.\" Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file .TH DOVEADM\-PENALTY 1 "2010-07-12" "Dovecot v2.3" "Dovecot" .SH NAME doveadm\-penalty \- Show current penalties .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SH SYNOPSIS .BR doveadm " [" \-Dv "] " penalty " [" \-a .IR anvil_socket_path ] [\fIip\fP[\fB/\fP\fImask\fP]] .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SH DESCRIPTION The .B doveadm penalty command can be used to see the current penalties. (Extend me!/explain it) .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ @INCLUDE:global-options@ .\" --- command specific options --- "/. .PP Command specific .IR options : .TP .BI \-a\ anvil_socket_path This option is used to specify an alternative socket. The option\(aqs argument is either an absolute path to a local UNIX domain socket, or a hostname and port .RI ( hostname : port ), in order to connect a remote host via a TCP socket. .sp By default .BR doveadm (1) will use the socket .IR @rundir@/anvil . The socket may be located in another directory, when the default .I base_dir setting was overridden in .IR @pkgsysconfdir@/dovecot.conf . .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SH ARGUMENTS .TP .IR ip [/ mask ] To reduce/filter the output supply an IP address or a network range in CIDR notation (ip/mask). .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SH EXAMPLE Show current penalties .sp .nf .B doveadm penalty IP penalty last_penalty last_update 3 2010\-06\-15 15:19:27 15:19:27 3 2010\-06\-15 15:19:34 15:19:34 .fi .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ @INCLUDE:reporting-bugs@ .\"------------------------------------------------------------------------ .SH SEE ALSO .BR doveadm (1)