,
+ &conn->connected_user_cpu);
+ str_printfa(str, ", %d.%03d CPU secs since connected",
+ diff / 1000, diff % 1000);
+ }
+static void
+director_connection_init_timeout(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct timeval start_time;
+ string_t *reason = t_str_new(128);
+ if (!conn->connected) {
+ start_time = conn->created;
+ str_append(reason, "Connect timed out");
+ } else if (!conn->me_received) {
+ start_time = conn->connected_time;
+ str_append(reason, "Handshaking ME timed out");
+ } else if (!conn->in) {
+ start_time = conn->me_received_time;
+ str_append(reason, "Sending handshake timed out");
+ } else {
+ start_time = conn->me_received_time;
+ str_append(reason, "Handshaking DONE timed out");
+ }
+ int msecs = timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval, &start_time);
+ str_printfa(reason, " (%u.%03u secs, ", msecs/1000, msecs%1000);
+ director_connection_append_stats(conn, reason);
+ str_append_c(reason, ')');
+ e_error(conn->event, "%s", str_c(reason));
+ director_connection_disconnected(&conn, "Handshake timeout");
+static void
+director_connection_set_ping_timeout(struct director_connection *conn)
+ unsigned int msecs;
+ msecs = conn->synced || !conn->handshake_received ?
+ timeout_remove(&conn->to_ping);
+ conn->to_ping = timeout_add(msecs, director_connection_ping, conn);
+static void director_connection_wait_timeout(struct director_connection *conn)
+ director_connection_log_disconnect(conn, ETIMEDOUT, "");
+ director_connection_deinit(&conn,
+ "Timeout waiting for disconnect after CONNECT");
+static void director_connection_send_connect(struct director_connection *conn,
+ struct director_host *host)
+ const char *connect_str;
+ if (conn->to_disconnect != NULL)
+ return;
+ connect_str = t_strdup_printf("CONNECT\t%s\t%u\n",
+ host->ip_str, host->port);
+ director_connection_send(conn, connect_str);
+ o_stream_uncork(conn->output);
+ /* wait for a while for the remote to disconnect, so it will hopefully
+ see our CONNECT command. we'll also log the warning later to avoid
+ multiple log lines about it. */
+ conn->connect_request_to = host;
+ director_host_ref(conn->connect_request_to);
+ conn->to_disconnect =
+ director_connection_wait_timeout, conn);
+static void director_connection_assigned(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ if (dir->left != NULL && dir->right != NULL) {
+ /* we're connected to both directors. see if the ring is
+ finished by sending a SYNC. if we get it back, it's done. */
+ dir->sync_seq++;
+ director_set_ring_unsynced(dir);
+ director_sync_send(dir, dir->self_host, dir->sync_seq,
+ mail_hosts_hash(dir->mail_hosts));
+ }
+ director_connection_set_ping_timeout(conn);
+static bool director_connection_assign_left(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ i_assert(conn->in);
+ i_assert(dir->left != conn);
+ /* make sure this is the correct incoming connection */
+ if (conn->host->self) {
+ e_error(conn->event, "Connection from self, dropping");
+ return FALSE;
+ } else if (dir->left == NULL) {
+ /* no conflicts yet */
+ } else if (dir->left->host == conn->host) {
+ e_warning(conn->event,
+ "Replacing left director connection %s with %s",
+ dir->left->host->name, conn->host->name);
+ director_connection_deinit(&dir->left, t_strdup_printf(
+ "Replacing with %s", conn->host->name));
+ } else if (dir->left->verifying_left) {
+ /* we're waiting to verify if our current left is still
+ working. if we don't receive a PONG, the current left
+ gets disconnected and a new left gets assigned. if we do
+ receive a PONG, we'll wait until the current left
+ disconnects us and then reassign the new left. */
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if (director_host_cmp_to_self(dir->left->host, conn->host,
+ dir->self_host) < 0) {
+ /* the old connection is the correct one.
+ refer the client there (FIXME: do we ever get here?) */
+ director_connection_send_connect(conn, dir->left->host);
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /* this new connection is the correct one, but wait until the
+ old connection gets disconnected before using this one.
+ that guarantees that the director inserting itself into
+ the ring has finished handshaking its left side, so the
+ switch will be fast. */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ dir->left = conn;
+ director_connection_set_name(conn,
+ t_strdup_printf("%s/left", conn->host->name));
+ director_connection_assigned(conn);
+ return TRUE;
+static void director_assign_left(struct director *dir)
+ struct director_connection *conn;
+ array_foreach_elem(&dir->connections, conn) {
+ if (conn->in && conn->handshake_received &&
+ conn->to_disconnect == NULL && conn != dir->left) {
+ /* either use this or disconnect it */
+ if (!director_connection_assign_left(conn)) {
+ /* we don't want this */
+ director_connection_deinit(&conn,
+ "Unwanted incoming connection");
+ director_assign_left(dir);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static bool director_has_outgoing_connections(struct director *dir)
+ struct director_connection *conn;
+ array_foreach_elem(&dir->connections, conn) {
+ if (!conn->in && conn->to_disconnect == NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void director_send_delayed_syncs(struct director *dir)
+ struct director_host *host;
+ i_assert(dir->right != NULL);
+ e_debug(dir->right->event, "Sending delayed SYNCs");
+ array_foreach_elem(&dir->dir_hosts, host) {
+ if (host->delayed_sync_seq == 0)
+ continue;
+ director_sync_send(dir, host, host->delayed_sync_seq,
+ host->delayed_sync_minor_version,
+ host->delayed_sync_timestamp,
+ host->delayed_sync_hosts_hash);
+ host->delayed_sync_seq = 0;
+ }
+static bool director_connection_assign_right(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ i_assert(!conn->in);
+ if (dir->right != NULL) {
+ /* see if we should disconnect or keep the existing
+ connection. */
+ if (director_host_cmp_to_self(conn->host, dir->right->host,
+ dir->self_host) <= 0) {
+ /* the old connection is the correct one */
+ e_warning(conn->event,
+ "Aborting incorrect outgoing connection to %s "
+ "(already connected to correct one: %s)",
+ conn->host->name, dir->right->host->name);
+ conn->wrong_host = TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ e_warning(conn->event,
+ "Replacing right director connection %s with %s",
+ dir->right->host->name, conn->host->name);
+ director_connection_deinit(&dir->right, t_strdup_printf(
+ "Replacing with %s", conn->host->name));
+ }
+ dir->right = conn;
+ director_connection_set_name(conn,
+ t_strdup_printf("%s/right", conn->host->name));
+ director_connection_assigned(conn);
+ director_send_delayed_syncs(dir);
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_args_parse_ip_port(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args,
+ struct ip_addr *ip_r, in_port_t *port_r)
+ if (args[0] == NULL || args[1] == NULL) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Missing IP+port parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (net_addr2ip(args[0], ip_r) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid IP address: %s", args[0]);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (net_str2port(args[1], port_r) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid port: %s", args[1]);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static bool director_cmd_me(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ const char *connect_str;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ in_port_t port;
+ time_t next_comm_attempt;
+ if (!director_args_parse_ip_port(conn, args, &ip, &port))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (conn->me_received) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Duplicate ME");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!conn->in && (!net_ip_compare(&conn->host->ip, &ip) ||
+ conn->host->port != port)) {
+ e_error(conn->event,
+ "Remote director thinks it's someone else "
+ "(connected to %s:%u, remote says it's %s:%u)",
+ conn->host->ip_str, conn->host->port,
+ net_ip2addr(&ip), port);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ conn->me_received = TRUE;
+ conn->me_received_time = ioloop_timeval;
+ if (args[2] != NULL) {
+ time_t remote_time;
+ int diff;
+ if (str_to_time(args[2], &remote_time) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid ME timestamp");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ diff = ioloop_time - remote_time;
+ (diff < 0 && -diff > DIRECTOR_MAX_CLOCK_DIFF_WARN_SECS)) {
+ e_warning(conn->event,
+ "Director %s clock differs from ours by %d secs",
+ conn->name, diff);
+ }
+ }
+ timeout_remove(&conn->to_ping);
+ if (conn->in) {
+ conn->to_ping = timeout_add(DIRECTOR_CONNECTION_DONE_TIMEOUT_MSECS,
+ director_connection_init_timeout, conn);
+ } else {
+ director_connection_init_timeout, conn);
+ }
+ if (!conn->in)
+ return TRUE;
+ /* Incoming connection:
+ a) we don't have an established ring yet. make sure we're connecting
+ to our right side (which might become our left side).
+ b) it's our current "left" connection. the previous connection
+ is most likely dead.
+ c) we have an existing ring. tell our current "left" to connect to
+ it with CONNECT command.
+ d) the incoming connection doesn't belong to us at all, refer it
+ elsewhere with CONNECT. however, before disconnecting it verify
+ first that our left side is actually still functional.
+ */
+ i_assert(conn->host == NULL);
+ conn->host = director_host_get(dir, &ip, port);
+ /* the host shouldn't be removed at this point, but if for some
+ reason it is we don't want to crash */
+ conn->host->removed = FALSE;
+ director_host_ref(conn->host);
+ /* make sure we don't keep old sequence values across restarts */
+ director_host_restarted(conn->host);
+ next_comm_attempt = conn->host->last_protocol_failure +
+ if (next_comm_attempt > ioloop_time) {
+ /* the director recently sent invalid protocol data,
+ don't try retrying yet */
+ e_error(conn->event,
+ "Remote sent invalid protocol data recently, "
+ "waiting %u secs before allowing further communication",
+ (unsigned int)(next_comm_attempt-ioloop_time));
+ return FALSE;
+ } else if (dir->left == NULL) {
+ /* a) - just in case the left is also our right side reset
+ its failed state, so we can connect to it */
+ conn->host->last_network_failure = 0;
+ if (!director_has_outgoing_connections(dir))
+ director_connect(dir, "Connecting to left");
+ } else if (dir->left->host == conn->host) {
+ /* b) */
+ i_assert(dir->left != conn);
+ director_connection_deinit(&dir->left,
+ "Replacing with new incoming connection");
+ } else if (director_host_cmp_to_self(conn->host, dir->left->host,
+ dir->self_host) < 0) {
+ /* c) */
+ connect_str = t_strdup_printf("CONNECT\t%s\t%u\n",
+ conn->host->ip_str,
+ conn->host->port);
+ director_connection_send(dir->left, connect_str);
+ } else {
+ /* d) */
+ dir->left->verifying_left = TRUE;
+ director_connection_ping(dir->left);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static inline bool
+user_need_refresh(struct director *dir, struct user *user,
+ time_t timestamp, bool unknown_timestamp)
+ if (timestamp <= (time_t)user->timestamp) {
+ /* we already have this timestamp */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (unknown_timestamp) {
+ /* Old director sent USER command without timestamp. We don't
+ know what it is exactly, but we can assume that it's very
+ close to the current time (which timestamp parameter is
+ already set to). However, try to break USER loops here when
+ director ring latency is >1sec, but below skip_recent_secs
+ by just not refreshing the user. */
+ time_t skip_recent_secs =
+ I_MIN(dir->set->director_user_expire/4,
+ if ((time_t)user->timestamp + skip_recent_secs >= timestamp)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+director_user_refresh(struct director_connection *conn,
+ unsigned int username_hash, struct mail_host *host,
+ time_t timestamp, bool weak, bool *forced_r,
+ struct user **user_r)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ struct user *user;
+ bool ret = FALSE, unset_weak_user = FALSE;
+ struct user_directory *users = host->tag->users;
+ bool unknown_timestamp = (timestamp == (time_t)-1);
+ *forced_r = FALSE;
+ if (unknown_timestamp) {
+ /* Old director version sent USER without timestamp. */
+ timestamp = ioloop_time;
+ }
+ if (timestamp + (time_t)dir->set->director_user_expire <= ioloop_time) {
+ /* Ignore this refresh entirely, regardless of whether the
+ user already exists or not. */
+ e_debug(conn->event,
+ "user refresh: %u has expired timestamp %"PRIdTIME_T,
+ username_hash, timestamp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ user = user_directory_lookup(users, username_hash);
+ if (user == NULL) {
+ *user_r = user_directory_add(users, username_hash,
+ host, timestamp);
+ (*user_r)->weak = weak;
+ e_debug(conn->event, "user refresh: %u added", username_hash);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (user->weak) {
+ if (!weak) {
+ /* removing user's weakness */
+ e_debug(conn->event, "user refresh: %u weakness removed",
+ username_hash);
+ unset_weak_user = TRUE;
+ user->weak = FALSE;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /* weak user marked again as weak */
+ }
+ } else if (weak &&
+ !user_directory_user_is_recently_updated(users, user)) {
+ /* mark the user as weak */
+ e_debug(conn->event, "user refresh: %u set weak", username_hash);
+ user->weak = TRUE;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ } else if (weak) {
+ e_debug(conn->event,
+ "user refresh: %u weak update to %s ignored, "
+ "we recently changed it to %s",
+ username_hash, host->ip_str,
+ user->host->ip_str);
+ host = user->host;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ } else if (user->host == host) {
+ /* update to the same host */
+ } else if (user_directory_user_is_near_expiring(users, user)) {
+ /* host conflict for a user that is already near expiring. we can
+ assume that the other director had already dropped this user
+ and we should have as well. use the new host. */
+ e_debug(conn->event, "user refresh: %u is nearly expired, "
+ "replacing host %s with %s", username_hash,
+ user->host->ip_str, host->ip_str);
+ ret = TRUE;
+ } else if (USER_IS_BEING_KILLED(user)) {
+ /* user is still being moved - ignore conflicting host updates
+ from other directors who don't yet know about the move. */
+ e_debug(conn->event, "user refresh: %u is being moved, "
+ "preserve its host %s instead of replacing with %s",
+ username_hash, user->host->ip_str, host->ip_str);
+ host = user->host;
+ } else {
+ /* non-weak user received a non-weak update with
+ conflicting host. this shouldn't happen. */
+ string_t *str = t_str_new(128);
+ str_printfa(str, "User hash %u "
+ "is being redirected to two hosts: %s and %s",
+ username_hash, user->host->ip_str, host->ip_str);
+ str_printfa(str, " (old_ts=%ld", (long)user->timestamp);
+ if (!conn->handshake_received) {
+ str_printfa(str, ",handshaking,recv_ts=%ld",
+ (long)timestamp);
+ }
+ if (USER_IS_BEING_KILLED(user)) {
+ if (user->kill_ctx->to_move != NULL)
+ str_append(str, ",moving");
+ str_printfa(str, ",kill_state=%s",
+ user_kill_state_names[user->kill_ctx->kill_state]);
+ }
+ str_append_c(str, ')');
+ e_error(conn->event, "%s", str_c(str));
+ /* we want all the directors to redirect the user to same
+ server, but we don't want two directors fighting over which
+ server it belongs to, so always use the lower IP address */
+ if (net_ip_cmp(&user->host->ip, &host->ip) > 0) {
+ /* change the host. we'll also need to remove the user
+ from the old host's user_count, because we can't
+ keep track of the user for more than one host.
+ send the updated USER back to the sender as well. */
+ *forced_r = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /* keep the host */
+ host = user->host;
+ }
+ /* especially IMAP connections can take a long time to die.
+ make sure we kill off the connections in the wrong
+ backends. */
+ director_kick_user_hash(dir, dir->self_host, NULL,
+ username_hash, &host->ip);
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (user->host != host) {
+ user->host->user_count--;
+ user->host = host;
+ user->host->user_count++;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Update user's timestamp if it's higher than the current one. Note
+ that we'll preserve the original timestamp. This is important when
+ the director ring is slow and a single USER can traverse through
+ the ring more than a second. We don't want to get into a loop where
+ the same USER goes through the ring forever. */
+ if (user_need_refresh(dir, user, timestamp, unknown_timestamp)) {
+ /* NOTE: This makes the users list somewhat out-of-order.
+ It's not a big problem - most likely it's only a few seconds
+ difference. The worst that can happen is that some users
+ take up memory that should have been freed already. */
+ e_debug(conn->event, "user refresh: %u refreshed timestamp from %u to %"PRIdTIME_T,
+ username_hash, user->timestamp, timestamp);
+ user_directory_refresh(users, user);
+ user->timestamp = timestamp;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ e_debug(conn->event, "user refresh: %u ignored timestamp %"PRIdTIME_T" (we have %u)",
+ username_hash, timestamp, user->timestamp);
+ }
+ if (unset_weak_user) {
+ /* user is no longer weak. handle pending requests for
+ this user if there are any */
+ director_set_state_changed(conn->dir);
+ }
+ *user_r = user;
+ return ret ? 1 : 0;
+static bool
+director_handshake_cmd_user(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ unsigned int username_hash, timestamp;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ struct mail_host *host;
+ struct user *user;
+ bool weak, forced;
+ if (str_array_length(args) < 3 ||
+ str_to_uint(args[0], &username_hash) < 0 ||
+ net_addr2ip(args[1], &ip) < 0 ||
+ str_to_uint(args[2], &timestamp) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ weak = args[3] != NULL && args[3][0] == 'w';
+ conn->handshake_users_received++;
+ host = mail_host_lookup(conn->dir->mail_hosts, &ip);
+ if (host == NULL) {
+ e_error(conn->event, "USER used unknown host %s in handshake",
+ args[1]);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if ((time_t)timestamp > ioloop_time) {
+ /* The other director's clock seems to be into the future
+ compared to us. Don't set any of our users' timestamps into
+ future though. It's most likely only 1 second difference. */
+ timestamp = ioloop_time;
+ }
+ conn->dir->num_incoming_requests++;
+ if (director_user_refresh(conn, username_hash, host,
+ timestamp, weak, &forced, &user) < 0) {
+ /* user expired - ignore */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Possibilities:
+ a) The user didn't exist yet, and it was added with the given
+ timestamp.
+ b) The user existed, but with an older timestamp. The timestamp
+ wasn't yet updated, so do it here below.
+ c) The user existed with a newer timestamp. This is either because
+ we already received a non-handshake USER update for this user, or
+ our director saw a login for this user. Ignore this update.
+ (We never want to change the user's timestamp to be older, because
+ that could result in directors going to a loop fighting each others
+ over a flipping timestamp.) */
+ if (user->timestamp < timestamp)
+ user->timestamp = timestamp;
+ /* always sort users after handshaking to make sure the order
+ is correct */
+ conn->users_unsorted = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_cmd_user(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ unsigned int username_hash;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ struct mail_host *host;
+ struct user *user;
+ bool forced;
+ time_t timestamp = (time_t)-1;
+ if (str_array_length(args) < 2 ||
+ str_to_uint(args[0], &username_hash) < 0 ||
+ net_addr2ip(args[1], &ip) < 0 ||
+ (args[2] != NULL && str_to_time(args[2], &timestamp) < 0)) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* could this before it's potentially ignored */
+ conn->dir->num_incoming_requests++;
+ conn->users_received++;
+ host = mail_host_lookup(conn->dir->mail_hosts, &ip);
+ if (host == NULL) {
+ /* we probably just removed this host. */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (director_user_refresh(conn, username_hash,
+ host, timestamp, FALSE, &forced, &user) > 0) {
+ /* user changed - forward the USER in the ring */
+ struct director_host *src_host =
+ forced ? conn->dir->self_host : conn->host;
+ i_assert(!user->weak);
+ director_update_user(conn->dir, src_host, user);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static bool director_cmd_director(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director_host *host;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ in_port_t port;
+ bool log_add = FALSE;
+ if (!director_args_parse_ip_port(conn, args, &ip, &port))
+ return FALSE;
+ host = director_host_lookup(conn->dir, &ip, port);
+ if (host != NULL) {
+ if (host == conn->dir->self_host) {
+ /* ignore updates to ourself */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (host->removed) {
+ /* ignore re-adds of removed directors */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* already have this. just reset its last_network_failure
+ timestamp, since it might be up now, but only if this
+ isn't part of the handshake. (if it was, reseting the
+ timestamp could cause us to rapidly keep trying to connect
+ to it) */
+ if (conn->handshake_received)
+ host->last_network_failure = 0;
+ /* it also may have been restarted, reset its state */
+ director_host_restarted(host);
+ } else {
+ /* save the director and forward it */
+ host = director_host_add(conn->dir, &ip, port);
+ log_add = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* just forward this to the entire ring until it reaches back to
+ itself. some hosts may see this twice, but that's the only way to
+ guarantee that it gets seen by everyone. resetting the host multiple
+ times may cause us to handle its commands multiple times, but the
+ commands can handle that. however, we need to also handle a
+ situation where the added director never comes back - we don't want
+ to send the director information in a loop forever. */
+ if (conn->dir->right != NULL &&
+ director_host_cmp_to_self(host, conn->dir->right->host,
+ conn->dir->self_host) > 0) {
+ e_debug(conn->event,
+ "Received DIRECTOR update for a host where we should be connected to. "
+ "Not forwarding it since it's probably crashed.");
+ } else {
+ director_notify_ring_added(host,
+ director_connection_get_host(conn), log_add);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static bool director_cmd_director_remove(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director_host *host;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ in_port_t port;
+ if (!director_args_parse_ip_port(conn, args, &ip, &port))
+ return FALSE;
+ host = director_host_lookup(conn->dir, &ip, port);
+ if (host != NULL && !host->removed)
+ director_ring_remove(host, director_connection_get_host(conn));
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_cmd_host_hand_start(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ const ARRAY_TYPE(mail_host) *hosts;
+ struct mail_host *const *hostp;
+ unsigned int remote_ring_completed;
+ if (args[0] == NULL ||
+ str_to_uint(args[0], &remote_ring_completed) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (remote_ring_completed != 0 && !conn->dir->ring_handshaked) {
+ /* clear everything we have and use only what remote sends us */
+ e_debug(conn->event, "We're joining a ring - replace all hosts");
+ hosts = mail_hosts_get(conn->dir->mail_hosts);
+ while (array_count(hosts) > 0) {
+ hostp = array_front(hosts);
+ director_remove_host(conn->dir, NULL, NULL, *hostp);
+ }
+ } else if (remote_ring_completed == 0 && conn->dir->ring_handshaked) {
+ /* ignore whatever remote sends */
+ e_debug(conn->event, "Remote is joining our ring - "
+ "ignore all remote HOSTs");
+ conn->ignore_host_events = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ e_debug(conn->event, "Merge rings' hosts");
+ }
+ conn->handshake_sending_hosts = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+static int
+director_cmd_is_seen_full(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const **_args, unsigned int *seq_r,
+ struct director_host **host_r)
+ const char *const *args = *_args;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ in_port_t port;
+ unsigned int seq;
+ struct director_host *host;
+ if (str_array_length(args) < 3 ||
+ net_addr2ip(args[0], &ip) < 0 ||
+ net_str2port(args[1], &port) < 0 ||
+ str_to_uint(args[2], &seq) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *_args = args + 3;
+ *seq_r = seq;
+ host = director_host_lookup(conn->dir, &ip, port);
+ if (host == NULL || host->removed) {
+ /* director is already gone, but we can't be sure if this
+ command was sent everywhere. re-send it as if it was from
+ ourself. */
+ *host_r = NULL;
+ } else {
+ *host_r = host;
+ if (seq <= host->last_seq) {
+ /* already seen this */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ host->last_seq = seq;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+director_cmd_is_seen(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const **_args,
+ struct director_host **host_r)
+ unsigned int seq;
+ return director_cmd_is_seen_full(conn, _args, &seq, host_r);
+static bool
+director_cmd_user_weak(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director_host *dir_host;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ unsigned int username_hash;
+ struct mail_host *host;
+ struct user *user;
+ struct director_host *src_host = conn->host;
+ bool weak = TRUE, weak_forward = FALSE, forced;
+ int ret;
+ /* note that unlike other commands we don't want to just ignore
+ duplicate commands */
+ if ((ret = director_cmd_is_seen(conn, &args, &dir_host)) < 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* could this before it's potentially ignored */
+ conn->dir->num_incoming_requests++;
+ if (str_array_length(args) != 2 ||
+ str_to_uint(args[0], &username_hash) < 0 ||
+ net_addr2ip(args[1], &ip) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ host = mail_host_lookup(conn->dir->mail_hosts, &ip);
+ if (host == NULL) {
+ /* we probably just removed this host. */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ /* First time we're seeing this - forward it to others also.
+ We'll want to do it even if the user was already marked as
+ weak, because otherwise if two directors mark the user weak
+ at the same time both the USER-WEAK notifications reach
+ only half the directors until they collide and neither one
+ finishes going through the whole ring marking the user
+ non-weak. */
+ weak_forward = TRUE;
+ } else if (dir_host == conn->dir->self_host) {
+ /* We originated this USER-WEAK request. The entire ring has seen
+ it and there weren't any conflicts. Make the user non-weak. */
+ e_debug(conn->event,
+ "user refresh: %u Our USER-WEAK seen by the entire ring",
+ username_hash);
+ src_host = conn->dir->self_host;
+ weak = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ /* The original USER-WEAK sender will send a new non-weak USER
+ update saying what really happened. We'll still need to forward
+ this around the ring to the origin so it also knows it has
+ travelled through the ring. */
+ e_debug(conn->event,
+ "user refresh: %u Remote USER-WEAK from %s seen by the entire ring, ignoring",
+ username_hash, dir_host->ip_str);
+ weak_forward = TRUE;
+ }
+ ret = director_user_refresh(conn, username_hash,
+ host, ioloop_time, weak, &forced, &user);
+ /* user is refreshed with ioloop_time, it can't be expired already */
+ i_assert(ret >= 0);
+ if (ret > 0 || weak_forward) {
+ /* user changed, or we've decided that we need to forward
+ the weakness notification to the rest of the ring even
+ though we already knew it. */
+ if (forced)
+ src_host = conn->dir->self_host;
+ if (!user->weak)
+ director_update_user(conn->dir, src_host, user);
+ else {
+ director_update_user_weak(conn->dir, src_host, conn,
+ dir_host, user);
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static bool ATTR_NULL(3)
+director_cmd_host_int(struct director_connection *conn, const char *const *args,
+ struct director_host *dir_host)
+ struct director_host *src_host = conn->host;
+ struct mail_host *host;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ const char *tag = "", *host_tag, *hostname = NULL;
+ unsigned int arg_count, vhost_count;
+ bool update, down = FALSE, tag_changed = FALSE;
+ time_t last_updown_change = 0;
+ arg_count = str_array_length(args);
+ if (arg_count < 2 ||
+ net_addr2ip(args[0], &ip) < 0 ||
+ str_to_uint(args[1], &vhost_count) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (arg_count >= 3)
+ tag = args[2];
+ if (arg_count >= 4) {
+ if ((args[3][0] != 'D' && args[3][0] != 'U') ||
+ str_to_time(args[3]+1, &last_updown_change) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid updown parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ down = args[3][0] == 'D';
+ }
+ if (arg_count >= 5)
+ hostname = args[4];
+ if (conn->ignore_host_events) {
+ /* remote is sending hosts in a handshake, but it doesn't have
+ a completed ring and we do. */
+ i_assert(conn->handshake_sending_hosts);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (tag[0] != '\0' && conn->minor_version < DIRECTOR_VERSION_TAGS_V2) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Received a host tag from older director version with incompatible tagging support");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ host = mail_host_lookup(conn->dir->mail_hosts, &ip);
+ if (host == NULL) {
+ host = mail_host_add_hostname(conn->dir->mail_hosts,
+ hostname, &ip, tag);
+ update = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ host_tag = mail_host_get_tag(host);
+ tag_changed = strcmp(tag, host_tag) != 0;
+ update = host->vhost_count != vhost_count ||
+ host->down != down || tag_changed;
+ if (update && host->desynced) {
+ string_t *str = t_str_new(128);
+ str_printfa(str, "Host %s is being updated before previous update had finished (",
+ host->ip_str);
+ if (host->down != down &&
+ host->last_updown_change > last_updown_change) {
+ /* our host has a newer change. preserve it. */
+ down = host->down;
+ }
+ if (host->down != down) {
+ if (host->down)
+ str_append(str, "down -> up");
+ else
+ str_append(str, "up -> down");
+ }
+ if (host->vhost_count != vhost_count) {
+ if (host->down != down)
+ str_append(str, ", ");
+ str_printfa(str, "vhosts %u -> %u",
+ host->vhost_count, vhost_count);
+ }
+ str_append(str, ") - ");
+ vhost_count = I_MIN(vhost_count, host->vhost_count);
+ str_printfa(str, "setting to state=%s vhosts=%u",
+ down ? "down" : "up", vhost_count);
+ e_warning(conn->event, "%s", str_c(str));
+ /* make the change appear to come from us, so it
+ reaches the full ring */
+ dir_host = NULL;
+ src_host = conn->dir->self_host;
+ }
+ if (update) {
+ /* Make sure the host's timestamp never shrinks.
+ Otherwise we might get into a loop where the up/down
+ state keeps switching. */
+ last_updown_change = I_MAX(last_updown_change,
+ host->last_updown_change);
+ }
+ }
+ if (update) {
+ const char *log_prefix = t_strdup_printf("director(%s): ",
+ conn->name);
+ if (tag_changed) {
+ e_error(conn->event,
+ "Host %s changed tag from '%s' to '%s'",
+ host->ip_str,
+ mail_host_get_tag(host), tag);
+ mail_host_set_tag(host, tag);
+ }
+ mail_host_set_down(host, down, last_updown_change, log_prefix);
+ mail_host_set_vhost_count(host, vhost_count, log_prefix);
+ director_update_host(conn->dir, src_host, dir_host, host);
+ } else {
+ e_debug(conn->event,
+ "Ignoring host %s update vhost_count=%u "
+ "down=%d last_updown_change=%ld (hosts_hash=%u)",
+ net_ip2addr(&ip), vhost_count, down ? 1 : 0,
+ (long)last_updown_change,
+ mail_hosts_hash(conn->dir->mail_hosts));
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_cmd_host_handshake(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ return director_cmd_host_int(conn, args, NULL);
+static bool
+director_cmd_host(struct director_connection *conn, const char *const *args)
+ struct director_host *dir_host;
+ int ret;
+ if ((ret = director_cmd_is_seen(conn, &args, &dir_host)) != 0)
+ return ret > 0;
+ return director_cmd_host_int(conn, args, dir_host);
+static bool
+director_cmd_host_remove(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director_host *dir_host;
+ struct mail_host *host;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ int ret;
+ if ((ret = director_cmd_is_seen(conn, &args, &dir_host)) != 0)
+ return ret > 0;
+ if (str_array_length(args) != 1 ||
+ net_addr2ip(args[0], &ip) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ host = mail_host_lookup(conn->dir->mail_hosts, &ip);
+ if (host != NULL)
+ director_remove_host(conn->dir, conn->host, dir_host, host);
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_cmd_host_flush(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director_host *dir_host;
+ struct mail_host *host;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ int ret;
+ if ((ret = director_cmd_is_seen(conn, &args, &dir_host)) != 0)
+ return ret > 0;
+ if (str_array_length(args) != 1 ||
+ net_addr2ip(args[0], &ip) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ host = mail_host_lookup(conn->dir->mail_hosts, &ip);
+ if (host != NULL)
+ director_flush_host(conn->dir, conn->host, dir_host, host);
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_cmd_user_move(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director_host *dir_host;
+ struct mail_host *host;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ unsigned int username_hash;
+ int ret;
+ if ((ret = director_cmd_is_seen(conn, &args, &dir_host)) != 0)
+ return ret > 0;
+ if (str_array_length(args) != 2 ||
+ str_to_uint(args[0], &username_hash) < 0 ||
+ net_addr2ip(args[1], &ip) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ host = mail_host_lookup(conn->dir->mail_hosts, &ip);
+ if (host != NULL) {
+ director_move_user(conn->dir, conn->host, dir_host,
+ username_hash, host);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_cmd_user_kick(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director_host *dir_host;
+ int ret;
+ if ((ret = director_cmd_is_seen(conn, &args, &dir_host)) != 0)
+ return ret > 0;
+ if (str_array_length(args) != 1) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ director_kick_user(conn->dir, conn->host, dir_host, args[0]);
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_cmd_user_kick_alt(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director_host *dir_host;
+ int ret;
+ if ((ret = director_cmd_is_seen(conn, &args, &dir_host)) != 0)
+ return ret > 0;
+ if (str_array_length(args) != 2) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ director_kick_user_alt(conn->dir, conn->host, dir_host, args[0], args[1]);
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_cmd_user_kick_hash(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director_host *dir_host;
+ unsigned int username_hash;
+ struct ip_addr except_ip;
+ int ret;
+ if ((ret = director_cmd_is_seen(conn, &args, &dir_host)) != 0)
+ return ret > 0;
+ if (str_array_length(args) != 2 ||
+ str_to_uint(args[0], &username_hash) < 0 ||
+ net_addr2ip(args[1], &except_ip) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ director_kick_user_hash(conn->dir, conn->host, dir_host,
+ username_hash, &except_ip);
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_cmd_user_killed(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ unsigned int username_hash;
+ if (str_array_length(args) != 1 ||
+ str_to_uint(args[0], &username_hash) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ director_user_killed(conn->dir, username_hash);
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_cmd_user_killed_everywhere(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director_host *dir_host;
+ unsigned int seq, username_hash;
+ int ret;
+ if ((ret = director_cmd_is_seen_full(conn, &args, &seq, &dir_host)) < 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (str_array_length(args) != 1 ||
+ str_to_uint(args[0], &username_hash) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (ret > 0) {
+ i_assert(dir_host != NULL);
+ e_debug(conn->event,
+ "User %u - ignoring already seen USER-KILLED-EVERYWHERE "
+ "with seq=%u <= %s.last_seq=%u", username_hash,
+ seq, dir_host->name, dir_host->last_seq);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ director_user_killed_everywhere(conn->dir, conn->host,
+ dir_host, username_hash);
+ return TRUE;
+static bool director_handshake_cmd_done(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ int handshake_msecs = timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval, &conn->connected_time);
+ string_t *str;
+ if (conn->users_unsorted && conn->user_iter == NULL) {
+ /* we sent our user list before receiving remote's */
+ conn->users_unsorted = FALSE;
+ mail_hosts_sort_users(conn->dir->mail_hosts);
+ }
+ str = t_str_new(128);
+ str_printfa(str, "Handshake finished in %u.%03u secs (",
+ handshake_msecs/1000, handshake_msecs%1000);
+ director_connection_append_stats(conn, str);
+ str_append_c(str, ')');
+ if (handshake_msecs >= DIRECTOR_HANDSHAKE_WARN_SECS*1000)
+ e_warning(conn->event, "%s", str_c(str));
+ else
+ e_info(conn->event, "%s", str_c(str));
+ /* the host is up now, make sure we can connect to it immediately
+ if needed */
+ conn->host->last_network_failure = 0;
+ conn->handshake_received = TRUE;
+ if (conn->in) {
+ /* handshaked to left side. tell it we've received the
+ whole handshake. */
+ director_connection_send(conn, "DONE\n");
+ /* tell the "right" director about the "left" one */
+ director_update_send(dir, director_connection_get_host(conn),
+ t_strdup_printf("DIRECTOR\t%s\t%u\n",
+ conn->host->ip_str,
+ conn->host->port));
+ /* this is our "left" side. */
+ return director_connection_assign_left(conn);
+ } else {
+ /* handshaked to "right" side. */
+ return director_connection_assign_right(conn);
+ }
+static int
+director_handshake_cmd_options(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ bool consistent_hashing = FALSE;
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; args[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ if (strcmp(args[i], DIRECTOR_OPT_CONSISTENT_HASHING) == 0)
+ consistent_hashing = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!consistent_hashing) {
+ e_error(conn->event, "director_consistent_hashing settings "
+ "differ between directors. Set "
+ "director_consistent_hashing=yes on old directors");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+director_connection_handle_handshake(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *cmd, const char *const *args)
+ unsigned int major_version;
+ /* both incoming and outgoing connections get VERSION and ME */
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "VERSION") == 0 && str_array_length(args) >= 3) {
+ if (strcmp(args[0], DIRECTOR_VERSION_NAME) != 0) {
+ e_error(conn->event, "Wrong protocol in socket "
+ "(%s vs %s)",
+ return -1;
+ } else if (str_to_uint(args[1], &major_version) < 0 ||
+ str_to_uint(args[2], &conn->minor_version) < 0) {
+ e_error(conn->event, "Invalid protocol version: "
+ "%s.%s", args[1], args[2]);
+ return -1;
+ } else if (major_version != DIRECTOR_VERSION_MAJOR) {
+ e_error(conn->event, "Incompatible protocol version: "
+ "%u vs %u", major_version,
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (conn->minor_version < DIRECTOR_VERSION_TAGS_V2 &&
+ mail_hosts_have_tags(conn->dir->mail_hosts)) {
+ e_error(conn->event, "Director version supports incompatible tags");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ conn->version_received = TRUE;
+ director_finish_sending_handshake(conn);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!conn->version_received) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Incompatible protocol");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "ME") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_me(conn, args) ? 1 : -1;
+ if (!conn->me_received) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Expecting ME command first");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* incoming connections get a HOST list */
+ if (conn->handshake_sending_hosts) {
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "HOST") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_host_handshake(conn, args) ? 1 : -1;
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "HOST-HAND-END") == 0) {
+ conn->ignore_host_events = FALSE;
+ conn->handshake_sending_hosts = FALSE;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Unexpected command during host list");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "OPTIONS") == 0)
+ return director_handshake_cmd_options(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "HOST-HAND-START") == 0) {
+ if (!conn->in) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn,
+ "Host list is only for incoming connections");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return director_cmd_host_hand_start(conn, args) ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ if (conn->in &&
+ (strcmp(cmd, "U") == 0 ||
+ (strcmp(cmd, "USER") == 0 &&
+ CMD_IS_USER_HANDSHAKE(conn->minor_version, args))))
+ return director_handshake_cmd_user(conn, args) ? 1 : -1;
+ /* both get DONE */
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "DONE") == 0)
+ return director_handshake_cmd_done(conn) ? 1 : -1;
+ return 0;
+static bool
+director_connection_sync_host(struct director_connection *conn,
+ struct director_host *host,
+ uint32_t seq, unsigned int minor_version,
+ unsigned int timestamp, unsigned int hosts_hash)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ if (minor_version > DIRECTOR_VERSION_MINOR) {
+ /* we're not up to date */
+ minor_version = DIRECTOR_VERSION_MINOR;
+ }
+ if (host->self) {
+ if (dir->sync_seq != seq) {
+ /* stale SYNC event */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* sync_seq increases when we get disconnected, so we must be
+ successfully connected to both directions */
+ i_assert(dir->left != NULL && dir->right != NULL);
+ if (hosts_hash != 0 &&
+ hosts_hash != mail_hosts_hash(conn->dir->mail_hosts)) {
+ e_error(conn->event, "Hosts unexpectedly changed during SYNC reply - resending"
+ "(seq=%u, old hosts_hash=%u, new hosts_hash=%u)",
+ seq, hosts_hash,
+ mail_hosts_hash(dir->mail_hosts));
+ (void)director_resend_sync(dir);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ dir->ring_min_version = minor_version;
+ if (!dir->ring_handshaked) {
+ /* the ring is handshaked */
+ director_set_ring_handshaked(dir);
+ } else if (dir->ring_synced) {
+ /* duplicate SYNC (which was sent just in case the
+ previous one got lost) */
+ } else {
+ e_debug(conn->event, "Ring is synced (%s sent seq=%u, hosts_hash=%u)",
+ conn->name, seq,
+ mail_hosts_hash(dir->mail_hosts));
+ int sync_msecs =
+ timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval, &dir->last_sync_start_time);
+ if (sync_msecs >= 0)
+ dir->last_sync_msecs = sync_msecs;
+ director_set_ring_synced(dir);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (seq < host->last_sync_seq &&
+ timestamp < host->last_sync_timestamp +
+ /* stale SYNC event */
+ e_debug(conn->event, "Ignore stale SYNC event for %s "
+ "(seq %u < %u, timestamp=%u)",
+ host->name, seq, host->last_sync_seq,
+ timestamp);
+ return FALSE;
+ } else if (seq < host->last_sync_seq) {
+ e_warning(conn->event,
+ "Last SYNC seq for %s appears to be stale, resetting "
+ "(seq=%u, timestamp=%u -> seq=%u, timestamp=%u)",
+ host->name, host->last_sync_seq,
+ host->last_sync_timestamp, seq, timestamp);
+ host->last_sync_seq = seq;
+ host->last_sync_timestamp = timestamp;
+ host->last_sync_seq_counter = 1;
+ } else if (seq > host->last_sync_seq ||
+ timestamp > host->last_sync_timestamp) {
+ host->last_sync_seq = seq;
+ host->last_sync_timestamp = timestamp;
+ host->last_sync_seq_counter = 1;
+ e_debug(conn->event, "Update SYNC for %s "
+ "(seq=%u, timestamp=%u -> seq=%u, timestamp=%u)",
+ host->name, host->last_sync_seq,
+ host->last_sync_timestamp, seq, timestamp);
+ } else if (++host->last_sync_seq_counter >
+ /* we've received this too many times already */
+ e_debug(conn->event, "Ignore duplicate #%u SYNC event for %s "
+ "(seq=%u, timestamp %u <= %u)",
+ host->last_sync_seq_counter, host->name, seq,
+ timestamp, host->last_sync_timestamp);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (hosts_hash != 0 &&
+ hosts_hash != mail_hosts_hash(conn->dir->mail_hosts)) {
+ if (host->desynced_hosts_hash != hosts_hash) {
+ e_debug(conn->event, "Ignore director %s stale SYNC request whose hosts don't match us "
+ "(seq=%u, remote hosts_hash=%u, my hosts_hash=%u)",
+ host->ip_str, seq, hosts_hash,
+ mail_hosts_hash(dir->mail_hosts));
+ host->desynced_hosts_hash = hosts_hash;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* we'll get here only if we received a SYNC twice
+ with the same wrong hosts_hash. FIXME: this gets
+ triggered unnecessarily sometimes if hosts are
+ changing rapidly. */
+ e_error(conn->event, "Director %s SYNC request hosts don't match us - resending hosts "
+ "(seq=%u, remote hosts_hash=%u, my hosts_hash=%u)",
+ host->ip_str, seq,
+ hosts_hash, mail_hosts_hash(dir->mail_hosts));
+ director_resend_hosts(dir);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ host->desynced_hosts_hash = 0;
+ if (dir->right != NULL) {
+ /* forward it to the connection on right */
+ director_sync_send(dir, host, seq, minor_version,
+ timestamp, hosts_hash);
+ } else {
+ e_debug(conn->event, "We have no right connection - "
+ "delay replying to SYNC until finished");
+ host->delayed_sync_seq = seq;
+ host->delayed_sync_minor_version = minor_version;
+ host->delayed_sync_timestamp = timestamp;
+ host->delayed_sync_hosts_hash = hosts_hash;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static bool director_connection_sync(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ struct director_host *host;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ in_port_t port;
+ unsigned int arg_count, seq, minor_version = 0, timestamp = ioloop_time;
+ unsigned int hosts_hash = 0;
+ arg_count = str_array_length(args);
+ if (arg_count < 3 ||
+ !director_args_parse_ip_port(conn, args, &ip, &port) ||
+ str_to_uint(args[2], &seq) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (arg_count >= 4 && str_to_uint(args[3], &minor_version) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (arg_count >= 5 && str_to_uint(args[4], &timestamp) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (arg_count >= 6 && str_to_uint(args[5], &hosts_hash) < 0) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* find the originating director. if we don't see it, it was already
+ removed and we can ignore this sync. */
+ host = director_host_lookup(dir, &ip, port);
+ if (host != NULL) {
+ if (!director_connection_sync_host(conn, host, seq,
+ minor_version, timestamp,
+ hosts_hash))
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* If directors got disconnected while we were waiting a SYNC reply,
+ it might have gotten lost. If we've received a DIRECTOR update since
+ the last time we sent a SYNC, retry sending it here to make sure
+ it doesn't get stuck. We don't want to do this too eagerly because
+ it may trigger desynced_hosts_hash != hosts_hash mismatch, which
+ causes unnecessary error logging and hosts-resending. */
+ if ((host == NULL || !host->self) &&
+ dir->last_sync_sent_ring_change_counter != dir->ring_change_counter &&
+ (time_t)dir->self_host->last_sync_timestamp != ioloop_time)
+ (void)director_resend_sync(dir);
+ return TRUE;
+static void director_disconnect_timeout(struct director_connection *conn)
+ director_connection_deinit(&conn, "CONNECT requested");
+static void
+director_reconnect_after_wrong_connect_timeout(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ director_connection_deinit(&conn, "Wrong CONNECT requested");
+ if (dir->right == NULL)
+ director_connect(dir, "Reconnecting after wrong CONNECT request");
+static void
+director_reconnect_after_wrong_connect(struct director_connection *conn)
+ if (conn->to_disconnect != NULL)
+ return;
+ conn->to_disconnect =
+ director_reconnect_after_wrong_connect_timeout, conn);
+static bool director_cmd_connect(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ struct director_host *host;
+ struct ip_addr ip;
+ in_port_t port;
+ const char *right_state;
+ if (str_array_length(args) != 2 ||
+ !director_args_parse_ip_port(conn, args, &ip, &port)) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Invalid parameters");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ host = director_host_get(conn->dir, &ip, port);
+ /* remote suggests us to connect elsewhere */
+ if (dir->right != NULL &&
+ director_host_cmp_to_self(host, dir->right->host,
+ dir->self_host) <= 0) {
+ /* the old connection is the correct one */
+ e_debug(conn->event, "Ignoring CONNECT request to %s (current right is %s)",
+ host->name, dir->right->name);
+ director_reconnect_after_wrong_connect(conn);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (host->removed) {
+ e_debug(conn->event, "Ignoring CONNECT request to %s (director is removed)",
+ host->name);
+ director_reconnect_after_wrong_connect(conn);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* reset failure timestamp so we'll actually try to connect there. */
+ host->last_network_failure = 0;
+ /* reset removed-flag, so we don't crash */
+ host->removed = FALSE;
+ if (dir->right == NULL) {
+ right_state = "initializing right";
+ } else {
+ right_state = t_strdup_printf("replacing current right %s",
+ dir->right->name);
+ /* disconnect from right side immediately - it's not accepting
+ any further commands from us. */
+ if (conn->dir->right != conn)
+ director_connection_deinit(&conn->dir->right, "CONNECT requested");
+ else if (conn->to_disconnect == NULL) {
+ conn->to_disconnect =
+ timeout_add_short(0, director_disconnect_timeout, conn);
+ }
+ }
+ /* connect here */
+ (void)director_connect_host(dir, host, t_strdup_printf(
+ "Received CONNECT request from %s - %s",
+ conn->name, right_state));
+ return TRUE;
+static void director_disconnect_wrong_lefts(struct director *dir)
+ struct director_connection *conn;
+ array_foreach_elem(&dir->connections, conn) {
+ if (conn->in && conn != dir->left && conn->me_received &&
+ conn->to_disconnect == NULL &&
+ director_host_cmp_to_self(dir->left->host, conn->host,
+ dir->self_host) < 0)
+ director_connection_send_connect(conn, dir->left->host);
+ }
+static bool director_cmd_ping(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ time_t sent_time;
+ uintmax_t send_buffer_size;
+ if (str_array_length(args) >= 2 &&
+ str_to_time(args[0], &sent_time) == 0 &&
+ str_to_uintmax(args[1], &send_buffer_size) == 0) {
+ int diff_secs = ioloop_time - sent_time;
+ e_warning(conn->event,
+ "PING response took %d secs to receive "
+ "(send buffer was %ju bytes)",
+ diff_secs, send_buffer_size);
+ }
+ }
+ director_connection_send(conn,
+ t_strdup_printf("PONG\t%"PRIdTIME_T"\t%zu\n",
+ ioloop_time, o_stream_get_buffer_used_size(conn->output)));
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+director_ping_append_extra(struct director_connection *conn, string_t *str,
+ time_t pong_sent_time,
+ uintmax_t pong_send_buffer_size)
+ struct rusage usage;
+ str_printfa(str, "buffer size at PING was %zu bytes", conn->ping_sent_buffer_size);
+ if (pong_sent_time != 0) {
+ str_printfa(str, ", remote sent it %"PRIdTIME_T" secs ago",
+ ioloop_time - pong_sent_time);
+ }
+ if (pong_send_buffer_size != (uintmax_t)-1) {
+ str_printfa(str, ", remote buffer size at PONG was %ju bytes",
+ pong_send_buffer_size);
+ }
+ if (conn->ping_sent_user_cpu.tv_sec != (time_t)-1 &&
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage) == 0) {
+ int diff = timeval_diff_msecs(&usage.ru_utime,
+ &conn->ping_sent_user_cpu);
+ str_printfa(str, ", %u.%03u CPU secs since PING was sent",
+ diff/1000, diff%1000);
+ }
+ str_printfa(str, ", %"PRIuUOFF_T" bytes input",
+ conn->input->v_offset - conn->ping_sent_input_offset);
+ str_printfa(str, ", %"PRIuUOFF_T" bytes output",
+ conn->output->offset - conn->ping_sent_output_offset);
+static bool director_cmd_pong(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *const *args)
+ time_t sent_time;
+ uintmax_t send_buffer_size;
+ if (!conn->ping_waiting)
+ return TRUE;
+ conn->ping_waiting = FALSE;
+ timeout_remove(&conn->to_pong);
+ if (str_array_length(args) < 2 ||
+ str_to_time(args[0], &sent_time) < 0 ||
+ str_to_uintmax(args[1], &send_buffer_size) < 0) {
+ sent_time = 0;
+ send_buffer_size = (uintmax_t)-1;
+ }
+ int ping_msecs = timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval, &conn->ping_sent_time);
+ if (ping_msecs >= 0) {
+ string_t *extra = t_str_new(128);
+ director_ping_append_extra(conn, extra, sent_time, send_buffer_size);
+ e_warning(conn->event,
+ "PONG response took %u.%03u secs (%s)",
+ ping_msecs/1000, ping_msecs%1000,
+ str_c(extra));
+ }
+ conn->last_ping_msecs = ping_msecs;
+ }
+ if (conn->verifying_left) {
+ conn->verifying_left = FALSE;
+ if (conn == conn->dir->left) {
+ /* our left side is functional. tell all the wrong
+ incoming connections to connect to it instead. */
+ director_disconnect_wrong_lefts(conn->dir);
+ }
+ }
+ director_connection_set_ping_timeout(conn);
+ return TRUE;
+static bool
+director_connection_handle_cmd(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *cmd, const char *const *args)
+ int ret;
+ if (!conn->handshake_received) {
+ ret = director_connection_handle_handshake(conn, cmd, args);
+ if (ret > 0)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ /* invalid commands during handshake,
+ we probably don't want to reconnect here */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* allow also other commands during handshake */
+ }
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "PING") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_ping(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "PONG") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_pong(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "USER") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_user(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "USER-WEAK") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_user_weak(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "HOST") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_host(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "HOST-REMOVE") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_host_remove(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "HOST-FLUSH") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_host_flush(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "USER-MOVE") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_user_move(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "USER-KICK") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_user_kick(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "USER-KICK-ALT") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_user_kick_alt(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "USER-KICK-HASH") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_user_kick_hash(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "USER-KILLED") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_user_killed(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "USER-KILLED-EVERYWHERE") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_user_killed_everywhere(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "DIRECTOR") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_director(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "DIRECTOR-REMOVE") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_director_remove(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "SYNC") == 0)
+ return director_connection_sync(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "CONNECT") == 0)
+ return director_cmd_connect(conn, args);
+ if (strcmp(cmd, "QUIT") == 0) {
+ e_warning(conn->event,
+ "Director %s disconnected us with reason: %s",
+ conn->name, t_strarray_join(args, " "));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Unknown command %s", cmd);
+ return FALSE;
+static bool
+director_connection_handle_line(struct director_connection *conn,
+ char *line)
+ const char *cmd, *const *args;
+ bool ret;
+ e_debug(conn->event, "input: %s", line);
+ args = t_strsplit_tabescaped_inplace(line);
+ cmd = args[0];
+ if (cmd == NULL) {
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Received empty line");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ conn->cur_cmd = cmd;
+ conn->cur_args = args;
+ ret = director_connection_handle_cmd(conn, cmd, args+1);
+ conn->cur_cmd = NULL;
+ conn->cur_args = NULL;
+ return ret;
+static void
+director_connection_log_disconnect(struct director_connection *conn, int err,
+ const char *errstr)
+ string_t *str = t_str_new(128);
+ i_assert(conn->connected);
+ if (conn->connect_request_to != NULL) {
+ e_warning(conn->event,
+ "Director %s tried to connect to us, "
+ "should use %s instead",
+ conn->name, conn->connect_request_to->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ str_printfa(str, "Director %s disconnected: ", conn->name);
+ str_append(str, "Connection closed");
+ if (err != 0 && err != EPIPE) {
+ errno = err;
+ if (errstr[0] == '\0')
+ str_printfa(str, ": %m");
+ else
+ str_printfa(str, ": %s", errstr);
+ }
+ str_append(str, " (");
+ director_connection_append_stats(conn, str);
+ if (!conn->me_received)
+ str_append(str, ", handshake ME not received");
+ else if (!conn->handshake_received)
+ str_append(str, ", handshake DONE not received");
+ if (conn->synced)
+ str_append(str, ", synced");
+ str_append_c(str, ')');
+ e_error(conn->event, "%s", str_c(str));
+static void director_connection_input(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ char *line;
+ uoff_t prev_offset;
+ bool ret;
+ switch (i_stream_read(conn->input)) {
+ case 0:
+ return;
+ case -1:
+ /* disconnected */
+ director_connection_log_disconnect(conn, conn->input->stream_errno,
+ i_stream_get_error(conn->input));
+ director_connection_disconnected(&conn, i_stream_get_error(conn->input));
+ return;
+ case -2:
+ /* buffer full */
+ director_cmd_error(conn, "Director sent us more than %d bytes",
+ director_connection_reconnect(&conn, "Too long input line");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (conn->to_disconnect != NULL) {
+ /* just read everything the remote sends, and wait for it
+ to disconnect. we mainly just want the remote to read the
+ CONNECT we sent it. */
+ i_stream_skip(conn->input, i_stream_get_data_size(conn->input));
+ return;
+ }
+ conn->last_input = ioloop_timeval;
+ conn->refcount++;
+ director_sync_freeze(dir);
+ prev_offset = conn->input->v_offset;
+ while ((line = i_stream_next_line(conn->input)) != NULL) {
+ dir->ring_traffic_input += conn->input->v_offset - prev_offset;
+ prev_offset = conn->input->v_offset;
+ ret = director_connection_handle_line(conn, line);
+ } T_END;
+ if (!ret) {
+ if (!director_connection_unref(conn))
+ break;
+ director_connection_reconnect(&conn, t_strdup_printf(
+ "Invalid input: %s", line));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ director_sync_thaw(dir);
+ if (conn != NULL) {
+ if (director_connection_unref(conn))
+ timeout_reset(conn->to_ping);
+ }
+static void director_connection_send_directors(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct director_host *host;
+ string_t *str = t_str_new(64);
+ array_foreach_elem(&conn->dir->dir_hosts, host) {
+ if (host->removed)
+ continue;
+ str_truncate(str, 0);
+ str_printfa(str, "DIRECTOR\t%s\t%u\n",
+ host->ip_str, host->port);
+ director_connection_send(conn, str_c(str));
+ }
+static void
+director_connection_send_hosts(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct mail_host *host;
+ bool send_updowns;
+ string_t *str = t_str_new(128);
+ i_assert(conn->version_received);
+ send_updowns = conn->minor_version >= DIRECTOR_VERSION_UPDOWN;
+ str_printfa(str, "HOST-HAND-START\t%u\n",
+ conn->dir->ring_handshaked ? 1 : 0);
+ array_foreach_elem(mail_hosts_get(conn->dir->mail_hosts), host) {
+ const char *host_tag = mail_host_get_tag(host);
+ str_printfa(str, "HOST\t%s\t%u",
+ host->ip_str, host->vhost_count);
+ if (host_tag[0] != '\0' || send_updowns) {
+ str_append_c(str, '\t');
+ str_append_tabescaped(str, host_tag);
+ }
+ if (send_updowns) {
+ str_printfa(str, "\t%c%ld\t", host->down ? 'D' : 'U',
+ (long)host->last_updown_change);
+ if (host->hostname != NULL)
+ str_append_tabescaped(str, host->hostname);
+ }
+ str_append_c(str, '\n');
+ director_connection_send(conn, str_c(str));
+ str_truncate(str, 0);
+ }
+ str_printfa(str, "HOST-HAND-END\t%u\n",
+ conn->dir->ring_handshaked ? 1 : 0);
+ director_connection_send(conn, str_c(str));
+static int director_connection_send_done(struct director_connection *conn)
+ i_assert(conn->version_received);
+ if (conn->minor_version >= DIRECTOR_VERSION_OPTIONS) {
+ director_connection_send(conn,
+ } else {
+ e_error(conn->event, "Director version is too old for supporting director_consistent_hashing=yes");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ director_connection_send(conn, "DONE\n");
+ return 0;
+static int director_connection_send_users(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct user *user;
+ string_t *str = t_str_new(128);
+ char dec_buf[MAX_INT_STRLEN];
+ unsigned int sent_count = 0;
+ int ret;
+ i_assert(conn->version_received);
+ /* with new versions use "U" for sending the handshake users, because
+ otherwise their parameters may look identical and can't be
+ distinguished. */
+ if (director_connection_get_minor_version(conn) >= DIRECTOR_VERSION_HANDSHAKE_U_CMD)
+ str_append(str, "U\t");
+ else
+ str_append(str, "USER\t");
+ size_t cmd_prefix_len = str_len(str);
+ while ((user = director_iterate_users_next(conn->user_iter)) != NULL) {
+ str_truncate(str, cmd_prefix_len);
+ str_append(str, dec2str_buf(dec_buf, user->username_hash));
+ str_append_c(str, '\t');
+ str_append(str, user->host->ip_str);
+ str_append_c(str, '\t');
+ str_append(str, dec2str_buf(dec_buf, user->timestamp));
+ if (user->weak)
+ str_append(str, "\tw");
+ str_append_c(str, '\n');
+ conn->handshake_users_sent++;
+ director_connection_send(conn, str_c(str));
+ /* Don't send too much at once to avoid hangs */
+ timeout_reset(conn->to_ping);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (o_stream_get_buffer_used_size(conn->output) >= OUTBUF_FLUSH_THRESHOLD) {
+ if ((ret = o_stream_flush(conn->output)) <= 0) {
+ /* continue later */
+ timeout_reset(conn->to_ping);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ director_iterate_users_deinit(&conn->user_iter);
+ if (director_connection_send_done(conn) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (conn->users_unsorted && conn->handshake_received) {
+ /* we received remote's list of users before sending ours */
+ conn->users_unsorted = FALSE;
+ mail_hosts_sort_users(conn->dir->mail_hosts);
+ }
+ ret = o_stream_flush(conn->output);
+ timeout_reset(conn->to_ping);
+ return ret;
+static int director_connection_output(struct director_connection *conn)
+ int ret;
+ conn->last_output = ioloop_timeval;
+ if (conn->user_iter != NULL) {
+ /* still handshaking USER list */
+ ret = director_connection_send_users(conn);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ director_connection_log_disconnect(conn, conn->output->stream_errno,
+ o_stream_get_error(conn->output));
+ director_connection_disconnected(&conn,
+ o_stream_get_error(conn->output));
+ } else {
+ o_stream_set_flush_pending(conn->output, TRUE);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return o_stream_flush(conn->output);
+static struct director_connection *
+director_connection_init_common(struct director *dir, int fd)
+ struct director_connection *conn;
+ conn = i_new(struct director_connection, 1);
+ conn->refcount = 1;
+ conn->created = ioloop_timeval;
+ conn->fd = fd;
+ conn->dir = dir;
+ conn->event = event_create(dir->event);
+ conn->input = i_stream_create_fd(conn->fd, MAX_INBUF_SIZE);
+ conn->output = o_stream_create_fd(conn->fd, dir->set->director_output_buffer_size);
+ o_stream_set_no_error_handling(conn->output, TRUE);
+ array_push_back(&dir->connections, &conn);
+ return conn;
+static void director_connection_send_handshake(struct director_connection *conn)
+ director_connection_send(conn, t_strdup_printf(
+ "ME\t%s\t%u\t%lld\n",
+ net_ip2addr(&conn->dir->self_ip), conn->dir->self_port,
+ (long long)time(NULL)));
+static void director_connection_set_connected(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct rusage usage;
+ conn->connected = TRUE;
+ conn->connected_time = ioloop_timeval;
+ if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage) == 0) {
+ conn->connected_user_cpu_set = TRUE;
+ conn->connected_user_cpu = usage.ru_utime;
+ }
+struct director_connection *
+director_connection_init_in(struct director *dir, int fd,
+ const struct ip_addr *ip)
+ struct director_connection *conn;
+ conn = director_connection_init_common(dir, fd);
+ conn->in = TRUE;
+ director_connection_set_connected(conn);
+ director_connection_set_name(conn,
+ t_strdup_printf("%s/in", net_ip2addr(ip)));
+ conn->io = io_add(conn->fd, IO_READ, director_connection_input, conn);
+ conn->to_ping = timeout_add(DIRECTOR_CONNECTION_ME_TIMEOUT_MSECS,
+ director_connection_init_timeout, conn);
+ e_info(conn->event, "Incoming connection from director %s", conn->name);
+ director_connection_send_handshake(conn);
+ return conn;
+static void director_connection_connected(struct director_connection *conn)
+ int err;
+ if ((err = net_geterror(conn->fd)) != 0) {
+ e_error(conn->event, "connect() failed: %s", strerror(err));
+ director_connection_disconnected(&conn, strerror(err));
+ return;
+ }
+ director_connection_set_connected(conn);
+ o_stream_set_flush_callback(conn->output,
+ director_connection_output, conn);
+ io_remove(&conn->io);
+ conn->io = io_add(conn->fd, IO_READ, director_connection_input, conn);
+ timeout_remove(&conn->to_ping);
+ conn->to_ping = timeout_add(DIRECTOR_CONNECTION_ME_TIMEOUT_MSECS,
+ director_connection_init_timeout, conn);
+ o_stream_cork(conn->output);
+ director_connection_send_handshake(conn);
+ director_connection_send_directors(conn);
+ o_stream_uncork(conn->output);
+ /* send the rest of the handshake after we've received the remote's
+ version number */
+static void director_finish_sending_handshake(struct director_connection *conn)
+ if (
+ conn->in) {
+ /* only outgoing connections send hosts & users */
+ return;
+ }
+ o_stream_cork(conn->output);
+ director_connection_send_hosts(conn);
+ i_assert(conn->user_iter == NULL);
+ /* Iterate only through users that aren't refreshed since the
+ iteration started. The refreshed users will already be sent as
+ regular USER updates, so they don't need to be sent again.
+ We especially don't want to send these users again, because
+ otherwise in a rapidly changing director we might never end up
+ sending all the users when they constantly keep being added to the
+ end of the list. (The iteration lists users in order from older to
+ newer.) */
+ conn->user_iter = director_iterate_users_init(conn->dir, TRUE);
+ if (director_connection_send_users(conn) == 0)
+ o_stream_set_flush_pending(conn->output, TRUE);
+ o_stream_uncork(conn->output);
+struct director_connection *
+director_connection_init_out(struct director *dir, int fd,
+ struct director_host *host)
+ struct director_connection *conn;
+ i_assert(!host->removed);
+ /* make sure we don't keep old sequence values across restarts */
+ director_host_restarted(host);
+ conn = director_connection_init_common(dir, fd);
+ director_connection_set_name(conn,
+ t_strdup_printf("%s/out", host->name));
+ conn->host = host;
+ director_host_ref(host);
+ conn->io = io_add(conn->fd, IO_WRITE,
+ director_connection_connected, conn);
+ director_connection_init_timeout, conn);
+ return conn;
+void director_connection_deinit(struct director_connection **_conn,
+ const char *remote_reason)
+ struct director_connection *const *conns, *conn = *_conn;
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ unsigned int i, count;
+ *_conn = NULL;
+ i_assert(conn->fd != -1);
+ if (conn->host != NULL) {
+ e_debug(conn->event, "Disconnecting from %s: %s",
+ conn->host->name, remote_reason);
+ }
+ if (*remote_reason != '\0' &&
+ conn->minor_version >= DIRECTOR_VERSION_QUIT) {
+ o_stream_nsend_str(conn->output, t_strdup_printf(
+ "QUIT\t%s\n", remote_reason));
+ }
+ conns = array_get(&dir->connections, &count);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ if (conns[i] == conn) {
+ array_delete(&dir->connections, i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ i_assert(i < count);
+ if (dir->left == conn) {
+ dir->left = NULL;
+ /* if there is already another handshaked incoming connection,
+ use it as the new "left" */
+ director_assign_left(dir);
+ }
+ if (dir->right == conn)
+ dir->right = NULL;
+ if (conn->users_unsorted) {
+ /* Users were received, but handshake didn't finish.
+ Finish sorting so the users won't stay in wrong order. */
+ mail_hosts_sort_users(conn->dir->mail_hosts);
+ }
+ if (conn->connect_request_to != NULL) {
+ director_host_unref(conn->connect_request_to);
+ conn->connect_request_to = NULL;
+ }
+ if (conn->user_iter != NULL)
+ director_iterate_users_deinit(&conn->user_iter);
+ timeout_remove(&conn->to_disconnect);
+ timeout_remove(&conn->to_pong);
+ timeout_remove(&conn->to_ping);
+ io_remove(&conn->io);
+ i_stream_close(conn->input);
+ o_stream_close(conn->output);
+ i_close_fd(&conn->fd);
+ if (conn->in)
+ master_service_client_connection_destroyed(master_service);
+ director_connection_unref(conn);
+ if (dir->left == NULL || dir->right == NULL) {
+ /* we aren't synced until we're again connected to a ring */
+ dir->sync_seq++;
+ director_set_ring_unsynced(dir);
+ }
+static bool director_connection_unref(struct director_connection *conn)
+ i_assert(conn->refcount > 0);
+ if (--conn->refcount > 0)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (conn->host != NULL)
+ director_host_unref(conn->host);
+ i_stream_unref(&conn->input);
+ o_stream_unref(&conn->output);
+ event_unref(&conn->event);
+ i_free(conn->name);
+ i_free(conn);
+ return FALSE;
+static void director_connection_disconnected(struct director_connection **_conn,
+ const char *reason)
+ struct director_connection *conn = *_conn;
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ if ((conn->connected_time.tv_sec == 0 ||
+ conn->connected_time.tv_sec + DIRECTOR_SUCCESS_MIN_CONNECT_SECS > ioloop_time) &&
+ conn->host != NULL) {
+ /* connection didn't exist for very long, assume it has a
+ network problem */
+ conn->host->last_network_failure = ioloop_time;
+ }
+ director_connection_deinit(_conn, reason);
+ if (dir->right == NULL)
+ director_connect(dir, "Reconnecting after disconnection");
+static void director_connection_reconnect(struct director_connection **_conn,
+ const char *reason)
+ struct director_connection *conn = *_conn;
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ director_connection_deinit(_conn, reason);
+ if (dir->right == NULL)
+ director_connect(dir, "Reconnecting after error");
+static void director_disconnect_write_error(struct director_connection *conn)
+ struct director *dir = conn->dir;
+ director_connection_deinit(&conn, "write failure");
+ if (dir->right == NULL)
+ director_connect(dir, "Reconnecting after write failure");
+void director_connection_send(struct director_connection *conn,
+ const char *data)
+ size_t len = strlen(data);
+ off_t ret;
+ if (conn->output->closed || !conn->connected)
+ return;
+ if (event_want_debug(conn->event)) T_BEGIN {
+ const char *const *lines = t_strsplit(data, "\n");
+ for (; lines[1] != NULL; lines++)
+ e_debug(conn->event, "output: %s", *lines);
+ } T_END;
+ ret = o_stream_send(conn->output, data, len);
+ if (ret != (off_t)len) {
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ director_connection_log_disconnect(conn,
+ conn->output->stream_errno,
+ t_strdup_printf("write() failed: %s",
+ o_stream_get_error(conn->output)));
+ } else {
+ director_connection_log_disconnect(conn, EINVAL,
+ t_strdup_printf("Output buffer full at %zu",
+ o_stream_get_buffer_used_size(conn->output)));
+ }
+ o_stream_close(conn->output);
+ /* closing the stream when output buffer is full doesn't cause
+ disconnection itself. */
+ timeout_remove(&conn->to_disconnect);
+ conn->to_disconnect =
+ timeout_add_short(0, director_disconnect_write_error, conn);
+ } else {
+ conn->dir->ring_traffic_output += len;
+ conn->last_output = ioloop_timeval;
+ conn->peak_bytes_buffered =
+ I_MAX(conn->peak_bytes_buffered,
+ o_stream_get_buffer_used_size(conn->output));
+ }
+static void
+director_connection_ping_idle_timeout(struct director_connection *conn)
+ string_t *str = t_str_new(128);
+ int diff = timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval, &conn->ping_sent_time);
+ str_printfa(str, "Ping timed out in %u.%03u secs: ",
+ diff/1000, diff%1000);
+ director_ping_append_extra(conn, str, 0, (uintmax_t)-1);
+ director_connection_log_disconnect(conn, EINVAL, str_c(str));
+ director_connection_disconnected(&conn, "Ping timeout");
+static void director_connection_pong_timeout(struct director_connection *conn)
+ int diff = timeval_diff_msecs(&ioloop_timeval, &conn->ping_sent_time);
+ const char *errstr;
+ errstr = t_strdup_printf(
+ "PONG reply not received in %u.%03u secs, "
+ "although other input keeps coming",
+ diff/1000, diff%1000);
+ director_connection_log_disconnect(conn, EINVAL, errstr);
+ director_connection_disconnected(&conn, "Pong timeout");
+void director_connection_ping(struct director_connection *conn)
+ if (conn->ping_waiting)
+ return;
+ timeout_remove(&conn->to_ping);
+ conn->to_ping = timeout_add(conn->dir->set->director_ping_idle_timeout*1000,
+ director_connection_ping_idle_timeout, conn);
+ conn->to_pong = timeout_add(conn->dir->set->director_ping_max_timeout*1000,
+ director_connection_pong_timeout, conn);
+ conn->ping_waiting = TRUE;
+ conn->ping_sent_time = ioloop_timeval;
+ conn->ping_sent_buffer_size = o_stream_get_buffer_used_size(conn->output);
+ conn->ping_sent_input_offset = conn->input->v_offset;
+ conn->ping_sent_output_offset = conn->output->offset;
+ struct rusage usage;
+ if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage) == 0)
+ conn->ping_sent_user_cpu = usage.ru_utime;
+ else
+ conn->ping_sent_user_cpu.tv_sec = (time_t)-1;
+ /* send it after getting the buffer size */
+ director_connection_send(conn, t_strdup_printf(
+ "PING\t%"PRIdTIME_T"\t%zu\n", ioloop_time,
+ conn->ping_sent_buffer_size));
+const char *director_connection_get_name(struct director_connection *conn)
+ return conn->name;
+struct director_host *
+director_connection_get_host(struct director_connection *conn)
+ return conn->host;
+bool director_connection_is_handshaked(struct director_connection *conn)
+ return conn->handshake_received;
+bool director_connection_is_synced(struct director_connection *conn)
+ return conn->synced;
+bool director_connection_is_incoming(struct director_connection *conn)
+ return conn->in;
+unsigned int
+director_connection_get_minor_version(struct director_connection *conn)
+ return conn->minor_version;
+void director_connection_cork(struct director_connection *conn)
+ o_stream_cork(conn->output);
+void director_connection_uncork(struct director_connection *conn)
+ o_stream_uncork(conn->output);
+void director_connection_set_synced(struct director_connection *conn,
+ bool synced)
+ if (conn->synced == synced)
+ return;
+ conn->synced = synced;
+ /* switch ping timeout, unless we're already waiting for PONG */
+ if (conn->ping_waiting)
+ return;
+ director_connection_set_ping_timeout(conn);
+void director_connection_get_status(struct director_connection *conn,
+ struct director_connection_status *status_r)
+ i_zero(status_r);
+ status_r->bytes_read = conn->input->v_offset;
+ status_r->bytes_sent = conn->output->offset;
+ status_r->bytes_buffered = o_stream_get_buffer_used_size(conn->output);
+ status_r->peak_bytes_buffered = conn->peak_bytes_buffered;
+ status_r->last_input = conn->last_input;
+ status_r->last_output = conn->last_output;
+ status_r->last_ping_msecs = conn->last_ping_msecs;
+ status_r->handshake_users_sent = conn->handshake_users_sent;
+ status_r->handshake_users_received = conn->handshake_users_received;