.\" Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file .TH DOVEADM\-MOVE 1 "2015-05-09" "Dovecot v2.3" "Dovecot" .SH NAME doveadm\-move \- Move messages matching the given search query into another mailbox .br doveadm\-copy \- Copy messages matching the given search query into another mailbox .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SH SYNOPSIS .BR doveadm " [" \-Dv "] " move " [" \-S .IR socket_path "] " destination .RB [ user .IR source_user "] " search_query .br .\"------------------------------------- .BR doveadm " [" \-Dv "] " move " [" \-S .IR socket_path "] " .BI \-A " destination .RB [ user .IR source_user "] " search_query .br .\"------------------------------------- .BR doveadm " [" \-Dv "] " move " [" \-S .IR socket_path "] " .BI \-F " file destination" .RB [ user .IR source_user "] " search_query .br .\"------------------------------------- .BR doveadm " [" \-Dv "] " move " [" \-S .IR socket_path "] " .BI \-u " user destination .RB [ user .IR source_user "] " search_query .\"------------------------------------- .PP .BR doveadm " [" \-Dv "] " copy " [" \-S .IR socket_path "] " "destination .RB [ user .IR source_user "] " search_query .br .\"------------------------------------- .BR doveadm " [" \-Dv "] " copy " [" \-S .IR socket_path "] " .BI \-A " destination .RB [ user .IR source_user "] " search_query .br .\"------------------------------------- .BR doveadm " [" \-Dv "] " copy " [" \-S .IR socket_path "] " .BI \-F " file destination" .RB [ user .IR source_user "] " search_query .br .\"------------------------------------- .BR doveadm " [" \-Dv "] " copy " [" \-S .IR socket_path "] " .BI \-u " user destination .RB [ user .IR source_user "] " search_query .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SH DESCRIPTION .B doveadm move can be used for moving mails between mailboxes for one or more users. The .I search_query is used to restrict which messages are moved into the .I destination mailbox. .br .B doveadm copy behaves the same as .BR "doveadm move" , except that copied messages will not be expunged after copying. .PP In the first form, .BR doveadm (1) will execute the .BR move / copy action with the environment of the logged in system user. .PP In the second form, .BR doveadm (1) will iterate over all users, found in the configured .IR user_db (s), and move or copy each user\(aqs messages, matching the given .IR search_query , into the user\(aqs .IR destination " mailbox." .PP In the third form, .BR doveadm (1) will iterate over all users, found in the given .IR file , and move or copy each user\(aqs messages, matching the given .IR search_query , into the user\(aqs .IR destination \ mailbox. .PP In the fourth form, matching mails will be moved or copied only for given .IR user (s). .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ @INCLUDE:global-options@ .\" --- command specific options --- "/. .PP Command specific .IR options : .\"------------------------------------- @INCLUDE:option-A@ .\"------------------------------------- @INCLUDE:option-F-file@ .\"------------------------------------- @INCLUDE:option-S-socket@ .\"------------------------------------- @INCLUDE:option-u-user@ .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SH ARGUMENTS .TP .I destination The name of the destination mailbox, into which the mails should be moved or copied. The .I destination mailbox must exist, otherwise this command will fail. .\"------------------------------------- .TP .I search_query Move/copy messages matching the given search query. See .BR doveadm\-search\-query (7) for details. .\"------------------------------------- .TP .BI user \ source_user The keyword .B user followed by a valid user name. When this argument is present, .BR doveadm (1) will apply the .I search_query to the .IR source_user "\(aqs " mail_location . .br .B Limitation: Currently the users, specified by .BI \-u " user" and .BI user " source_user," must share the same UID and GID. .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SH EXAMPLE Move jane\(aqs messages \- received in September 2011 \- from her INBOX into her archive. .PP .nf .ft B doveadm move \-u jane Archive/2011/09 mailbox INBOX BEFORE \(rs 2011\-10\-01 SINCE 01\-Sep\-2011 .ft P .fi .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ @INCLUDE:reporting-bugs@ .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SH SEE ALSO .BR doveadm (1), .BR doveadm\-search\-query (7)